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Sebbene Anarsia lineatella sia un fitofago ormai da anni introdotto e diffuso in Italia, ancora poco si conosce circa le sue abitudini riproduttive. In considerazione della elevata dannosità di A. lineatella nei pescheti del nord Italia e delle scarse conoscenze sulla sua biologia, si è evidenziata la necessità di approfondire la conoscenza di questo fitofago. Pertanto gli scopi di questa ricerca hanno riguardato l’approfondimento delle conoscenze sui sistemi di comunicazione intraspecifici utilizzati da A. lineatella; la valutazione dell’efficacia di diverse miscele di feromone sintetico, in laboratorio utilizzando anche densità diverse di popolazioni di anarsia e in campo utilizzando gabbie di accoppiamento appositamente costruite, posizionate in frutteti a conduzione biologica nel nord Italia e messe a confronto con gabbie che utilizzavano come fonte attrattiva femmine vergini di tre giorni di età. Sono state condotte prove sul comportamento di maschi di A. lineatella di differenti età in risposta al feromone emesso da femmine vergini di tre giorni di età e al feromone emesso da erogatori di materiale plastico contenenti differenti miscele di feromone sintetico. Sono stati condotti studi per verificare l’influenza del contenuto di alcol ((E)5-10:OH) nella miscela feromonica sulla capacità di inibizione degli accoppiamenti, sottoponendo gli insetti a differenti concentrazioni di feromone in modo da verificare eventuali differenze di attività delle diverse miscele, differenze che emergerebbero con evidenza maggiore alle minori concentrazioni. Alcune prove sono state effettuate anche con differenti densità di popolazione, poiché una maggiore densità di popolazione determina una maggiore probabilità di accoppiamento, evidenziando più chiaramente i limiti di efficacia della miscela utilizzata. Inoltre sono state effettuate prove di campo per confrontare due modelli di erogatore per la confusione sessuale di anarsia contenenti miscele con differenti percentuali di alcol Inoltre, poiché nei pescheti la presenza di A. lineatella è pressoché sempre associata a quella di Cydia molesta e l’applicazione del metodo della confusione deve spesso essere applicato per controllare entrambi gli insetti, può risultare vantaggioso disporre di un unico erogatore contenente entrambi i feromoni; è stato quindi valutato un erogatore contenente una miscela dei due feromoni per verificare eventuali interazioni che possano ridurre l’efficacia.


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Environmental Management includes many components, among which we can include Environmental Management Systems (EMS), Environmental Reporting and Analysis, Environmental Information Systems and Environmental Communication. In this work two applications are presented: the developement and implementation of an Environmental Management System in local administrations, according to the European scheme "EMAS", and the analysis of a territorial energy system through scenario building and environmental sustainability assessment. Both applications are linked by the same objective, which is the quest for more scientifically sound elements; in fact, both EMS and energy planning are oftec carachterized by localism and poor comparability. Emergy synthesis, proposed by ecologist H.T. Odum and described in his book "Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Making" (1996) has been chosen and applied as an environmental evaluation tool, in order complete the analysis with an assessment of the "global value" of goods and processes. In particular, eMergy syntesis has been applied in order to improve the evaluation of the significance of environmental aspects in an EMS, and in order to evaluate the environmental performance of three scenarios of future evolution of the energy system. Regarding EMS, in this work an application of an EMS together with the CLEAR methodology for environmental accounting is discussed, in order to improve the identification of the environmental aspects; data regarding environmental aspects and significant ones for 4 local authorities are also presented, together with a preliminary proposal for the integration of the assessment of the significance of environmental aspects with eMergy synthesis. Regarding the analysis of an energy system, in this work the carachterization of the current situation is presented together with the overall energy balance and the evaluation of the emissions of greenhouse gases; moreover, three scenarios of future evolution are described and discussed. The scenarios have been realized with the support of the LEAP software ("Long Term Energy Alternatives Planning System" by SEI - "Stockholm Environment Institute"). Finally, the eMergy synthesis of the current situation and of the three scenarios is shown.


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Scopo dello studio: valutare i cambiamenti indotti da diversi trattamenti di mordenzatura sulla morfologia superficiale e sulla microstruttura di due vetro-ceramiche a base disilicato di litio (IPS e.max® Press e IPS e.max® CAD) ed esaminarne gli effetti sia sull’adesione con un cemento resinoso che sulla resistenza alla flessione. Materiali e metodi: Settanta dischetti (12 mm di diametro, 2 mm di spessore) di ogni ceramica sono stati preparati e divisi in 5 gruppi: nessun trattamento (G1), HF 5% 20s (G2), HF 5% 60s (G3), HF 9.6% 20s (G4), HF 9.6% 60s (G5). Un campione per ogni gruppo è stato analizzato mediante profilometro ottico e osservato al SEM. Per gli altri campioni è stato determinato lo shear bond strength (SBS) con un cemento resinoso. Dopo l’SBS test, i campioni sono stati caricati fino a frattura utilizzando il piston-on-three-ball test per determinarne la resistenza biassiale alla flessione. Risultati: L’analisi morfologica e microstrutturale dei campioni ha rivelato come diversi trattamenti di mordenzatura producano delle modifiche nella rugosità superficiale che non sono direttamente collegate ad un aumento dei valori di adesione e dei cambiamenti microstrutturali che sono più rilevanti con l’aumento del tempo di mordenzatura e di concentrazione dell’acido. I valori medi di adesione (MPa) per IPS e.max® CAD sono significativamente più alti in G2 e G3 (21,28 +/- 4,9 e 19,55 +/- 5,41 rispettivamente); per IPS e.max® Press, i valori più elevati sono in G3 (16,80 +/- 3,96). La resistenza biassiale alla flessione media (MPa) è più alta in IPS e.max® CAD (695 +/- 161) che in IPS e.max® Press (588 +/- 117), ma non è non influenzata dalla mordenzatura con HF. Conclusioni: il disilicato di litio va mordenzato preferibilmente con HF al 5%. La mordenzatura produce alcuni cambiamenti superficiali e microstrutturali nel materiale, ma tali cambiamenti non ne influenzano la resistenza in flessione.


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La ricerca sulla comunicazione e gestione multilingue della conoscenza in azienda si è sinora concentrata sulle multinazionali o PMI in fase di globalizzazione. La presente ricerca riguarda invece le PMI in zone storicamente multilingui al fine di studiare se l’abitudine all’uso di lingue diverse sul mercato locale possa rappresentare un vantaggio competitivo. La tesi illustra una ricerca multimetodo condotta nel 2012-2013 in Alto Adige/Südtirol. Il dataset consiste in 443 risposte valide a un questionario online e 23 interviste con manager e imprenditori locali. Le domande miravano a capire come le aziende altoatesine affrontino la sfida del multilinguismo, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti ambiti: comunicazione multilingue, documentazione, traduzione e terminologia. I risultati delineano un quadro generale delle strategie di multilinguismo applicate in Alto Adige, sottolineandone punti di forza e punti deboli. Nonostante la presenza di personale multilingue infatti il potenziale vantaggio competitivo che ne deriva non è sfruttato appieno: le aziende si rivolgono ai mercati in cui si parla la loro stessa lingua (le imprese a conduzione italiana al mercato nazionale, quelle di lingua tedesca ad Austria e Germania). La comunicazione interna è multilingue solo nei casi in sia imprescindibile. Le “traduzioni fai-da-te” offrono l’illusione di gestire lingue diverse, ma il livello qualitativo rimane limitato. I testi sono sovente tradotti da personale interno privo di competenze specifiche. Anche nella cooperazione con i traduttori esterni si evidenza la mancata capacità di ottenere il massimo profitto dagli investimenti. La tesi propone delle raccomandazioni pratiche volte a ottimizzare i processi attuali e massimizzare la resa delle risorse disponibili per superare la sfida della gestione e comunicazione multilingue. Le raccomandazioni non richiedono investimenti economici di rilievo e sono facilmente trasferibili anche ad altre regioni multilingui/di confine, come ad altre PMI che impiegano personale plurilingue. Possono dunque risultare utili per un elevato numero di imprese.


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In dentistry the restoration of decayed teeth is challenging and makes great demands on both the dentist and the materials. Hence, fiber-reinforced posts have been introduced. The effects of different variables on the ultimate load on teeth restored using fiber-reinforced posts is controversial, maybe because the results are mostly based on non-standardized in vitro tests and, therefore, give inhomogeneous results. This study combines the advantages of in vitro tests and finite element analysis (FEA) to clarify the effects of ferrule height, post length and cementation technique used for restoration. Sixty-four single rooted premolars were decoronated (ferrule height 1 or 2 mm), endodontically treated and restored using fiber posts (length 2 or 7 mm), composite fillings and metal crowns (resin bonded or cemented). After thermocycling and chewing simulation the samples were loaded until fracture, recording first damage events. Using UNIANOVA to analyze recorded fracture loads, ferrule height and cementation technique were found to be significant, i.e. increased ferrule height and resin bonding of the crown resulted in higher fracture loads. Post length had no significant effect. All conventionally cemented crowns with a 1-mm ferrule height failed during artificial ageing, in contrast to resin-bonded crowns (75% survival rate). FEA confirmed these results and provided information about stress and force distribution within the restoration. Based on the findings of in vitro tests and computations we concluded that crowns, especially those with a small ferrule height, should be resin bonded. Finally, centrally positioned fiber-reinforced posts did not contribute to load transfer as long as the bond between the tooth and composite core was intact.


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The cardiotoxic potential of cytotoxic cancer chemotherapy is well known. Prime examples are the anthracyclines, which are highly efficacious agents for hemopoietic malignancies and solid tumors, but their clinical use is limited primarily by cardiotoxicity. Besides the conventional chemotherapeutics, new cancer drugs were developed in the last decade with the goal to specifically inhibit selected molecular targets such as growth factor receptors or intracellular tyrosine kinases in cancer cells. However, the outcome of combining conventional and newer cancer therapies could have unexpected side effects not anticipated so far and the long-term outcome is not known. Sometimes, however, unexpected side effects also shed light on previously unknown physiological functions. For example, the anti-HER2 cancer therapeutic trastuzumab (Herceptin), which can induce cardiac dysfunction, has demonstrated the importance of the ErbB/neuregulin signaling system in the adult heart. Subsequently, the role of endothelial-myocardial communication in maintaining phenotype and survival of adult cardiomyocytes has increasingly been recognized.


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In the recent years, for oral care in general, both improving oral hygiene and tobacco use cessation have been identified as necessary measures to gain and maintain long-term periodontal health. This growing evidence has given the dental team a whole new task to tackle when achieving and maintaining oral health with their patients. In order to support dental patients to quit tobacco use, it is helpful for the clinician to have a clear understanding of the genesis of 'tobacco use disease' in general. At present, the evidence-based method for tobacco use cessation consists of professional counselling on behavioural change using the so called "5A Method" (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange") in combination with pharmacotherapy. A suitable model for behavioural support in tobacco use cessation would help patients to move from one stage to the next. People who want to quit the smoking habit do not always participate in carefully controlled nicotine withdrawal programs, e.g. in linear fashion and from start to finish. Nevertheless, simple instructions - like those offered in the "Assist" (to help) and "Arrange" (to organize follow-up visits) - can be valuable tools for dental professionals supporting their patients to quit smoking. On the basis of significant evidence on the recovery of the oral mucosa and the periodontal tissue following tobacco use cessation, a new task has been emerged in dentistry: the role of oral health professionals providing counselling for patients who ought to quit tobacco use.


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Dentition is a vital element of human and animal function, yet there is little fundamental knowledge about how tooth enamel endures under stringent oral conditions. This paper describes a novel approach to the issue. Model glass dome specimens fabricated from glass and back­filled with polymer resin are used as representative of the basic enamel/dentine shell structure. Contact loading is used to deform the dome structures to failure, in simulation of occlusal loading with opposing dentition or food bolus. To investigate the role of enamel microstructure, additional contact tests are conducted on two­phase materials that capture the essence of the mineralized­rod/organic­sheath structure of dental enamel. These materials include dental glass­ceramics and biomimicked composites fabricated from glass fibers infiltrated with epoxy. The tests indicate how enamel is likely to deform and fracture along easy sliding and fracture paths within the binding phase between the rods. Analytical relations describing the critical loads for each damage mode are presented in terms of material properties (hardness, modulus, toughness) and tooth geometry variables (enamel thickness, cusp radius). Implications in dentistry and evolutionary biology are discussed.


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There is limited information regarding oral health status and other predictors of oral health-related quality of life. An association between oral health status and perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHQOL) might help clinicians motivate patients to prevent oral diseases and improve the outcome of some dental public health programs. This study evaluated the relationship between older persons' OHQOL and their functional dentition, caries, periodontal status, chronic diseases, and some demographic characteristics. A group of 733 low-income elders (mean age 72.7 [SD = 4.71, 55.6% women, 55.1% members of ethnic minority groups in the U.S. and Canada) enrolled in the TEETH clinical trial were interviewed and examined as part of their fifth annual visit for the trial. OHQOL was measured by the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI); oral health and occlusal status by clinical exams and the Eichner Index; and demographics via interviews. Elders who completed the four-year assessment had an average of 21.5 teeth (SD = 6.9), with 8.5 occluding pairs (SD = 4.6), and 32% with occlusal contacts in all four occluding zones. Stepwise multiple regressions were conducted to predict total GOHAI and its subscores (Physical, Social, and Worry). Functional dentition was a less significant predictor than ethnicity and being foreign-born. These variables, together with gender, years since immigrating, number of carious roots, and periodontal status, could predict 32% of the variance in total GOHAI, 24% in Physical, 27% in Social, and 21% in the Worry subscales. These findings suggest that functional dentition and caries influence older adults' OHQOL, but that ethnicity and immigrant status play a larger role.


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The use of information technology (IT) in dentistry is far ranging. In order to produce a working document for the dental educator, this paper focuses on those methods where IT can assist in the education and competence development of dental students and dentists (e.g. e-learning, distance learning, simulations and computer-based assessment). Web pages and other information-gathering devices have become an essential part of our daily life, as they provide extensive information on all aspects of our society. This is mirrored in dental education where there are many different tools available, as listed in this report. IT offers added value to traditional teaching methods and examples are provided. In spite of the continuing debate on the learning effectiveness of e-learning applications, students request such approaches as an adjunct to the traditional delivery of learning materials. Faculty require support to enable them to effectively use the technology to the benefit of their students. This support should be provided by the institution and it is suggested that, where possible, institutions should appoint an e-learning champion with good interpersonal skills to support and encourage faculty change. From a global prospective, all students and faculty should have access to e-learning tools. This report encourages open access to e-learning material, platforms and programs. The quality of such learning materials must have well defined learning objectives and involve peer review to ensure content validity, accuracy, currency, the use of evidence-based data and the use of best practices. To ensure that the developers' intellectual rights are protected, the original content needs to be secure from unauthorized changes. Strategies and recommendations on how to improve the quality of e-learning are outlined. In the area of assessment, traditional examination schemes can be enriched by IT, whilst the Internet can provide many innovative approaches. Future trends in IT will evolve around improved uptake and access facilitated by the technology (hardware and software). The use of Web 2.0 shows considerable promise and this may have implications on a global level. For example, the one-laptop-per-child project is the best example of what Web 2.0 can do: minimal use of hardware to maximize use of the Internet structure. In essence, simple technology can overcome many of the barriers to learning. IT will always remain exciting, as it is always changing and the users, whether dental students, educators or patients are like chameleons adapting to the ever-changing landscape.


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Through the use of rhetoric centered on authority and risk avoidance, scientific method has co-opted knowledge, especially women's everyday and experiential knowledge in the domestic sphere. This, in turn, has produced a profound affect on technical communication in the present day. I am drawing on rhetorical theory to study cookbooks and recipes for their contributions to changes in instructional texts. Using the rhetorical lenses of metis (cunning intelligence), kairos (timing and fitness) and mneme (memory), I examine the way in which recipes and cookbooks are constructed, used and perceived. This helps me uncover lost voices in history, the voices of women who used recipes, produced cookbooks and changed the way instructions read. Beginning with the earliest cookbooks and recipes, but focusing on the pivotal temporal interval of 1870-1935, I investigate the writing and rhetorical forces shaping instruction sets and domestic discourse. By the time of scientific cooking and domestic science, everyday and experiential knowledge were being excluded to make room for scientific method and the industrial values of the public sphere. In this study, I also assess how the public sphere, via Cooperative Extension Services and other government agencies, impacted the domestic sphere, further devaluing everyday knowledge in favor of the public scientific model. I will show how the changes in the production of food, cookbooks and recipes were related to changes in technical communication. These changes had wide rippling effects on the field of technical communication. By returning to some of the tenets and traditions of everyday and experiential knowledge, technical communication scholars, practitioners and instructors today can find new ways to encounter technical communication, specifically regarding the creation of instructional texts. Bringing cookbooks, recipes and everyday knowledge into the classroom and the field engenders a new realm of epistemological possibilities.


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Cluster randomized trials (CRTs) use as the unit of randomization clusters, which are usually defined as a collection of individuals sharing some common characteristics. Common examples of clusters include entire dental practices, hospitals, schools, school classes, villages, and towns. Additionally, several measurements (repeated measurements) taken on the same individual at different time points are also considered to be clusters. In dentistry, CRTs are applicable as patients may be treated as clusters containing several individual teeth. CRTs require certain methodological procedures during sample calculation, randomization, data analysis, and reporting, which are often ignored in dental research publications. In general, due to similarity of the observations within clusters, each individual within a cluster provides less information compared with an individual in a non-clustered trial. Therefore, clustered designs require larger sample sizes compared with non-clustered randomized designs, and special statistical analyses that account for the fact that observations within clusters are correlated. It is the purpose of this article to highlight with relevant examples the important methodological characteristics of cluster randomized designs as they may be applied in orthodontics and to explain the problems that may arise if clustered observations are erroneously treated and analysed as independent (non-clustered).


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The paper aims to shed light on the role of communication in the European debt crisis. It examines the effects of public statements by ECB Governing Council members, EU officials and national representatives on the PIIGS' CDS and bond yield spreads. The focus lies on dovish statements that signal strong determination in the rescue of indebted countries, and hawkish statements that indicate limited commitment to support the PIIGS and protect its creditors. The analysis of daily data for the period between January 1, 2009 and August 12, 2011 in an EGARCH framework suggests that communication by representatives of Germany, France, and the EU as well as ECB Governing Council members had an immediate impact on both types of securities. No effects.