431 resultados para Commerical Sponsorship


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Phase 4: Review of the conditions under which individual services and platforms can be sustained On Tuesday 1 October 2013, in Bristol, United Kingdom, Knowledge Exchange brought together a group of international Open Access Service providers to discuss the sustainability of their services. A number of recurring lessons learned were mentioned; Though project funding can be used to start up a service, it does not guarantee the continuation of a service and it can be hard to establish the service as a viable entity, standing on its own feet. Research funders should be aware that if they have policies or mandates for making research outputs available they will eventually also be responsible for on-going support for the underlying infrastructure. At present some services are used globally but the costs are only covered by a limited geographic spread, sometimes only a number of institutions or only one country. Finding other funding sources can be challenging. Various routes were mentioned including commercial partnerships, memberships, offering additional paid services or using a Freemium model. There is not one model that will fit all. As more services turn to library sponsorship to sustain them, one strategy might be to bundle the requests and approach a group of research and infrastructure funders or institutions (and others) with a package rather than each service going through the same resource consuming process of soliciting funding. This will also allow the community to identify gaps, dependencies and overlap in the services. The possibility of setting up an organisation to bundle the services was discussed and a number of risks were identified.


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In the past decades the growing application of nanomaterials (NMs) in diverse consumer products has raised various concerns in the field of toxicology. They have been extensively used in a broad range of applications and cover most of the industrial sectors as well as the medicine and the environmental areas. The most common scenarios for human exposure to NMs are occupational, environmental and as consumers and inhalation is the most frequent route of exposure, especially in occupational settings. Cerium dioxide NMs (nano-CeO2) are widely used in a number of applications such as in cosmetics, outdoor paints, wood care products as well as fuel catalysts. For such reason, nano-CeO2 is one of the selected NMs for priority testing within the sponsorship program of the Working Party of Manufactured Nanomaterials of the OECD. In this context, the aim of this study is to assess the safety of nano-CeO2 (NM-212, Joint Research Center Repository) through the characterization of its cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in a human alveolar epithelial cell line. A dispersion of the NM in water plus 0.05% BSA was prepared and sonicated during 16 minutes, according to a standardized protocol. DLS analysis was used to characterize the quality of the NM dispersion in the culture medium. To evaluate the cytotoxicity of nano-CeO2 in the A549 cell line, the colorimetric MTT assay was performed; the capacity of cells to proliferate when exposed to CeO2 was also assessed with the Clonogenic assay. The genotoxicity of this NM was evaluated by the Comet Assay (3 and 24h of exposure) to quantify DNA breaks and the FPG-modified comet assay to assess oxidative DNA damage. The Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus (CBMN) assay was used to further detect chromosome breaks or loss. The nano-CeO2 particles are spherical, displaying a diameter of 33 nm and 28 m2/g of surface area. The results of the MTT assay did not show any decreased in cells viability following treatment with a dose-range of nano-CeO2 during 24h. Nevertheless, the highest concentrations of this NM were able to significantly reduce the colony forming ability of A549 cells, suggesting that a prolonged exposure may be cytotoxic to these cells. Data from both genotoxicity assays revealed that nano-CeO2 was neither able to induce DNA breaks nor oxidative DNA damage. Likewise, no significant micronucleus induction was observed. Taken together, the present results indicate that this nano-CeO2 is not genotoxic in this alveolar cell line under the tested conditions, although further studies should be performed, e.g., gene mutation in somatic cells and in vivo chromosome damage (rodent micronucleus assay) to ensure its safety to human health.


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Zgodnie z art. 203 Kodeksu karnego zabronione jest uprawianie prostytucji. Jednakże prostytucja jest to powszechnie istniejące zjawisko – fakt społeczny. Istnieje wiele czynników, dzięki którym dziewczyny decydują się na taki, a nie inny sposób zarabiania pieniędzy. Obecnie także pojawiła się nowa jego forma, a mianowicie sponsoring. Prostytucja jako zjawisko nie jest społecznie szkodliwa. Problem pojawia się, gdy nasilają się przyczyny tego stanu rzeczy, m.in. zanikanie silnych więzi społecznych, głębokiej emocjonalności czy utrata poczucia tożsamości. Seks niewątpliwie jest dziedziną życia człowieka. O sposobie zaspokojenia popędowych napięć seksualnych, a także o poziomie osiąganej przy tym satysfakcji nie decydują funkcje narządów płciowych, a cała osobowość. Seks pełni różne funkcje, a mianowicie psychologiczną, społeczną i biologiczną. Społeczeństwa były różnie nastawione do zjawiska prostytucji. Przez jednych była ona społeczne akceptowana, zaś przez drugich surowo represjonowana. Prostytucja w świetle prawa karnego oznacza nierząd prowadzony w celu osiągnięcia zysku. Także w związku z prostytucją jest karalne stręczycielstwo, kuplerstwo i sutenerstwo. Następstwa prostytucji mogą być psychologiczne i psychiatryczne. Pierwsze z nich polegają na tym, że młoda kobieta nie zdaje sobie sprawy z konsekwencji jakie mogą być po zdecydowaniu się na taką formę pracy, nie ma świadomości jak obciąża swoją psychikę. Kobiety mają do czynienia z przemocą i brutalnością w tym zawodzie, są upokarzane i wyszydzane przez klientów. Drugie natomiast polegają na tym, że kobieta sama do siebie traci szacunek, a potem zaczyna nawet siebie nienawidzić. Nawet jeśli kobieta z tym zerwie, pozostaje w niej poczucie winy i trauma wstydliwej przeszłości. Istnieją natomiast międzynarodowe regulacje prawne związane ze zjawiskiem prostytucji. Jedną z nich jest Konwencja ONZ w sprawie Eliminacji Wszelkich form Dyskryminacji Kobiet i druga Konwencja ONZ w sprawie Zwalczania Handlu Ludźmi i Eksploatacji Prostytucji.


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Since the emergence of the first demands for actions that were intended to give greater attention to culture in Brazil, came the first discussions which concerned the way the Brazilian government could have a positive influence in encouraging the culture, as is its interaction with the actors interested and involved with the cause. During the military dictatorship, there were programs which relied on the direct participation of the State to ensure that right, from the viewpoint of its support and implementation of public resources in developing the "cultural product" to be brought to society in its various forms of expression - all this, funded by the government. It is an example of "EMBRAFILMES" and "Projeto Seis e Meia", continued until the present day in some regions of the country, though maintained by entities not directly connected with the administration or the government. However, it was from the period of democratization and the end of the dictatorship that the Brazilian government began to look at the different culture, under its guarantee to the society. Came the first incentive laws, led by "Lei Sarney" Nº 7.505/86, which was culture as a segment which could receive foreign assistance in order to assist the government in fulfilling its public duty. After Collor era and the end of the embargo through the encouragement of culture incentive laws, consolidated the incentive model proposed in advance of Culture "Lei Sarney" and the federal laws, state and local regimentares as close to this action. This applies to the Rouanet Law (Lei Rouanet), Câmara Cascudo Law (Lei Câmara Cascudo) and Djalma Maranhão Cultural Incentive Law (Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Djalma Maranhão), existing in Natal and Rio Grande do Norte. Since then, business entities could help groups and cultural organizations to keep their work from the political sponsorship under control and regiment through the Brazilian state in the form of their Cultural Incentive Law. This framework has contributed to the strengthening of NGOs and with the consolidation of these institutions as the linchpin of Republican guaranteeing the right to access to culture, but corporate social responsibility was the one who took off in the segment treated here, through the actions of Responsibility Cultural enterprises arising from the Cultural Organizations. Therefore, in the face of this discourse, this study ascertains the process of encouraging the Culture in Rio Grande do Norte from the Deviant Case Analysis at the Casa da Ribeira, the main Cultural Organization that operates, focused action in Natal in order to assess the relationships established between the same entity and the institutions which are entitled to maintain the process of encouraging treated in this study - Enterprise, from the viewpoint of corporate sponsorship and Cultural Responsibility and State in the form of the Laws Incentive Funds and Public Culture Incentive


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Com a realização deste estudo pretendeu-se cumprir dois objetivos: i) aferir a eficácia do patrocínio desportivo através da utilização de medidas como a notoriedade da marca, a atitude face ao patrocinador e a intenção de compra dos espectadores presentes no circuito nacional de surf (Liga Moche); ii) analisar a forma como o envolvimento das pessoas com o surf pode ter influência na eficácia do patrocínio. Para cumprir estes objetivos foram aplicados 250 questionários a espectadores presentes nas provas do circuito nacional de surf. Os dados foram analisados através de estatística descritiva, testes de correlação de Pearson e de tstudent. Os resultados indicam que a marca patrocinadora do evento de surf, a Moche, apresenta elevados níveis de notoriedade espontânea (83,2%) e assistida (91,2%) entre os espectadores do circuito nacional e que os espectadores apresentam também atitudes favoráveis assim como intenções de compra favoráveis. Verificou-se também uma correlação significativamente positiva entre a atitude face ao patrocinador e as intenções de compra. Por último, os praticantes de surf e os espectadores dos eventos apresentam uma atitude mais favorável e maiores intenções de compra dos produtos patrocinadores do que os que não praticam surf nem costumam assistir a eventos de surf. Estes resultados devem ser levados em consideração pelos responsáveis de futuros eventos de surf.


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Esta investigación pretende aproximarse al papel de Change.org como plataforma de petición electrónica en España, donde no existen alternativas administradas por los poderes públicos. Mediante un análisis de contenido cualitativo y una entrevista semi-estructurada, investigamos el modelo de negocio de la página, con el objetivo de conocer su política de protección de datos, su sistema de verificación de los usuarios y, de forma más general, el marco legislativo en el que opera. Los resultados obtenidos muestran al proyecto alejado del derecho de petición español, con un sistema de testeo laxo y que basa sus beneficios en el coste por adquisición.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.


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Across the globe there are numerous philanthropic organizations that support community music engagement. Philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others and is generally supported by the generous donation of money to good causes. One such group situated in Melbourne is Creativity Australia who oversees the With One Voice choirs. This program offers weekly community choirs that are led by a professional conductor. Each meeting is followed by supper. The choirs are supported by public sponsorship and currently around 68% of the choir members are subsidised. In this multiple case study we interviewed stakeholders, conductors and members of several of the choirs. This research is part of a larger joint research project, begun in 2008, Well-being and ageing: community, diversity and the arts in Victoria. Data were gathered from documentary sources and by individual and focus group semi-structured interviews (2014-2015) and were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. This paper explores the intersections of community music making and philanthropy


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This article conceptualises The Australian as the nation’s ‘keystone media’ on Indigenous affairs.Nielsen’s term ‘keystone media’ captures the critical importance of particular news outlets that play what he terms an outsize role in defining the state and structure of wider media and politicalenvironments. The article analyses the factors at play in The Australian’s sponsorship of a particular political agenda for this complex field of social policy. The argument is illustrated through an examination of Indigenous health coverage from 1988 to 2008, textual analysis of 137 columnswritten by Noel Pearson, and research interviews with key actors in the Indigenous policy realm, including journalists, public servants and Indigenous commentators. Through this examination of its reporting and collaboration with Pearson, we contend The Australian has advanced a range of neoliberal and interventionist policies to government and the public.


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Despite the importance of the preservation of the historic built environment for the benefit of present and future generations, there is a lack of knowledge of the effects of architectural rehabilitation decisions on the cultural significance of historic buildings. Architectural heritage conservation literature has focused almost exclusively on providing principles and guidelines, describing intervention methodologies, and discussing predicted impacts of design on material values. This thesis argues that a focus on the actual effects is needed if the sociocultural sustainability of historic buildings significance is to be achieved. Supported by an extensive literature review and informed by personal insights from the researcher’s everyday practice, an adapted model of the Theory of Change based on Weiss (1995) was designed, providing a tool to evaluate the effects of rehabilitation on cultural significance [ERECS]. Using a selection of six recently rehabilitated historic secondary schools in Portugal (liceus), this research investigated architectural decisions and their effects on the cultural values of this building typology for education, focusing on three objectives, corresponding to three stages of interventions: understanding the existing cultural significance, identifying the design strategies applied and assessing the short-term effects of design decisions on the cultural values. Stressing the role of stakeholders in rehabilitation processes, data were collected from the buildings and architectural projects, the decision makers in the conservation process, and the school community. Although confirming that the evaluation of the effects of architectural decisions on cultural values is a complex task, the findings demonstrate that the historic liceus have historical, architectural and sociocultural values, and whilst strategies did not value social values, material cultural values were generally considered and preserved, contributing to the enhancement of intangible values. The implications of this theory-based and evidence-based research highlight the importance of evaluating actual effects for cultural heritage theory, architectural conservation practice and heritage management policy.