803 resultados para Coca-cola


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Efficient photocyclization from a low-lying triplet state is reported for a photochromic dithienylperfluorocyclopentene with Ru(bpy)(3) units attached via a phenylene linker to the thiophene rings. The ring-closure reaction in the nanosecond domain is sensitized by the metal complexes. Upon photoexcitation into the lowest Ru-to-bpy (MLCT)-M-1 state followed by intersystem crossing to emitting (MLCT)-M-3 states, photoreactive (IL)-I-3 states are populated by an efficient energy-transfer process. The involvement of these (IL)-I-3 states explains the quantum yield of the photocyclization, which is independent of the excitation wavelength but decreases strongly in the presence of dioxygen. This behavior differs substantially from the photocyclization of the nonemissive dithienylperfluorocyclopentene free ligand, which occurs from the lowest (IL)-I-1 state on a picosecond time scale and is insensitive to oxygen quenching. Cyclic voltammetric studies have also been performed to gain further insight into the energetics of the system. The very high photocyclization quantum yields, far above 0.5 in both cases, are ascribed to the strong steric repulsion between the bulky substituents on the dithienylperfluorocyclopentene bridge bearing the chelating bipyridine sites or the Ru(bpy)(3) moieties, forcing the system to adopt nearly exclusively the reactive antiparallel conformation. In contrast, replacement of both Ru(II) centers by Os(II) completely prevents the photocyclization reaction upon light excitation into the low-lying Os-to-bpy (MLCT)-M-1 state. The photoreaction can only be triggered by optical population of the higher lying (IL)-I-1 excited state of the central photochromic unit, but its yield is low due to efficient energy transfer to the luminescent lowest (MLCT)-M-3 state.


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Two homometallic complexes containing two and three ruthenium polypyridyl units linked by amino acid lysine (Lys) and the related dipeptide (LysLys) were synthesized and their electrochemical, spectroscopic, and electrochemiluminescence (ECL) properties were investigated. The electrochemical and photophysical data indicate that the two metal complexes largely retain the electronic properties of the reference compound for the separate ruthenium moieties in the two bridged complexes, [4-carboxypropyl-4'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine]bis(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complex. The ECL studies, performed in aqueous media in the presence of tri-n-propylamine as co-reactant, show that the ECL intensity increases by 30% for the dinuclear and trinuclear complexes compared to the reference. Heterogeneous ECL immunoassay studies, performed on larger dendritic complexes containing up to eight ruthenium units, demonstrate that limitations due to the slow diffusion can easily be overcome by means of nanoparticle technology. In this case, the ECL signal is proportional to the number of ruthenium units. Multimetallic systems with several ruthenium centers may, however, undergo nonspecific bonding,to streptavidin-coated particles or to antibodies, thereby increasing the background ECL intensity and lowering the sensitivity of the immunoassay.


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Three new trinuclear copper(II) complexes, [(CuL1)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot 3.75H(2)O (1), [(CuL2)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2) (2) and [(CuL3)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](BF4)(2)center dot 0.5CH(3)CN (3) have been synthesized from three tridentate Schiff bases HL1, HL2, and HL3 (HL1 = 2-[(2-amino-ethylimino)-methyl]-phenol, HL2 = 2-[(2-methylamino-ethylimino)-methyl]-phenol and HL3 = 2-[1-(2-dimethylamino-ethylimino)-ethyl]-phenol). The complexes are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses, IR, UV-vis and EPR spectroscopy, and variable-temperature magnetic measurements. All the compounds contain a partial cubane [Cu3O4] core consisting of the trinuclear unit [(CuL)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](2+) together with perchlorate or fluoroborate anions. In each of the complexes, the three copper atoms are five-coordinated with a distorted square-pyramidal geometry except in complex 1, in which one of the Cu-II ions of the trinuclear unit is six-coordinate being in addition weakly coordinated to one of the perchlorate anions. Variable-temperature magnetic measurements and EPR spectra indicate an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling between the CuII ions of complexes 1 and 2, while this turned out to be ferromagnetic for complex 3. Experimental values have been fitted according to an isotropic exchange Hamiltonian. Calculations based on Density Functional Theory have also been performed in order to estimate the exchange coupling constants in these three complexes. Both sets of values indicate similar trends and specially calculated J values establish a magneto-structural correlation between them and the Cu-O-Cu bond angle, in that the coupling is more ferromagnetic for smaller bond angle values.


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Neurovascular coupling in response to stimulation of the rat barrel cortex was investigated using concurrent multichannel electrophysiology and laser Doppler flowmetry. The data were used to build a linear dynamic model relating neural activity to blood flow. Local field potential time series were subject to current source density analysis, and the time series of a layer IV sink of the barrel cortex was used as the input to the model. The model output was the time series of the changes in regional cerebral blood flow (CBF). We show that this model can provide excellent fit of the CBF responses for stimulus durations of up to 16 s. The structure of the model consisted of two coupled components representing vascular dilation and constriction. The complex temporal characteristics of the CBF time series were reproduced by the relatively simple balance of these two components. We show that the impulse response obtained under the 16-s duration stimulation condition generalised to provide a good prediction to the data from the shorter duration stimulation conditions. Furthermore, by optimising three out of the total of nine model parameters, the variability in the data can be well accounted for over a wide range of stimulus conditions. By establishing linearity, classic system analysis methods can be used to generate and explore a range of equivalent model structures (e.g., feed-forward or feedback) to guide the experimental investigation of the control of vascular dilation and constriction following stimulation.


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It is well known that there is a dynamic relationship between cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV). With increasing applications of functional MRI, where the blood oxygen-level-dependent signals are recorded, the understanding and accurate modeling of the hemodynamic relationship between CBF and CBV becomes increasingly important. This study presents an empirical and data-based modeling framework for model identification from CBF and CBV experimental data. It is shown that the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV can be described using a parsimonious autoregressive with exogenous input model structure. It is observed that neither the ordinary least-squares (LS) method nor the classical total least-squares (TLS) method can produce accurate estimates from the original noisy CBF and CBV data. A regularized total least-squares (RTLS) method is thus introduced and extended to solve such an error-in-the-variables problem. Quantitative results show that the RTLS method works very well on the noisy CBF and CBV data. Finally, a combination of RTLS with a filtering method can lead to a parsimonious but very effective model that can characterize the relationship between the changes in CBF and CBV.


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This paper proposes a new reconstruction method for diffuse optical tomography using reduced-order models of light transport in tissue. The models, which directly map optical tissue parameters to optical flux measurements at the detector locations, are derived based on data generated by numerical simulation of a reference model. The reconstruction algorithm based on the reduced-order models is a few orders of magnitude faster than the one based on a finite element approximation on a fine mesh incorporating a priori anatomical information acquired by magnetic resonance imaging. We demonstrate the accuracy and speed of the approach using a phantom experiment and through numerical simulation of brain activation in a rat's head. The applicability of the approach for real-time monitoring of brain hemodynamics is demonstrated through a hypercapnic experiment. We show that our results agree with the expected physiological changes and with results of a similar experimental study. However, by using our approach, a three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction can be performed in ∼3  s per time point instead of the 1 to 2 h it takes when using the conventional finite element modeling approach


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Current UK intake of non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) is above recommendations. Reducing the sugar content of processed high sugar foods through reformulation is one option for reducing consumption of NMES at a population level. However, reformulation can alter the sensory attributes of food products and influence consumer liking. This study evaluated consumer acceptance of a selection of products that are commercially-available in the UK; these included regular and sugar-reduced baked beans, strawberry jam, milk chocolate, cola and cranberry & raspberry juice. Sweeteners were present in the reformulated chocolate (maltitol), cola (aspartame and acesulfame-K) and juice (sucralose) samples. Healthy, non-smoking consumers (n = 116; 55 men, 61 women, age: 33 ± 9 years; BMI: 25.7 ± 4.6 kg/m2) rated the products for overall liking and on liking of appearance, flavor and texture using a nine-point hedonic scale. There were significant differences between standard and reduced sugar products in consumers’ overall liking and on liking of each modality (appearance, flavor and texture; all P < 0.0001). For overall liking, only the regular beans and cola were significantly more liked than their reformulated counterparts (P < 0.0001). Cluster analysis identified three consumer clusters that were representative of different patterns of consumer liking. For the largest cluster (cluster 3: 45%), there was a significant difference in mean liking scores across all products, except jam. Differences in liking were predominantly driven by sweet taste in 2 out of 3 clusters. The current research has demonstrated that a high proportion of consumers prefer conventional products over sugar-reduced products across a wide range of product types (45%) or across selected products (27%), when tasted unbranded, and so there is room for further optimization of commercial reduced sugar products that were evaluated in the current study. Future work should evaluate strategies to facilitate compliance to dietary recommendations on NMES and free sugars, such as the impact of sugar-reduced food exposure on their acceptance.


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Seasonal forecast skill of the basinwide and regional tropical cyclone (TC) activity in an experimental coupled prediction system based on the ECMWF System 4 is assessed. As part of a collaboration between the Center for Ocean–Land–Atmosphere Studies (COLA) and the ECMWF called Project Minerva, the system is integrated at the atmospheric horizontal spectral resolutions of T319, T639, and T1279. Seven-month hindcasts starting from 1 May for the years 1980–2011 are produced at all three resolutions with at least 15 ensemble members. The Minerva system demonstrates statistically significant skill for retrospective forecasts of TC frequency and accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) in the North Atlantic (NA), eastern North Pacific (EP), and western North Pacific. While the highest scores overall are achieved in the North Pacific, the skill in the NA appears to be limited by an overly strong influence of the tropical Pacific variability. Higher model resolution improves skill scores for the ACE and, to a lesser extent, the TC frequency, even though the influence of large-scale climate variations on these TC activity measures is largely independent of resolution changes. The biggest gain occurs in transition from T319 to T639. Significant skill in regional TC forecasts is achieved over broad areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The highest-resolution hindcasts exhibit additional locations with skill in the NA and EP, including land-adjacent areas. The feasibility of regional intensity forecasts is assessed. In the presence of the coupled model biases, the benefits of high resolution for seasonal TC forecasting may be underestimated.


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Objectives: To measure the prevalence and severity of dental caries in adolescents of the city of Porto, Portugal, and to assess socioeconomic and behavioural covariates of dental caries experience. Methods: A sample of 700 thirteen-year-old schoolchildren was examined. Results from the dental examination were linked to anthropometric information and to data supplied by two structured questionnaires assessing nutritional factors, socio-demographic characteristics and behaviour related to health promotion. Dental caries was measured using the DMFT index, and two dichotomous outcomes, one assessing the prevalence of dental caries (DMFT>0); the other assessing the prevalence of a high level of dental caries (DMFT=4). Results: Consuming soft drinks derived from cola (irrespective of sugared or diet) two or more times per week, attending a public school, being female and having parents with low educational attainment were identified as risk factors both for having dental caries and for having a high level of dental caries. Conclusion: Caries levels were positively associated with frequency of intake of sweetened foods and drinks.


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Over 60% of soft-drinks sold in the United States contain caffeine, a mildly addictive psycho-active chemical, as a flavor additive. Using sweeteners as controls, we assessed whether caffeine has flavor activity in a cola soft-drink. A forced-choice triangle discrimination methodology was used to determine detection thresholds of caffeine in sweeteners and a cola beverage. The subjects (n=30, 28 female, 23±4 years old) were trained tasters and completed over 1600 discrimination tests during the study. The mean detection thresholds for caffeine in the sweet solutions were: 0.333±0.1 mM sucrose; 0.467±0.29 mM aspartame; 0.462±0.3 mM sucralose, well below the concentration in common cola beverages (0.55–0.67 mM). A fixed concentration of caffeine, corresponding to the concentration of caffeine in a common cola beverage (0.67 mM) was added to the sweeteners and a non-caffeinated cola beverage. Subjects could distinguish between caffeinated and non-caffeinated sweeteners (p<0.001), but all subjects failed to distinguish between caffeinated and non-caffeinated cola beverage (p=1.0). Caffeine has no flavor activity in soft-drinks yet will induce a physiologic and psychologic desire to consume the drink.


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Although the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Australia has increased during the past 30 years, little is known about the dietary and behavioural antecedents of body mass index (BMI). We examined changes in mean BMI, diet, and other lifestyle behaviours between 1976 and 2005 and described the cross-sectional associations between these factors and BMI. A series of biennial biomedical surveys by Sydney Adventist Hospital from 1976 to 2005 allowed examination of BMI trends, while the selection of three surveys enabled detailed examination of likely dietary and lifestyle associations. Subjects included in this study were: 384 men and 338 women in 1976; 160 men and 146 women in 1978; 166 men and 141 women in 1980; 164 men and 142 women in 1982; 177 men and 13 women in 1984; 239 men and 227 women in 1986; 210 men and 225 women in 1988; 165 men and 148 women in 1990; 138 men and 167 women in 1992 and 270 men and 62 women in 2005. Height and weight were measured by hospital staff. Mean BMI increased in the early 1990s. Salt, coffee, cola, alcohol and meat consumption, dieting to lose weight and eating between meals were positively associated with BMI while physical activity, food variety, large breakfasts and consumption of spreads were negatively associated. Food consumption and daily activities have important associations with BMI, though their specific associations differ by sex. 'Affluent' lifestyle patterns appear to contribute to higher BMI, while a more 'prudent' lifestyle seems to protect from such increases.


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Low efficiencies and costly electrode materials have limited harvesting of thermal energy as electrical energy using thermo-electrochemical cells (or “thermocells”). We demonstrate thermocells, in practical configurations (from coin cells to cells that can be wrapped around exhaust pipes), that harvest low-grade thermal energy using relatively inexpensive carbon multiwalled nanotube (MWNT) electrodes. These electrodes provide high electrochemically accessible surface areas and fast redox-mediated electron transfer, which significantly enhances thermocell current generation capacity and overall efficiency. Thermocell efficiency is further improved by directly synthesizing MWNTs as vertical forests that reduce electrical and thermal resistance at electrode/substrate junctions. The efficiency of thermocells with MWNT electrodes is shown to be as high as 1.4% of Carnot efficiency, which is 3-fold higher than for previously demonstrated thermocells. With the cost of MWNTs decreasing, MWNT-based thermocells may become commercially viable for harvesting low-grade thermal energy.


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Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, with more than 80% of the US population classed as regular consumers (Garrett and Griffiths 1998). An analysis of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) in the US indicates that 870/o of US population over 2 years of age consumed caffeine daily and the average intake in caffeine consumers was 193 mg per day or 1.2 mgkg-l per day (Frary er a/ 2005). SSB were the primary source of caffeine in children and adolescents under 18 years of age and provided between 50-64% of the daily caffeine intake. For adults 18-34 years, SSB provided 30% of total daily caffeine, dropping fo llo/o for adults 34 years and older (Frary et a|2005). The total daily intake of caffeine observed in the CSFII is slightly lower that than observed in the 1995 National Nutrition Survey of Australian adults who reported consuming on average 270 mg of caffeine per day. Caffeine intakes amongst children, aged2 to 14 years, were reported as 17 mg per day. It is suggested that cola flavored SSB provide around 62o/, of this intake (Desbrow et al 2004).

Is the popularity of caffeinated foods mere coincidence? Is the flavor coffee, chocolate, tea and cola soft drinks such that without caffeine they would still be widely consumed? Or is the popularity of caffeine containing foods due to the influence of caffeine in the body?


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Waste heat recovery with thermo-electrochemical cells is limited by their low power and conversion efficiencies. Here we explore ionic liquid electrolytes mixed with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as alternative electrolytes for thermo-electrochemical cells. The results show that, upon addition of MWCNTs, the combination of interfacial polarization and ion pair dissociation reduces mass transfer resistances and enhances the power of thermo-electrochemical cells at low weight percentage of MWCNTs by up to 30%. This occurs in spite of reduced open circuit voltage due to percolated networks.


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Little is known about the market performance of brands that carry light claims (for example low fat, low sugar) in comparison to their regular counterparts. In order to fill this gap, we explore whether light brands perform similarly to regular brands in terms of (a) brand performance measures (BPMs), such as market share (MS) and penetration, (b) loyalty levels, and (c) customer sharing. We analyse three product categories (cola, flavoured carbonated beverages and margarine) using UK household panel data provided by Kantar. The results show that when considering standard BPMs (that is MS, penetration and purchase frequency), regular brands receive higher BPMs than light brands. However, when considering repeat purchase loyalty, light brands achieve greater levels of loyalty than their regular counterparts. Finally, light brands share their buyers more with each other than expected, suggesting the existence of market partitions, although these are not isolated as buyers of these brands still buy regular brands. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Ltd.