941 resultados para Clock Synchronization
This study aimed to evaluate two hormonal protocols for synchronization of follicular wave emergence on in vivo embryo production in Santa Ines sheep under tropical conditions. The greater PRCL rate in GT probably contributed to the smaller number of viable embryos. Thus, it is suggested the appliance indicated the GEm protocol for in vivo embryo production in Santa Ines sheep under tropical conditions.
Quantum clock models are statistical mechanical spin models which may be regarded as a sort of bridge between the one-dimensional quantum Ising model and the one-dimensional quantum XY model. This thesis aims to provide an exhaustive review of these models using both analytical and numerical techniques. We present some important duality transformations which allow us to recast clock models into different forms, involving for example parafermions and lattice gauge theories. Thus, the notion of topological order enters into the game opening new scenarios for possible applications, like topological quantum computing. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the numerical analysis of clock models. We explore their phase diagram under different setups, with and without chirality, starting with a transverse field and then adding a longitudinal field as well. The most important observables we take into account for diagnosing criticality are the energy gap, the magnetisation, the entanglement entropy and the correlation functions.
Chronic telogen effluvium (CTE), a poorly understood condition, can be confused with or may be a prodrome to female pattern hair loss (FPHL). The pathogenesis of both is related to follicle cycle shortening and possibly to blood supply changes. To analyze a number of histomorphometric and immunohistochemical findings through vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), Ki-67, and CD31 immunostaining in scalp biopsies of 20 patients with CTE, 17 patients with mild FPHL and 9 controls. Ki-67 index and VEGF optical density were analyzed at the follicular outer sheath using ImageJ software. CD31 microvessel density was assessed by a Chalkley grid. Significant follicle miniaturization and higher density of nonanagen follicles were found in FPHL, compared with patients with CTE and controls. Ki-67+ index correlated positively with FPHL histological features. The FPHL group showed the highest VEGF optical density, followed by the CTE and control groups. No differences were found in CD31 microvessel density between the three groups. Histomorphometric results establish CTE as a distinct disorder, separate from FPHL from its outset. Its pathogenic mechanisms are also distinct. These findings support the proposed mechanism of 'immediate telogen release' for CTE, leading to cycle synchronization. For FPHL, accelerated anagen follicular mitotic rates and, thus, higher Ki-67 and VEGF values, would leave less time for differentiation, resulting in hair miniaturization.
Purpose. To investigate misalignments (MAs) on retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) measurements obtained with Cirrus(©) SD-OCT. Methods. This was a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study. Twenty-seven healthy and 29 glaucomatous eyes of 56 individuals with one normal exam and another showing MA were included. MAs were defined as an improper alignment of vertical vessels in the en face image. MAs were classified in complete MA (CMA) and partial MA (PMA), according to their site: 1 (superior, outside the measurement ring (MR)), 2 (superior, within MR), 3 (inferior, within MR), and 4 (inferior, outside MR). We compared RNFLT measurements of aligned versus misaligned exams in all 4 sectors, in the superior area (sectors 1 + 2), inferior area (sectors 3 + 4), and within the measurement ring (sectors 2 + 3). Results. RNFLT measurements at 12 clock-hour of eyes with MAs in the superior area (sectors 1 + 2) were significantly lower than those obtained in the same eyes without MAs (P = 0.043). No significant difference was found in other areas (sectors 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, sectors 3 + 4, and sectors 2 + 3). Conclusion. SD-OCT scans with superior MAs may present lower superior RNFLT measurements compared to aligned exams.
One of the problems found in mechanical harvest of sugar cane is the lack of synchronism between the harvest machine and the infield wagon, causing crop losses as well as operational capacity. The objective of the present research was to design a system capable of helping to synchronize the sugar cane harvest machine with the wagon. The communication between tractor and harvest machine is wireless. Two ultrasound sensors coupled to the elevator and a microprocessor manage such information, generating a correct synchronization among the machines. The system was tested in laboratory and on field performing its function adequately, maintaining the two machines in synchronization, indicating and alerting the operators their relative positions. The developed system reduced the sugar cane lost in 60 kg ha-1 comparing to the harvest with the system turned off.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Avaliaram-se os efeitos de dietas com níveis crescentes de milho em grão moído (0, 22, 37 e 49% na MS) em substituição ao feno de coast-cross mantendo-se diferentes relações proteína:carboidratos não-fibrosos (PB:CNF = 1,01; 0,39; 0,33 e 0,27) sobre o metabolismo ruminal de búfalos. Utilizaram-se quatro búfalos fistulados no rúmen, mantidos em delineamento quadrado latino 4 × 4, para a coleta de amostras do líquido ruminal, colhidas em cada período experimental (de 28 dias) nos tempos 0, 2, 4 e 8 horas após a alimentação. Em geral, os bubalinos apresentaram boa capacidade tamponante no rúmen, com pH médio alto (6,70) e aumento da ingestão de milho em grão moído. O acréscimo nos níveis de milho na dieta promoveu aumento da produção de ácido butírico. Somente a dieta com 49% de milho promoveu melhor fermentação ruminal, com menor propoção de ácidos acético:propiônico. A relação PB:CNF de 1,01 indica deficiência de energia da dieta disponível para microrganismos no rúmen ao longo do dia, enquanto dietas com PB:CNF entre 0,39 e 0,27 promovem fermentações ruminais semelhantes, o que indica sincronismo na utilização de nitrogênio e energia pelos microrganismos no rúmen nessas condições.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of light and temperature on germination of Cereus pernambucensis seeds, a species of columnar cactus native to Brazil and naturally incident in the restinga. Cereus pernambucensis seeds were incubated under different temperatures, from 5 to 45 °C, with 5 °C intervals, and under alternating temperatures of 15-20 °C, 15-30 °C, 20-25 °C, 20-30 °C, 20-35 °C, 25-30 °C, 25-35 °C, and 30-35 °C, both under continuous white light and dark. The seeds were also incubated in a gradient of phytochrome photoequilibrium at 25 °C. The highest percentage germination in this species was between 25 and 30 °C. The minimum temperature was between 15 and 20 °C and the maximum between 35 and 40 °C. Alternating temperatures did not affect the percentage of seed germination, but it did alter the rate and synchronization indexes. Seeds incubated in the dark did not germinate under any of the conditions tested, indicating that this species when cultivated present light sensitive seeds controlled by phytochrome. The seeds can tolerate a lot of shade conditions, germinating under very low fluence response of phytochrome.
O estudo do uso do tempo considera a heterogeneidade do envelhecimento, analisando-o multifatorialmente, permitindo vislumbrar o estilo de vida de indivíduos idosos. Este estudo objetivou descrever o uso do tempo de 75 idosas (68,04 ± 8,36 anos), através das suas atividades diárias. Instrumentos utilizados: teste de cognição (Clock Completion Test), formulário para dados pessoais e entrevista estruturada (Time Diary) para relato das atividades diárias. Para decodificação e classificação das atividades diárias, utilizou-se a classificação australiana para estudos de uso do tempo, distribuindo-as em nove grupos de atividades principais. Foram verificados os contextos físico (local) e social (parceiros sociais) das atividades. Verificou-se que grande parte do tempo destinou-se às atividades obrigatórias (atividades domésticas e de cuidados pessoais). A maior proporção do tempo livre destinou-se ao lazer passivo (assistir televisão) com pouco envolvimento em atividades físicas. A casa e estar com membros da família ou sozinhas representaram o contexto físico e social mais presentes. O estudo permitiu um vislumbre do estilo de vida do grupo. Provavelmente houve influência de fatores individuais como idade, gênero, grau de instrução, estado civil e nível socioeconômico sobre os padrões encontrados para o uso do tempo.
Corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland that regulates either the estrous cycle and pregnancy. It presents extreme dependency on the adequate blood supply. This work aims to evaluate goat corpus luteum (CL) vascular density (VD) over the estrous cycle. For that purpose, 20 females were submitted to estrus synchronization/ovulation treatment using a medroxyprogesterone intra-vaginal sponge as well as intramuscular (IM) application of cloprostenol and equine chorionic gonadotrophine (eCG). After sponge removal, estrus was identified at about 72hs. Once treatment was over, female goats were then subdivided into 4 groups (n=5 each) and slaughtered on days 2, 12, 16 and 22 after ovulation (p.o). Ovaries were collected, withdrawn and weighted. CL and ovaries had size and area recorded. Blood samples were collected and the plasma progesterone (P4) was measured through RIA commercial kits. The VD was 24.42±6.66, 36.26±5.61, 8.59±2.2 and 3.97±1.12 vessels/mm² for days 2, 12, 16 and 22 p.o, respectively. Progesterone plasma concentrations were 0.49±0.08, 2.63±0.66, 0.61±0.14 and 0.22±0.04ng/ml for days 2, 12, 16 e 22 p.o, respectively. Studied parameters were affected by the estrous cycle phase. Values greater than 12 p.o were observed. In the present work we observed that ovulation occurred predominantly in the right ovary (70% of the animals), which in turn presented bigger measures than the contra lateral one. There is a meaningful relationship between the weight and size of the ovary and these of CL (r=0.87, r=0.70, respectively, p<0.05). It is possible to conclude that morphology of goat's ovaries and plasma progesterone concentration changed according to estrous cycle stages. We propose these parameters can be used as indicators of CL functional activity.
O presente estudo visou avaliar os efeitos da associação da medroxiprogesterona (análogo sintético da progesterona) ao protocolo Ovsynch sobre o crescimento folicular, a ovulação e a taxa de concepção de búfalas criadas na Amazônia Oriental (Tracuateua-PA). Vinte e sete fêmeas adultas (G1 n=14 e G2 n=13), cíclicas, sem bezerro ao pé e com ECC 3,5 foram submetidas a Ovsynch. Os animais do G2 receberam 60 mg de medroxiprogesterona entre D0 e D7 (D0=início do tratamento). A ultra-sonografia ovariana foi realizada nos D 0, 7, 9 e 10. O contingente de folículos pequenos diferiu no D7 (G1: 4,57±0,60 versus G2: 6,54±0,67; P=0,05). Tempo e tratamento influenciaram o diâmetro folicular no D7. O crescimento do folículo dominante entre D7 e D9 foi maior nos animais tratados (G1: 2,05±0,49 mm/dia versus 3,48±0,41 mm/dia; P<0,05). Mais animais do G1 ovularam precocemente (35,71% versus 30,77%), porém isso não afetou as taxas de concepção (G1: 50,00% e G2: 30,77%; P>0,05). Os achados sugerem que a medroxiprogesterona (1) aumenta recrutamento folicular e retarda o crescimento dos folículos com diâmetro maior que 5,0 mm entre D0 e D7; (2) sua retirada incrementa em 1,7 vezes o crescimento folicular do D7 ao D9; (3) pode contribuir para a ovulação de folículos maiores e, em tese, para maior formação de tecido luteínico; (4) não promove ovulação precoce após o Ovsynch; (5) não eleva as taxas de concepção após sincronização de fêmeas cíclicas e com bom escore corporal, devendo ser avaliada para uso em fêmeas acíclicas ou com ECC mais baixo.
An extension of the uniform invariance principle for ordinary differential equations with finite delay is developed. The uniform invariance principle allows the derivative of the auxiliary scalar function V to be positive in some bounded sets of the state space while the classical invariance principle assumes that. V <= 0. As a consequence, the uniform invariance principle can deal with a larger class of problems. The main difficulty to prove an invariance principle for functional differential equations is the fact that flows are defined on an infinite dimensional space and, in such spaces, bounded solutions may not be precompact. This difficulty is overcome by imposing the vector field taking bounded sets into bounded sets.
A compact frequency standard based on an expanding cold (133)CS cloud is under development in our laboratory. In a first experiment, Cs cold atoms were prepared by a magneto-optical trap in a vapor cell, and a microwave antenna was used to transmit the radiation for the clock transition. The signal obtained from fluorescence of the expanding cold atoms cloud is used to lock a microwave chain. In this way the overall system stability is evaluated. A theoretical model based on a two-level system interacting with the two microwave pulses enables interpretation for the observed features, especially the poor Ramsey fringes contrast. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.