733 resultados para Childhood Hunger
BACKGROUND: Previous pooled analyses have reported an association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. We present a pooled analysis based on primary data from studies on residential magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia published after 2000. METHODS: Seven studies with a total of 10 865 cases and 12 853 controls were included. The main analysis focused on 24-h magnetic field measurements or calculated fields in residences. RESULTS: In the combined results, risk increased with increase in exposure, but the estimates were imprecise. The odds ratios for exposure categories of 0.1-0.2 mu T, 0.2-0.3 mu T and >= 0.3 mu T, compared with <0.1 mu T, were 1.07 (95% Cl 0.81-1.41), 1.16 (0.69-1.93) and 1.44 (0.88-2.36), respectively. Without the most influential study from Brazil, the odds ratios increased somewhat. An increasing trend was also suggested by a nonparametric analysis conducted using a generalised additive model. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are in line with previous pooled analyses showing an association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. Overall, the association is weaker in the most recently conducted studies, but these studies are small and lack methodological improvements needed to resolve the apparent association. We conclude that recent studies on magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia do not alter the previous assessment that magnetic fields are possibly carcinogenic. British Journal of Cancer (2010) 103, 1128-1135. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605838 www.bjcancer.com (c) 2010 Cancer Research UK
There have been only a few reports on the sympathoadrenal and renin-angiotensin systems in children of small gestational age. The purpose of the present study was to investigate plasma levels of ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) activity, angiotensin and catecholamines in 8- to 13-year-old children and to determine whether there are correlations between the components of these systems with both birthweight and BP (blood pressure) levels. This clinical study included 66 children (35 boys and 31 girls) in two groups: those born at term with an appropriate birthweight [AGA (appropriate-for-gestational age) group, n = 31] and those born at term but with a small birthweight for gestational age [SGA (small-for-gestational age) group, n = 35]. Concentrations of angiotensin, catecholamines and ACE activity were determined in plasma. Circulating noradrenaline levels were significantly elevated in SGA girls compared with AGA girls (P = 0.036). In addition, angiotensin 11 and ACE activity were higher in SGA boys (P = 0.024 and P = 0.050 respectively). There was a significant association of the circulating levels of both angiotensin 11 and ACE activity with BP levels in our study population. Although the underlying mechanisms that link restricted fetal growth with later cardiovascular events are not fully understood, the findings in the present study support the link between low birthweight and overactivity of both sympathoadrenal and renin-angiotensin systems into later childhood.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att jämföra boken The Hunger Games (2008) av Suzanne Collins med filmen The Hunger Games (2012) regisserad av Gary Ross och försöka ta reda på vilken sorts adaption som är gjord. Jag arbetar med boken och filmen The Hunger Games var för sig för att eventuella skillnader ska framträda tydligare vad gäller karaktärer och miljöbeskrivning. När jag gått in på djupet och jämfört boken The Hunger Games med filmen märker jag vad som är förändrat. Till exempel saknas vissa karaktärer och scener i boken i filmversionen, medan andra scener har lagts till i filmen. Samtidigt är det förståeligt att en del måste göras om och tas bort för att en bok på flera hundra sidor ska kunna visas i en film på cirka två timmar. Tillägg, borttagna avsnitt och ändringar kan vara till både fördel och nackdel.
Objective. To evaluate the neuropsychological profile and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of adults who had rheumatic fever (RF) during childhood with and without Sydenham's chorea (SC).Methods. Three groups of patients were assessed: adults who had RF with SC during childhood (SC group), adults who had RF without SC during childhood (RF group), and controls (CT group). A range of neuropsychological tests looked at several cognitive domains. HRQOL was measured through a Brazilian version of the Short Form 36 (SF-36) health survey.Results. Twenty patients were included in the SC group, 23 patients in the RF group, and 19 patients in the CT group. The 3 groups were homogeneous regarding sex (P = 0.078), age (P = 0.799), schooling (P = 0.600), socioeconomic status (P = 0.138), intelligence quotient (P = 0.329), and scores for anxiety (P = 0.156) and depression (P = 0.076). The SC group demonstrated inferior performance in tests that assessed attention (Digit Span Forward [ P = 0.005], Corsi Block Forward [ P = 0.014]), speeded information processing (Trail Making A [ P = 0.009], Symbol Search [ P = 0.042]), and executive functions and working memory (Corsi Block Backward [ P = 0.028]), and higher scores for attention deficit scale (P = 0.030) when compared with the RF and CT groups. They also showed a tendency toward lower scores in the physical aspects, vitality, emotional aspects, and mental health domains of the SF-36. The RF group had a lower score for the general health domain than the CT group (P = 0.030).Conclusion. Patients who had SC during childhood can exhibit inferior performance in tasks that evaluate attention, speeded information processing, executive functions, and working memory in adult life. Therefore, there is indirect evidence of the persistence of dysfunction in cerebral circuits involved with the basal ganglia. They also presented a worse self-evaluation in HRQOL that was not related to cognitive impairments.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de ação educativa sobre o conhecimento de familiares de crianças a respeito de queimaduras em ambiente doméstico. Participaram 40 familiares de crianças menores de quatro anos, divididos igualmente em grupos intervenção e controle. Foram realizadas entrevista inicial, ação educativa com folder de queimaduras e entrevista após uma semana. As respostas foram comparadas, utilizando-se teste estatístico de Fisher. Na primeira entrevista, registrou-se 60 respostas de situações de risco no grupo controle e 62 no grupo intervenção; na segunda, aumentou para 61 e 80 indicações, respectivamente. Na primeira entrevista, 90% dos participantes do grupo controle e 80% do grupo intervenção verbalizaram acreditar que a queimadura infantil pode ser evitada; na segunda, a indicação diminuiu para 84% e aumentou para 100%, respectivamente. Este estudo mostrou a importância da orientação com folder de queimaduras em ambiente doméstico.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate, over 24 months, the intake of dietary fiber (DF) and the bowel habit (BH) of constipated children advised a DF-rich diet containing wheat bran.Patients and Methods: BH and dietary data of 28 children with functional constipation defined by the Boston criteria were obtained at visit 1 (V1, n = 28) and at 4 follow-up visits (V2-V5, n = 80). At each visit the BH was rated BAD (worse/unaltered; improved but still complications) or RECOVERY (REC) (improved, no complications; asymptomatic), and a food intake questionnaire was applied. DF intake was calculated according to age (year)+5 to 10 g/day and bran intake according to international tables. Nonparametric statistics were used.Results: Median age (range) was 7.25 years (0.25-15.6 years); 21 children underwent bowel washout (most before V1/V2), and 14 had the last visit at V3/V4. DF intake, bran intake, and the BH rate significantly increased at V2 and remained higher than at V1 through V2 to V5. At V1, median DF intake was 29.9% below the minimum recommended and at the last visit 49.9% above it. Twenty-four children accepted bran at 60 visits, at which median bran intake was 20 g/day and median proportion of DF due to bran 26.9%. Children had significantly higher DF and higher bran intake at V2 to V5 at which they had REC than at those at which they presented BAD BH. DF intake > age+10 g/day was associated with bran acceptance and REC. At the last visit 21 children presented REC (75%); 20 of them were asymptomatic and 18 were off washout/laxatives.Conclusions: High DF and bran intake are feasible in constipated children and contribute to amelioration of constipation.
Objectives To report methodology and overall clinical, laboratory and radiographic characteristics for Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), childhood polyarteritis nodosa (c-PAN), c-Wegener granulomatosis (c-WG) and c-Takayasu arteritis (c-TA) classification criteria.Methods The preliminary Vienna 2005 consensus conference, which proposed preliminary criteria for paediatric vasculitides, was followed by a EULAR/PRINTO/PRES-supported validation project divided into three main steps. Step 1: retrospective/prospective web-data collection for HSP, c-PAN, c-WG and c-TA, with age at diagnosis <= 18 years. Step 2: blinded classification by consensus panel of a subgroup of 280 cases (128 difficult cases, 152 randomly selected) enabling expert diagnostic verification. Step 3: Ankara 2008 Consensus Conference and statistical evaluation (sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve, kappa-agreement) using as 'gold standard' the final consensus classification or original treating physician diagnosis.Results A total of 1183/1398 (85%) samples collected were available for analysis: 827 HSP, 150 c-PAN, 60 c-WG, 87 c-TA and 59 c-other. Prevalence, signs/symptoms, laboratory, biopsy and imaging reports were consistent with the clinical picture of the four c-vasculitides. A representative subgroup of 280 patients was blinded to the treating physician diagnosis and classified by a consensus panel, with kappa-agreement of 0.96 for HSP (95% CI 0.84 to 1), 0.88 for c-WG (95% CI 0.76 to 0.99), 0.84 for c-TA (95% CI 0.73 to 0.96) and 0.73 for c-PAN (95% CI 0.62 to 0.84), with an overall. of 0.79 (95% CI 0.73 to 0.84).Conclusion EULAR/PRINTO/PRES propose validated classification criteria for HSP, c-PAN, c-WG and c-TA, with substantial/almost perfect agreement with the final consensus classification or original treating physician diagnosis.
Objective. To develop widely acceptable preliminary criteria of global flare for childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE).Methods. Pediatric rheumatologists (n = 138) rated a total of 358 unique patient profiles with information about the cSLE flare descriptors from 2 consecutive visits: patient global assessment of well-being, physician global assessment of disease activity (MD-global), health-related quality of life, anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies, disease activity index scores, protein: creatinine (P:C) ratio, complement levels, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Based on 2,996 rater responses about the course of cSLE (baseline versus followup), the accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve) of candidate flare criteria was assessed. An international consensus conference was held to rank these candidate flare criteria as per the American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the development and validation of criteria sets.Results. The highest-ranked candidate criteria considered absolute changes (Delta) of the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) or British Isles Lupus Assessment Group (BILAG), MD-global, P:C ratio, and ESR; flare scores can be calculated (0.5 x Delta SLEDAI + 0.45 x Delta P:C ratio + 0.5 x Delta MD-global + 0.02 x Delta ESR), where values of >= 1.04 are reflective of a flare. Similarly, BILAG-based flare scores (0.4 x Delta BILAG + Delta 0.65 x Delta P:C ratio + 0.5 + Delta MD-global + 0.02 x Delta ESR) of >= 1.15 were diagnostic of a flare. Flare scores increased with flare severity.Conclusion. Consensus has been reached on preliminary criteria for global flares in cSLE. Further validation studies are needed to confirm the usefulness of the cSLE flare criteria in research and for clinical care.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study determined the presence of mutans streptococci and Candida spp. in supragingival. dental plaque and infected dentine of caries-free children, with early childhood caries and caries. Pooled samples of dental plaque and infected dentine were collected from 56 children aged 1-5 years, which were divided into 3 groups: early childhood caries (ECC); caries and caries-free. Infected dentine was collected in ECC and caries groups to compare the frequency of these microorganisms in the collected sites. The samples were inoculated in SB20 and SA medium, for mutans streptococci and Candida spp., respectively, and incubated at 37 degrees C for 48 h. Colony growth was verified and the identification was performed by biochemical tests and CHROMagar Candida. Fisher's test or chi-square (chi(2)) were applied (p = 0.05). The more prevalent species were S. mutans and Candida albicans in ECC (85.4% and 60.4%, respectively), independently of the sample site. S. mutans only was significantly associated with carious teeth, whether in early childhood caries or not. However, the frequency of C. albicans in ECC was higher when compared to caries and caries-free groups. There is a significant association between the presence of C. albicans and early childhood caries. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.