461 resultados para Captivity


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Earlier ed. (1830) has title: Union questions on select portions of scripture, from the Old and New Testaments.


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"First published in different periodicals between the years 1890 and 1894."


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Narrative of the captivity of Joseph Bartlett among the Indians: p. 331-334.


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Each volume has also special title-page.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This study examined the osmoregulatory status of the euryhaline elasmobranch Carcharhinus leucas acclimated to freshwater (FW) and seawater ( SW). Juvenile C. leucas captured in FW ( 3 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1)) were acclimated to SW ( 980 - 1,000 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1)) over 16 days. A FW group was maintained in captivity over a similar time period. In FW, bull sharks were hyper-osmotic regulators, having a plasma osmolarity of 595 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1). In SW, bull sharks had significantly higher plasma osmolarities ( 940 mOsm l(-1) kg(-1)) than FW-acclimated animals and were slightly hypoosmotic to the environment. Plasma Na+, Cl-, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, urea and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) concentrations were all significantly higher in bull sharks acclimated to SW, with urea and TMAO showing the greatest increase. Gill, rectal gland, kidney and intestinal tissue were taken from animals acclimated to FW and SW and analysed for maximal Na+/ K+-ATPase activity. Na+/ K+-ATPase activity in the gills and intestine was less than 1 mmol Pi mg(-1) protein h(-1) and there was no difference in activity between FW- and SW-acclimated animals. In contrast Na+/ K+-ATPase activity in the rectal gland and kidney were significantly higher than gill and intestine and showed significant differences between the FW- and SW-acclimated groups. In FW and SW, rectal gland Na+/ K+-ATPase activity was 5.6 +/- 0.8 and 9.2 +/- 0.6 mmol Pi mg(-1) protein h(-1), respectively. Na+/ K+-ATPase activity in the kidney of FW and SW acclimated animals was 8.4 +/- 1.1 and 3.3 +/- 1.1 Pi mg(-1) protein h(-1), respectively. Thus juvenile bull sharks have the osmoregulatory plasticity to acclimate to SW; their preference for the upper reaches of rivers where salinity is low is therefore likely to be for predator avoidance and/or increased food abundance rather than because of a physiological constraint.


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Veterinarians are increasingly faced with examining and/or treating marine mammals during strandings or following requests from theme parks and zoos. A common request involving seals and sea lions regards dentition, either to age a wild animal or as part of the routine health of captive animals. The major problem with examining dentition is the lack of information available in the literature on normal dentition, particularly in juveniles, where eruption patterns may be used to age the animal. The information presented in this report details typical deciduous dentition in one Californian sea lion, a species commonly encountered in captivity.


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Knowledge of factors affecting the survival of individuals and their reproductive success is essential for threatened species management, but studies assessing these factors are lacking for many threatened rock-wallaby species. In this study we investigated the factors influencing the breeding performance of females and the survival of pouch young in a wild colony of the threatened brush-tailed rock-wallaby. Individuals were trapped between October 2000 and April 2004. More than 50% of the females in the colony were breeding below their full potential and giving birth to only one offspring per year. Most females within the colony bred in synchrony, with a substantial birth peak evident during autumn. Pouch young born in autumn left the pouch during spring and were weaned during summer and autumn when forage was most abundant. Pouch young born during the autumn birth peak or in winter had a substantially higher probability of surviving through to pouch emergence than those born during spring or summer. This study provides demographic parameters that may be used in population models and for comparison with other populations, particularly those that are small and declining. To optimise reproductive success in reintroduction programs, females in good condition and with small pouch young should be released at the end of the wettest season.


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Loss of genetic diversity and increased population differentiation from source populations are common problems associated with translocation programmes established from captive-bred stock or a small number of founders. The bridled nailtail wallaby is one of the most endangered macropods in Australia, having been reduced to a single remnant population in the last 100 years. A translocated population of bridled nailtail wallabies was established using animals sourced directly from the remnant population (wild-released) as well as the progeny of animals collected for a captive breeding programme (captive-bred). The aims of this study were to compare genetic diversity among released animals and their wild-born progeny to genetic diversity observed in the remnant population, and to monitor changes in genetic diversity over time as more animals were released into the population. Heterozygosity did not differ between the translocated and remnant population; however, allelic diversity was significantly reduced across all released animals and their wild-born progeny. Animals bred in captivity and their wild-born progeny were also significantly differentiated from the source population after just four generations. Wild-released animals, however, were representative of the source population and several alleles were unique to this group. Both heterozygosity and allelic diversity among translocated animals decreased over time with the additional release of captive-bred animals, as no new genetic stock was added to the population. Captive breeding programmes can provide large numbers of animals for release, but this study highlights the importance of sourcing animals directly from remnant populations in order to maintain genetic diversity and minimise genetic drift.


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The red-tailed phascogale ( Phascogale calura) is an endangered dasyurid species that has recently been brought into captivity in an effort to increase numbers before release back into the wild. As part of investigations into the reproductive biology of the species, information on the growth and development of young was collected throughout lactation from litters raised in three separate colonies. Growth curves for aging young throughout lactation and a timetable of developmental changes were constructed. While two colonies, with fourth- and fifth-generation captive animals, showed no significant difference in growth, animals from a third colony that had been wild caught before breeding displayed a slower rate of growth from 34 days of age. The pattern of development resembled that of other dasyurids, with young left in the nest from 44 days of age, fully furred by 78 days and weaned between 90 and 110 days. Captive phascogales invest heavily in their young, with litters weighing 380 +/- 67% of maternal bodyweight at weaning.


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Nos textos de Provérbios 1,20-23; 8 e 9, encontra-se o instigante símbolo da sabedoria mulher, que possui uma longa e controvertida história de interpretação. Ao analisar as ligações textuais entre estes textos e o poema de Pr 31, descobrimos que o símbolo da sabedoria mulher inspira-se na mulher da vida real, que participa corajosamente na reconstrução da história e das relações do povo de Judá, no período pós-exílico. Estas ligações desvelam uma grande valorização da mulher e sua proximidade com Deus ao apresentá- la com o poder de oferecer vida (Pr 8,35; 9,6) e de cuidá-la (Pr 31), vivenciando e transmitindo valores éticos fundamentais para as relações cotidianas da casa (Pr 1,8; 6,20; 31,2-9.26). Este símbolo carrega ainda a memória de antigos cultos realizados na casa para celebrar e garantir a vida. Embora estes rituais contivessem a memória de Deusas, eles não eram opostos ao culto de Javé, pois, dentro da dinâmica da casa, estavam inteiramente integrados na religião de Israel pela priorização da vida e pela prática da jus tiça. Esses textos de Provérbios atestam uma grande mudança na visão da mulher. A origem desta nova visão encontra-se na época do cativeiro, quando já não havia templo e nem um governo que canalizasse a organização do povo e sua luta pela libertação. A casa passa a ter funções de prover a subsistência e de transmitir as tradições religiosas do povo bíblico com a finalidade de obter a inspiração e a força necessárias para garantir o futuro. Na casa interiorana, a mulher tem autoridade e liderança, apesar dos preconceitos da sociedade patriarcal. É no pequeno espaço da casa judaíta que o movimento da sabedoria mulher situa-se, gerando relações de inclusão e de solidariedade, na época da dominação do 2º templo, com suas normas sobre a impureza.(AU)


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An investigation was made into the nature and control of the annual reproductive cycle of the dace, Leuciscus leuciscus. It includes 1) a study of the natural reproductive cycle, 2) the use of Carp Pituitary Extract (CPE) to induce final maturation and ovulation in captive fish, 3) the effect of artificial light treatments on ovarian development and 4) the measurement of serum melatonin levels under different photoperiod regimes. Ovarian development was monitored by endocrinological data, notably serum cycles of 17-oestradiol (E2), testosterone (T), and calcium (as an index of vitellogenin), oocyte diameter, the gonadosomatic index and histological studies of the ovary. Under natural conditions, ovarian development can broadly be divided into 4 stages: 1) oogenesis which occurs immediately after spawning; 2) a primary growth phase (previtellogenic growth) prevalent between spawning and June; 3) a secondary growth phase (yolk vesicle plus vitellogenic growth) occurring between June and December and 4) final maturation and ovulation which occurs in mid-March. During the annual ovarian cycle, the sex steroids E2 and T showed two clear elevations. The first occurred initially in April followed by a rise in serum calcium levels. This subsequently initiated the appearance of yolk granules in the oocytes in June. The second rise occurred in September and levels were maintained until December, after which there was a decline in serum E2 levels. It is proposed that in the dace, high serum E2 levels between September and December were required to maintain vitellogenin production and therefore its uptake into the developing oocytes which occurred during this time, albeit at a slower rate than in the summer months. After December, prior to final maturation, whereas serum E2 and calcium levels declined, serum T levels remained elevated. In captivity, final maturation beyond the germinal vesicle migration stage failed to occur suggesting that the stimuli required for these events were absent. However ovulation could be induced by a single injection of CPE, which induced ovulation between 6 and 14 hours after treatment. Endocrine events associated with the artificial induction of spawning included a rise in serum levels of E2, T and the maturation inducing steroid 1720-dihydroxy progesterone. Photoperiodic manipulation demonstrated that whereas short or increasing daylengths were stimulatory to ovarian development, long days delayed development. Changes from long to short and constant short daylengths early in the reproductive cycle advanced maturation (up to 5 months), suggesting that the stimulus for ovarian development and maturation was a short day. However, experiments conducted later in the reproductive cycle demonstrated that only a simulated ambient photoperiod could induce final maturation. It is proposed therefore that under natural conditions the environmental stimulus for ovarian development and final maturation are short and increasing daylengths respectively. Further support that photoperiod is the dominant timing cue in this species was provided by the pattern of serum melatonin levels. Under different photoperiod treatments, serum melatonin, which is believed to be the chemical transducer of photoperiodic information (similar to other photoperiodic species) was elevated for the duration of the dark phase, indicating that the dace at least has the ability to `measure' changes in daylength.


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Family caregivers manage home enteral nutrition (HEN) for over 77% of an estimated 1 of every 400 Medicare recipients. Increasing usage of HEN in older adults combined with reliance on family caregivers raises concerns for the quality, outcomes, and costs of care. These concerns are relevant in light of Medicare limitations on nursing assistance and non-reimbursement for nutrition services, despite annual costs of over $600 million. This study applied stress process theories to assess stressor, mediator, and outcome variables salient to HEN and caregiving. In-home structured interviews occurred with a multi-ethnic sample of 30 caregiving dyads at 1–3 months after discharge on HEN. Care recipients were aged ≥60 (M = 68.4 years) and did not have dementia. Caregivers were aged ≥21, unpaid, and lived within 45 minutes of care recipients. Caregivers performed an average of 19.7 tasks daily for 61.9 hours weekly. Training needs were identified for 33 functional, care management, technical, and nutritional tasks. Preparedness scores were low (M = 1.73/4.0), and positively correlated with competence, self-rated quality of care and positive feelings, and negatively with overload, role captivity, and negative feelings (Ps < .05). Caregivers had multiple changes in lifestyle and dietary behaviors. Lifestyle changes positively correlated with overload, and negatively with preparedness and positive feelings. Dietary changes positively correlated with number of tasks, overload, role captivity and negative feelings, and negatively with preparedness (Ps < .01). Fifty-seven percent of caregivers aged >50 were at nutrition risk. Care recipients fared worse. Average weight change was −4.35 pounds (P < .001). Physical complications interrupted daily enteral infusions. Water intake was half of fluid need and associated with signs of dehydration (P < .001). Physical and social function was poor, with older subjects more impaired ( P < .04). Those with better prepared or less overloaded caregivers had higher functionality and QOL (P < .002). Complications, type of feeding tube, and caregiver preparedness correlated with frequency of health care utilization (Ps < .05). Efficacy of HEN in older adults requires specialized caregiver training, attention to caregivers' needs, and frequent monitoring from a highly skilled multidisciplinary team including dietitians. ^


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Interest in the health of marine mammals has increased due, in part, to the attention given to human impact on the marine environment. Recent mass strandings of the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and rising mortalities of the endangered Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) have raised questions on the extent to which pollution, infectious disease, "stress," and captivity influence the immune system of these animals. This study has provided the first in-depth characterization of immunocytes in the peripheral blood of dolphins (n = 190) and manatees (n = 56). Immunocyte morphology and baseline values were determined in clinically normal animals under free-ranging, stranded and captive living conditions as well as by age and sex. Additionally, immunocyte population dynamics were characterized in sick animals. This was accomplished with traditional cytochemical techniques and new lymphocyte phenotyping methodology which was validated in this study. Traditional cytochemical techniques demonstrated that blood immunocyte morphology and cell numbers are similar to terrestrial mammals with some notable exceptions. The manatee heterophilic granulocyte is a morphologically unique cell and probably functions similarly to the typical mammalian neutrophil. Eosinophils were rarely found in manatees but were uncommonly high in healthy and sick dolphins. Basophils were not identified. Manatees had higher total lymphocyte numbers compared to dolphins and most terrestrial mammals. Lymphocyte subsets identified in healthy animals included T$\rm\sb{h}$, T$\rm\sb{c/s}$, B and NK cells. Dolphin and manatee T and B cell values were higher than those reported in man and most terrestrial mammals. The manatee has extraordinarily high absolute numbers of circulating T$\rm\sb{h}$ cells which suggests an enhanced immunological response capability. With few exceptions, immunocyte types and absolute numbers were not significantly different between free-ranging, stranded and captive categories or between sex and age categories. The evaluation of immunocyte dynamics in various disease states demonstrated a wide variation in cellular responses which provided new insights into innate, humoral and cell-mediated immunity in these species. Additionally, this study demonstrated that lymphocyte phenotyping has diagnostic significance and could be developed into a potential indicator of immunocompetence in both free-ranging and captive dolphin and manatee populations.