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Measurements on the growth process and placental development of the embryo and fetuses of Cavia porcellus were carried out using ultrasonography. Embryo, fetus, and placenta were monitored from Day 15 after mating day to the end of gestation. Based on linear and quadratic regressions, the following morphometric analysis showed a good indicator of the gestational age: placental diameter, biparietal diameter, renal length, and crown rump. The embryonic cardiac beat was first detected at an average of 22.5 days. The placental diameter showed constant increase from beginning of gestation then remained to term and presented a quadratic correlation with gestational age (r2 = 0.89). Mean placental diameter at the end of pregnancy was 3.5 ± 0.23 cm. By Day 30, it was possible to measure biparietal diameter, which followed a linear pattern of increase up to the end of gestation (r2 = 0.95). Mean biparietal diameter in the end of pregnancy was 1.94 ± 0.03 cm. Kidneys were firstly observed on Day 35 as hyperechoic structures without the distinction of medullar and cortical layers, thus the regression model equation between kidney length and gestational age presents a quadratic relationship (r2 = 0.7). The crown rump presented a simple linear growth, starting from 15 days of gestation, displaying a high correlation with the gestational age (r2 = 0.9). The offspring were born after an average gestation of 61.3 days. In this study, we conclude that biparietal diameter, placental diameter, and crown rump are adequate predictive parameters of gestational age in guinea pigs because they present high correlation index.


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L’attività di ricerca ha riguardato lo studio di popolazioni di cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (MSC) ottenute da molteplici tessuti adulti. Sono state investigate sorgenti di MSC alternative al midollo osseo, libere da conflitti etici, dotate di vantaggi per l’applicabilità clinica che vanno dalla elevata resa nel recupero cellulare alla tessuto-specificità. Le cellule ottenute dalle diverse sorgenti sono state caratterizzate immunofenotipicamente, commissionate mediante protocolli di induzione specifici per i diversi tipi cellulari ed analizzate con opportuni saggi istologici, immunoistochimici, di espressione genica e proteica. Esperimenti di cocoltura hanno permesso la descrizione di capacità immunomodulatorie e trofiche. - La placenta a termine risulta essere una ricca sorgente di cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC). Dalla membrana amniotica, dal corion e dalla gelatina di Wharton del cordone ombelicale sono state ottenute MSC con potenzialità differenziative verso commissionamenti mesenchimali, con capacità immunomodulatorie e trofiche. Tali tessuti sono ampiamente disponibili, garantiscono una elevata resa nel recupero cellulare e sono liberi da conflitti etici. - Due popolazioni di cellule con caratteristiche di MSC sono state individuate nella mucosa e nella sottomucosa intestinale. Queste cellule possiedono caratteristiche di tessuto-specificità, sono dotate di attività trofiche ed immunomodulatorie che potrebbero essere vantaggiose per approcci di terapia cellulare in patologie quali le Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche Intestinali (IBD). - Popolazioni di cellule staminali con caratteristiche simili alle MSC sono state ottenute da isole pancreatiche. Tali popolazioni possiedono vantaggi di tessuto-specificità per approcci di terapia cellulare per il Diabete. - Sono stati investigati ed individuati marcatori molecolari (molecole HLA-G) correlati con il livello di attività immunomodulatoria delle MSC. La valutazione di tali marcatori potrebbere permettere di determinare l’attività immunosoppressiva a priori del trapianto, con l’obiettivo di scegliere le popolazioni di MSC più adatte per l’applicazione e di definirne il dosaggio. - E’ stato messa a punto una metodica e una strumentazione per il frazionamento di cellule staminali in Campo Flusso in assenza di marcatura (NEEGA-DF). Questa metodica permette di discriminare sottopopolazioni cellulari in base a caratteristiche biofisiche.


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Lo sviluppo e la funzionalità della placenta influenzano direttamente la crescita ed il benessere del feto all'interno dell'utero, quindi qualsiasi problema strutturale o funzionale della placenta influenzerà lo sviluppo del feto. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di approfondire diversi aspetti clinici e clinico-patologici dell’insufficienza placentare nella specie equina, con l’intento di individuare dei parametri che possano essere di ausilio per l’identificazione precoce del puledro a rischio e della necessità di interventi terapeutici. La valutazione della concentrazione di lattato nel sangue e nel liquido amniotico potrebbe essere un utile strumento diagnostico per la diagnosi di acidosi metabolica associata ad ipossia/ischemia nel puledro e per identificare la necessità di un intervento precoce alla nascita. La risposta all’ipossia sembra essere mediata dall’HIF-1 e dall’HSF-1 anche nel puledro neonato, e se questi dati venissero confermati su un numero maggiore di animali, i due marcatori proteici e la MDA potrebbero essere utilizzati per la diagnosi di PAS nel puledro. L’esame di tutta l’unità placentare riveste un ruolo di fondamentale importanza per l’acquisizione di informazioni riguardo all’ambiente di vita intrauterino del puledro, ed è quindi auspicabile nella pratica ostetrica routinaria una maggiore attenzione all’esame della placenta, soprattutto in caso di patologie materno-fetali. Tra i parametri biochimici valutati al momento della nascita, la creatininemia e la glicemia possono fornire informazioni sull’efficienza dello scambio placentare ed essere quindi utilizzati per individuare puledri a rischio. Infine, lo sviluppo di una macro per il software ImageJ porta alla luce uno strumento nuovo, semplice da usare ed economico, per la valutazione morfometrica dell’arborizzazione dei villi placentari; tuttavia la ricerca necessità ulteriori indagini su un numero maggiore di animali per valutare le differenze morfometriche tra placente normali e patologiche.


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Während der Schwangerschaft kommt es häufig zu einer spontanen Verbesserung von klinischen Symptomen der autoimmunen Hepatitis und anderen Th1-vermittelten Autoimmunerkrankungen. Die Gründe hierfür sind bis heute noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Eines der wichtigsten Hormone in der Schwangerschaft ist das humane Choriogonadotropin (hCG), welches schon in der frühen Schwangerschaft eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Es sorgt für die Stimulation des Corpus luteums, wodurch es zur Ausschüttung von Progesteron kommt und somit die Einnistung der Blastozyte gewährleistet und die Abstoßung des Embryos verhindert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Effekt und Signalweg von hCG in primären murinen und humanen Hepatozyten sowie in Mausmodellen mit T-Zell-abhängigem Leberschaden untersucht. hCG führte sowohl bei akuten als auch bei chronischen Leberschäden zu einer drastischen Senkung der Aspartat-Aminotransferase, einem Indikator für Lebererkrankungen. Die Histologie der Leber hCG-behandelter Tiere wies außerdem signifikant weniger apoptotische Zellen und eine deutliche Reduktion infiltrierender CD4+ T-Zellen auf. Die Analyse des hCG-Signalweges zeigte, dass hCG die Langlebigkeitsproteine Foxo3a und Sirt1 reguliert. Die Aktivierung des PI3-Kinase/Akt-Signalweges durch hCG führte zu einem Transport des Transkriptionsfaktors Foxo3a aus dem Zellkern, wodurch die proapoptotischen Zielgene Bim und Puma nicht mehr transkribiert werden können. Eine zusätzliche Hemmung von Foxo3a erfolgte durch die Aktivierung der Deacetylase Sirt1, indem diese phosphoryliert wird und in den Zellkern transloziert. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurde der immunsuppressive Effekt von hCG näher betrachtet. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass hCG effektiv die proteolytische Aktivität der Caspase-3 in Hepatozyten hemmt, wodurch die Ausschüttung der biologisch aktiven Form von Interleukin-16, einem chemotaktischen Faktor für CD4+ Zellen, herabgesetzt wird. Dadurch wird die Leber erfolgreich vor der Infiltration durch autoaggressive CD4+ Zellen geschützt. IL-16 spielt bei vielen inflammatorischen Krankheiten eine Rolle, was auch in dieser Arbeit durch den Nachweis hoher IL-16-Konzentrationen in Seren von Patienten mit autoimmuner Hepatitis bestätigt werden konnte. Die in dieser Studie beschriebene Wirkung von hCG und die Tatsache, dass hCG ein bereits bewährtes und auf Nebenwirkungen getestetes Medikament bei Infertilität ist, macht es zu einem idealen Kandidaten für immunsuppressive Therapieansätze bei akuten und chronisch entzündlichen Lebererkrankungen.


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Adverse events in utero may predispose to cardiovascular disease in adulthood. The underlying mechanisms are unknown. During preeclampsia, vasculotoxic factors are released into the maternal circulation by the diseased placenta. We speculated that these factors pass the placental barrier and leave a defect in the circulation of the offspring that predisposes to a pathological response later in life. The hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure is expected to facilitate the detection of this problem.


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During pregnancy, trophoblasts grow to adapt the feto-maternal unit to fetal requirements. Aldosterone and cortisol levels increase, the latter being inactivated by a healthy placenta. By contrast, preeclamptic placental growth is reduced while aldosterone levels are low and placental cortisol tissue levels are high due to improper deactivation. Aldosterone acts as a growth factor in many tissues, whereas cortisol inhibits growth. We hypothesized that in preeclampsia low aldosterone and enhanced cortisol availability might mutually affect placental growth and function. Proliferation of cultured human trophoblasts was time- and dose-dependently increased with aldosterone (P < 0.04 to P < 0.0001) and inhibited by spironolactone and glucocorticoids (P < 0.01). Mineralo- and glucocorticoid receptor expression and activation upon agonist stimulation was verified by visualization of nuclear translocation of the receptors. Functional aldosterone deficiency simulated in pregnant mice by spironolactone treatment (15 μg/g body weight/day) led to a reduced fetal umbilical blood flow (P < 0.05). In rat (P < 0.05; R(2) = 0.2055) and human (X(2) = 3.85; P = 0.0249) pregnancy, placental size was positively related to plasma aldosterone. Autocrine production of these steroid hormones was excluded functionally and via the absence of specific enzymatic transcripts for CYP11B2 and CYP11B1. In conclusion, activation of mineralocorticoid receptors by maternal aldosterone appears to be required for trophoblast growth and a normal feto-placental function. Thus, low aldosterone levels and enhanced cortisol availability may be one explanation for the reduced placental size in preeclampsia and related disorders.


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TRPV6 belongs to the vanilloid family of the transient receptor potential channel (TRP) superfamily. This calcium-selective channel is highly expressed in the duodenum and the placenta, being responsible for calcium absorption in the body and fetus. Previous observations have suggested that TRPV6 is not only permeable to calcium but also to other divalent cations in epithelial tissues. In this study, we tested whether TRPV6 is indeed also permeable to cations such as zinc and cadmium. We found that the basal intracellular calcium concentration was higher in HEK293 cells transfected with hTRPV6 than in non-transfected cells, and that this difference almost disappeared in nominally calcium-free solution. Live cell imaging experiments with Fura-2 and NewPort Green DCF showed that overexpression of human TRPV6 increased the permeability for Ca(2+), Ba(2+), Sr(2+), Mn(2+), Zn(2+), Cd(2+), and interestingly also for La(3+) and Gd(3+). These results were confirmed using the patch clamp technique. (45)Ca uptake experiments showed that cadmium, lanthanum and gadolinium were also highly efficient inhibitors of TRPV6-mediated calcium influx at higher micromolar concentrations. Our results suggest that TRPV6 is not only involved in calcium transport but also in the transport of other divalent cations, including heavy metal ions, which may have toxicological implications.


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Preeclampsia is associated with perinatal brain injury. Autologous placenta stem cell transplantation represents a promising future treatment option for neuroregeneration. The aim of this study was to compare the neuroregenerative capacity of preeclampsia-placenta stem cells to previously characterized placentas from uncomplicated pregnancies.


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The ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates the transport of cholesterol, phospholipids, and other lipophilic molecules across cellular membranes. Recent data provide evidence that ABCA1 plays an important role in placental function but the exact cellular sites of ABCA1 action in the placenta remain controversial. To clarify this issue, we analyzed the cellular and subcellular localization of ABCA1 with immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence and subsequent confocal or immunofluorescence microscopy in different types of isolated primary placenta cells: cytotrophoblast cells, amnion epithelial cells, villous macrophages (Hofbauer cells), and mesenchymal cells isolated from chorionic membrane and placental villi. After 12 h of cultivation, primary cytotrophoblast cells showed intensive membrane and cytoplasmic staining for ABCA1. After 24 h, with progressive syncytium formation, ABCA1 staining intensity was markedly reduced and ABCA1 was dispersed in the cytoplasm of the forming syncytial layer. In amnion epithelial cells, placental macrophages and mesenchymal cells, ABCA1 was predominantly localized at the cell membrane and cytoplasmic compartments partially corresponding to the endoplasmic reticulum. In these cell types, the ABCA1 staining intensity was not dependent on the cultivation time. In conclusion, ABCA1 shows marked expression levels in diverse placental cell types. The multitopic localization of ABCA1 in diverse human placental cells not all directly involved in materno-fetal exchange suggests that this protein may not only participate in transplacental lipid transport but could have additional regulatory functions.


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Few biopharmaceutical preparations developed from biologicals are available for tissue regeneration and scar management. When developing biological treatments with cellular therapy, selection of cell types and establishment of consistent cell banks are crucial steps in whole-cell bioprocessing. Various cell types have been used in treatment of wounds to reduce scar to date including autolog and allogenic skin cells, platelets, placenta, and amniotic extracts. Experience with fetal cells show that they may provide an interesting cell choice due to facility of outscaling and known properties for wound healing without scar. Differential gene profiling has helped to point to potential indicators of repair which include cell adhesion, extracellular matrix, cytokines, growth factors, and development. Safety has been evidenced in Phase I and II clinical fetal cell use for burn and wound treatments with different cell delivery systems. We present herein that fetal cells present technical and therapeutic advantages compared to other cell types for effective cell-based therapy for wound and scar management.


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Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of human recombinant activated factor VII (rhFVIIa, NovoSeven) in avoiding hysterectomy postpartum in the management of severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Methods: We performed a prospective cohort study at our university tertiary care center. Patients with severe post partum hemorrhage (blood loss >2000 mL) and failed medical and uterus-preserving surgical management, were treated with intravenous bolus administration of rhVIIa. Main outcome measures were cessation of bleeding, postpartum hysterectomy and thromboembolic events. Results: In 20/22 patients included, PPH was caused primarily by uterine atony, including 7 (32%) with additional lower genital tract lesion; in two women, it was due to pathologic placentation (placenta increta, 9%). One case of amniotic fluid embolism and one woman with uterine inversion were included. Recombinant hFVIIa was successful in stopping the PPH and in preventing a hysterectomy in 20/22 women (91%). The remaining two patients with persistent bleeding despite rhFVIIa treatment, who underwent postpartum hysterectomy, had placenta increta. No thromboembolic event was noticed. Conclusions: This study describes the largest single center series of rhFVIIa treatment for fertility preservation in severe postpartum hemorrhage published to date. Our data suggest that administration of rhFVIIa is effective in avoiding postpartum hysterectomy after conservative medical and surgical measures have failed. Although randomized studies are lacking, rhFVIIa should be considered as a second-line therapeutic option of life-threatening postpartal bleeding, in particular if preservation of fertility is warranted and hysterectomy is to be avoided.


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Colostrum feeding in small ruminants is crucial during the first hours after birth due to the lack of Ig transfer during pregnancy via the placenta. In addition the immature immune system of the neonate is slow to produce its own Ig during the first weeks of life. Colostrogenesis, i.e. the transfer of Ig from blood into mammary secretions, starts several weeks prepartum. In goat plasma, immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration decreases by around 38% from the third month of gestation until partum, which coincides with the dry period. Thus, management during the dry period is crucial for the course of colostrogenesis. The colostrum synthesis is determined by the nutrition during the prepartum period, but the transfer of Ig is obviously independent of nutritional influences. The administration of conjugated linoleic acid during the dry period to dairy goats causes a less pronounced decrease of blood plasma IgG concentration (6%) but it did not change colostral IgG levels. In cattle, IgG1 is transported from blood into colostrum by an IgG1 specific receptor located on the surface of alveolar epithelial cells during colostrogenesis, and this is most likely similar in small ruminants. Via inactivation of this receptor, the Ig transfer is downregulated by increasing prolactin (PRL) during lactogenesis. It was recently observed in goats treated with PGF2 alpha, in order to induce parturition, lower colostrum IgG concentrations occurred concomitantly with an earlier increase of plasma PRL as compared to untreated animals. The effect of litter size and number of lactations on colostral IgG concentration in small ruminants has not been made fully clear until now most likely due to the different breeds used in the published studies.


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TRPV6, a highly calcium-selective member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel superfamily, is a major pathway for calcium absorption in the fetal and adult body. It is expressed abundantly in the duodenum, the placenta and exocrine tissues. TRVP6 was postulated to contribute to store-operated calcium channel (SOC) activity in certain cell types such as exocrine cells. In this study, we tested 2-APB, a widely used SOC inhibitor on human TRPV6 (hTRPV6) activity using fluorescence imaging, patch clamp and radioactive tracer techniques in transiently and stably transfected HEK293 cells. We found that the basal calcium and cadmium influx was higher in HEK293 cells transfected with hTRPV6 than in non-transfected cells. 2-APB inhibited hTRPV6 activity in both transient and stably transfected cells. This effect was slightly sensitive toward extracellular calcium. The extracellular sodium concentration did not affect the inhibition of hTRPV6 by 2-APB. However, N-methyl-d-glucamine significantly diminished the inhibitory effect of 2-APB presumably through direct interaction with this compound. Furthermore, 2-APB inhibited the activity of TRPV6 orthologs but not human TRPV5. 2-APB may serve as a parental compound for the development of therapeutic strategies specifically targeting the hTRPV6 calcium channel.