921 resultados para Business process performance
Si tratta di un'analisi della piattaforma di sviluppo per BPMN Activiti. Viene prima spiegata la notazione del Business Process Modeling e poi viene descritto il funzionamento e la struttura di Activiti. Infine viene spiegato come usare le API fornite insieme al motore.
Integrating physical objects (smart objects) and enterprise IT systems is still a labor intensive, mainly manual task done by domain experts. On one hand, enterprise IT backend systems are based on service oriented architectures (SOA) and driven by business rule engines or business process execution engines. Smart objects on the other hand are often programmed at very low levels. In this paper we describe an approach that makes the integration of smart objects with such backends systems easier. We introduce semantic endpoint descriptions based on Linked USDL. Furthermore, we show how different communication patterns can be integrated into these endpoint descriptions. The strength of our endpoint descriptions is that they can be used to automatically create REST or SOAP endpoints for enterprise systems, even if which they are not able to talk to the smart objects directly. We evaluate our proposed solution with CoAP, UDP and 6LoWPAN, as we anticipate the industry converge towards these standards. Nonetheless, our approach also allows easy integration with backend systems, even if no standardized protocol is used.
An action of modelling of the Territorial Intelligence Community Systems or TICS began in 2009 at the end of the CaEnti project. It has several objectives: - Establish a set of documents understandable by computer specialists who are in charge of software developments, and by territorial intelligence specialists. - Lay the foundation of a vocabulary describing the main notions of TICS domain. - Ensure the evolution and sustainability of tools and systems, in a highly scalable research context. The definition of models representing the data manipulated by the tools of the suitcase Catalyse is not sufficient to describe in a complete way the TICS domain. We established a correspondence between this computer vocabulary and vocabulary related to the theme to allow communication between computer scientists and territorial intelligence specialists. Furthermore it is necessary to describe the roles of TICS. For that it is interesting to use other kinds of computing models. In this communication we present the modelling of TICS project with business process
An action of modelling of the Territorial Intelligence Community Systems or TICS began in 2009 at the end of the CaEnti project. It has several objectives: - Establish a set of documents understandable by computer specialists who are in charge of software developments, and by territorial intelligence specialists. - Lay the foundation of a vocabulary describing the main notions of TICS domain. - Ensure the evolution and sustainability of tools and systems, in a highly scalable research context. The definition of models representing the data manipulated by the tools of the suitcase Catalyse is not sufficient to describe in a complete way the TICS domain. We established a correspondence between this computer vocabulary and vocabulary related to the theme to allow communication between computer scientists and territorial intelligence specialists. Furthermore it is necessary to describe the roles of TICS. For that it is interesting to use other kinds of computing models. In this communication we present the modelling of TICS project with business process
An action of modelling of the Territorial Intelligence Community Systems or TICS began in 2009 at the end of the CaEnti project. It has several objectives: - Establish a set of documents understandable by computer specialists who are in charge of software developments, and by territorial intelligence specialists. - Lay the foundation of a vocabulary describing the main notions of TICS domain. - Ensure the evolution and sustainability of tools and systems, in a highly scalable research context. The definition of models representing the data manipulated by the tools of the suitcase Catalyse is not sufficient to describe in a complete way the TICS domain. We established a correspondence between this computer vocabulary and vocabulary related to the theme to allow communication between computer scientists and territorial intelligence specialists. Furthermore it is necessary to describe the roles of TICS. For that it is interesting to use other kinds of computing models. In this communication we present the modelling of TICS project with business process
This paper describes an infrastructure for the automated evaluation of semantic technologies and, in particular, semantic search technologies. For this purpose, we present an evaluation framework which follows a service-oriented approach for evaluating semantic technologies and uses the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) to define evaluation workflows that can be executed by process engines. This framework supports a variety of evaluations, from different semantic areas, including search, and is extendible to new evaluations. We show how BPEL addresses this diversity as well as how it is used to solve specific challenges such as heterogeneity, error handling and reuse
En los últimos años hemos sido testigos de la creciente demanda de software para resolver problemas cada vez más complejos y de mayor valor agregado. Bajo estas circunstancias, nos podemos hacer la siguiente pregunta: ¿Está preparada la industria de software para entregar el software que se necesita en los próximos años, de acuerdo con las demandas del cliente? Hoy en día, muchos expertos creen que el éxito de esta industria dependerá de su capacidad para gestionar los proyectos, las personas y los recursos. En este sentido, la gestión de proyectos es un factor clave para el éxito de los proyectos software en todo el mundo. Además, considerando que las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas de software (PYMEs) representan el 99,87% de las empresas españolas, es vital para este tipo de empresas la implementación de los procesos involucrados con la gestión de proyectos. Es cierto que existen muchos modelos que mejoran la eficacia de la gestión de proyectos, pero la mayoría de ellos se centra únicamente en dos procesos: la planificación del proyecto y la monitorización y control del proyecto, ninguno de los cuales a menudo es asequible para las PYMEs. Estos modelos se basan en el consenso de un grupo de trabajo designado para establecer cómo debe ser gestionado el proceso software. Los modelos son bastante útiles ya que proporcionan lineamientos generales sobre dónde empezar a mejorar la gestión de los proyectos, y en qué orden, a personas que no saben cómo hacerlo. Sin embargo, como se ha dicho anteriormente, la mayoría de estos modelos solamente funcionan en escenarios dentro de las grandes empresas. Por lo tanto, es necesario adaptar los modelos y herramientas para el contexto de PYMEs. Esta tesis doctoral presenta una solución complementaria basada en la aplicación de un metamodelo. Este metamodelo es creado para mejorar la calidad de los procesos de la gestión de proyectos a través de la incorporación de prácticas eficaces identificadas a través del análisis y estudio de los modelos y normas existentes relacionadas con la gestión de proyectos. viii ProMEP – Metamodelo para la gestión de proyectos Por lo tanto, el metamodelo PROMEP (Gestión de Proyectos basada en Prácticas Efectivas) permitirá establecer un proceso estándar de gestión de proyectos que puede adaptarse a los proyectos de cada empresa a través de dos pasos: En primer lugar, para obtener una fotografía instantánea (o base) de los procesos de gestión de proyectos de las PYMEs se creó un cuestionario de dos fases para identificar tanto las prácticas realizadas y como las no realizadas. El cuestionario propuesto se basa en el Modelo de Madurez y Capacidad Integrado para el Desarrollo v1.2 (CMMI-DEV v1.2). Como resultado adicional, se espera que la aplicación de este cuestionario ayude a las PYMEs a identificar aquellas prácticas que se llevan a cabo, pero no son documentadas, aquellas que necesitan más atención, y aquellas que no se realizan debido a la mala gestión o al desconocimiento. En segundo lugar, para apoyar fácilmente y eficazmente las tareas de gestión de proyectos software del metamodelo PROMEP, se diseñó una biblioteca de activos de proceso (PAL) para apoyar la definición de los procesos de gestión de proyectos y realizar una gestión cuantitativa de cada proyecto de las PYMEs. Ambos pasos se han implementado como una herramienta computacional que apoya nuestro enfoque de metamodelo. En concreto, la presente investigación propone la construcción del metamodelo PROMEP para aquellas PYMEs que desarrollan productos software de tal forma que les permita planificar, monitorizar y controlar sus proyectos software, identificar los riesgos y tomar las medidas correctivas necesarias, establecer y mantener un conjunto de activos de proceso, definir un mecanismo cuantitativo para predecir el rendimiento de los procesos, y obtener información de mejora. Por lo tanto, nuestro estudio sugiere un metamodelo alternativo para lograr mayores niveles de rendimiento en los entornos de PYMEs. Así, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es ayudar a reducir los excesos de trabajo y el tiempo de entrega, y aumentar así la calidad del software producido en este tipo de organizaciones. Abstract In recent years we have been witnessing the increasing demand for software to solve more and more complex tasks and greater added value. Under these circumstances, we can ourselves the following question: Is the software industry prepared to deliver the software that is needed in the coming years, according to client demands? Nowadays, many experts believe that the industry’ success will depend on its capacity to manage the projects, people and resources. In this sense, project management is a key factor for software project success around the world. Moreover, taking into account that small and medium-sized software enterprises (SMSe) are the 99.87% of the Spanish enterprises, it is vital for this type of enterprises to implement the processes involved in project management. It is true that there are many models that improve the project management effectiveness, but most of them are focused only on two processes: project planning and project monitoring and control, neither of which is affordable for SMSe. Such models are based on the consensus of a designated working group on how software process should be managed. They are very useful in that they provide general guidelines on where to start improving the project management, and in which order, to people who do not know how to do it. However, as we said, the majority of these models have only worked in scenarios within large companies. So, it is necessary to adapt these models and tools to the context of SMSe. A complementary solution based on the implementation of a metamodel is presented in this thesis. This metamodel is created to improve the quality of project management processes through the incorporation of effective practices identified through the analysis and study of relevant models and standards related to project management. Thus, the PROMEP (PROject Management based on Effective Practices) metamodel will allow establishing a project management standard process to be tailored to each enterprise’s project through two steps: Firstly, to obtain a baseline snapshot of project management processes in SMSe a two-phase questionnaire was created to identify both performed and nonperformed practices. The x ProMEP – Metamodelo para la gestión de proyectos proposed questionnaire is based on Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development v1.2. As additional result, it is expected that the application of the questionnaire to the processes will help SMSe to identify those practices which are performed but not documented, which practices need more attention, and which are not implemented due to bad management or unawareness. Secondly, to easily an effectively support the software project management tasks in the PROMEP metamodel, a Process Asset Library (PAL) is designed to support the definition of project management processes and to achieve quantitative project management in SMSe. Both steps have been implemented as a computational tool that supports our metamodel approach. Concretely, the present research proposes the accomplishment of the PROMEP metamodel for those SMSe which develop software products and enable them to plan, supervise and control their software projects, identify risks and take corrective actions, establish and maintain a set of process assets, define quantitative models that predict the process performance, and provide improvement information. So, our study suggests an alternative metamodel to achieve higher performance levels in the SMSe environments. The main objective of this thesis is help to reduce software overruns and delivery time, and increase software quality in these types of organizations.
New technologies such as, the new Information and Communication Technology ICT, break new paths and redefines the way we understand business, the Cloud Computing is one of them. The on demand resource gathering and the per usage payment scheme are now commonplace, and allows companies to save on their ICT investments. Despite the importance of this issue, we still lack methodologies that help companies, to develop applications oriented for its exploitation in the Cloud. In this study we aim to fill this gap and propose a methodology for the development of ICT applications, which are directed towards a business model, and further outsourcing in the Cloud. In the former the Development of SOA applications, we take, as a baseline scenario, a business model from which to obtain a business process model. To this end, we use software engineering tools; and in the latter The Outsourcing we propose a guide that would facilitate uploading business models into the Cloud; to this end we describe a SOA governance model, which controls the SOA. Additionally we propose a Cloud government that integrates Service Level Agreements SLAs, plus SOA governance, and Cloud architecture. Finally we apply our methodology in an example illustrating our proposal. We believe that our proposal can be used as a guide/pattern for the development of business applications.
We introduce the need for a distributed guideline-based decision sup-port (DSS) process, describe its characteristics, and explain how we implement-ed this process within the European Union?s MobiGuide project. In particular, we have developed a mechanism of sequential, piecemeal projection, i.e., 'downloading' small portions of the guideline from the central DSS server, to the local DSS in the patient's mobile device, which then applies that portion, us-ing the mobile device's local resources. The mobile device sends a callback to the central DSS when it encounters a triggering pattern predefined in the pro-jected module, which leads to an appropriate predefined action by the central DSS, including sending a new projected module, or directly controlling the rest of the workflow. We suggest that such a distributed architecture that explicitly defines a dialog between a central DSS server and a local DSS module, better balances the computational load and exploits the relative advantages of the cen-tral server and of the local mobile device.
A qualidade da dispersão de gás em células de flotação é comumente caracterizada através de parâmetros como velocidade superficial do gás (Jg), hold-up do gás (?g), distribuição de tamanho de bolha (db ou D3,2) e fluxo de superfície de bolha (Sb). Sendo um processo de separação de minerais que é dependente da interação (colisão + adesão) entre partículas hidrofóbicas e bolhas de ar, a flotação tem seu desempenho dependente de uma dispersão de gás apropriada na polpa de minério. Desta forma, este trabalho objetivou caracterizar o estado da dispersão de gás de duas células em um banco composto por quatro células Wemco de 42,5 m³ (subaeradas), operando em série na usina da Vale Fertilizantes (Cajati-SP). Realizaram-se três campanhas de medidas que foram conduzidas sob diferentes condições operacionais: a) Diâmetro do rotor (D) de 1,09 m e rotação (N) entre 145 RPM e 175 RPM; b) D = 0,99 m e N entre 110 RPM e 190 RPM; c) D = 0,99 m e N de 120 RPM e de 130 RPM. Observaram-se os seguintes valores de dispersão de gás: 0,7 <= Jg <= 5,4 cm/s, 7 <= ?g <= 15%, 1,6 <= D3,2 <= 2,4 mm e Sb na faixa de 24 a 162 s-1. A magnitude de Jg medida na 1ª e 2ª campanhas mostrou-se acima dos valores reportados pela literatura, indicando necessidade de modificação de condições operacionais dos equipamentos, assim como cuidadosa manutenção. Posteriormente, a 3ª campanha indicou maior conformidade dos parâmetros de dispersão de gás em relação à literatura, constatando-se uma considerável melhora de desempenho do processo de flotação.
No mercado global e digital, as empresas são desafiadas a encontrar caminhos inovadores para atender o aumento da pressão -competitiva. A competição é uma das formas de interação das organizações, além da colaboração e da cooperação. A cooperação e a colaboração apresentam formas de produzir conjuntamente aumentando o potencial de atendimento das empresas. Os desafios mais encontrados no mercado são: reduzir os custos, sempre assegurar qualidade e personalizar os produtos e serviços. Um fenômeno de negócios comum hoje é a terceirização da manufatura e da logística para fornecedores domésticos e estrangeiros e provedores de serviços. Essa terceirização provoca, intrinsecamente, um espalhamento geográfico da produção em novos centros que oferecem vantagens nos recursos energéticos, matérias primas e centros de produção de conhecimento. Essa terceirização pode ser realizada também nas formas de colaboração e cooperação. Para isso, as empresas necessitam estabelecer uma forma de confiança entre si. No conceito de empresa virtual, a confiança é amplamente discutida para atingir uma colaboração e/ou cooperação entre empresas. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor e modelar uma ferramenta que atenda as necessidades das empresas para colaboração e/ou cooperação entre elas, considerando suas necessidades de confiança. As empresas aqui são vistas como sistemas produtivos, com suas camadas de gerenciamento de negócios, de acordo com o padrão ANSI/ISA 95. Além disso, um tipo de interpretação da rede de Petri, chamada de rede de Petri produtiva é introduzida como ferramenta para descrever o processo produtivo realizado pelas empresas na forma de workflow. A modelagem dessa arquitetura do sistema produtivo utiliza técnicas de sistemas distribuídos, como a arquitetura orientada a serviços. Além disso, um dos enfoques é das necessidades para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, que envolve o desafio de personalização. Testes foram realizados para avaliar a proposta de workflow com pessoas de diferentes níveis de conhecimento sobre os processos, sejam de manufatura, sejam de outras áreas. Já a arquitetura proposta foi submetida a um estudo analítico das hipóteses levantadas no ambiente colaborativo.
Cloud Agile Manufacturing is a new paradigm proposed in this article. The main objective of Cloud Agile Manufacturing is to offer industrial production systems as a service. Thus users can access any functionality available in the cloud of manufacturing (process design, production, management, business integration, factories virtualization, etc.) without knowledge — or at least without having to be experts — in managing the required resources. The proposal takes advantage of many of the benefits that can offer technologies and models like: Business Process Management (BPM), Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Ontologies. To develop the proposal has been taken as a starting point the Semantic Industrial Machinery as a Service (SIMaaS) proposed in previous work. This proposal facilitates the effective integration of industrial machinery in a computing environment, offering it as a network service. The work also includes an analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of the proposal.
This paper proposes a new manufacturing paradigm, we call Cloud Agile Manufacturing, and whose principal objective is to offer industrial production systems as a service. Thus users can access any functionality available in the cloud of manufacturing (process design, production, management, business integration, factories virtualization, etc.) without knowledge — or at least without having to be experts — in managing the required resources. The proposal takes advantage of many of the benefits that can offer technologies and models like: Business Process Management (BPM), Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Ontologies. To develop the proposal has been taken as a starting point the Semantic Industrial Machinery as a Service (SIMaaS) proposed in previous work. This proposal facilitates the effective integration of industrial machinery in a computing environment, offering it as a network service. The work also includes an analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of the proposal.
Society today is completely dependent on computer networks, the Internet and distributed systems, which place at our disposal the necessary services to perform our daily tasks. Subconsciously, we rely increasingly on network management systems. These systems allow us to, in general, maintain, manage, configure, scale, adapt, modify, edit, protect, and enhance the main distributed systems. Their role is secondary and is unknown and transparent to the users. They provide the necessary support to maintain the distributed systems whose services we use every day. If we do not consider network management systems during the development stage of distributed systems, then there could be serious consequences or even total failures in the development of the distributed system. It is necessary, therefore, to consider the management of the systems within the design of the distributed systems and to systematise their design to minimise the impact of network management in distributed systems projects. In this paper, we present a framework that allows the design of network management systems systematically. To accomplish this goal, formal modelling tools are used for modelling different views sequentially proposed of the same problem. These views cover all the aspects that are involved in the system; based on process definitions for identifying responsible and defining the involved agents to propose the deployment in a distributed architecture that is both feasible and appropriate.
A Mass Customisation model is discussed as a competitive positioning strategy in the marketplace adding value to the customer’s end-use. It includes the user as part of the construction process responding to the customer’s demands and wishes. To the present day, almost all proposals for Mass Customisation have been focused on the design phase and single family houses. The reality is that the processes carried out in the work execution are so inefficient that the costs of the Mass Customisation models are assumed by the customer and they do not offer solutions that support the change management. Furthermore, this inefficiency often makes Mass Customisation unfeasible in terms of deadlines and site management. Therefore, the present proposal focuses on achieving the paradigm of Mass Customisation in the traditional residential construction complementary to the existing proposals in the design phase. All this through the proposal of a framework for the integral management in the work execution, which will address change management introduced by the users offering an efficient and productive model that reduces costs in the process. This model will focus on the synergy between different strategies, techniques and technologies currently used in the construction management (such as Lean Construction or Six Sigma), together with, other strategies and technologies that have proven to be valid solutions in other fields (such as Business Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, etc.).