829 resultados para Business Process Improvement


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Las multinacionales son reconocidas por su perdurabilidad en el tiempo, todas tienen procesos operativos que permiten alcanzar los objetivos del negocio. Boehringer Ingelheim es una compañía con mas de 128 años en el negocio farmacéutico que se caracteriza por su trascendencia familiar. Esta es una de las pocas empresas que no tienen accionistas y es un caso de éxito en la industria. En Colombia, esta empresa se ve enfrentada a otros grandes laboratorios como lo son Pfizer, Novartis, Bayer, Roche, Tecnoquimicas, entre otros; por lo cual debe estar a la vanguardia tanto en medicamentos, tecnología y procesos. Este trabajo propone la mejora de uno de los procesos del área de mercadeo en el cual se ven involucradas las áreas de ventas y contabilidad, buscando reducir el tiempo operativo para ser implementado en actividades de mayor valor que beneficien a la empresa.


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Los sistemas y las tecnologías de información son un elemento vital de las organizaciones exitosas. Por eso constituyen un área esencial de estudio en la administración y dirección de un negocio. Actualmente, la investigación sobre la TI y el desempeño de negocios ha descubierto que cuanto más tenga éxito una empresa para alinear la tecnología de la información con sus objetivos de negocios, mayor será su rentabilidad, y solo una cuarta parte de las empresas logran una alineación entre la TI y los negocios (Luffman, 2003) Esta fuerte tendencia ha tenido un auge interesante en compañías colombianas de todos los tamaños y sectores de la economía; por esta razón hemos buscado abordar una compañía colombiana de talla internacional para describir el proceso de implementación de su sistema de gestión de recursos empresariales (ERP) SAP ECC y su integración dentro de General Motors Colmotores; principalmente con el fin de realizar un análisis del uso que la compañía le está dando a los principales módulos y sub-módulos de contabilidad, ventas y compras de SAP. Este proyecto es muy pertinente especialmente para todos aquellos estudiantes e interesados en el uso y aprovechamiento de los sistemas de información de una compañía, por lo cual se sintetizara la experiencia durante su preparación para la implementación, el desarrollo de la misma y los principales resultados, percibidos por los empleados directamente involucrados, los cuales serán abordados por medio de visitas programadas y entrevistas a profundidad; esto facilitara y permitirá evidenciar de cerca la realidad de la compañía General Motors Colmotores con SAP.


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Siguiendo un marco teórico integrado por varios autores entorno a los sistemas de control de gestión a lo largo de varias décadas, este trabajo pretende estudiar y contrastar la relación entre el desarrollo de dichos sistemas y los recursos y capacidades. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio de caso en Teleperformance Colombia (TC), una empresa dedicada a prestación de servicio de tercerización de procesos o business process outsourcing. En el estudio se establecieron dos variables para evaluar el desarrollo de sistema de control de gestión: el diseño y el uso. A su vez, para cada uno de ellos, se definieron los indicadores y preguntas que permitieran realizar la observación y posterior análisis. De igual manera, se seleccionaron los recursos y capacidades más importantes para el desarrollo del negocio: innovación, aprendizaje organizacional y capital humano. Sobre estos se validó la existencia de relación con el SCG implementado en TC. La información obtenida fue analizada y contrastada a través de pruebas estadísticas ampliamente utilizadas en este tipo de estudios en las ciencias sociales. Finalmente, se analizaron seis posibles relaciones de las cuales, solamente se ratificó el relacionamiento positivo entre uso de sistema de control gestión y el recurso y capacidad capital humano. El resto de relacionamientos, refutaron los planteamientos teóricos que establecían cierta influencia de los sistemas de control de gestión sobre recursos y capacidades de innovación y aprendizaje organizacional.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer un estudio sobre la cadena de suministros en organizaciones empresariales desde la Dinámica de Sistemas y como esta puede aportar al desempeño y el control de las cadenas de suministros. Se buscará Abordar el cocimiento sobre tres perspectivas de Supply Chain y su relación con la dinámica de sistemas. También se buscará identificar los tipos de integración en las actividades de la gestión en la cadena de suministros y sus horizontes de planeación. Por último, se pretende analizar las aplicaciones de Supply Chain Management que se han basado en el uso de la metodología de dinámica de sistemas. Para esto, la investigación empezará por definir la problemática alrededor de unir estas dos áreas y definirá el marco teórico que fundan estas dos disciplinas. Luego se abordará la metodología usada por la Dinámica de Sistemas y los diferentes aspectos de la cadena de suministros. Se Ahondará en el acercamiento de las dos disciplinas y como convergen ayudando la SD a la SCM (Supply Chain Management). En este punto también se describirán los trabajos en los diferentes enfoques que se han hecho a partir de uso de la dinámica de sistemas. Por último, presentaremos las correspondientes conclusiones y comentarios acerca de este campo de investigación y su pertinencia en el campo de la Supply Chain. Esta investigación abarca dos grandes corrientes de pensamiento, una sistémica, a través de la metodología de dinámica de sistemas y la otra, lógico analítica la cual es usada en Supply Chain. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura sobre las aplicaciones de dinámica de sistemas (SD) en el área de Supply Chain, sus puntos en común y se documentaron importantes empleos de esta metodología que se han hecho en la gestión de la cadena de suministros.


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Nowadays, companies are living great difficulties on managing their business due to constant and unpredictable economic market fluctuations. Recent changes in market trends (such as the constant demand for new products and services, mass customization and the drastic reduction of delivery time) lead companies to adopt strategies of creating partnerships with other companies as a way to respond effectively to such difficult economical times. Collaborative Networks’ concept born by the consequence of companies could no longer consider their internal business processes’ management as sufficient and tend to seek for a collaborative approach with other partners for their critical processes. Information technologies (ICT) assumed a major role acting as “enablers” of these kinds of networks, enhancing information sharing and business process integration. Several new trends concerning ICT architectures have been created to support collaborative networks requirements, but still doesn’t exist a common platform to reduce the needed integration effort on virtual organizations. This study aims to investigate the current technological solutions available in the market which enhances the management of companies’ business processes (specially, Collaborative Planning). Finally, the research work ends with the presentation of a conceptual model to answer to the constraints evaluated.


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It is contended that competitiveness is better understood as a discourse rather than as a characteristic that is supposedly possessed. The discourse of competitiveness derives its legitimacy from the enterprise culture that came to dominance during the 1980s. Current popularized theories of competitiveness are constituent parts of this broader discourse, which has had significant material implications for the UK construction sector. The dominant discourse of competitiveness amongst contracting firms is shaped by the need to achieve structural flexibility to cope with fluctuations in demand. Fashionable espoused improvement recipes such as total quality management, business process re-engineering, and lean construction legitimize and reinforce the material manifestations of the enterprise culture. In consequence, the UK industry is characterized by a plethora of hollowed-out firms that have failed to invest in their human capital. While the adopted model may be rational for individual firms, the systemic effect across the sector as a whole equates to a form of anorexia. However, the discourse of competitiveness is by no means monolithic and continues to be contested locally. There have also been numerous counter-discourses that have been mobilized in response to the undesirable externalities of unbridled enterprise. Currently, important counter-discourses promote the ideas of sustainability and corporate social responsibility.


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It has been asserted that business reorganisation and new working practices are transforming the nature of demand for business space. Downsizing, delayering, business process reengineering and associated initiatives alter the amount, type and location of space required by firms. The literature has neglected the impact of real estate market structures on the ability of organisations to successfully implement these new organisational forms or contemporary working practices. Drawing from UK research, the paper demonstrates that, while new working practices are widespread, their impact on the corporate real estate portfolio is less dramatic than often supposed. In part, this is attributed to inflexibility in market structures which constrains the supply of appropriate space.


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Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been recognised as an important tool in modern business management for closing the gap between strategy and its execution. The current literature implies that for EA to be successful, it should have clearly defined goals. However, the goals of different stakeholders are found to be different, even contradictory. In our explorative research, we seek an answer to the questions: What kind of goals are set for the EA implementation? How do the goals evolve during the time? Are the goals different among stakeholders? How do they affect the success of EA? We analysed an EA pilot conducted among eleven Finnish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in 2011. The goals of the pilot were gathered from three different stages of the pilot: before the pilot, during the pilot, and after the pilot, by means of a project plan, interviews during the pilot and a questionnaire after the pilot. The data was analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods. Eight distinct goals were recognised by the coding: Adopt EA Method, Build Information Systems, Business Development, Improve Reporting, Process Improvement, Quality Assurance, Reduce Complexity, and Understand the Big Picture. The success of the pilot was analysed statistically using the scale 1-5. Results revealed that goals set before the pilot were very different from those mentioned during the pilot, or after the pilot. Goals before the pilot were mostly related to expected benefits from the pilot, whereas the most important result was to adopt the EA method. Results can be explained by possibly different roles of respondents, which in turn were most likely caused by poor communication. Interestingly, goals mentioned by different stakeholders were not limited to their traditional areas of responsibility. For example, in some cases Chief Information Officers' goals were Quality Assurance and Process Improvement, whereas managers’ goals were Build Information Systems and Adopt EA Method. This could be a result of a good understanding of the meaning of EA, or stakeholders do not regard EA as their concern at all. It is also interesting to notice that regardless of the different perceptions of goals among stakeholders, all HEIs felt the pilot to be successful. Thus the research does not provide support to confirm the link between clear goals and success.


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This paper identifies characteristics of knowledge intensive processes and a method to improve their performance based on analysis of investment banking front office processes. The inability to improve these processes using standard process improvement techniques confirmed that much of the process was not codified and depended on tacit knowledge and skills. This led to the use of a semi-structured analysis of the characteristics of the processes via a questionnaire to identify knowledge intensive processes characteristics that adds to existing theory. Further work identified innovative process analysis and change techniques that could generate improvements based on an analysis of their properties and the issue drivers. An improvement methodology was developed to harness a number of techniques that were found to effective in resolving the issue drivers and improving these knowledge intensive processes.


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O mundo está passando por grandes mudanças que vêm afetando as esferas sociais, tecnológicas, empresariais e mentais. As empresas têm sido ameaçadas por diversos fatores como rapidez no lançamento de novos produtos, interferência dos governos, clientes cada vez mais conscientes e exigentes, aumento da concorrência, globalização e o surgimento constante de novas tecnologias. Essas mudanças exigem das empresas uma estrutura mais flexível capaz de absorver as rápidas necessidades do ambiente, e o formato atual não tem se mostrado adequado para vencer estes desafios. Nesse contexto, a gestão baseada em processos tem se mostrado promissora ao ser incorporada nas principais tecnologias de gestão como BSC, NBR ISO 9000, gestão de custos com ABC, entre outras. Como toda nova abordagem, as tecnologias (ou modelos) baseadas em processos sofrem de vários problemas, sendo alguns já conhecidos, como resistência às mudanças, falta de preparo e apoio insuficiente da alta direção. Os estudos desses fatores são incipientes e em sua maioria não tratam de seus impactos em empresas públicas. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo justamente identificar esses fatores na literatura (teoria e casos de estudo) e confrontá-los com aqueles encontrados em uma empresa pública (estudo de caso), analisando sua pertinência. Os resultados encontrados, além de confirmarem os fatores, sugerem que a sua utilização, na forma de um checklist, podem beneficiar as empresas na prevenção, redução ou eliminação de problemas que impactam ou inviabilizam um projeto.


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Generalized hyper competitiveness in the world markets has determined the need to offer better products to potential and actual clients in order to mark an advantagefrom other competitors. To ensure the production of an adequate product, enterprises need to work on the efficiency and efficacy of their business processes (BPs) by means of the construction of Interactive Information Systems (IISs, including Interactive Multimedia Documents) so that they are processed more fluidly and correctly.The construction of the correct IIS is a major task that can only be successful if the needs from every intervenient are taken into account. Their requirements must bedefined with precision, extensively analyzed and consequently the system must be accurately designed in order to minimize implementation problems so that the IIS isproduced on schedule and with the fewer mistakes as possible. The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of Goals, a software (engineering) construction process which aims at defining the tasks to be carried out in order to develop software. This process defines the stakeholders, the artifacts, and the techniques that should be applied to achieve correctness of the IIS. Complementarily, this process suggests two methodologies to be applied in the initial phases of the lifecycle of the Software Engineering process: Process Use Cases for the phase of requirements, and; MultiGoals for the phases of analysis and design. Process Use Cases is a UML-based (Unified Modeling Language), goal-driven and use case oriented methodology for the definition of functional requirements. It uses an information oriented strategy in order to identify BPs while constructing the enterprise’s information structure, and finalizes with the identification of use cases within the design of these BPs. This approach provides a useful tool for both activities of Business Process Management and Software Engineering. MultiGoals is a UML-based, use case-driven and architectural centric methodology for the analysis and design of IISs with support for Multimedia. It proposes the analysis of user tasks as the basis of the design of the: (i) user interface; (ii) the system behaviour that is modeled by means of patterns which can combine Multimedia and standard information, and; (iii) the database and media contents. This thesis makes the theoretic presentation of these approaches accompanied with examples from a real project which provide the necessary support for the understanding of the used techniques.


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Nowadays, more than half of the computer development projects fail to meet the final users' expectations. One of the main causes is insufficient knowledge about the organization of the enterprise to be supported by the respective information system. The DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) has been proved as a well-defined method to specify, through models and diagrams, the essence of any organization at a high level of abstraction. However, this methodology is platform implementation independent, lacking the possibility of saving and propagating possible changes from the organization models to the implemented software, in a runtime environment. The Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model (UEAOM) is a conceptual schema being used as a basis for a wiki system, to allow the modeling of any organization, independent of its implementation, as well as the previously mentioned change propagation in a runtime environment. Based on DEMO and UEAOM, this project aims to develop efficient and standardized methods, to enable an automatic conversion of DEMO Ontological Models, based on UEAOM specification into BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) models of processes, using clear semantics, without ambiguities, in order to facilitate the creation of processes, almost ready for being executed on workflow systems that support BPMN.


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Software Repository Mining (MSR) is a research area that analyses software repositories in order to derive relevant information for the research and practice of software engineering. The main goal of repository mining is to extract static information from repositories (e.g. code repository or change requisition system) into valuable information providing a way to support the decision making of software projects. On the other hand, another research area called Process Mining (PM) aims to find the characteristics of the underlying process of business organizations, supporting the process improvement and documentation. Recent works have been doing several analyses through MSR and PM techniques: (i) to investigate the evolution of software projects; (ii) to understand the real underlying process of a project; and (iii) create defect prediction models. However, few research works have been focusing on analyzing the contributions of software developers by means of MSR and PM techniques. In this context, this dissertation proposes the development of two empirical studies of assessment of the contribution of software developers to an open-source and a commercial project using those techniques. The contributions of developers are assessed through three different perspectives: (i) buggy commits; (ii) the size of commits; and (iii) the most important bugs. For the opensource project 12.827 commits and 8.410 bugs have been analyzed while 4.663 commits and 1.898 bugs have been analyzed for the commercial project. Our results indicate that, for the open source project, the developers classified as core developers have contributed with more buggy commits (although they have contributed with the majority of commits), more code to the project (commit size) and more important bugs solved while the results could not indicate differences with statistical significance between developer groups for the commercial project


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Uma série de iniciativas para melhoria do processo de software surgiu recentemente visando melhorar a qualidade e a produtividade em organizações de desenvolvimento de software. Alguns modelos e normas têm buscado a implantação de melhorias no processo de desenvolvimento de software, o MPS.BR é um deles. Esse modelo de melhoria de processo é voltado para as micro, pequenas e médias empresas, de forma a atender as suas necessidades de negócio e foi o modelo escolhido para ser explorado nesse trabalho. Várias são as vantagens adquiridas com a implantação de um modelo de melhoria, umas delas é a definição de um processo sistemático de desenvolvimento de software, que auxilie tanto na qualidade e produtividade do processo quanto na qualidade do produto desenvolvido. Com um modelo de processo definido a organização pode contar com diversos benefícios associados à padronização, como, por exemplo, a otimização, a redução de custos com retrabalho, a redução de defeitos nos produtos, dentre outros. Mas não existem modelos prontos que possam ser aplicados diretamente a uma empresa específica de desenvolvimento de software e, por isso, é necessário modelar o processo, customizando-o, com o objetivo final de gerar um modelo que adequadamente represente o processo da organização. Uma das dificuldades para a implantação de modelos como o MPS.BR é a falta de metodologia que mostre como a implantação de melhoria deve ser feita e não apenas o que deve ser feito. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para a implementação do modelo MPS.BR baseada no modelo de implantação IDEAL, através de uma ferramenta específica, chamada WebAPSEE. A metodologia foi experimentada no CTIC - Centro de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação da UFPA que ao final do trabalho foi avaliado Nível G do MPS.BR.