897 resultados para Bryant angles
PURPOSE: To improve the tag persistence throughout the whole cardiac cycle by providing a constant tag-contrast throughout all the cardiac phases when using balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The flip angles of the imaging radiofrequency pulses were optimized to compensate for the tagging contrast-to-noise ratio (Tag-CNR) fading at later cardiac phases in bSSFP imaging. Complementary spatial modulation of magnetization (CSPAMM) tagging was implemented to improve the Tag-CNR. Numerical simulations were performed to examine the behavior of the Tag-CNR with the proposed method, and to compare the resulting Tag-CNR with that obtained from the more commonly used spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) imaging. A gel phantom, as well as five healthy human volunteers, were scanned on a 1.5T scanner using bSSFP imaging with and without the proposed technique. The phantom was also scanned with SPGR imaging. RESULTS: With the proposed technique, the Tag-CNR remained almost constant during the whole cardiac cycle. Using bSSFP imaging, the Tag-CNR was about double that of SPGR. CONCLUSION: The tag persistence was significantly improved when the proposed method was applied, with better Tag-CNR during the diastolic cardiac phase. The improved Tag-CNR will support automated tagging analysis and quantification methods.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. THIS WEEK: Bryant School
A joint project between the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and the Institute of Radiation Physics was initiated to characterise the PSI whole body counter in detail through measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Accurate knowledge of the detector geometry is essential for reliable simulations of human body phantoms filled with known activity concentrations. Unfortunately, the technical drawings provided by the manufacturer are often not detailed enough and sometimes the specifications do not agree with the actual set-up. Therefore, the exact detector geometry and the position of the detector crystal inside the housing were determined through radiographic images. X-rays were used to analyse the structure of the detector, and (60)Co radiography was employed to measure the core of the germanium crystal. Moreover, the precise axial alignment of the detector within its housing was determined through a series of radiographic images with different incident angles. The hence obtained information enables us to optimise the Monte Carlo geometry model and to perform much more accurate and reliable simulations.
One of the more severe winter hazards is ice or compacted snow on roadways. While three methods are typically used to combat ice (salting, sanding and scraping), relatively little effort has been applied to improve methods of scraping ice from roads. In this project, a new test facility has been developed, comprising a truck with an underbody blade, which has been instrumented such that the forces to scrape ice from a pavement can be measured. A test site has been used, which is not accessible to the public, and ice covers have been sprayed onto the pavement and subsequently scraped from it, while the scraping loads have been recorded. Three different cutting edges have been tested for their ice scraping efficiency. Two of the blades are standard (one with a carbide insert, the other without) while the third blade was designed under the SHRP H-204A project. Results from the tests allowed two parameters to be identified. The first is the scraping efficiency which is the ratio of vertical to horizontal force. The lower this ratio, the more efficiently ice is being removed. The second parameter is the scraping effectiveness, which is related (in some as yet unspecified manner) to the horizontal load. The higher the horizontal load, the more ice is being scraped. The ideal case is thus to have as high a horizontal load as possible, combined with the lowest possible vertical load. Results indicate that the SHRP blade removed ice more effectively than the other two blades under equivalent conditions, and furthermore, did so with greater efficiency and thus more control. Furthermore, blade angles close to 0 deg provide for the most efficient scraping for all three blades. The study has shown that field testing of plow blades is possible in controlled situations, and that blades can be evaluated using this system. The system is available for further tests as are deemed appropriate.
Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used as subdecks in bridge construction in Iowa and other states. To investigate the performance of these types of composite slabs at locations adjacent to abutment and pier diaphragms in skewed bridges, a research prcject which involved surveys of design agencies and precast producers, field inspections of existing bridges, analytical studies, and experimental testing was conducted. The survey results from the design agencies and panel producers showed that standardization of precast panel construction would be desirable, that additional inspections at the precast plant and at the bridge site would be beneficial, and that some form of economical study should be undertaken to determine actual cost savings associated with composite slab construction. Three bridges in Hardin County, Iowa were inspected to observe general geometric relationships, construction details, and to note the visual condition of the bridges. Hairline cracks beneath several of the prestressing strands in many of the precast panels were observed, and a slight discoloration of the concrete was seen beneath most of the strands. Also, some rust staining was visible at isolated locations on several panels. Based on the findings of these inspections, future inspections are recommended to monitor the condition of these and other bridges constructed with precast panel subdecks. Five full-scale composite slab specimens were constructed in the Structural Engineering Laboratory at Iowa State University. One specimen modeled bridge deck conditions which are not adjacent to abutment or pier diaphragms, and the other four specimens represented the geometric conditions which occur for skewed diaphragms of 0, 15, 30, and 40 degrees. The specimens were subjected to wheel loads of service and factored level magnitudes at many locations on the slab surface and to concentrated loads which produced failure of the composite slab. The measured slab deflections and bending strains at both service and factored load levels compared reasonably well with the results predicted by simplified Finite element analyses of the specimens. To analytically evaluate the nominal strength for a composite slab specimen, yield-line and punching shear theories were applied. Yield-line limit loads were computed using the crack patterns generated during an ultimate strength test. In most cases, these analyses indicated that the failure mode was not flexural. Since the punching shear limit loads in most instances were close to the failure loads, and since the failure surfaces immediately adjacent to the wheel load footprint appeared to be a truncated prism shape, the probable failure mode for all of the specimens was punching shear. The development lengths for the prestressing strands in the rectangular and trapezoidal shaped panels was qualitatively investigated by monitoring strand slippage at the ends of selected prestressing strands. The initial strand transfer length was established experimentally by monitoring concrete strains during strand detensioning, and this length was verified analytically by a finite element analysis. Even though the computed strand embedment lengths in the panels were not sufficient to fully develop the ultimate strand stress, sufficient stab strength existed. Composite behavior for the slab specimens was evaluated by monitoring slippage between a panel and the topping slab and by computation of the difference in the flexural strains between the top of the precast panel and the underside of the topping slab at various locations. Prior to the failure of a composite slab specimen, a localized loss of composite behavior was detected. The static load strength performance of the composite slab specimens significantly exceeded the design load requirements. Even with skew angles of up to 40 degrees, the nominal strength of the slabs did not appear to be affected when the ultimate strength test load was positioned on the portion of each slab containing the trapezoidal-shaped panel. At service and factored level loads, the joint between precast panels did not appear to influence the load distribution along the length of the specimens. Based on the static load strength of the composite slab specimens, the continued use of precast panels as subdecks in bridge deck construction is recommended.
The objective of this project was to use a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the aerial camera location and orientation that best facilitated mapping done from aerial photographs without any ground control. Four test flights were conducted. The first test flight was performed in June 1993 at St. Louis, with the objective of testing the multiantenna concept using two antenna on the aircraft. The second test in August 1993 was conducted over the Iowa State University (ISU) campus at Ames. This flight evaluated the use of GPS for pinpoint navigation. The third test flight over St. Louis was flown in October 1993, with four antenna on aircraft; its objective was to evaluate the 3DF GPS receiver and the antenna locations. On the basis of the results of these three tests, a final test flight over the Mustang Project area in Ames and the ISU campus was conducted in June 1994. Analysis of these data showed that airborne GPS can be used (1) in pinpoint navigation with an accuracy of 25 m or better, (2) to determine the location of the camera nodal point with an accuracy of 10 cm or better, and (3) to determine the orientation angles of the camera with an accuracy of 0.0001 radians or better. In addition, the exterior orientation elements determined by airborne GPS can be used to rectify aerial photos, to produce orthophotos, and in direct stereo plotting. Further research is recommended in these areas to maximize the use of airborne GPS. The report is organized in the following chapters: (1) Introduction; (2) Photogrammetry and Kinematic GPS; (3) Analysis of First Test; (4) Analysis of Second Test; (5) Analysis of Third Test; (6) Analysis of Final Test; (7) Applications of Airborne GPS; and (8) Conclusion and Recommendation.
Cette thèse présente les résultats d'une démarche comparatiste en histoire des religions. Elle poursuit un double but, à la fois thématique et méthodologique, en explorant une variété de représentations des transactions entre des figures féminines et des dieux. Elle en fait ressortir la diversité à partir d'un certain nombre de dossiers tirés de corpus de sources sélectionnés et constitués dans ce but. L'un de ces corpus est formé du Padavali (traduit sur la base de l'édition de P. Caturvedï), une collection de chants-poèmes dévotionnels krishnaïtes attribués à Mïràbàï (composés principalement entre le 16e et le 18e siècle en Inde du nord). L'autre corpus consiste en une sélection d'extraits de la littérature grecque d'auteurs et de styles différents. Au sein de cette sélection, la tragédie attique (5ème siècle avant l'ère commune), en particulier celle d'Euripide, et plusieurs traités de Plutarque (1er siècle de l'ère commune) figurent parmi les sources les plus importantes. La catégorie de « figure féminine » permet de prendre en considération des figures de statuts différents (mythologique, hagiographique ou historique) et de se focaliser sur les représentations des transactions avec des dieux, sans se restreindre à l'étude des pratiques historiquement attestées ou à leur reconstitution. Mirabai, en tant que figure hagiographique et emblématique du mouvement dévotionnel de la bhakti, les gopis et d'autres figures de la mythologie ou de l'hagiographie hindoue comptent parmi les figures féminines considérées sur la base du corpus indien de cette recherche ; les dossiers grecs incluent des sources variées mettant en scène les bacchantes, Ariane, la pythie, Cassandre, Créouse et d'autres figures féminines dans leur rapports avec des dieux, principalement Dionysos, Apollon et Hadès. Pensée comme une traversée des différences plutôt que comme une construction d'universaux, l'exploration thématique met en relief la grande variété des modalités des transactions de figures féminines avec des dieux et la mise en jeu du corps avant, pendant ou après celles-ci. Cinq axes thématiques transversaux, compris comme des faisceaux de questions, forment les comparables de cette recherche. Ils portent principalement sur (1) l'ajout au corps (ou le corps marqué, paré et équipé), (2) le retrait au corps (ou le corps dépouillé et dénudé), (3) la mise à disposition du corps féminin pour le dieu et ses conséquences, notamment en termes d'emprise attribuée au dieu, (4) la violence contre la figure féminine dans le cadre de sa relation au dieu et (5) les dissolutions, transformations, disparitions et dispersions du corps féminin. En plus du travail préalable de traduction et de contextualisation des sources, la mise en regard comparatiste de certains éléments des dossiers permet de dégager des axes de questionnement qui se veulent valables à plus large échelle pour une histoire des religions s'intéressant à la question des représentations du corps en intégrant une perspective de genre. La démonstration méthodologique consiste en une évaluation sur la base d'un exercice concret des limites et des apports d'une démarche de comparaison différentielle. Celle-ci comporte certes quelques défis dans sa mise en oeuvre et sa restitution, mais elle rend possible un processus de recherche souple et créatif qui permet d'envisager des dossiers connus sous de nouveaux angles ainsi qu'une redéfinition ou une création de catégories de recherche dynamiques et flexibles en histoire des religions.
The objective of this report is to provide Iowa county engineers and highway maintenance personnel with procedures that will allow them to efficiently and effectively interpret and repair or avoid landslides. The research provides an overview of basic slope stability analyses that can be used to diagnose the cause and effect associated with a slope failure. Field evidence for identifying active or potential slope stability problems is outlined. A survey of county engineers provided data for presenting a slope stability risk map for the state of Iowa. Areas of high risk are along the western border and southeastern portion of the state. These regions contain deep to moderately deep loess. The central portion of the state is a low risk area where the surficial soils are glacial till or thin loess over till. In this region, the landslides appear to occur predominately in backslopes along deeply incised major rivers, such as the Des Moines River, or in foreslopes. The south-central portion of the state is an area of medium risk where failures are associated with steep backslopes and improperly compacted foreslopes. Soil shear strength data compiled from the Iowa DOT and consulting engineers files are correlated with geologic parent materials and mean values of shear strength parameters and unit weights were computed for glacial till, friable loess, plastic loess and local alluvium. Statistical tests demonstrate that friction angles and unit weights differ significantly but in some cases effective stress cohesion intercept and undrained shear strength data do not. Moreover, effective stress cohesion intercept and undrained shear strength data show a high degree of variability. The shear strength and unit weight data are used in slope stability analyses for both drained and undrained conditions to generate curves that can be used for a preliminary evaluation of the relative stability of slopes within the four materials. Reconnaissance trips to over fifty active and repaired landslides in Iowa suggest that, in general, landslides in Iowa are relatively shallow [i.e., failure surfaces less than 6 ft (2 m) deep] and are either translational or shallow rational. Two foreslope and two backslope failure case histories provide additional insights into slope stability problems and repair in Iowa. These include the observation that embankment soils compacted to less than 95% relative density show a marked strength decrease from soils at or above that density. Foreslopes constructed of soils derived from shale exhibit loss of strength as a result of weathering. In some situations, multiple causes of instability can be discerned from back analyses with the slope stability program XSTABL. In areas where the stratigraphy consists of loess over till or till over bedrock, the geologic contracts act as surfaces of groundwater accumulation that contribute to slope instability.
Little is known about the mechanisms that establish the position of the division plane in eukaryotic cells. Wild-type fission yeast cells divide by forming a septum in the middle of the cell at the end of mitosis. Dmf1 mutants complete mitosis and initiate septum formation, but the septa that form are positioned at random locations and angles in the cell, rather than in the middle. We have cloned the dmf1 gene as a suppressor of the cdc7-24 mutant. The dmf1 mutant is allelic with mid1. The gene encodes a novel protein containing a putative nuclear localization signal, and a carboxy-terminal PH domain. In wild-type cells, Dmf1p is nuclear during interphase, and relocates to form a medial ring at the cell cortex coincident with the onset of mitosis. This relocalization occurs before formation of the actin ring and is associated with increased phosphorylation of Dmf1p. The Dmf1p ring can be formed in the absence of an actin ring, but depends on some of the genes required for actin ring formation. When the septum is completed and the cells separate, Dmf1p staining is once again nuclear. These data implicate Dmf1p as an important element in assuring correct placement of the division septum in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells.
Total disc replacement (TDR) clinical success has been reported to be related to the residual motion of the operated level. Thus, accurate measurement of TDR range of motion (ROM) is of utmost importance. One commonly used tool in measuring ROM is the Oxford Cobbometer. Little is known however on its accuracy (precision and bias) in measuring TDR angles. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of the Cobbometer to accurately measure radiographic TDR angles. An anatomically accurate synthetic L4-L5 motion segment was instrumented with a CHARITE artificial disc. The TDR angle and anatomical position between L4 and L5 was fixed to prohibit motion while the motion segment was radiographically imaged in various degrees of rotation and elevation, representing a sample of possible patient placement positions. An experienced observer made ten readings of the TDR angle using the Cobbometer at each different position. The Cobbometer readings were analyzed to determine measurement accuracy at each position. Furthermore, analysis of variance was used to study rotation and elevation of the motion segment as treatment factors. Cobbometer TDR angle measurements were most accurate (highest precision and lowest bias) at the centered position (95.5%), which placed the TDR directly inline with the x-ray beam source without any rotation. In contrast, the lowest accuracy (75.2%) was observed in the most rotated and off-centered view. A difference as high as 4 degrees between readings at any individual position, and as high as 6 degrees between all the positions was observed. Furthermore, the Cobbometer was unable to detect the expected trend in TDR angle projection with changing position. Although the Cobbometer has been reported to be reliable in different clinical applications, it lacks the needed accuracy to measure TDR angles and ROM. More accurate ROM measurement methods need to be developed to help surgeons and researchers assess radiological success of TDRs.
A defining characteristic of fractured rocks is their very high level of seismic attenuation, which so far has been assumed to be mainly due to wave-induced fluid flow (WIFF) between the fractures and the pore space of the embedding matrix. Using oscillatory compressibility simulations based on the quasi-static poroelastic equations, we show that another important, and as of yet undocumented, manifestation of WIFF is at play in the presence of fracture connectivity. This additional energy loss is predominantly due to fluid flow within the connected fractures and is sensitive to their lengths, permeabilities, and intersection angles. Correspondingly, it contains key information on the governing hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses and hence should be accounted for whenever realistic seismic models of such media are needed.
In the Catalonian Coastal Ranges, Paleozoic sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks crop out in severa1 areas, intruded by late tectonic Hercynian granitoids and separated by Mesozoic and Tertiary cover sediments. Large structures are often difficult to recognize, although a general east-west trend can be observed on the geological map. Deformation was accompanied by the development of cleavages and regional metamorphism. Green-schist facies rocks are prominent throughout the Ranges, while amphibolite facies are restricted to small areas. In low-grade areas, the main deformation phase generated south-facing folds with an axial plane cleavage (slaty cleavage in metapelitic rocks). The intersection lineation (Ss/Sl) and the axes of minor folds trend cast-west, as do all mapable structures. Late deformations generated coarse crenulations, small chevrons and kink-bands, all intersecting the slaty cleavage at high angles. In medium- to high-grade areas no major folds have been observed. In these areas, the main foliation is a schistosity and is often folded, giving centimetric to decimetric, nearly isoclinal intrafolial folds. In schists, these folds aremuchmore common than inother lithologies, and can be associated with a crenulation cleavage. All these planar structures in high-grade rocks are roughly parallel. The late Hercynian deformational events, which gave rise to the crenulations and small chevrons, also produced large (often kilometric) open folds which fold the slaty cleavage and schistosity. As aconsequence, alternating belts with opposite dip (north and south) of the main foliation were formed. With respect to the Hercynian orogenic belt, the Paleozoic outcrops of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges are located within the northern branch of the Ibero-Armorican arc, and have a relatively frontal position within the belt. The Carboniferous of the Priorat-Prades area, together with other outcrops in the Castellón Province, the Montalbán massif (Iberian Chain) and the Cantabrian zone (specially the Pisuerga-Carrión Province) probably form part of a wide area of foreland Carboniferous deposition placed at the core of the arc.
This report is formatted to independently present four individual investigations related to similar web gap fatigue problems. Multiple steel girder bridges commonly exhibit fatigue cracking due to out-of-plane displacement of the web near the diaphragm connections. This fatigue-prone web gap area is typically located in negative moment regions of the girders where the diaphragm stiffener is not attached to the top flange. In the past, the Iowa Department of Transportation has attempted to stop fatigue crack propagation in these steel girder bridges by drilling holes at the crack tips. Other nondestructive retrofits have been tried; in a particular case on a two-girder bridge with floor beams, angles were bolted between the stiffener and top flange. The bolted angle retrofit has failed in the past and may not be a viable solution for diaphragm bridges. The drilled hole retrofit is often only a temporary solution, so a more permanent and effective retrofit is required. A new field retrofit has been developed that involves loosening the bolts in the connection between the diaphragm and the girders. Research on the retrofit has been initiated; however, no long-term studies of the effects of bolt loosening have been performed. The intent of this research is to study the short-term effects of the bolt loosening retrofit on I-beam and channel diaphragm bridges. The research also addressed the development of a continuous remote monitoring system to investigate the bolt loosening retrofit on an X-type diaphragm bridge over a number of months, ensuring that the measured strain and displacement reductions are not affected by time and continuous traffic loading on the bridge. The testing for the first three investigations is based on instrumentation of web gaps in a negative moment region on Iowa Department of Transportation bridges with I-beam, channel, and X-type diaphragms. One bridge of each type was instrumented with strain gages and deflection transducers. Field tests, using loaded trucks of known weight and configuration, were conducted on the bridges with the bolts in the tight condition and after implementing the bolt loosening retrofit to measure the effects of loosening the diaphragm bolts. Long-term data were also collected on the X-diaphragm bridge by a data acquisition system that collected the data continuously under ambient truck loading. The collected data were retrievable by an off-site modem connection to the remote data acquisition system. The data collection features and ruggedness of this system for remote bridge monitoring make it viable as a pilot system for future monitoring projects in Iowa. Results indicate that loosening the diaphragm bolts reduces strain and out-of-plane displacement in the web gap, and that the reduction is not affected over time by traffic or environmental loading on the bridge. Reducing the strain in the web gap allows the bridge to support more cycles of loading before experiencing fatigue, thus increase the service life of the bridge. Two-girder floor beam bridges may also exhibit fatigue cracking in girder webs.
Plants forming a rosette during their juvenile growth phase, such as Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., are able to adjust the size, position and orientation of their leaves. These growth responses are under the control of the plants circadian clock and follow a characteristic diurnal rhythm. For instance, increased leaf elongation and hyponasty - defined here as the increase in leaf elevation angle - can be observed when plants are shaded. Shading can either be caused by a decrease in the fluence rate of photosynthetically active radiation (direct shade) or a decrease in the fluence rate of red compared with far-red radiation (neighbour detection). In this paper we report on a phenotyping approach based on laser scanning to measure the diurnal pattern of leaf hyponasty and increase in rosette size. In short days, leaves showed constitutively increased leaf elevation angles compared with long days, but the overall diurnal pattern and the magnitude of up and downward leaf movement was independent of daylength. Shade treatment led to elevated leaf angles during the first day of application, but did not affect the magnitude of up and downward leaf movement in the following day. Using our phenotyping device, individual plants can be non-invasively monitored during several days under different light conditions. Hence, it represents a proper tool to phenotype light- and circadian clock-mediated growth responses in order to better understand the underlying regulatory genetic network.
A new technique capable of obtaining quantitative values of the rotation angle of the polarization vector by using holography is presented. This is a two-stage holographic process; during the recording stage a hologram of the object of interest is obtained. The reference beam is composed of two beams that form a small angle between them and keep their polarization states at right angles to each other. In the reconstruction stage of the hologram, two images from the hologram are obtained along two different angles. As a result of the interference between these two images, a set of parallel fringes is formed at the image plane. The fringe contrast on the reconstruction is related to the angle of the polarization vector of the light at each position on the image plane. Measurements of the rotation of the polarization angle of a fraction of a degree were obtained. The main application of this technique is in the study of transient phenomena, where single-shot measurements are the only means of obtaining reliable data.