1000 resultados para Brasil História Guerra dos Farrapos, 1835-1845
As histórias em quadrinhos ainda so normalmente associadas por grande parte da sociedade e temas infantis e superficiais. Porm, diversos quadrinistas tm nos mostrado com o passar dos anos que as HQs podem e devem ser respeitadas como meio de comunicao, por sua unio singular do imagtico com o textual. O quadrinho pode se transformar em uma alternativa para o jornalismo, por trabalhar com liberdade mpar em suas tcnicas estiltico-narrativas. Um dos grandes expoentes dos quadrinhos no jornalismo o malts naturalizado norte americano Joe Sacco. Joe escreveu as obras rea de Segurana Gorazde e Uma história de Sarajevo, sobre a Guerra da Bsnia. Esta pesquisa busca fazer uma anlise destas duas obras, e mostrar como as histórias em quadrinhos podem acrescentar novas vises e perspectivas ao jornalismo, preenchendo lacunas criadas pelo modo de produo noticioso e dando espao queles marginalizados pela grande mdia
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
This research is a short article about urban dances in Brazil, about how did it came and became popular here, and also it will discuss about the different nomenclatures that exists nowadays: street dance, dances from street or urban dances. As a bibliographic reference, a research was made about the history of those dances in an international context, the creators and all the elements that consists the Hip hop culture: Break dance, grafitte, MC and DJ. The research methodology is characterized as a qualitative, it search for information that can be deeply studded, and the method used was history telling, which prize and brings up the man memory of the facts. The interview was also used as a tool in a previously elaborated script with open questions, so the interviewees could answer their own way and talk as much as they need about the issue. The analyze was made using the Bardin (2009) method. The interviewees are very important at the Hip Hop scenario because their lives were dedicated to the research about urban dances and the Hip Hop culture. During the interview they told how they started to dance and that their first contact with urban dances was made by watching movies that came to Brazil in the eighties. Michael Jackson has also contributed to spread this urban dances at that time with his videos. The main goal of this research is to tell the history of the urban dances, how did they got here, who brought it and how it has spread in Brazil. It justify itself during the fact that exists just a few researches in a scientific way that study this issue, thus the history importance that this contents is to the urban dances in Brazil. My conclusion of this article is that the history has many different ways, a lot of names, and that the urban dances in Brazil has began in many different places at the same time, by films influence that has promoted the styles that had came here in the eighties
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
A trajetria do pensamento social no Brasil remonta segunda metade do sculo XIX e envolve muitas correntes, linhagens e famlias intelectuais que enformam as Cincias Sociais no Brasil. Por isso, h controvrsias quanto fundao das Cincias Sociais, considerada, de um lado, por meio da trajetria histrica, e, de outro, pela institucionalizao do trabalho cientfico. O debate ganha complexidade quando so considerados os marcos fundadores, as caractersticas, o significado e as implicaes dessa institucionalizao que, longe de esclarecer a questo, cria novos problemas para o entendimento e avaliao do processo. Rediscutir as circunstncias histrico-sociais e as configuraes intelectuais de sua fundao e desenvolvimento, entendemos ser pertinente e necessrio, sendo esse o propsito deste artigo.
Ps-graduao em História - FCHS
Once the choices set involved in the selection of compositional techniques of a photography is mediated by ideological universes, this final project aims to analyze the photographic coverage of the World War II presented in the brazilian publication Revista da Semana during the period in which Brazil was part of the conflict (1942 to 1945). We study the different composition techniques used and the different effects of meaning articulated by these techniques. Thus, our goal is to see how the repetitions are articulated and the translations of meaning in photojournalistic composition from its narrative structure, that is, their way of coded organization. For this, we used the analysis methodology proposed by Umberto Eco on the rhetoric of the image, involving the five levels of photography decomposition (ie iconic levels, iconographic, tropological, topic and enthymematic). We will analyze these images from the perspective of the effects of meaning that the composition techniques to engender glimpse which were woven meanings to this event in that specific space, and which were mediated discourses of Brazilian participation in the conflict
In the last two or three decades has become common the debate on the harmful effects produced by trade and use of illicit substances in Brazil. The "drug problem" as it became known worldwide in official and media discourses, has become, if not the only, at least the most important determinant of a series of social ills that affect both the rich countries (classified as consumers), and the poor countries (the producers and exporters of these "evil substances"). This situation that today is extremely pernicious, may be better understood through some elements of the story of its constitution. In this sense, we draw a succinct history of drug prohibition worldwide and we use the Foucauldian concept of biopower and the concept of death policy designed by Andr Saldanha Costa to comment briefly on the "drug problem" in Brazil. In this initial approach, we can affirm the importance of these two concepts for the understanding of the depoliticized life" of drug traffickers as well as the governmental policies, both legal and health focused on this issue.
The chronicles of Machado de Assis can be read as a historical document or a literary work. Characterized as a hybrid genre, the chronicle allows several readings and interpretations, but its always connected at the time and at the productions context. The aim of this article is to averiguate how Machado de Assis commented the importants subjects of his time, mixing the french classic theater and the brazilians history.
The history of historiography in recent decades has the breathing space needed in the concerns of historians and has been transformed into a research field with its own issues. Uploaded this in perspective, this paper aims to understand how aspects of the theory of history and methodology have been addressed by Afonso de Escragnolle Taunay (1876-1958). We selected the letters exchanged by the author, the speeches of acceptance at the ABL, some articles and books produced by Taunay in the 1930s. In the first decades of the twentieth century, when it sought to define the historiography and its limits in both the literature and social science sources, the subjectivity is presented as the final decision making of the author, especially those related to the new site production Taunay, the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
The objective of this article is to analyze the accounts rendered of the provisions bought by the magistrate Incio Jos de Alvarenga Peixoto to serve the soldiers of Minas Gerais state sent to fight in the war against the Spaniards in the south of Brazil.
This article makes a historiography discussion about slavery, indicates the advances in combats for an afro-brasilian history and, in view of cultural re-sense shows a need to consider the students prior knowledge and content of teaching History. These knowledges are essential to move beyond the denunciation of the violence of slavery and lead to the classroom buildings of the recent historiography on slavery in Brazil in view of breaking of stereotypes and changing attitudes.