448 resultados para Bothrops jararaca


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From the leaves of Solanum campaniforme (Solanaceae), eight solanidane alkaloids were isolated, four of which contain a p-hydroxyphenylethylamine unit. Their structures were established as: 22,23-epoxy-solanida-1,4-dien-3-one; 22,23-epoxy-10-epi-solanida-1,4,9-trien-3-one; 22,23-epoxy-solanida-4-en-3-one; 22,23-epoxy-solanida-4-en-3-one; (E)-N-[8(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]-22,23-epoxy-solanida-1,4,9-trien-3-imine; (E)-N-[8(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]-22,23-epoxy-solanida-1,4-dien-3-imine; (Z)-N-[8(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]-22,23-epoxy-solanida-1,4,9-trien-3-imine and (Z)-N-[8(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]-22,23-epoxy-solanida-1,4-dien-3-imine. All structures were determined using spectroscopic techniques, such as 1D and 2D NMR, and HRESIMS. The cytotoxicity and the antiophidic activities of the alkaloids were evaluated. The alkaloids did not show any cytotoxicity, but inhibited the main toxic actions of Bothrops pauloensis venom. 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Cincias Biolgicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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A busca por padres de estrutura e composio das comunidades essencial para prover informaes que permitam o manejo sustentado de populaes e monitoramento de atividades antrpicas. Na regio neotropical, onde ocorre grande riqueza de espcies e complexas relaes ecolgicas entre elas, estudos envolvendo ofidiofauna ainda so escassos, o que faz com que o entendimento dos processos responsveis pela estruturao de suas comunidades ainda seja incipiente. No Brasil, vrios trabalhos foram desenvolvidos na tentativa de explicitar os fenmenos responsveis pelos padres de ocorrncia e interaes das espcies de serpentes. Objetivando esclarecer quais os fatores que determinam os padres observados e que afinidades (ecolgicas e/ou histricas) as espcies compartilham, foi realizado estudo da taxocenose de serpentes da FLONA de Caxiuan e reas adjacentes, durante os anos de 2005 e 2006. Utilizou-se conjuntamente quatro mtodos de amostragem (Procura Limitada por Tempo-PLT, Encontros Ocasionais-EO, Armadilhas de Interceptao e Queda-AIQ e Coletas por Terceiros-CT), em cinco reas (IBAMA e Caquaj, no interior da FLONA de Caxiuan; Enseada e dois pontos com influncia antrpica: Marina e Moju, estando esses trs ltimos localizados em reas adjacentes FLONA. Foram registrados 378 espcimes distribudos em cinco famlias, 35 gneros e 50 espcies. Com os novos registros obtidos nesse estudo, o nmero de espcies de serpentes para a FLONA de Caxiuan e reas adjacentes passa de 63 para 69. Os mtodos que apresentaram melhor desempenho em nmero de indivduos foram PLT (199/378) e CT (159/378). EO (11/378) e AIQ (9/378) foram os mtodos menos eficazes. A riqueza estimada (Jackknife 1), a partir de dados obtidos atravs de PLT, foi de 56 (+ ou 4) espcies. O nmero de espcies estimado para as reas preservadas foi maior que para reas antropizadas. A composio das espcies de serpentes da rea estudada apresentou maior similaridade com outras taxocenoses de reas amaznicas. As espcies mais abundantes, acessadas atravs de PLT, foram Imantodes cenchoa, Corallus hortulanus e Leptodeira annulata. Quando todos os mtodos foram considerados, Bothrops atrox, Imantodes cenchoa e Corallus hortulanus foram as espcies mais representadas. As reas mais antropizadas, localizadas fora da FLONA (Marina e Moju), apresentaram menores abundncia e riqueza de espcies em comparao com reas protegidas, localizadas no interior da FLONA. Nove espcies foram consideradas potencialmente especialistas: Lachesis muta (pequenos mamferos), Atractus schach (minhocas), Dipsas catesbyi (moluscos - lesmas), Helicops trivitatus e Hydrops triangularis (peixes), Siphlophis compressus (lagartos), Xenopholis scalaris, Taeniophallus brevirostris (anfbios anuros) e Tantilla melanocephala (centopias). Os itens mais acessados foram lagartos, anfbios anuros e pequenos mamferos. Serpentes com hbitos primria ou exclusivamente diurnas prevaleceram na comunidade analisada. A ausncia de sazonalidade reprodutiva foi caracterstica da maioria das espcies e isso se deve, muito provavelmente, pouca diferena na temperatura ao longo do ano. A taxocenose de serpentes da FLONA de Caxiuan e reas adjacentes est, basicamente, formada por grupos contendo espcies onde, em geral, hbitos dirios e de dieta esto sobrepostos. Alm dos diversos fatores ecolgicos, tambm fatores histricos, como adaptaes morfolgicas das espcies, tm grande influncia na composio da taxocenose analisada. A grande dificuldade na realizao de estudos de comunidades de serpentes est na escassez de dados das espcies, portanto torna-se imperioso que estudos de Ecologia e Histria Natural continuem sendo exaustivamente conduzidos em uma mesma localidade, objetivando a elucidao dos padres de respostas aos diversos fatores relacionados existncia das espcies nos diferentes biomas.


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The present study reports a snakebite in a horse in the state of Par, Brazil. At initial evaluation the animal was reluctant to walk and had tachycardia, tachypnea, severe lameness, bleeding on the pastern and swelling around the left hind leg. Blood samples from the bleeding sites, took on the first day, showed leukocytosis and neutrophilia, whereas biochemical values of urea and creatinine were significantly increased. The chosen treatment was snake antivenom, fluid therapy, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents and diuretic drugs. On the fourth day of therapy, the hematological values were within normal parameters. There was improvement related to the clinical lameness and swelling of the limb. However, a decrease in water intake and oliguria were observed. On the seventh day the animal died. Necropsy revealed areas of hemorrhagic edema in the left hind limb and ventral abdomen; the kidneys presented equimosis in the capsule, and when cut they were wet. Moreover, the cortex was pale, slightly yellow and the medullary striae had the same aspect. Based on these data, we concluded that the snakebite in the present study was caused by Bothrops spp. and that renal failure contributed to death.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Snakes from Bothrops genus are responsible for more than 90% of the ophidian accidents in Brazil. One of the main complications from this kind of accident is muscular necrosis, which is related to the action of phospholipases A2 and metalloproteases, two groups of enzymes found in the venom of these animals. Although this complication cannot be solved by serum therapy administration, a great number of studies have been performed with the attempt to know the pharmacological sites of these toxins aiming, in the future, the development of complementary treatments to serum therapy. This work proposes structural studies of bothropic phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) in the presence of ions relevant to their activity, using the X-ray crystallography technique. Recently, it was demonstrated ions, as manganese, calcium and others, interfere in the biological activity of the PLA2s. Particularly, Lys49-PLA2s in the presence of manganese ions have miotoxicity reduced. Asp49-PLA2s show catalytic activity dependent of calcium, although structural studies with a miotoxic Asp49-PLA2, BthTX-II, suggest a possible catalytic mechanism independent of calcium. Therefore, co-crystallization of BthTX-II in the presence of calcium ions and of PrTX-I in the presence of manganese ions were performed. Comparative structural studies among obtained results and others already published in the literature were performed aiming a better understanding of the structure-function relationship of these toxins. The BthTX-II with the presence of calcium do not show this ion in the loop of coordination of calcium, presence necessary to develop the catalyses. After comparison of this model with the native one, only one distortion was found, but no apparent relationship with the residues responsible for its activity. In the PrTX-I structure, regions candidates of manganese ions were also found... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Throughout the analysis of the collections JJ, CEVAP, IBSP, ZUEC and UEL, a study on the ophiofauna of Botucatu was made. We present a preliminary list of the species of snakes here found, with small comments on their natural history. The number of specimens studied was 943. We registered, for Botucatu, 51 species of snakes, distributed in 31 genera and 6 families. The families here found were Anomalepididae (1 spp.), Boidae (1 spp.), Colubridae (7 spp.), Dipsadidae (32 spp.), Elapidae (3 spp.) and Viperidae (7 spp.). The analysis of the relative abundance shows that Dipsadidae was the most abundant family, with n=425 (44,83%), followed by Viperidae, with n=388 (40,93%), Boidae, n=62 (6,54%), Colubridae, n=57 (6,01%), Elapidae, n=15 (1,6%) and, at last, Anomalepididae, with n=1 (0,1%). The five more representative species were Crotalus durissus (n=135, 14,31%), Oxyrhopus guibei (n=123, 12,8%) Bothropoides jararaca (N=121, 12,6%), Bothropoides neuwiedi (N=95, 9,88%) and Sibynomorphus mikani (N=65, 6,76%). A higher number of individuals collected was registered for the months of january to april that, together, sum up to almost 50% of the total. The months of june to september registered a lower number of individuals. The spacial distribution analysis shows that a higher number of snakes was found on the country areas of Botucatu (n=270, 41,54%), specially on pastures. Due to the lack of studies of Botucatus ophiofauna, this list is probably underestimated. It is mandatory that future studies approaching this group and its ecological components on this region are made, using appropriate sampling methodologies, in order to form an accurate list of the species of snakes of Botucatu


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A bothropstoxina-I (BthTX-I) uma fosfolipase A2 (PLA2) Lys49 miotxica isolada do veneno da Bothrops jararacussu. Embora seja desprovida de atividade neurotxica in vivo, esta toxina bloqueia a transmisso neuromuscular in vitro. A relao entre as atividades miotxica e paralisante da BthTX-I ainda no est esclarecida. A crotapotina corresponde subunidade no-enzimtica da crotoxina, principal frao txica do veneno da Crotalus durissus terrificus. Isoladamente a crotapotina atxica, porm atua como carreadora da PLA2 Asp49 da crotoxina, potencializando sua ao neurotxica. Esta protena tambm capaz de se complexar com outras PLA2s (Asp49 ou Lys49) de venenos ofdicos, alterando suas toxicidades. Neste trabalho avaliamos a influncia da crotapotina sobre o bloqueio neuromuscular e a atividade miotxica da BthTX-I in vitro. Preparaes do nervo frnico-msculo diafragma de camundongos machos foram montadas em cubas para o registro das contraes musculares evocadas direta e indiretamente. Cortes transversais do msculo foram submetidos colorao por hematoxilina e eosina para a avaliao do padro morfolgico. A BthTX-I (1 M) isoladamente, ou pr-incubada com crotapotina (2 M) 35 C por 30 minutos, foram adicionadas s preparaes. A anlise dos dados foi realizada por testes no paramtricos (p<0.05). A BthTX-I induziu bloqueio irreversvel e tempo-dependente das contraes musculares diretas e indiretas. O tempo para o bloqueio de 50% das contraes indiretas (18,98 1,94 min, n=4) foi significativamente menor que o das diretas (45,97 5,61 min, n=5). A pr-incubao com a crotapotina no alterou de forma significativa o bloqueio das contraes diretas ou indiretas induzidos pela BthTX-I. Isoladamente, a crotapotina no afetou as contraes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)