966 resultados para Biosynthetic-enzymes
Rapid pollen tube growth requires a high rate of sugar metabolism to meet energetic and biosynthetic demands. Previous work on pollen sugar metabolism showed that tobacco pollen carry out efficient ethanolic fermentation concomitantly with a high rate of respiration (Bucher et al ., 1995). Here we show that the products of fermentation, acetaldehyde and ethanol, are further metabolised in a pathway that bypasses mitochondrial PDH. The enzymes involved in this pathway are pyruvate decarboxylase, aldehyde dehydrogenase and acetyl-CoA synthetase. Radiolabelling experiments show that during tobacco pollen tube growth label of C-14-ethanol is incorporated into CO2 as well as into lipids and other higher molecular weight compounds. A role for the glyoxylate cycle appears unlikely since activity of malate synthase, a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle, could not be detected.
Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) is a rare condition in childhood which is either inherited (mostly) or acquired. It is characterized by glucocorticoid and maybe mineralocorticoid deficiency. The most common form in children is 21-hydroxylase deficiency, which belongs to the steroid biosynthetic defects causing PAI. Newer forms of complex defects of steroid biosynthesis are P450 oxidoreductase deficiency and (apparent) cortisone reductase deficiency. Other forms of PAI include metabolic disorders, autoimmune disorders and adrenal dysgenesis, e.g. the IMAGe syndrome, for which the underlying genetic defect has been recently identified. Newer work has also expanded the genetic causes underlying isolated, familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD). Mild mutations of CYP11A1 or StAR have been identified in patients with FGD. MCM4 mutations were found in a variant of FGD in an Irish travelling community manifesting with PAI, short stature, microcephaly and recurrent infections. Finally, mutations in genes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species were identified in patients with unsolved FGD. Most mutations were found in the enzyme nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase, which uses the mitochondrial proton pump gradient to produce NADPH. NADPH is essential in maintaining high levels of reduced forms of antioxidant enzymes for the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. Similarly, mutations in the gene for TXNRD2 involved in this system were found in FGD patients, suggesting that the adrenal cortex is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress.
Defects of androgen biosynthesis cause 46,XY disorder of sexual development (DSD). All steroids are produced from cholesterol and the early steps of steroidogenesis are common to mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid and sex steroid production. Genetic mutations in enzymes and proteins supporting the early biosynthesis pathways cause adrenal insufficiency (AI), DSD and gonadal insufficiency. The classic androgen biosynthesis defects with AI are lipoid CAH, CYP11A1 and HSD3B2 deficiencies. Deficiency of CYP17A1 rarely causes AI, and HSD17B3 or SRD5A2 deficiencies only cause 46,XY DSD and gonadal insufficiency. All androgen biosynthesis depends on 17,20 lyase activity of CYP17A1 which is supported by P450 oxidoreductase (POR) and cytochrome b5 (CYB5). Therefore 46,XY DSD with apparent 17,20 lyase deficiency may be due to mutations in CYP17A1, POR or CYB5. Illustrated by patients harboring mutations in SRD5A2, normal development of the male external genitalia depends largely on dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is converted from circulating testicular testosterone (T) through SRD5A2 in the genital skin. In the classic androgen biosynthetic pathway, T is produced from DHEA and androstenedione/-diol in the testis. However, recently found mutations in AKR1C2/4 genes in undervirilized 46,XY individuals have established a role for a novel, alternative, backdoor pathway for fetal testicular DHT synthesis. In this pathway, which has been first elucidated for the tammar wallaby pouch young, 17-hydroxyprogesterone is converted directly to DHT by 5α-3α reductive steps without going through the androgens of the classic pathway. Enzymes AKR1C2/4 catalyse the critical 3αHSD reductive reaction which feeds 17OH-DHP into the backdoor pathway. In conclusion, androgen production in the fetal testis seems to utilize two pathways but their exact interplay remains to be elucidated.
Herbivore-induced volatiles play an important role in the indirect defense of plants. After herbivore damage, volatiles are released from the plant and can attract herbivore enemies that protect the plant from additional damage. The herbivore-induced volatile blend is complex and usually consists of mono- and sesquiterpenes, aromatic compounds, and indole. Although these classes of compounds are generally produced at different times after herbivore damage, the release of the terpene (E)-β-caryophyllene and the aromatic ester methyl anthranilate appear to be tightly coordinated. We have studied the herbivore induction patterns of two terpene synthases from Zea mays L. (Poaceae), TPS23 and TPS10, as well as S-adenosyl-L-methionine:anthranilic acid carboxyl methyltransferases (AAMT1), which are critical for the production of terpenes and anthranilate compounds, respectively. The transcript levels of tps23 and aamt1 displayed the same kinetics after damage by the larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and showed the same organ-specific and haplotype-specific expression patterns. Despite its close functional relation to TPS23, the terpene synthase TPS10 is not expressed in roots and does not display the haplotype-specific expression pattern. The results indicate that the same JA-mediated signaling cascade maycontrol the production of both the terpene (E)-β-caryophyllene and aromatic ester methyl anthranilate.
During senescence, chlorophyll (chl) is metabolized to colorless nonfluorescent chl catabolites (NCCs). A central reaction of the breakdown pathway is the ring cleavage of pheophorbide (pheide) a to a primary fluorescent chl catabolite. Two enzymes catalyze this reaction, pheide a oxygenase (PAO) and red chl catabolite reductase. Five NCCs and three fluorescent chl catabolites (FCCs) accumulated during dark-induced chl breakdown in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Three of these NCCs and one FCC (primary fluorescent chl catabolite-1) were identical to known catabolites from canola (Brassica napus). The presence in Arabidopsis of two modified FCCs supports the hypothesis that modifications, as present in NCCs, occur at the level of FCC. Chl degradation in Arabidopsis correlated with the accumulation of FCCs and NCCs, as well as with an increase in PAO activity. This increase was due to an up-regulation of Pao gene expression. In contrast, red chl catabolite reductase is not regulated during leaf development and senescence. A pao1 knockout mutant was identified and analyzed. The mutant showed an age- and light-dependent cell death phenotype on leaves and in flowers caused by the accumulation of photoreactive pheide a. In the dark, pao1 exhibited a stay-green phenotype. The key role of PAO in chl breakdown is discussed.
The enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation are a striking example of the functional association of multiple enzyme complexes, working together to form ATP from cellular reducing equivalents. These complexes, such as cytochrome c oxidase or the ATP synthase, are typically investigated individually and therefore, their functional interplay is not well understood. Here, we present methodology that allows the co-reconstitution of purified terminal oxidases and ATP synthases in synthetic liposomes. The enzymes are functionally coupled via proton translocation where upon addition of reducing equivalents the oxidase creates and maintains a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient that energizes the synthesis of ATP by the F1F0 ATP synthase. The method has been tested with the ATP synthases from Escherichia coli and spinach chloroplasts, and with the quinol and cytochrome c oxidases from E. coli and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, respectively. Unlike in experiments with the ATP synthase reconstituted alone, the setup allows in vitro ATP synthesis under steady state conditions, with rates up to 90 ATP×s(-1)×enzyme(-1). We have also used the novel system to study the phenomenon of "mild uncoupling" as observed in mitochondria upon addition of low concentrations of ionophores (e.g. FCCP, SF6847) and the recoupling effect of 6-ketocholestanol. While we could reproduce the described effects, our data with the in vitro system does not support the idea of a direct interaction between a mitochondrial protein and the uncoupling agents as proposed earlier.
Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) sulfotransferase and APS reductase have been described as key enzymes of assimilatory sulfate reduction of plants catalyzing the reduction of APS to bound and free sulfite, respectively. APS sulfotransferase was purified to homogeneity from Lemna minor and compared with APS reductase previously obtained by functional complementation of a mutant strain of Escherichia coli with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library. APS sulfotransferase was a homodimer with a monomer M r of 43,000. Its amino acid sequence was 73% identical with APS reductase. APS sulfotransferase purified from Lemna as well as the recombinant enzyme were yellow proteins, indicating the presence of a cofactor. Like recombinant APS reductase, recombinant APS sulfotransferase used APS (K m = 6.5 μM) and not adenosine 3′-phosphate 5′-phosphosulfate as sulfonyl donor. TheV max of recombinant Lemna APS sulfotransferase (40 μmol min−1 mg protein−1) was about 10 times higher than the previously published V max of APS reductase. The product of APS sulfotransferase from APS and GSH was almost exclusively SO3 2−. Bound sulfite in the form ofS-sulfoglutathione was only appreciably formed when oxidized glutathione was added to the incubation mixture. Because SO3 2− was the first reaction product of APS sulfotransferase, this enzyme should be renamed APS reductase.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of a chiral drug can significantly differ between application of the racemate and single enantiomers. During drug development, the characteristics of candidate compounds have to be assessed prior to clinical testing. Since biotransformation significantly influences drug actions in an organism, metabolism studies represent a crucial part of such tests. Hence, an optimized and economical capillary electrophoretic method for on-line studies of the enantioselective drug metabolism mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes was developed. It comprises a diffusion-based procedure, which enables mixing of the enzyme with virtually any compound inside the nanoliter-scale capillary reactor and without the need of additional optimization of mixing conditions. For CYP3A4, ketamine as probe substrate and highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector, improved separation conditions for ketamine and norketamine enantiomers compared to a previously published electrophoretically mediated microanalysis method were elucidated. The new approach was thoroughly validated for the CYP3A4-mediated N-demethylation pathway of ketamine and applied to the determination of its kinetic parameters and the inhibition characteristics in presence of ketoconazole and dexmedetomidine. The determined parameters were found to be comparable to literature data obtained with different techniques. The presented method constitutes a miniaturized and cost-effective tool, which should be suitable for the assessment of the stereoselective aspects of kinetic and inhibition studies of cytochrome P450-mediated metabolic steps within early stages of the development of a new drug.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) generates membrane phospholipids that serve as second messengers to recruit signaling proteins to plasma membrane consequently regulating cell growth and survival. PI3K is a heterodimer consisting of a catalytic p110 subunit and a regulatory p85 subunit. Association of the p85 with other signal proteins is critical for induced PI3K activation. Activated PI3K, in turn, leads to signal flows through a variety of PI3K effectors including PDK1, AKT, GSK3, BAD, p70 S6K and NFκB. The PI3K pathway is under regulation by multiple signal proteins representing cross-talk between different signaling cascades. In this study, we have evaluated the role of protein kinase C family kinases on signaling through PI3K at multiple levels. Firstly, we observed that the action of PKC specific inhibitors like Ro-31-8220 and GF109203X was associated with an increased AKT phosphorylation and activity, suggesting that PKC kinases might play a negative role in the regulation of PI3K pathway. Then, we demonstrated the stimulation of AKT by PKC inhibition was dependent on functional PI3K enzyme and able to be transmitted to the AKT effector p70 S6K. Furthermore, we showed an inducible physical association between the PKCζ isotype and AKT, which was accompanied by an attenuated AKT activity. However, a kinase-dead form of PKC failed to affect AKT. In the second part of our research we revealed the ability of a different PKC family member, PKCδ to bind to the p85 subunit of PI3K in response to oxidative stress, a process requiring the activity of src tyrosine kinases. The interaction was demonstrated to be a direct and specific contact between the carboxyl terminal SH2 domain of p85 and tyrosine phosphorylated PKCδ. Several different types of agonists were capable to induce this association including tyrosine kinases and phorbol esters with PKCδ tyrosine phosphorylation being integral components. Finally, the PKCδ-PI3K complex was related to a reduction in the AKT phosphorylation induced by src. A kinase-deficient mutant of PKCδ was equally able to inhibit AKT signal as the wild type, indicative of a process independent of PKCδ catalytic activity. Altogether, our data illustrate different PKC isoforms regulating PI3K pathway at multiple levels, suggesting a mechanism to control signal flows through PI3K for normal cell activities. Although further investigation is required for full understanding of the regulatory mechanism, we propose that complex formation of signal proteins in PI3K pathway and specific PKC isoforms plays important role in their functional linkage. ^
An estimate of rate of transformation of organic matter and regeneration of nutrients (in particular phosphorus) was calculated for different regions of the Sea of Okhotsk. The rate was estimated by means of rate of complete oxidation of organic matter to CO2 and H2O catalyzed by enzymes of the electron transport system (ETS) and rate of hydrolytic splitting of phosphate from organic phosphorus compounds catalyzed by alkaline phosphatase. Organic matter destruction rate was at its maximum on the shelf of Kamchatka and Sakhalin, as well as in the layer of maximum oxygen gradients in deep waters. It was found that zones of intensive primary production were characterized by high rates of phosphorus regeneration, which provided for 80% of primary production when concentration of mineral phosphorus was low.
The present study aimed to contribute to the knowledge on the intraspecific variations of enzyme activities in populations of Calanus finmarchicus from different longitudes across the North Atlantic Ocean and their relation to changing environmental conditions. C. finmarchicus was sampled across the North Atlantic in basins with decreasing temperature regimes from east to west (Iceland Basin, Irminger Basin and Labrador Basin) in late March/early April 2013. Potential maximum enzyme activities of digestive (proteinases and lipases/esterases) and metabolic (citrate synthase) enzymes of copepods from all sampling stations were analysed and thermal profiles (5-50°C) of enzyme activities were determined. In order to investigate its acclimation potential, C. finmarchicus were acclimated to 4°C and 15°C for two weeks and thermal profiles of enzyme activities were compared afterwards.