526 resultados para Bioscience
Mammals contain an enormous load of commensal microbes in the lower intestine, which induce adaptive responses in the host immune system that ensure mutual coexistence of the host and its microbial passengers. The main way of studying how the host responds to commensal colonization has been to compare animals kept in entirely germ-free conditions and their colonized counterparts. We present an overview of our development of a reversible colonization system, whereby germ free animals can be treated with live commensal bacteria that do not persist in the host, so it becomes germ free again. We describe how this system has been used to demonstrate that there is little or no immune memory for specific IgA induction in the intestinal mucosal immune system by commensal intestinal bacteria.
The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway is responsible for the rapid degradation of eukaryotic mRNAs on which ribosomes fail to terminate translation properly. NMD thereby contributes to the elimination of aberrant mRNAs, improving the fidelity of gene expression, but also serves to regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Here we discuss recent evidence as to how and where mRNAs targeted to NMD are degraded in human cells. We discuss accumulating evidence that the decay step of human NMD can be initiated by two different mechanisms: either by SMG6-mediated endonucleolytic cleavage near the aberrant stop codon, or by deadenylation and decapping. While there is evidence that mRNAs targeted for NMD have the capacity to accumulate with other translationally repressed mRNAs in P-bodies, there is currently no evidence that this is required for the degradation of the NMD substrate. It therefore remains an open question whether NMD in human cells is restricted to a particular cellular location or whether it can be initiated wherever translation of the NMD substrate takes place
;Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can be exploited for the selective silencing of disease-related genes via the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery and therefore raise hope for future therapeutic applications. Especially chemically modified siRNAs are of interest as they are expected to convert lead siRNA sequences into effective drugs. To study the potential of tricyclo-DNA (tc-DNA) in this context we systematically incorporated tc-DNA units at various positions in a siRNA duplex targeted to the EGFP gene that was expressed in HeLa cells. Silencing activity was measured by FACS, mRNA levels were determined by RT-PCR and the biostability of the modifed siRNAs was determined in human serum. We found that modifications in the 3'-overhangs in both the sense and antisense strands were compatible with the RNAi machinery leading to similar activities compared to wild type (wt) siRNA. Additional modifications at the 3'-end, the 5'- end and in the center of the sense (passenger) strand were also well tolerated and did not compromise activity. Extensive modifications of the 3'- and the 5'-end in the antisense (guide) strand, however, abolished RNAi activity. Interestingly, modifications in the center of the duplex on both strands, corresponding to the position of the cleavage site by AGO2, increased efficacy relative to wt by a factor of 4 at the lowest concentrations (2 nM) investigated. In all cases, reduction of EGFP fluorescence was accompanied with a reduction of the EGFP mRNA level. Serum stability analysis further showed that 3'-overhang modifications only moderately increased stability while more extensive substitution by tc-DNA residues significantly enhanced biostability.
Somatic angiotensin-converting enzyme (sACE) is crucial in cardiovascular homeostasis and displays a tissue-specific profile. Epigenetic patterns modulate genes expression and their alterations were implied in pathologies including hypertension. However, the influence of DNA methylation and chromatin condensation state on the expression of sACE is unknown. We examined whether such epigenetic mechanisms could participate in the control of sACE expression in vitro and in vivo. We identified two CpG islands in the human ace-1 gene 3 kb proximal promoter region. Their methylation abolished the luciferase activity of ace-1 promoter/reporter constructs transfected into human liver (HepG2), colon (HT29), microvascular endothelial (HMEC-1) and lung (SUT) cell lines (p < 0.001). Bisulphite sequencing revealed a cell-type specific basal methylation pattern of the ace-1 gene -1,466/+25 region. As assessed by RT-qPCR, inhibition of DNA methylation by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and/or of histone deacetylation by trichostatin A highly stimulated sACE mRNA expression cell-type specifically (p < 0.001 vs. vehicle treated cells). In the rat, in vivo 5-aza-cytidine injections demethylated the ace-1 promoter and increased sACE mRNA expression in the lungs and liver (p = 0.05), but not in the kidney. In conclusion, the expression level of somatic ACE is modulated by CpG-methylation and histone deacetylases inhibition. The basal methylation pattern of the promoter of the ace-1 gene is cell-type specific and correlates to sACE transcription. DNMT inhibition is associated with altered methylation of the ace-1 promoter and a cell-type and tissue-specific increase of sACE mRNA levels. This study indicates a strong influence of epigenetic mechanisms on sACE expression.
RNA editing in kinetoplastid protozoa is a post-transcriptional process of uridine insertion or deletion in mitochondrial mRNAs. The process involves two RNA species, the pre-edited mRNA and in most cases a trans-acting guide RNA (gRNA). Sequences within gRNAs define the position and extend of mRNA editing. Both mRNAs and gRNAs are encoded by mitochondrial genes in the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), which consists of thousands of small circular DNA molecules, called minicircles, encoding thousands of gRNAs, catenated together and with a few mRNA encoding larger circles, the maxicircles, to form a huge DNA network. Editing has been shown to result in translatable mRNAs of bona fide mitochondrial genes as well as novel alternatively edited transcripts that are involved in the maintenance of the kDNA itself. RNA editing occurs within large protein-RNA complexes, editosomes, containing gRNA, preedited and partially edited mRNAs and also structural and catalytically active proteins. Editosomes are diverse in both RNA and protein composition and undergoe structural remodeling during the maturation. The compositional and structural diversity of editosomes further underscores the complexity of the RNA editing process.
How a mutualistic relationship between the intestinal microbiota and intestinal T cell compartments is established is important, as a breakdown of intestinal T cell homeostasis may cause inflammatory bowel diseases. A number of studies have shown that different bacterial species modulate the intestinal CD4+ T cell compartment in different ways. We performed mechanistic in vivo studies that demonstrated the crucial requirement for regulatory T cells (Treg) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in the induction of intestinal T cell homeostasis even following colonization with a completely benign microbiota. In the absence of a functional Treg response or IL-10 receptor signaling, the same bacteria that induced a Treg response in wild-type animals now induced T helper type 17 responses, without intestinal inflammation. Therefore, Treg, IL-10 and Th17 are crucial regulatory mechanisms in the intestine not only for controlling inflammation, but also to establish a continuum of CD4+ T cell homeostasis upon commensal colonization.
Zebrafish belladonna (bel) mutants carry a mutation in the lhx2 gene that encodes a Lim domain homeobox transcription factor, leading to a defect in the retinotectal axon pathfinding. As a result, a large fraction of homozygous bel mutants is achiasmatic. Achiasmatic bel mutants display ocular motor instabilities, both reserved optokinetic response (OKR) and spontaneous eye oscillations, and an unstable swimming behavior, described as looping. All these unstable behaviors have been linked to the underlying optic nerve projection defect. Looping has been investigated under different visual stimuli and shown to be vision dependent and contrast sensitive. In addition, looping correlates perfectly with reversed OKR and the spontaneous oscillations of the eyes. Hence, it has been hypothesized that looping is a compensatory response to the perception of self-motion induced by the spontaneous eye oscillations. However, both ocular and postural instabilities could also be caused by a yet unidentified vestibular deficit. Here, we performed a preliminary test of the vestibular function in achiasmatic bel larval mutants in order to clarify the potential role of a vestibular deficit in looping. We found that the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) is normally directed in both bel mutants and wild types and therefore exclude the possibility that nystagmus and looping in reverse to the rotating optokinetic drum can be attributed to an underlying vestibular deficit.
In children treated with immunosuppressive medication such as methotrexate and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors, additional immunizations are recommended because of increased susceptibility to infections. However, it is unclear if adequate antibody response to vaccinations can be established in children receiving methotrexate and/or TNF-α inhibitors. In a prospective open label study, we assessed seroprotection and seroconversion following influenza vaccination during 2 seasons (6 strains) in 36 children with autoimmune disease treated either with methotrexate (n=18), TNF-α inhibitors (n=10) or both (n=8) and a control group of 16 immunocompetent children. Influenza antibody titers were determined by hemagglutinin inhibition assay, before and 4-8 weeks after vaccination. Post-vaccination seroprotection (defined as a titer ≥1:40) did not significantly differ between immunosuppressed and immunocompetent subjects. Seroconversion, defined as the change from a nonprotective (< 1:40) to a protective titer (≥1:40) with at least a 4-fold titer increase, was less likely to occur in immunosuppressed patients, although no significant difference from the control group was established. Safety evaluation of vaccination showed no serious adverse events. Children receiving methotrexate and/or TNF-α inhibitors can be safely and effectively immunized against influenza, with a seroprotection after vaccination comparable to immunocompetent children.
Expression or release of immunosuppressive molecules may protect tumor cells from the recognition and destruction by the immune system. New findings indicate that colorectal tumors produce immunoregulatory glucocorticoids and thereby suppress immune cell activation. The nuclear receptor LRH-1 plays a critical role in the regulation of colorectal tumor proliferation and glucocorticoid synthesis.