954 resultados para Biopolymers and renewable polymers


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A seleção deste tema deve-se ao fato de para além de ser um tema bastante interessante, o fato de possuir também uma perspetiva futura muito interessante, sobretudo quando contextualizado como solução de problemas tais como dependência energética, poluição e excesso de população. Apesar de muitos dos conceitos ligados ao tema não serem assim tão recentes, a verdade é que os recentes avanços tecnológicos, (informática e robótica), associados a novas ideologias, (preservação do meio ambiente e energias renováveis), e a diferentes conjunturas, nomeadamente a crise económica de 2009, trouxe uma nova perspetiva sobre o tema e sobre as suas potencialidades. Consultando a Internet é possível reunir varias informações sobre como construir com inteligência passando por temáticas como os edifícios Inteligentes, a sustentabilidade ou até mesmo os serviços de saúde em casa, contudo ainda é algo difícil perceber qual a importância que estes aspetos podem vir a desempenhar no futuro. Isto advém em grande medida, da própria dificuldade dos autores em concordar sobre o que realmente é um edifício inteligente e qual pode ser a sua importância para as cidades no futuro. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho passa por abordar os conceitos base do que são edifícios inteligentes desde a sua génese até ao presente, não só a partir do ponto de vista tecnológico como também do ponto de vista ambiental e da forma como estes se articulam, principalmente num período de dificuldade económica como o vivido nos dias de hoje. Hoje em dia torna-se demasiado redutor só pensar os edifícios inteligentes a partir da sua componente tecnológica uma vez que a sua adaptabilidade permite que sejam uma solução para um número muito maior de problemas, alguns dos quais onde a componente tecnológica perde o seu lugar de destaque para a componente ambiental, onde um design inteligente pode potenciar grandes melhorias com o mínimo de gastos económicos. Em conclusão um edifício Inteligente é nos dias de hoje muito mais que a soma das suas partes seja ela tecnológica, económica ou ambiental. A “verdadeira” Inteligência está em conjugar o melhor de cada vertente potenciando o que têm de melhor de forma a proporcionarem uma qualidade de vida acrescida ao utilizador sem comprometer o meio e sem implicar gastos económicos incomportáveis.


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Relatório apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do título de pós-doutorado Ciências Empresariais, ramo de Marketing


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Kenia liegt in den Äquatorialtropen von Ostafrika und ist als ein weltweiter Hot-Spot für Aflatoxinbelastung insbesondere bei Mais bekannt. Diese toxischen und karzinogenen Verbindungen sind Stoffwechselprodukte von Pilzen und so insbesondere von der Wasseraktivität abhängig. Diese beeinflusst sowohl die Trocknung als auch die Lagerfähigkeit von Nahrungsmitteln und ist somit ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Entwicklung von energieeffizienten und qualitätsorientierten Verarbeitungsprozessen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Veränderung der Wasseraktivität während der konvektiven Trocknung von Mais zu untersuchen. Mittels einer Optimierungssoftware (MS Excel Solver) wurde basierend auf sensorerfassten thermo-hygrometrischen Daten der gravimetrische Feuchteverlust von Maiskolben bei 37°C, 43°C und 53°C vorausberechnet. Dieser Bereich stellt den Übergang zwischen Niedrig- und Hochtemperaturtrocknung dar. Die Ergebnisse zeigen deutliche Unterschiede im Verhalten der Körner und der Spindel. Die Trocknung im Bereich von 35°C bis 45°C kombiniert mit hohen Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten (> 1,5 m / s) begünstigte die Trocknung der Körner gegenüber der Spindel und kann daher für eine energieeffiziente Trocknung von Kolben mit hohem Anfangsfeuchtegehalt empfohlen werden. Weitere Untersuchungen wurden zum Verhalten unterschiedlicher Schüttungen bei der bei Mais üblichen Satztrocknung durchgeführt. Entlieschter und gedroschener Mais führte zu einem vergrößerten Luftwiderstand in der Schüttung und sowohl zu einem höheren Energiebedarf als auch zu ungleichmäßigerer Trocknung, was nur durch einen erhöhten technischen Aufwand etwa durch Mischeinrichtungen oder Luftumkehr behoben werden könnte. Aufgrund des geringeren Aufwandes für die Belüftung und die Kontrolle kann für kleine landwirtschaftliche Praxisbetriebe in Kenia daher insbesondere die Trocknung ganzer Kolben in ungestörten Schüttungen empfohlen werden. Weiterhin wurde in der Arbeit die Entfeuchtung mittels eines Trockenmittels (Silikagel) kombiniert mit einer Heizquelle und abgegrenztem Luftvolumen untersucht und der konventionellen Trocknung gegenüber gestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten vergleichbare Entfeuchtungsraten während der ersten 5 Stunden der Trocknung. Der jeweilige Luftzustand bei Verwendung von Silikagel wurde insbesondere durch das eingeschlossene Luftvolumen und die Temperatur beeinflusst. Granulierte Trockenmittel sind bei der Maistrocknung unter hygienischen Gesichtspunkten vorteilhaft und können beispielsweise mit einfachen Öfen regeneriert werden, so dass Qualitätsbeeinträchtigungen wie bei Hochtemperatur- oder auch Freilufttrocknung vermieden werden können. Eine hochwertige Maistrocknungstechnik ist sehr kapitalintensiv. Aus der vorliegenden Arbeit kann aber abgeleitet werden, dass einfache Verbesserungen wie eine sensorgestützte Belüftung von Satztrocknern, der Einsatz von Trockenmitteln und eine angepasste Schüttungshöhe praktikable Lösungen für Kleinbauern in Kenia sein können. Hierzu besteht, ggf. auch zum Aspekt der Verwendung regenerativer Energien, weiterer Forschungsbedarf.


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La presente investigación pretendió incorporar el uso intensivo de TIC en los procedimientos establecidos y necesarios en los procesos de generación, distribución y control de la energía, lo que se expresa en un manual para el sistema de gestión humana de la organización analizada. La investigación partió de un levantamiento de un estado del arte, continuó con la realización de un análisis de actitudes y aptitudes de los colaboradores, basado en propuestas teóricas y mejores prácticas existentes del medio, y, por último, concluyó con un manual de gestión humana en el que se indican las competencias en los diferentes perfiles de la organización para el uso de TIC y su aplicación, con el propósito de alinearse con las perspectivas y objetivos de la organización analizada al tener como base la perdurabilidad y la competitividad de la misma.


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During the past years, the considerable need in the domain of communications for more potent photonic devices has focused the research activities into the nonlinear optical (NLO) materials which can be used for modern optical switches. In this regard, a lot of research activities are focused on the organic materials and conjugated polymers which offer more advantages compared to the inorganic ones. On this matter, poly(3-alkylthiophene) (P3AT), an organic conjugated polymer, can be investigated as potential optical material with in particular the focus on the NLO properties such as the first- and second-hyperpolarizability, β and γ respectively. The activities carried out at the Laboratory of Polymer Synthesis of the KU Leuven, during the master's thesis work, focused on the study of conjugated polymers in order to evaluate their NLO properties for the future purpose of applications in optical systems. In particular, three series of polythiophenes functionalized with an alkyl side chain in the 3-position were synthesized: poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), poly[3-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophene] (P3EHT) and random copolymer of the two regio-isomers of P3HT. They were made in order to study the influence of molar mass, branching and regio-irregularity on the γ-value. The Kumada catalyst transfer condensative polymerization (KCTCP) and the Pd(RuPhos)-protocol were used for the polymerizations in order to have control over the molar mass of the growing chain and consequently to obtain well-defined and reproducible materials. The P3AT derivatives obtained were characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC), spectroscopic techniques (1H-NMR, UV-Vis) and the γ-value was investigated using the third-harmonic scattering (THS) technique. In particular, the THS technique is useful to investigate the optical behavior of the series of polymers in solution.


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The present work is to impart radiopacity in various natural polymers like chitosan, natural rubber and derivatives of chitosan and to characterize it. This thesis collated the radiopaque properties of these radiopaque polymers and various technological applications in the medical field. The applications of radiopaque polymers leads to an exploitation of radiopaque properties like X-ray visibility, optical density, effective atomic number, attenuation coefficient of biopolymers like chitosan, chitosan formate, chitosan acetate, carboxy methyl chitosan and natural rubber. The radiopaqe properties of these materials highly depend upon the size, shape, amount of radiopacifier and crystallinity of the radiopaque material. Radiopaque chitosan microspheres were prepared by cross linking with glutaraldehyde followed by the encapsulation of barium sulpahte. The effect of different emulsion systems on the morphology of chitosan microspheres were studied. The study concentrates radiopaque natural rubber for shielding applications. It reveals that to improve the particle size, morphology and crystalline phase of the zinc oxide particles, a novel method for the preparation of zinc oxide is adopted. A detailed radiopacity study was done in natural rubber containing 100phr precipitated zinc oxide prepared from different zinc salts. One of the significant findings of this investigation is that NR vulcanizates containing precipitated zinc oxide (from zinc acetate) shows higher attenuation coefficient. These interesting findings reveal the applications of these natural radiopaque systems in various fields like surgical tools, medical tubings, catheters, radiation shielding,etc.


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Monomers based on plant oil derivatives bearing furan heterocycles appended through thiol-ene click chemistry were prepared and, subsequently, polymerized via a second type of click reaction, i. e. the Diels-Alder (DA) polycondensation between furan and maleimide complementary moieties. Two basic approaches were considered for these DA polymerizations, namely (i) the use of monomers with two terminal furan rings in conjunction with bismaleimides (AA + BB systems) and (ii) the use of a protected AB monomer incorporating both furan and maleimide end groups. This study clearly showed that both strategies were successful, albeit with different outcomes, in terms of the nature of the ensuing products. The application of the retro-DA reaction to these polymers confirmed their thermoreversible character, i. e. the clean-cut return to their respective starting monomers, opening the way to original macromolecular materials with interesting applications, like mendability and recyclability.


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Nowadays the development of sustainable polymers, with convenient properties to substitute the traditional petroleum-based materials, is one of the major issues for material science. The utilization of renewable resources as feedstock for biopolyesters is a challenging target.The research work described in the present thesis is strictly connected to these urgent necessities and is focused mainly in finding new biopolymers, in particular biopolyesters, which are obtainable from biomass and characterized by a wide range of properties, in order to potentially substitute polyolefins and aromatic polyesters (for example, poly(ethylene terephthalate))


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The present research project focuses its attention on the study of structure-property relations in polymers from renewable sources (bio-based polymers) such as polymers microbially produced, i.e. polyhydrohyalkanoates (PHAs) or chemically synthesized using monomers from renewable sources, i.e. polyammide 11 (PA11). By means of a broad spectrum of experimental techniques, the influence of different modifications on bio-based polymers such as blending with other components, copolymerization with different co-monomers and introduction of branching to yield complex architectures have been investigated. The present work on PHAs focused on the study of the dependence of polymer properties on both the fermentation process conditions (e.g. bacterial strain and carbon substrate used) and the method adopted to recover PHAs from cells. Furthermore, a solvent-free method using an enzyme and chemicals in an aqueous medium, was developed in order to recover PHAs from cells. Such a method allowed to recover PHA granules in their amorphous state, i.e. in native form useful for specific applications (e.g. paper coating). In addition, a commercial PHA was used as polymeric matrix to develop biodegradable and bio-based composites for food packaging applications. Biodegradable, non-toxic, food contact plasticizers and low cost, widely available lignocellulosic fibers (wheat straw fibers) were incorporated in such a polymeric matrix, in order to decrease PHA brittleness and the polymer cost, respectively. As concerns the study of polyamide 11, both the rheological and the solid-state behavior of PA11 star samples with different arm number and length was studied. Introduction of arms in a polymer molecule allows to modulate melt viscosity behavior which is advantageous for industrial applications. Also, several important solid-state properties, in particular mechanical properties, are affected by the presence of branching. Given the importance of using ‘green’ synthetic strategies in polymer chemistry, novel poly(-amino esters), synthesized via enzymatic-catalyzed polymerization, have also been investigated in this work.


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Several ester derivatives of rosmarinic acid (rosmarinates) were synthesised, characterised (1D and 2D NMR, UV and FTIR spectroscopy) and tested for their potential use as antioxidants derived from a renewable natural resource. The intrinsic free radical scavenging activity of the rosmarinates was assessed, initially using a modified DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical) method, and found to be higher than that of commercial synthetic hindered phenol antioxidants Irganox 1076 and Irganox 1010. The thermal stabilising performance of the rosmarinates in polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) was subsequently examined and compared to that of samples prepared similarly but in the presence of Irganox 1076 (in PE) and Irganox 1010 (in PP) which are typically used for polyolefin stabilisation in industrial practice. The melt stability and the long-term thermo-oxidative stability (LTTS) of processed polymers containing the antioxidants were assessed by measuring the melt flow index (MFI), melt viscosity, oxidation induction time (OIT) and long-term (accelerated) thermal ageing performance. The results show that both the melt and the thermo-oxidative stabilisation afforded by the rosmarinates, and in particular the stearyl derivative, in both PE and PP, are superior to those of Irganox 1076 and Irganox 1010, hence their potential as effective sustainable bio-based antioxidants for polymers. The rosmarinic acid used for the synthesis of the rosmarinates esters in this study was obtained from commercial rosemary extracts (AquaROX80). Furthermore, a large number of different strains of UK-grown rosemary plants (Rosmarinum officinalis) were also extracted and analysed in order to examine their antioxidant content. It was found that the carnosic and the rosmarinic acids, and to a much lesser extent the carnosol, constituted the main antioxidant components of the UK-plants, with the two acids being present at a ratio of 3:1, respectively.


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This work mainly arises from the necessity to support the rapid introduction of different biobased polymers that the industrial sector has been facing lately. Indeed, while considerable efforts are being made to find environmentally and economically sustainable materials, less attention is paid to their need to be properly compounded to fulfil increasingly rigorous technical and quality requirements. Therefore, there is a strong demand for the development of a novel generation of compatible additives able to improve the properties of biobased polymers while respecting sustainability. With this in mind, a new class of biobased plasticizers is herein proposed. Five different ketal-diesters were selectively synthesized starting from levulinic acid, a promising renewable chemical platform. These molecules were added to poly(vinyl chloride) as model polymer to test their plasticizing effectiveness. Complete morphological, thermal and viscoelastic characterizations showed a clear correlation between the structural features of the ketal-esters and the properties of the material. In addition, no significant leaching was found in both hydrophilic and lipophilic environments. Importantly, the proposed ketal-diesters performed comparably and, in some cases, even better than commercial plasticizers. The same molecules were then added to bacterial poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), a semicrystalline polyester characterized by poor thermal and mechanical properties. Morphology assessments showed no phase separation and the plasticizing effectiveness was confirmed by thermal and viscoelastic analyses, while leaching tests showed low extraction values. Readily usable fractions with controlled structure and tailored properties were obtained from highly heterogeneous industrial grade Kraft lignin. These fractions were then added to poly(vinyl alcohol). Promising preliminary results in terms of compatibility were achieved, with thermograms showing only one glass transition temperature. Finally, a fully biobased glycerol-trilevulinate was successfully synthesized by means of a mild and solvent-free route. Its plasticizing effectiveness was evaluated on poly(vinyl chloride), showing a significant decrease of the glass transition temperature of the material.


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The environmental problems caused by human activity are one of the main themes of debate of the last Century. As regard plastics, the use of non-renewable sources together with the accumulation of waste in natural habitats are causing serious pollution problems. For this reason, a continuously growing interest is recorded around sustainable materials, potential candidate for the replacement of traditional recalcitrant plastics. Promising results have been obtained with biopolymers, in particular with the class of biopolyesters. Their potential biodegradability and biobased nature is particularly interesting mainly for food packaging, where the multilayer systems normally used and the contamination by organic matter create severe recycling limits. In this framework, the present research has been conducted with the aim of synthetizing, modifying and characterizing biopolymers for food packaging application. New bioplastics based on monomers derived from renewable resources were successfully synthetized by two-step melt polycondensation and chain extension reaction following the “Green chemistry” principles. Moreover, well-known biopolyesters have been modified by blending or copolymerization, both resulting effective techniques to ad hoc tune the polymer final characteristics. The materials obtained have been processed and characterized from the chemical, structural, thermal and mechanical point of view; more specific characterizations as compostability tests, surface hydrophilicity film evaluation and barrier property measurements were conducted.


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The enormous amount of goods that world societies consume every day, derives from an immense consumption of energy and raw materials, and leads to an unthinkable amount of wastes. The abuse of fossil-based resources and the mismanaged waste is leading to big environmental pollution and climate change, with consequences on all living beings. To solve this issue and start living in equilibrium with nature, modern societies must stop using fossil fuels massively in favor to clean renewable energies, recycling, and biomass and waste utilization for materials and chemical production. Moreover, bioplastic recycling must be prioritized over their biodegrading and composting. This work is dedicated to the study of new synthetic strategies that fall into these fields.