982 resultados para Biometria testicular


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The present study is aimed at describing scrotal collections observed at ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. The authors describe the main features of hydrocele, hematocele and pyocele, as well as the most common causes, clinical manifestations and associated diseases, with a brief review of the embryology and anatomy of the scrotum. Collections are frequently found in the evaluation of the scrotum, which is often performed on an emergency basis, and in most cases can be differentiated by means of imaging studies. With the consolidation of magnetic resonance imaging as the method of choice complementary with ultrasonography, the authors also describe magnetic resonance imaging findings of scrotal collections as well as the situations where such method is indicated.


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Correct species identification is a crucial issue in systematics with key implications for prioritising conservation effort. However, it can be particularly challenging in recently diverged species due to their strong similarity and relatedness. In such cases, species identification requires multiple and integrative approaches. In this study we used multiple criteria, namely plumage colouration, biometric measurements, geometric morphometrics, stable isotopes analysis (SIA) and genetics (mtDNA), to identify the species of 107 bycatch birds from two closely related seabird species, the Balearic (Puffinus mauretanicus) and Yelkouan (P. yelkouan) shearwaters. Biometric measurements, stable isotopes and genetic data produced two stable clusters of bycatch birds matching the two study species, as indicated by reference birds of known origin. Geometric morphometrics was excluded as a species identification criterion since the two clusters were not stable. The combination of plumage colouration, linear biometrics, stable isotope and genetic criteria was crucial to infer the species of 103 of the bycatch specimens. In the present study, particularly SIA emerged as a powerful criterion for species identification, but temporal stability of the isotopic values is critical for this purpose. Indeed, we found some variability in stable isotope values over the years within each species, but species differences explained most of the variance in the isotopic data. Yet this result pinpoints the importance of examining sources of variability in the isotopic data in a case-by-case basis prior to the cross-application of the SIA approach to other species. Our findings illustrate how the integration of several methodological approaches can help to correctly identify individuals from recently diverged species, as each criterion measures different biological phenomena and species divergence is not expressed simultaneously in all biological traits.


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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are structurally and functionally similar glycoprotein hormones acting through the same luteinizing hormone chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR). The functions of LH in reproduction and hCG in pregnancy are well known. Recently, the expression of LHCGR has been found in many nongonadal tissues and cancers, and this has raised the question of whether LH/hCG could affect the function or tumorigenesis of these nongonadal tissues. We have also previously generated an hCG expressing mouse model presenting nongonadal phenotypes. Using this model it is possible to improve our understanding of nongonadal action of highly elevated LH/hCG. In the current study, we analyzed the effect of moderately and highly elevated hCG levels on male reproductive development and function. The main finding was the appearance of fetal Leydig cell (FLC) adenomas in prepubertal males. However, the development and differentiation of FLCs were not significantly affected. We also show that the function of hCG is different in FLCs and in adult Leydig cells (ALC), because in the latter cells hCG was not able to induce tumorigenesis. In FLCs, LHCGR is not desensitized or downregulated upon ligand binding. In this study, we found that the testicular expression of two G protein-coupled receptor kinases responsible for receptor desensitization or downregulation is increased in adult testis. Results suggest that the lack of LHCGR desensitization or downregulation in FLCs protect testosterone (Te) synthesis, but also predispose FLCs for LH/hCG induced adenomas. However, all the hCG induced nongonadal changes observed in male mice were possible to explain by the elevated Te level found in these males. Our findings indicate that the direct nongonadal effects of elevated LH/hCG in males are not pathophysiologically significant. In female mice, we showed that an elevated hCG level was able to induce gonadal tumorigenesis. hCG also induced the formation of pituitary adenomas (PA), but the mechanism was indirect. Furthermore, we found two new potential risk factors and a novel hormonally induced mechanism for PAs. Increased progesterone (P) levels in the presence of physiological estradiol (E2) levels induced the formation of PAs in female mice. E2 and P induced the expression and nuclear localization of a known cell-cycle regulator, cyclin D1. A calorie restricted diet was also able to prevent the formation of PAs, suggesting that obesity is able to promote the formation of PAs. Hormone replacement therapy after gonadectomy and hormone antagonist therapy showed that the nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing female mice were due to ovarian hyperstimulation. A slight adrenal phenotype was evident even after gonadectomy in hCG expressing females, but E2 and P replacement was able to induce a similar phenotype in WT females without elevated LH/hCG action. In conclusion, we showed that the direct effects of elevated hCG/LH action are limited only to the gonads of both sexes. The nongonadal phenotypes observed in hCG expressing mice were due to the indirect, gonadal hormone mediated effects of elevated hCG. Therefore, the gonads are the only physiologically significant direct targets of LHCGR signalling.


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Hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttavan siittiöiden puolihäntävian molekyyligenetiikka Suomalaisissa Yorkshire karjuissa yleistyi 1990-luvun lopulla autosomaalisesti ja resessiivisesti periytyvä hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttava siittiöiden puolihäntävika (ISTS, immotile short tail sperm). Sairaus aiheuttaa normaalia lyhyemmän ja täysin liikkumattoman siittiön hännän muodostuksen. Muita oireita sairailla karjuilla ei ole havaittu ja emakot ovat oireettomia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa siittiöiden puolihäntävian aiheuttava geenivirhe ja kehittää DNA-testi markkeri- ja geeniavusteiseen valintaan. Koko genomin kartoituksessa vian aiheuttava alue paikannettiin sian kromosomiin 16. Paikannuksen perusteella kahden geenimerkin haplotyyppi kehitettiin käytettäväksi markkeri-avusteisessa valinnassa. Sairauteen kytkeytyneen alueen hienokartoitusta jatkettiin geenitestin kehittämiseksi kantajadiagnostiikkaan. Vertailevalla kartoituksella oireeseen kytkeytynyt alue paikannettiin 2 cM:n alueelle ihmisen kromosomiin viisi (5p13.2). Tällä alueella sijaitsevia geenejä vastaavista sian sekvensseistä löydetyn muuntelun perusteella voitiin tarkentaa sairauteen kytkeytyneitä haplotyyppejä. Haplotyyppien perusteella puolihäntäoireeseen kytkeytynyt alue rajattiin kahdeksan geenin alueelle ihmisen geenikartalla. Alueelle paikannetun kandidaattigeenin (KPL2) sekvensointi paljasti introniin liittyneen liikkuvan DNA-sekvenssin, Line-1 retroposonin. Tämä retroposoni muuttaa geenin silmikointia siten, että sitä edeltävä eksoni jätetään pois tai myös osa introni- ja inserttisekvenssiä liitetään geenin mRNA tuotteeseen. Molemmissa tapauksissa tuloksena on lyhentynyt KPL2 proteiini. Tähän retroposoni-inserttiin perustuva geenitesti on ollut sianjalostajien käytössä vuodesta 2006. KPL2 geenin ilmenemisen tarkastelu sialla ja hiirellä paljasti useita kudosspesifisiä silmikointimuotoja. KPL2 geenin pitkä muoto ilmenee pääasiassa vain kiveksessä, mikä selittää geenivirheen aiheuttamat erityisesti siittiön kehitykseen liittyvät oireet. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen hiiren siittiön hännän kehityksen aikana ja mahdollinen yhteistoiminta IFT20 proteiinin kanssa viittaavat tehtävään proteiinien kuljetuksessa siittiön häntään. Mahdollisen kuljetustehtävän lisäksi KPL2 saattaa toimia myös siittiön hännän rakenneosana, koska se paikannettiin valmiin siittiön hännän keskiosaan. Lisäksi KPL2 proteiini saattaa myös toimia Golgin laitteessa sekä Sertolin solujen ja spermatidien liitoksissa, mutta nämä havainnot kuitenkin vaativat lisätutkimuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että KPL2 geeni on tärkeä siittiön hännän kehitykselle ja sen rakennemuutos aiheuttaa siittiöiden puolihäntäoireen suomalaisilla Yorkshire karjuilla. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen ja paikannus siittiön kehityksen aikana antaa viitteitä proteiinin toiminnasta. Koska KPL2 geenisekvenssi on erittäin konservoitunut, nämä tulokset tuovat uutta tietoa kaikkien nisäkkäiden siittiöiden kehitykseen ja urosten hedelmättömyyteen syihin.


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Infertility is a common late effect of childhood cancer treatment. Testicular toxicity can clinically be first detected after the onset of pubertal maturation of the patients when the testis does not grow, spermatogenesis does not initiate and serum levels of gonadotrophins rise. Improved prognosis for childhood cancer has resulted in a growing number of childhood cancer survivors with late effects. In our study, we developed novel tools for detecting cancer therapy-related testicular toxicity during development. By using these methods the effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate, chemotherapy agent doxorubicin and irradiation on testicular development were investigated in rat and monkey. Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and some patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia have fusion gene BCR-ABL which codes for abnormal tyrosine kinase protein. Imatinib mesylate (Glivec®) inhibits activity of this protein. In addition, imatinib inhibits the action of the c-kit and PDGF –receptors, which are both important for the survival and proliferation of the spermatogonial stem cell pool. Imatinib exposure during prepubertal development disturbed the development and the growth of the testis. Spermatogonial stem cells were also sensitive to the toxic effects of doxorubicin and irradiation during the initiation phase of spermatogenesis. In addition, the effect of the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia on germ cell numbers and recovery of reproductive functions after sexual maturation was investigated. Therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia seldom results in infertility. The present study gives new information on the mechanisms by which cancer treatments exert their gonadal toxicity in immature testis.


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Gonadal somatic cell and adrenocortical endocrine tumors are rare. The incidence of adrenocortical carcinomas is only 1-2/1000000 a year. However, they are aggressive, especially in adulthood and currently surgery is the only curative treatment. Cytotoxic agents are in use in advanced cancers, but side effects and multidrug resistance are often problems. Thus there is a need for novel curative treatment methods. In contrast, ovarian granulosa cell tumors and testicular Leydig cell tumors are usually benign, especially at a younger age. The aim of the present thesis was to study a novel targeted treatment method through luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) in a transgenic mouse tumor model. The cytotoxic agent was lytic peptide Hecate-CGbeta conjugate where 23 amino acid Hecate, a synthetic form of honeybee venom melittin, was conjugated to 15 amino acid fragment of human chorionic gonadotropin β subunit. Lytic peptides are known to act only on negatively charged cells, such as bacteria and cancer cells and hereby, due to hCGbeta fragment, the conjugate is able to bind directly to LHCGR bearing cancer cells, saving the healthy ones. The experiments were carried out in inhibin-alpha-Simian Virus 40-T-antigen transgenic mice that are known to express LHCGR-bearing gonadal tumors, namely Leydig and granulosa cell tumors by 100% penetrance. If the mice are gonadectomized prepubertally they form adrenocortical tumors instead. Transgenic and wild type mice were treated for three consecutive weeks with control vehicle, Hecate or Hecate-CGbeta conjugate. GnRH antagonist or estradiol was given to a group of mice with or without Hecate-CGbeta conjugate to analyze the additive role of gonadotropin blockage in adrenocortical tumor treatment efficacy. Hecate-CGbeta conjugate was able to diminish the gonadal and adrenal tumor size effectively in males. No treatment related side effects were found. Gonadotropin blockage through GnRH antagonist was the best treatment in female adrenal tumors. The mode of cell death by Hecate-CGbeta conjugate was proven to be through necrosis. LHCGR and GATA-4 were co-expressed in tumors, where the treatment down-regulated their expression simultaneously, suggesting their possible use as tumor markers. In conclusion, the present thesis showed that Hecate-CGbeta conjugate targets its action selectively through LHCGR and selectively kills the LHCGR bearing tumor cells. It works both in gonadal somatic and in ectopic LHCGR bearing adrenal tumors. These results establish a more general principle that receptors expressed ectopically in malignant cells can be exploited in targeted cytotoxic therapies without affecting the normal healthy cells.


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Increasing evidence suggests oceanic traits may play a key role in the genetic structuring of marine organisms. Whereas genetic breaks in the open ocean are well known in fishes and marine invertebrates, the importance of marine habitat characteristics in seabirds remains less certain. We investigated the role of oceanic transitions versus population genetic processes in driving population differentiation in a highly vagile seabird, the Cory"s shearwater, combining molecular, morphological and ecological data from 27 breeding colonies distributed across the Mediterranean (Calonectris diomedea diomedea) and the Atlantic (C. d. borealis). Genetic and biometric analyses showed a clear differentiation between Atlantic and Mediterranean Cory"s shearwaters. Ringing-recovery data indicated high site fidelity of the species, but we found some cases of dispersal among neighbouring breeding sites (<300 km) and a few long distance movements (>1000 km) within and between each basin. In agreement with this, comparison of phenotypic and genetic data revealed both current and historical dispersal events. Within each region, we did not detect any genetic substructure among archipelagos in the Atlantic, but we found a slight genetic differentiation between western and eastern breeding colonies in the Mediterranean. Accordingly, gene flow estimates suggested substantial dispersal among colonies within basins. Overall, genetic structure of the Cory"s shearwater matches main oceanographic breaks (Almería-Oran Oceanic Front and Siculo-Tunisian Strait), but spatial analyses suggest that patterns of genetic differentiation are better explained by geographic rather than oceanographic distances. In line with previous studies, genetic, phenotypic and ecological evidence supported the separation of Atlantic and Mediterranean forms, suggesting the 2 taxa should be regarded as different species.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a continuidade espacial do número de fustes e do volume nas diferentes formas e intensidades amostrais de Eucalyptus grandis com idade entre 3 e 4 anos. A área de estudo abrangeu quatro talhões, totalizando 104,71 ha, pertencentes à Ripasa S/A Celulose e Papel. Os dados para a realização do estudo de variabilidade espacial foram coletados em parcelas circulares e em parcelas em linhas distribuídas sistematicamente na área, nas intensidades de 1:4 (1 parcela a cada 4 ha), 1:7 e 1:10. Foi possível verificar que, tanto em número de fustes quanto em volume, os dados apresentaram distribuição aproximadamente normal. Pela análise variográfica, foi verificado que as características número de fustes e volume de madeira apresentaram-se estruturadas espacialmente. O modelo exponencial foi o que se ajustou melhor aos semivariogramas experimentais das características nas diferentes formas de parcela e intensidade amostral. A continuidade espacial foi detectada em todas as intensidades amostrais e formas de parcelas avaliadas, quanto a número de fustes. Portanto, o uso da estatística espacial no processamento dessa variável aumentará a precisão das estimativas. No caso de volume, na intensidade amostral 1:10 não foi possível detectar continuidade espacial. Em tal condição, deve-se utilizar a estatística clássica para processamento do inventário florestal.


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In mammals, post-testicular sperm maturation taking place in the epididymis is required for the spermatozoa to acquire the abilities required to fertilize the egg in vivo. The epididymal epithelial cells secrete proteins and other small molecules into the lumen, where they interact with the spermatozoa and enable necessary maturational changes. In this study different in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches were utilized in order to find novel genes responsible for the function of the epididymis and post-testicular sperm maturation in the mouse. Available online genomic databases were analyzed to identify genes potentially expressed in the epididymis, gene expression profiling was performed by studying their expression in different mouse tissues, and significance of certain genes to fertility was assessed by generating genetically modified mouse models. A recently discovered Pate (prostate and testis expression) gene family was found to be predominantly expressed in the epididymis. It represents one of the largest known gene families expressed in the epididymis, and the members code for proteins potentially involved in defense against microorganisms. Through genetically modified mouse models CRISP4 (cysteine-rich secretory protein 4) was identified to regulate sperm acrosome reaction, and BMYC to inhibit the expression of the Myc proto-oncogene in the developing testis. A mouse line expressing iCre recombinase specifically in the epididymis was also generated. This model can be used to generate conditional, epididymis-specific knock-out models, and will be a valuable tool in fertility studies.


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência da composição de um substrato organoarenoso sobre a emergência e parâmetros fisiológicos de crescimento de plântulas de timbaúva. As sementes foram submetidas à germinação nas seguintes composições do substrato: T1) 100% areia; T2) 75% areia + 25% Tecnomax®; T3) 50% areia + 50% Tecnomax®, T4) 25% areia + 75% Tecnomax®; e T5) 100% Tecnomax®. As avaliações foram efetuadas aos 45, 90, 135 e 180 dias após a semeadura, aferindo a altura da parte área e o diâmetro do coleto. Aos 180 DAS, determinaram-se a massa da matéria seca de parte aérea, a massa da matéria seca de raízes, a massa da matéria seca total e os teores de clorofila a, b e clorofila total. A emergência e os parâmetros fisiológicos de crescimento foram afetados negativamente pela composição exclusiva de Tecnomax®, assim como os valores de clorofila b. O substrato comercial associado ao material inerte (areia) proporcionou maior expressão do vigor das sementes, teores de clorofila b e maior crescimento de mudas de timbaúva.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar fisicamente frutos de pequizeiros provenientes do Cerrado para subsidiar estratégias de prospecção, preservação e utilização da variabilidade genética da espécie. Foram coletados frutos de plantas de pequizeiro em duas safras consecutivas (2007/2008 e 2008/2009) em oito regiões do Cerrado. A partir dos frutos coletados procedeu-se a caracterização física dos frutos e os dados foram submetidos à análise descritiva, análise de variância e correlação entre caracteres. Os resultados deste trabalho evidenciaram uma elevada variabilidade fenotípica para a maioria dos caracteres físicos de frutos de pequizeiro nas regiões amostradas. Considerando que parte dessa variabilidade seja de natureza genética, isto indica potencial de ganho genético por meio da seleção. A análise de correlação entre todas as variáveis avaliadas em frutos demonstrou correlações positivas e significativas entre os caracteres de importância para o melhoramento genético da espécie. Existe uma grande diferença entre regiões quanto ao potencial de fornecimento de frutos adequados ao mercado.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da secção distal do Gubernaculum testis como modelo experimental de criptorquidia unilateral em ratos. MÉTODO: Foram usados 36 ratos machos de linhagem Wistar-EPM, distribuídos em dois grupos: A (Grupo Experimento: animais submetidos à secção distal do gubernaculum direito) e B (Grupo Controle: operação simulada do lado direito). Cada grupo foi subdividido em 3 subgrupos com 6 animais cada : A-1, A-2 e A-3: B-1, B-2 e B-3. Os animais dos subgrupos A-1 e B-1 foram re-operados após 30 dias. Os animais dos subgrupos A-2 e B-2 foram mortos após 50 dias e os dos subgrupos A-3 e B-3 após 90 dias. RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças quanto ao peso, tamanho e posição do testículo afetado em relação ao lado controle,as quais só foram evidenciadas a partir do subgrupo A-2 (50 dias).O testículo não foi palpável na bolsa testicular em 88,9% dos casos e não houve óbito dos animais. Foram observadas alterações da maturidade celular, atrofia tubular, diminuição do diâmetro dos túbulos e ausência de espermatozóides na luz tubular no grupo A e presença de normalidade histológica para a idade nos animais do grupo B. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo experimental de produção de criptorquidia experimental unilateral pela secção do Gubernaculum testis em ratos foi eficaz e prático.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar os níveis de PSA total no Hamster Sírio, Mesocricetus auratus, jovem e adulto e demonstrar possíveis correlações entre esses níveis com as alterações histológicas dos anexos sexuais: próstata, vesículas seminais e testículos. MÉTODO: Foram examinados dez (n=10) Hamsters jovens, com idade inferior a sete semanas de vida e vinte (n=20) Hamsters com idade superior a um ano. Fez-se a dosagem do PSA e estudo histológico dos anexos sexuais em ambos os grupos e procurou-se a correlação entre o PSA encontrado e as alterações histológicas. RESULTADOS: A média de idade para os animais jovens, (grupo controle), foi de 46,7 dias (Desvio-Padrão-DP=1,16). Nos animais adultos, (grupo experimental), a média de idade não foi determinada, embora todos apresentassem idade acima de um ano no momento da morte. A média do peso dos animais jovens quando foram mortos foi de 57kg e dos animais adultos 126,5g. O PSA foi dosado no plasma de todos os animais adultos e em sete dos animais jovens. Em três animais do grupo jovem o PSA não foi detectado. A média do PSA nos animais jovens foi de 0,252ng/mL (nanogramo por mililitro) e nos animais adultos de 0,325ng/mL. Os animais jovens não apresentaram alterações histológicas nos anexos sexuais examinados. Entre os Hamsters adultos, quatorze (70%) animais apresentaram alguma alteração nos anexos sexuais: dez (50%) apresentaram Hiperplasia Benigna da Próstata (HBP); um (5%) apresentou HBP, prostatite e inflamação das vesículas seminais; um (5%) inflamação supurativa das vesículas seminais; um (5%) apresentou infarto testicular e prostatite; um (5%) apresentou inflamação das vesículas seminais, sem HBP e prostatite. Não se detectou relação estatística entre os níveis de PSA e a ocorrência de HBP, embora os portadores da hiperplasia prostática exibissem médias de PSA bastante superiores às apresentadas pelos não portadores de hiperplasia. Não foram também determinadas relações estatísticas entre os níveis de PSA e as alterações das vesículas seminais e testículo. CONCLUSÕES: 1- O Hamster Sírio, Mesocricetus auratus, apresenta PSA sérico dosável e seu valor médio para o Hamster jovem é de 0,252ng/mL e no Hamster adulto é de 0,325ng/mL.2. Não foi possível correlacionar os níveis de PSA com as alterações histológicas encontradas nos anexos sexuais do Mesocricetus auratus.


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Testicular and paratesticular prepuberal tumors are rare. They represent around 1% of the total of tumors of infancy. They subdivide in 2 groups: germ cells tumors and non germ cells tumors, being able to occur in all the ages, and about 75% are malignant, and about 19% of these they present metastasis. The tumors of germ cells tumors represent 60 75% of the tumors testiculars in infancy, having as main example the yolk sac tumor (65% of the neoplasms), followed for teratomas (14%); although some works to exist where teratoma, if presents as most common .The non germ cells tumors include the Leydig cell tumor and Sertoli cell tumor. The Leydig cell tumor, are most frequent between the non germ cells tumors testicular. This review article on epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of to testicular and to paratesticular tumors in child.


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OBJETIVO: verificar a viabilidade do transplante autógeno de testículos na parede abdominal e omento, em ratos, sem anastomose vascular, analisando a estrutura histológica das células testiculares após o implante. MÉTODOS: foram utilizados 60 ratos Wistar, machos, de 10-12 semanas de idade, distribuídos em três grupos: grupo controle: 20 ratos sem orquiectomia, com operação simulada; grupo 2: 20 ratos com orquiectomia bilateral sendo um testículo implantado no omento maior; grupo 3: 20 ratos com orquiectomia bilateral, sendo um testículo implantado na parede abdominal. Após dois meses eles foram mortos e os testículos avaliados pelo exame anatomopatológico. RESULTADO: o peso dos implantes teve perda de 0,62g no grupo 2, de 0,73g no grupo 3 e no grupo controle houve aumento de 0,1g. Ao estudo anatomopatológico, no grupo controle a estrutura testicular foi preservada; no grupo 2 encontrou-se 80% de inflamação e necrose, não foram visualizadas células de Sertoli ou de Leydig, em dois animais encontraram-se túbulos seminíferos; no grupo 3 encontrou-se 75% de inflamação e 60% de necrose, somente em um conseguiu-se visualizar células de Sertoli e em três células de Leydig. CONCLUSÃO: não é viável o transplante autógeno de testículo sem anastomose vascular em ratos no omento maior e na parede abdominal.