995 resultados para Biology, Biostatistics|Philosophy|Health Sciences, Public Health
Chagas’ disease, also called American Trypanosomiasis, is a vector-borne disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. T. cruzi is spread by triatomine insects, commonly referred to as ‘kissing bugs.’ After the insect takes a blood meal from its animal or human host, it usually defecates near the bite wound. The parasite is present in the feces, and when rubbed into the bite wound or mucous membranes by the host, infection ensues. Chagas’ disease is highly endemic in Central and South America where it originated. Many people in these endemic areas live in poor conditions surrounded by animals, mainly dogs, that can serve as a possible link to human infection. In Chagas’ endemic countries, dogs can be used as a sentinel to infer risk for human infection. In Texas, the prevalence of Chagas’ and risk for human infection is largely unknown. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Chagas’ disease in shelter dogs in Houston, Texas and the Rio Grande Valley region by using an immunochromatographic assay (Chagas’ Stat-Pak) to test for the presence of T. cruzi antibodies. Of the 822 samples tested, 26 were found to be positive (3.2%). In both locations, Chagas’ prevalence increased over time. This study found that dogs, especially strays, can serve as sentinels for disease activity. Public health authorities can implement this strategy to understand the level of Chagas’ activity in a defined geographic area and prevent human infection.^
Risk factors for Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter (MDRA) acquisition were studied in patients in a burn intensive care unit (ICU) where there was an outbreak of MDRA. Forty cases were matched with eighty controls based on length of stay in the Burn ICU and statistical analysis was performed on data for several different variables. Matched analysis showed that mechanical ventilation, transport ventilation, number of intubations, number of bronchoscopy procedures, total body surface area burn, and prior Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization were all significant risk factors for MDRA acquisition. ^ MDRA remains a significant threat to the burn population. Treatment for burn patients with MDRA is challenging as resistance to antibiotics continues to increase. This study underlined the need to closely monitor the most critically ill ventilated patients during an outbreak of MDRA as they are the most at risk for MDRA acquisition.^
To reach the goals established by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) STOP TB USA, measures must be taken to curtail a future peak in Tuberculosis (TB) incidence and speed the currently stagnant rate of TB elimination. Both efforts will require, at minimum, the consideration and understanding of the third dimension of TB transmission: the location-based spread of an airborne pathogen among persons known and unknown to each other. This consideration will require an elucidation of the areas within the U.S. that have endemic TB. The Houston Tuberculosis Initiative (HTI) was a population-based active surveillance of confirmed Houston/Harris County TB cases from 1995–2004. Strengths in this dataset include the molecular characterization of laboratory confirmed cases, the collection of geographic locations (including home addresses) frequented by cases, and the HTI time period that parallels a decline in TB incidence in the United States (U.S.). The HTI dataset was used in this secondary data analysis to implement a GIS analysis of TB cases, the locations frequented by cases, and their association with risk factors associated with TB transmission. ^ This study reports, for the first time, the incidence of TB among the homeless in Houston, Texas. The homeless are an at-risk population for TB disease, yet they are also a population whose TB incidence has been unknown and unreported due to their non-enumeration. The first section of this dissertation identifies local areas in Houston with endemic TB disease. Many Houston TB cases who reported living in these endemic areas also share the TB risk factor of current or recent homelessness. Merging the 2004–2005 Houston enumeration of the homeless with historical HTI surveillance data of TB cases in Houston enabled this first-time report of TB risk among the homeless in Houston. The homeless were more likely to be US-born, belong to a genotypic cluster, and belong to a cluster of a larger size. The calculated average incidence among homeless persons was 411/100,000, compared to 9.5/100,000 among housed. These alarming rates are not driven by a co-infection but by social determinants. The unsheltered persons were hospitalized more days and required more follow-up time by staff than those who reported a steady housing situation. The homeless are a specific example of the increased targeting of prevention dollars that could occur if TB rates were reported for specific areas with known health disparities rather than as a generalized rate normalized over a diverse population. ^ It has been estimated that 27% of Houstonians use public transportation. The city layout allows bus routes to run like veins connecting even the most diverse of populations within the metropolitan area. Secondary data analysis of frequent bus use (defined as riding a route weekly) among TB cases was assessed for its relationship with known TB risk factors. The spatial distribution of genotypic clusters associated with bus use was assessed, along with the reported routes and epidemiologic-links among cases belonging to the identified clusters. ^ TB cases who reported frequent bus use were more likely to have demographic and social risk factors associated with poverty, immune suppression and health disparities. An equal proportion of bus riders and non-bus riders were cultured for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yet 75% of bus riders were genotypically clustered, indicating recent transmission, compared to 56% of non-bus riders (OR=2.4, 95%CI(2.0, 2.8), p<0.001). Bus riders had a mean cluster size of 50.14 vs. 28.9 (p<0.001). Second order spatial analysis of clustered fingerprint 2 (n=122), a Beijing family cluster, revealed geographic clustering among cases based on their report of bus use. Univariate and multivariate analysis of routes reported by cases belonging to these clusters found that 10 of the 14 clusters were associated with use. Individual Metro routes, including one route servicing the local hospitals, were found to be risk factors for belonging to a cluster shown to be endemic in Houston. The routes themselves geographically connect the census tracts previously identified as having endemic TB. 78% (15/23) of Houston Metro routes investigated had one or more print groups reporting frequent use for every HTI study year. We present data on three specific but clonally related print groups and show that bus-use is clustered in time by route and is the only known link between cases in one of the three prints: print 22. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^
Studies have shown that rare genetic variants have stronger effects in predisposing common diseases, and several statistical methods have been developed for association studies involving rare variants. In order to better understand how these statistical methods perform, we seek to compare two recently developed rare variant statistical methods (VT and C-alpha) on 10,000 simulated re-sequencing data sets with disease status and the corresponding 10,000 simulated null data sets. The SLC1A1 gene has been suggested to be associated with diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in previous studies. In the current study, we applied VT and C-alpha methods to the empirical re-sequencing data for the SLC1A1 gene from 300 whites and 200 blacks. We found that VT method obtains higher power and performs better than C-alpha method with the simulated data we used. The type I errors were well-controlled for both methods. In addition, both VT and C-alpha methods suggested no statistical evidence for the association between the SLC1A1 gene and DBP. Overall, our findings provided an important comparison of the two statistical methods for future reference and provided preliminary and pioneer findings on the association between the SLC1A1 gene and blood pressure.^
Aim. To review published literature on the relationship of obesity and cardiovascular disease.^ Methods. To look at all the studies published on the topic from 2005.^ Results. In the studies done prior to 2011, body mass index and in particular waist to hip ratio (51.57) was found to be associated with coronary heart disease. But, this relationship was challenged by the latest Lancet 2011meta-analysis 1 which concluded that singly or in combination, body-mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio did not importantly improve prediction of first-onset cardiovascular disease when additional information exists on blood pressure, history of diabetes, and cholesterol measures were available. Furthermore, they also found long-term reproducibility of BMI to be superior to that of waist-to-hip ratio (or waist circumference). Interestingly, body mass index in later childhood and early adult life showed positive association with coronary heart disease later in life 2. In US female health professionals 3 increasing body mass index was found to be associated with increased coronary heart disease risk. Overall 4, physical activity was found to be independently associated with fewer risk factors, less coronary artery disease, and fewer adverse events in women. Finally, obesity was found to be associated with increased overall cardiovascular mortality and coronary heart disease mortality 5.^ Conclusions. There is insufficient data to draw guidelines regarding parameters of obesity affecting cardiovascular disease. But there is data to support that lower body mass index would lead to decreased cardiovascular disease mortality. And physical activity has a direct association with less coronary artery disease in women.^
Pneumonia is a well-documented and common respiratory infection in patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injuries, and may recur during the course of acute care. Using data from the North American Clinical Trials Network (NACTN) for Spinal Cord Injury, the incidence, timing, and recurrence of pneumonia were analyzed. The two main objectives were (1) to investigate the time and potential risk factors for the first occurrence of pneumonia using the Cox Proportional Hazards model, and (2) to investigate pneumonia recurrence and its risk factors using a Counting Process model that is a generalization of the Cox Proportional Hazards model. The results from survival analysis suggested that surgery, intubation, American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) grade, direct admission to a NACTN site and age (older than 65 or not) were significant risks for first event of pneumonia and multiple events of pneumonia. The significance of this research is that it has the potential to identify patients at the time of admission who are at high risk for the incidence and recurrence of pneumonia. Knowledge and the time of occurrence of pneumonias are important factors for the development of prevention strategies and may also provide some insights into the selection of emerging therapies that compromise the immune system. ^
There are several innovative aspects to this thesis that extend our current knowledge of the relations between stress and psychiatric symptoms in adolescents. First, distal and proximal stressors are differentiated. This approach allows one to specifically examine the role of early childhood stressors as well as stressors experienced more recently as they impact the expression of depression and anxiety during adolescence. Second, a state-of-the-art assessment instrument was used to examine proximal stressors, helping to distinguish several aspects of stress, including objective stress and subjective stress. Third, the parent study from which these data were derived was designed to examine the role of familial risk for depression and related risk factors for the initial development of depression and alcohol use disorders. This allowed for a very thorough collection of demographic characteristics of the study population. Accordingly, this thesis examines the initial prodromal expression of anxiety and depressive symptoms as they are originally expressed prior to the development, if any, of a full-blown psychiatric disorder.^
Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death for females due to lack of specific early detection method. It is of great interest to find molecular-based biomarkers which are sensitive and specific to ovarian cancer for early diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics. miRNAs have been proposed to be potential biomarkers that could be used in cancer prevention and therapeutics. The current study analyzed the miRNA and mRNA expression data extracted from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Using simple linear regression and multiple regression models, we found 71 miRNA-mRNA pairs which were negatively associated between 56 miRNAs and 24 genes of PI3K/AKT pathway. Among these miRNA and mRNA target pairs, 9 of them were in agreement with the predictions from the most commonly used target prediction programs including miRGen, miRDB, miRTarbase and miR2Disease. These shared miRNA-mRNA pairs were considered to be the most potential genes that were involved in ovarian cancer. Furthermore, 4 of the 9 target genes encode cell cycle or apoptosis related proteins including Cyclin D1, p21, FOXO1 and Bcl2, suggesting that their regulator miRNAs including miR-16, miR-96 and miR-21 most likely played important roles in promoting tumor growth through dysregulated cell cycle or apoptosis. miR-96 was also found to directly target IRS-1. In addition, the results showed that miR-17 and miR-9 may be involved in ovarian cancer through targeting JAK1. This study might provide evidence for using miRNA or miRNA profile as biomarker.^
Choline and betaine are important methyl donors that contribute to protein and phospholipid synthesis and DNA methylation. They can either be obtained through diet or synthesized de novo. Evidence from human and animal research indicates that choline metabolic pathways may be activated during a variety of diseases, including cancer. Studies have been conducted to investigate the role of dietary intake of choline and betaine on cancers, but results vary among studies by cancer types, and no such study had been conducted for lung cancer. We conducted a case-control study to explore the association between choline and betaine dietary intake and lung cancer. A total of 2807 cases and 2919 controls were included in the study. After adjusting for total calorie intake, age, sex, race and smoking status, multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed a significant negative association between choline/betaine intake and lung cancer. Specifically, we observed that higher choline intake was associated with reduced lung cancer odds, and the association did not differ significantly by smoking status. A similar negative trend was observed in the association between betaine intake and lung cancer after adjusting for total calorie intake, age, sex, smoking status, race, and pack-years of smoking. However, this association was strongly affected by smoking. No significant association was observed with increased betaine intake and lung cancer among never smokers, but higher betaine intake was strongly associated with reduced lung cancer odds among smokers, and lower odds ratios were observed among current smokers than among former smokers. Our results suggest that high intake of choline may be protective for lung cancer independent of smoking status, while high betaine intake may mitigate the adverse effect of smoking on lung cancer, and help prevent lung cancer among smokers.^
Epilepsy is a very complex disease which can have a variety of etiologies, co-morbidities, and a long list of psychosocial factors4. Clinical management of epilepsy patients typically includes serological tests, EEG's, and imaging studies to determine the single best antiepileptic drug (AED). Self-management is a vital component of achieving optimal health when living with a chronic disease. For patients with epilepsy self-management includes any necessary actions to control seizures and cope with any subsequent effects of the condition9; including aspects of treatment, seizure, and lifestyle. The use of computer-based applications can allow for more effective use of clinic visits and ultimately enhance the patient-provider relationship through focused discussion of determinants affecting self-management. ^ The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review on informatics application in epilepsy self-management in an effort to describe current evidence for informatics applications and decision support as an adjunct to successful clinical management of epilepsy. Each publication was analyzed for the type of study design utilized. ^ A total of 68 publications were included and categorized by the study design used, development stage, and clinical domain. Descriptive study designs comprised of three-fourths of the publications and indicate an underwhelming use of prospective studies. The vast majority of prospective studies also focused on clinician use to increase knowledge in treating patients with epilepsy. ^ Due to the chronic nature of epilepsy and the difficulty that both clinicians and patients can experience in managing epilepsy, more prospective studies are needed to evaluate applications that can effectively increase management activities. Within the last two decades of epilepsy research, management studies have employed the use of biomedical informatics applications. While the use of computer applications to manage epilepsy has increased, more progress is needed.^
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully identified several genetic loci associated with inherited predisposition to primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), the most common autoimmune disease of the liver. Pathway-based tests constitute a novel paradigm for GWAS analysis. By evaluating genetic variation across a biological pathway (gene set), these tests have the potential to determine the collective impact of variants with subtle effects that are individually too weak to be detected in traditional single variant GWAS analysis. To identify biological pathways associated with the risk of development of PBC, GWAS of PBC from Italy (449 cases and 940 controls) and Canada (530 cases and 398 controls) were independently analyzed. The linear combination test (LCT), a recently developed pathway-level statistical method was used for this analysis. For additional validation, pathways that were replicated at the P <0.05 level of significance in both GWAS on LCT analysis were also tested for association with PBC in each dataset using two complementary GWAS pathway approaches. The complementary approaches included a modification of the gene set enrichment analysis algorithm (i-GSEA4GWAS) and Fisher's exact test for pathway enrichment ratios. Twenty-five pathways were associated with PBC risk on LCT analysis in the Italian dataset at P<0.05, of which eight had an FDR<0.25. The top pathway in the Italian dataset was the TNF/stress related signaling pathway (p=7.38×10 -4, FDR=0.18). Twenty-six pathways were associated with PBC at the P<0.05 level using the LCT in the Canadian dataset with the regulation and function of ChREBP in liver pathway (p=5.68×10-4, FDR=0.285) emerging as the most significant pathway. Two pathways, phosphatidylinositol signaling system (Italian: p=0.016, FDR=0.436; Canadian: p=0.034, FDR=0.693) and hedgehog signaling (Italian: p=0.044, FDR=0.636; Canadian: p=0.041, FDR=0.693), were replicated at LCT P<0.05 in both datasets. Statistically significant association of both pathways with PBC genetic susceptibility was confirmed in the Italian dataset on i-GSEA4GWAS. Results for the phosphatidylinositol signaling system were also significant in both datasets on applying Fisher's exact test for pathway enrichment ratios. This study identified a combination of known and novel pathway-level associations with PBC risk. If functionally validated, the findings may yield fresh insights into the etiology of this complex autoimmune disease with possible preventive and therapeutic application.^
Background: An increased understanding of the pathogenesis of cancer at the molecular level has led to the development of personalized cancer therapy based on the mutation status of the tumor. Tailoring treatments to genetic signatures has improved treatment outcomes in patients with advanced cancer. We conducted a meta-analysis to provide a quantitative summary of the response to treatment on a phase I clinical trial matched to molecular aberration in patients with advanced solid tumors. ^ Methods: Original studies that reported the results of phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer treated with matched anti-cancer therapies between January 2006 and November 2011 were identified through an extensive search of Medline, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases. Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was estimated for each study to assess the strength of an association between objective response rate (ORR) and mutation status. Random effects model was used to estimate the pooled OR and their 95% CI was derived. Funnel plot was used to assess publication bias. ^ Results: Thirteen studies published between January 2006 and November 2011that reported on responses to matched phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer were included in the meta-analysis. Nine studies reported on the responses seen in 538 of the 835 patients with driver mutations responsive to therapy and seven studies on the responses observed in 234 of the 306 patients with mutation predictive for negative response. Random effects model was used to estimate pooled OR, which was 7.767(95% CI = 4.199 − 14.366; p-value=0.000) in patients with activating mutations that were responsive to therapy and 0.287 (95% CI = 0.119 − 0.694; p-value=0.009) in patients with mutation predictive of negative response. ^ Conclusion: It is evident from the meta-analysis that somatic mutations present in tumor tissue of patients are predictive of responses to therapy in patients with advanced cancer in phase I setting. Plethora of research and growing evidence base indicate that selection of patients based on mutation analysis of the tumor and personalizing therapy is a step forward in the war against cancer.^
Background. It is estimated that hospitals spend between 28 and 33 billion dollars per year as a result of hospital-acquired infections. (Scott, 2009) The costs continue to rise despite the guidance and controls provided by hospital infection control staff to reduce patient exposures to fungal spores and other infectious agents. With all processes and controls in place, the vented elevator shaft represents an unprotected opening from the top of the building to the lower floors. The hypothesis for this prospective study is that there is a positive correlation between the number of Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores, Cladosporium, ascospores, basidiospores in spores/m3 as individual spore categories found in the hoistway vent of an elevator shaft and the levels of the same spores, sampled near-simultaneously in the outdoor intake of the elevator shaft. Specific aims of this study include determining if external Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores are entering the healthcare facility via the elevator shaft and hoistway vents. Additional aims include determining levels of Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores outdoors, in the elevator shafts, and indoors in areas possibly affected by elevator shaft air; and, finally, to evaluate whether any effect is observed due to the installation of a hoistway vent damper, installed serendipitously during this study. ^ Methods. Between April 2010 and September 2010, a total of 3,521 air samples were collected, including 363 spore trap samples analyzed microscopically for seven spore types, and polymerase chain reaction analyses on 254 air samples. 2178 particle count measurements, 363 temperature readings and 363 relative humidity readings were also obtained from 7 different locations potentially related to the path of air travel inside and near a centrally-located and representative elevator shaft. ^ Results. Mean Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spore values were higher outside the building (530 spores/m3 of air) than inside the hoistway (22.8 spores/m3) during the six month study. Mean values inside the hospital were lower than outside throughout the study, ranging from 15 to 73 spores/m3 of air. Mean Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spore counts inside the hoistway decreased from 40.1 spores/m3 of air to 9 spores/m3 of air following the installation of a back draft damper between the outside air and the elevator shaft. Comparison of samples collected outside the building and inside the hoistway vent prior to installing the damper indicated a strong positive correlation (Spearman's Rho=0.8008, p=0.0001). The similar comparison following the damper installation indicated a moderate non-significant inverse correlation (Spearman's rho = −0.2795, p=0.1347). ^ Conclusion. Elevator shafts are one pathway for mold spores to enter a healthcare facility. A significant correlation was detected between spores and particle counts inside the hoistway and outside prior to changes in the ventilation system. The insertion of the back draft damper appeared to lower the spore counts inside the hoistway and inside the building. The mold spore counts in air outside the study building were higher in the period following the damper installation while the levels inside the hoistway and hospital decreased. Cladosporium and Penicillium/Aspergillus -like spores provided a method for evaluating indoor air quality as a natural tracer from outside the building to inside the building. Ascospores and basidiospores were not a valuable tracer due to low levels of detection during this study. ^ Installation of a back draft damper provides additional protection for the indoor environment of a hospital or healthcare facility, including in particular patients who may be immunocompromised. Current design standards and references do not require the installation of a back draft damper, but evaluation of adding language to relevant building codes should be considered. The data indicate a reduction in levels of Penicillium/Aspergillus -like spores, particle counts and a reduction in relative humidity inside of the elevator shaft after damper installation.^
Background. Obesity in America has increased exponentially since the 1970s with no sign of slowing down. It is a major public health problem, and is currently the second leading cause of preventable deaths in America (Flegal et al., 2010). Bariatric surgery is currently the only approved therapy that has shown to have a lasting impact on obese patients. While the initial cost of the surgery remains high, numerous cost-benefit analyses have demonstrated an overall cost saving within two to five years (McEwen et al., 2010). Only three states, including Texas, do not currently fund bariatric surgery through Medicare and Medicaid. ^ Objectives. To determine whether the current data on the cost-benefit analysis of bariatric surgery supports Texas' decision to not publicly fund bariatric surgery through its Medicare and Medicaid programs. ^ Methods. We conducted literature reviews to determine the current cost of obesity in Texas as well as the methods being employed to treat obesity currently. We then analyzed the history of bariatric surgery and its current implementation, looking at safety and the future benefits of bariatric surgery. We then looked at key cost-benefit analyses and meta-analyses to determine the cost effectiveness of bariatric surgery. We then analyzed both direct medical expenditures and indirect benefits of bariatric surgery. ^ Conclusions. If the obesity epidemic continues unabated, it will become one of the leading health expenditures in Texas within decades. Given that surgery is currently the only approved therapy for obesity that has been shown to be effective in the majority of patients, Texas' decision not to publicly fund bariatric surgery is short sighted.^
Trastuzumab is a humanized-monoclonal antibody, developed specifically for HER2-neu over-expressed breast cancer patients. Although highly effective and well tolerated, it was reported associated with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in clinical trial settings (up to 27%). This leaves a gap where, Trastuzumab-related CHF rate in general population, especially older breast cancer patients with long term treatment of Trastuzumab remains unknown. This thesis examined the rates and risk factors associated with Trastuzumab-related CHF in a large population of older breast cancer patients. A retrospective cohort study using the existing Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) and Medicare linked de-identified database was performed. Breast cancer patients ≥ 66 years old, stage I-IV, diagnosed in 1998-2007, fully covered by Medicare but no HMO within 1-year before and after first diagnosis month, received 1st chemotherapy no earlier than 30 days prior to diagnosis were selected as study cohort. The primary outcome of this study is a diagnosis of CHF after starting chemotherapy but none CHF claims on or before cancer diagnosis date. ICD-9 and HCPCS codes were used to pool the claims for Trastuzumab use, chemotherapy, comorbidities and CHF claims. Statistical analysis including comparison of characteristics, Kaplan-Meier survival estimates of CHF rates for long term follow up, and Multivariable Cox regression model using Trastuzumab as a time-dependent variable were performed. Out of 17,684 selected cohort, 2,037 (12%) received Trastuzumab. Among them, 35% (714 out of 2037) were diagnosed with CHF, compared to 31% (4784 of 15647) of CHF rate in other chemotherapy recipients (p<.0001). After 10 years of follow-up, 65% of Trastuzumab users developed CHF, compared to 47% in their counterparts. After adjusting for patient demographic, tumor and clinical characteristics, older breast cancer patients who used Trastuzumab showed a significantly higher risk in developing CHF than other chemotherapy recipients (HR 1.69, 95% CI 1.54 - 1.85). And this risk is increased along with the increment of age (p-value < .0001). Among Trastuzumab users, these covariates also significantly increased the risk of CHF: older age, stage IV, Non-Hispanic black race, unmarried, comorbidities, Anthracyclin use, Taxane use, and lower educational level. It is concluded that, Trastuzumab users in older breast cancer patients had 69% higher risk in developing CHF than non-Trastuzumab users, much higher than the 27% increase reported in younger clinical trial patients. Older age, Non-Hispanic black race, unmarried, comorbidity, combined use with Anthracycline or Taxane also significantly increase the risk of CHF development in older patients treated with Trastuzumab. ^