1000 resultados para Biogenic silica, particulate flux per day


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The development of the seasonal phytoplankton bloom in the Ross Sea was studied during two cruises. The first, conducted in November-December 1994, investigated the initiation and rapid growth of the bloom, whereas the second (December 1995-January 1996) concentrated on the bloom's maximum biomass period and the subsequent decline in biomass. Central to the understanding of the controls of growth and the summer decline of the bloom is a quantitative assessment of the growth rate of phytoplankton. Growth rates were estimated over two time scales with different methods. The first estimated daily growth rates from isotropic incorporation under simulated in situ conditions, including 14C, 15N and 32Si uptake measurements combined with estimates of standing stocks of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and biogenic silica. The second method used daily to weekly changes in biomass at selected locations, with net growth rates being estimated from changes in standing stocks of phytoplankton. In addition, growth rates were estimated in large-volume experiments under optimal irradiances. Growth rates showed distinct temporal patterns. Early in the growing season, short-term estimates suggested that growth rates of in situ assemblages were less than maximum (relative to the temperature-limited maximum) and were likely reduced due to low irradiance regimes encountered under the ice. Growth rates increased thereafter and appeared to reach their maximum as biomass approached the seasonal peak, but decreased markedly in late December. Differences between the major taxonomic groups present were also noted, especially from the isotopic tracer experiments. The haplophyte Phaeocystic antarctica was dominant in 1994 throughout the growing season, and it exhibited the greatest growth rates (mean 0.41/day) during spring. Diatom standing stocks were low early in the growing season, and growth rates averaged 0.100/day. In summer diatoms were more abundant, but their growth rates remained much lower (mean of 0.08/day) than the potential maximum. Understanding growth rate controls is essential to the development of predictive models of the carbon cycle and food webs in Antarctic waters.


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In September 1999 two short-term moorings with cylindrical sediment traps were deployed to collect sinking particles in bottom waters off the Ob and Yenisei river mouths. Samples were studied for their bulk composition, pigments, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, fecal material, amino acids, hexosamines, fatty acids and sterols and compared to suspended matter and surface sediments in order to collect information about the nature and cycling of particulate matter in the water column. Results of all measured components in sinking particles point to an ongoing seasonality in the pelagic system from blooming diatoms in the first phase to a more retention system in the second half of trap deployment. Due to a phytoplankton bloom observed north of the Ob estuary, flux rates were generally higher in the trap deployed off the Ob than off the Yenisei. The Ob trap collected fresh surface-derived particulate matter. Particles from the Yenisei trap were more degraded and resembled deep water suspension. This material may partly have been derived from resuspended sediments.


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Within the framework of the EU-funded BENGAL programme, the effects of seasonality on biogenic silica early diagenesis have been studied at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP), an abyssal locality located in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Nine cruises were carried out between August 1996 and August 1998. Silicic acid (DSi) increased downward from 46.2 to 213 µM (mean of 27 profiles). Biogenic silica (BSi) decreased from ca. 2% near the sediment-water interface to <1% at depth. Benthic silicic acid fluxes as measured from benthic chambers were close to those estimated from non-linear DSi porewater gradients. Some 90% of the dissolution occurred within the top 5.5 cm of the sediment column, rather than at the sediment-water interface and the annual DSi efflux was close to 0.057 mol Si/m**2/yr. Biogenic silica accumulation was close to 0.008 mol Si/m**2/yr and the annual opal delivery reconstructed from sedimentary fluxes, assuming steady state, was 0.065 mol Si/m**2/yr. This is in good agreement with the mean annual opal flux determined from sediment trap samples, averaged over the last decade (0.062 mol Si/m**2/yr). Thus ca. 12% of the opal flux delivered to the seafloor get preserved in the sediments. A simple comparison between the sedimentation rate and the dissolution rate in the uppermost 5.5 cm of the sediment column suggests that there should be no accumulation of opal in PAP sediments. However, by combining the BENGAL high sampling frequency with our experimental results on BSi dissolution, we conclude that non-steady state processes associated with the seasonal deposition of fresh biogenic particles may well play a fundamental role in the preservation of BSi in these sediments. This comes about though the way seasonal variability affects the quality of the biogenic matter reaching the seafloor. Hence it influences the intrinsic dissolution properties of the opal at the seafloor and also the part played by non-local mixing events by ensuring the rapid transport of BSi particles deep into the sediment to where saturation is reached.