948 resultados para Bio-mimicking
A 57-year-old man, operated eight years before for a left frontal falx meningioma, presented with short lasting, stereotyped episodes of paresthesias ascending from the right foot to the hand. A diagnosis of somatosensory seizures with jacksonian march was made. The patient was given antiepilectics but 5 days later, a few hours after another paresthesic episodes, he developed right hemiplegia, hemianesthesia and dysartria due to an infarct of left capsular posterior limb. We deem that in this patient the paresthesic episodes were more likely an expression of a capsular warning syndrome than of parietal epilepsy because of the frontal localization of the surgical lesion, the absence of motor components in all episodes, the negativity of repeated EEG, and the lack of recurrences after stroke. In capsular warning syndrome sensory symptoms mimicking a jacksonian march can be due to ischemic depolarization progressively recruiting the somatotopically arranged sensory fibers in the posterior capsular limb.
A regioselective approach for the synthesis of substituted naphthofurans and dibenzofurans has been demonstrated through a ring transformation reaction of suitably functionalized 2H-pyran-2-ones by reaction with 6,7-dihydro-5H-benzofuran-4-one and 7-methoxybenzofuran-3-one, respectively in high yields. The novelty of the procedure lies in the creation of an aromatic ring transformed by 2H-pyran-2-one involving the –COCH2- moiety of a cyclic ketone.
Kurzbeschreibung: In der Automatisierung von intralogistischen Kommissioniervorgängen ist ein großes Zukunftspotential erkennbar. Elementarer Bestandteil des Automatisierungsprozesses ist der Einsatz von Industrierobotern, die mit einem geeigneten Endeffektor, dem Greifer, ausgestattet werden müssen. Die Robotik ist in der Lage schneller, präziser und ausdauernder als die menschlichen Kommissionierer zu arbeiten und trägt damit entscheidend zur Effizienzsteigerung bei. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung für diesen Entwicklungsschritt zur Substitution der manuellen Kommissionierung ist die Konstruktion und Bereitstellung eines geeigneten Greifsystems. Am Lehrstuhl für Maschinenelemente und Technische Logistik der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität wurde mit der Erfahrung aus einem vorangegangenen Forschungsprojekt die Methode der Clusteranalyse erstmalig zur Untersuchung von Greifobjekten zur Entwicklung eines bionischen Universalgreifers für die Kommissionierung von Drogerieartikeln verwendet. Diese Abhandlung beschreibt einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung dieses Greifers am Beispiel handelsüblicher Drogerieartikel, die aktuell manuell kommissioniert werden. Diese werden hinsichtlich der für das Greifen relevanten Objektmerkmale geclustert und die daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse in Form von Konstruktionsmerkmalen abgeleitet. Nach einer Analyse und Festlegung der greifrelevanten Merkmale der Greifobjekte wird eine Objektdatenbasis erstellt. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Methoden wird die gewonnene Datenbasis aufbereitet und reduziert. Im Anschluss werden die Greifobjekte bzw. deren Merkmalsausprägungen einer hierarchischen Clusteranalyse unterzogen. Hierbei werden die Grenzen der gebildeten Cluster mittels der zugehörigen Greifobjekte festgelegt und analysiert. Abschließend werden bestimmte greiferspezifische Merkmale auf die Anwendbarkeit in den Clustern überprüft und bewertet. Diese Betrachtungen ermöglichen es, dass spezielle Anforderungen an den Greifer, die direkt aus den Eigenschaften der Greifobjekte herrühren, zuverlässig erkannt und konstruktiv berücksichtigt werden können.
Cutaneous reactive angiomatoses (CRA) encompass a distinct group of rare benign reactive vascular proliferations that include reactive angioendotheliomatosis, diffuse dermal angiomatosis and reactive intralymphatic histiocytosis. The etiology of these conditions, often associated with either localized or systemic diseases, is poorly understood. We report a 72-year-old woman who presented giant diffuse cellulitis-like plaques on the right lower limb and the pelvis and a reduction of her general condition with fever. Light microscopy studies revealed combined features of reactive angioendotheliomatosis, diffuse dermal angiomatosis and reactive intralymphatic histiocytosis. A small arteriovenous fistula of the right lower leg was thought to act as trigger. Systemic corticosteroids resulted in the clinical remission of the skin lesions. Our observation provides strong evidence that reactive angioendotheliomatosis, diffuse dermal angiomatosis and reactive intralymphatic histiocytosis, previously regarded as distinct forms of CRA, may show overlapping histopathological features and most likely represent facets of the same disease.
INTRODUCTION Herbal and dietary supplements are widely used as measures to improve and preserve health and well-being. Among the bestselling preparations are dietary supplement containing glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate taken to improve symptoms of osteoarthritis. METHODS AND RESULTS We here present a case of a male patient with biopsy-proven acute and severe autoimmune hepatitis subsequent to intake of a preparation containing glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate. Response to steroids was favorable and resulted in complete remission of the patient. Diagnostic work-up of the case revealed no other possible cause of liver injury, and causality assessment using the Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method (RUCAM) resulted in a possible causal relationship between intake of glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate and the adverse hepatic reaction. CONCLUSION The present case recalls that products containing glucosamine and chondroitine sulfate can occasionally cause acute liver injury mimicking autoimmune hepatitis, and reminds of the potential dangers of compounds with poor efficacy and ill-defined safety records.
Retroperitoneal location of bronchogenic cysts is extremely rare. Most commonly they are encountered in the posterior mediastinum. Bronchogenic cysts arise from developmental aberrations of the tracheobronchial tree in the early embryologic period. We report a 42-year-old female patient with a retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst in the left adrenal region. She was admitted to our hospital with epigastric pain and subsequently underwent CT of the abdomen. The examination revealed a mass related to the left adrenal gland. Endocrine tests for adrenal hypersecretion were negative. Because of the uncertain entity, laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed. Pathological examination revealed a bronchogenic cyst in proximity to an inconspicuous left adrenal gland. Although very rare, bronchogenic cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal cystic lesions and surgical resection pursued for symptom resolution and to establish a definitive histology.
Using variothermal polymer micro-injection molding, disposable arrays of eight polymer micro-cantilevers each 500 μm long, 100 μm wide and 25 μm thick were fabricated. The present study took advantage of an easy flow grade polypropylene. After gold coating for optical read-out and asymmetrical sensitization, the arrays were introduced into the Cantisens(®) Research system to perform mechanical and functional testing. We demonstrate that polypropylene cantilevers can be used as biosensors for medical purposes in the same manner as the established silicon ones to detect single-stranded DNA sequences and metal ions in real-time. A differential signal of 7 nm was detected for the hybridization of 1 μM complementary DNA sequences. For 100 nM copper ions the differential signal was found to be (36 ± 5) nm. Nano-mechanical sensing of medically relevant, nanometer-size species is essential for fast and efficient diagnosis.
Alternative fuels are increasingly combusted in diesel- and gasoline engines and the contribution of such exhausts to the overall air pollution is on the rise. Recent findings on the possible adverse effects of biodiesel exhaust are contradictive, at least partly resulting from the various fuel qualities, engine types and different operation conditions that were tested. However, most of the studies are biased by undesired interactions between the exhaust samples and biological culture media. We here report how complete, freshly produced exhausts from fossil diesel (B0), from a blend of 20% rapeseed-methyl ester (RME) and 80% fossil diesel (B20) and from pure rapeseed methyl ester (B100) affect a complex 3D cellular model of the human airway epithelium in vitro by exposing the cells at the air–liquid interface. The induction of pro-apoptotic and necrotic cell death, cellular morphology, oxidative stress, and pro-inflammatory responses were assessed. Compared to B0 exhaust, B20 exhaust decreased oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory responses, whereas B100 exhaust, depending on exposure duration, decreased oxidative stress but increased pro-inflammatory responses. The effects are only very weak and given the compared to fossil diesel higher ecological sustainability of biodiesel, it appears that – at least RME – can be considered a valuable alternative to pure fossil diesel.
The North Atlantic spring bloom is one of the main events that lead to carbon export to the deep ocean and drive oceanic uptake of CO(2) from the atmosphere. Here we use a suite of physical, bio-optical and chemical measurements made during the 2008 spring bloom to optimize and compare three different models of biological carbon export. The observations are from a Lagrangian float that operated south of Iceland from early April to late June, and were calibrated with ship-based measurements. The simplest model is representative of typical NPZD models used for the North Atlantic, while the most complex model explicitly includes diatoms and the formation of fast sinking diatom aggregates and cysts under silicate limitation. We carried out a variational optimization and error analysis for the biological parameters of all three models, and compared their ability to replicate the observations. The observations were sufficient to constrain most phytoplankton-related model parameters to accuracies of better than 15 %. However, the lack of zooplankton observations leads to large uncertainties in model parameters for grazing. The simulated vertical carbon flux at 100 m depth is similar between models and agrees well with available observations, but at 600 m the simulated flux is larger by a factor of 2.5 to 4.5 for the model with diatom aggregation. While none of the models can be formally rejected based on their misfit with the available observations, the model that includes export by diatom aggregation has a statistically significant better fit to the observations and more accurately represents the mechanisms and timing of carbon export based on observations not included in the optimization. Thus models that accurately simulate the upper 100 m do not necessarily accurately simulate export to deeper depths.