997 resultados para Berry, Fases de


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This study investigated the effects of long-term-enhanced UV-B, and combined UV-B with elevated CO2 on dwarf shrub berry characteristics in a sub-arctic heath community. Germination of Vaccinium myrtillus was enhanced in seeds produced at elevated UV-B, but seed numbers and berry size were unaffected. Elevated UV-B and CO2 stimulated the abundance of V. myrtillus berries, whilst UV-B alone stimulated the berry abundance of V. vitis-idaea and Empetrum hermaphroditum. Enhanced UV-B reduced concentrations of several polyphenolics in V. myrtillus berries, whilst elevated CO2 increased quercetin glycosides in V. myrtillus, and syringetin glycosides and anthocyanins in E. hermaphroditum berries. UV-B x CO2 interactions were found for total anthocyanins, delphinidin-3-hexoside and peonidin-3-pentosidein in V. myrtillus berries but not E. hermaphroditum. Results suggest positive impacts of UV-B on the germination of V. myrtillus and species-specific impacts of UV-B x elevated CO2 on berry abundance and quality. The findings have relevance and implications for human and animal consumers plus seed dispersal and seedling establishment.


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En este trabajo se busca, que los líderes tengan herramientas adecuadas que le permitan implementar los cambios en los diferentes procesos que se dan en las empresas, para lograr este objetivo, se abordarán problemas como: la resistencia al cambio, el poco sentido de urgencia y el desconocimiento que tienen los empresarios que, en ciertos casos, es necesario gestionarlos. Este proyecto se realizará entre el segundo semestre de 2014 y el primer semestre de 2015, en este tiempo el proyecto se enfocará en un objetivo general que es: Diseñar una guía acorde a la naturaleza de la gestión del cambio, con el propósito de que las organizaciones cuenten con las herramientas para hacer la adecuada gestión que implica el cambio y para lograr ésto se trabajará en los siguientes objetivos específicos: Identificar a través de la revisión de literatura, las barreras que pueden anteponerse para la adopción de un proceso de cambio en las organizaciones. Definir la forma, cómo funciona el proceso de gestión del cambio, identificando los elementos del proceso para llevarlo a cabo. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos: se buscará, recolectará y analizará la información en libros, artículos de revistas especializadas y documentos de la Internet para realizar una comprensión más detallada que dé a entender todos los aspectos determinantes de la gestión del cambio en las organizaciones. Esto se realizará por medio de un mapa semántico que permita mostrar los elementos determinantes y las herramientas recomendadas dándole la importancia de la gestión del cambio.


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Coffee berries are known to release several volatile organic compounds, among which is the spiroacetal, conophthorin, an attractant for the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei. Elucidating the effects of other spiroacetals released by coffee berries is critical to understanding their chemo-ecological roles in the host discrimination and colonization process of the coffee berry borer, and also for their potential use in the management of this pest. Here, we show that the coffee berry spiroacetals frontalin and 1,6-dioxaspiro [4.5] decane (referred thereafter as brocain), are also used as semiochemicals by the coffee berry borer for host colonization. Bioassays and chemical analyses showed that crowding coffee berry borers from 2 to 6 females per berry, reduced borer fecundity, which appeared to correlate with a decrease in the emission rates of conophthorin and frontalin over time. In contrast, the level of brocain did not vary significantly between borer-uninfested and infested berries. Brocain was attractive at lower doses, but repellent at higher doses while frontalin alone or in a blend was critical for avoidance. Field assays with a commercial attractant comprising a mixture of ethanol and methanol (1:1), combined with frontalin, confirmed the repellent effect of this compound by disrupting capture rates of H. hampei females by 77% in a coffee plantation. Overall, our results suggest that the levels of frontalin and conophthorin released by coffee berries determine the host colonization behaviour of H. hampei, possibly through a 'push-pull' system, whereby frontalin acts as the 'push' (repellent) and conophthorin acting as the 'pull' (attractant). Furthermore, our results reveal the potential use of frontalin as a repellent for management of this coffee pest.


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Unanswered key questions in bark beetle-plant interactions concern host finding in species attacking angiosperms in tropical zones and whether management strategies based on chemical signaling used for their conifer-attacking temperate relatives may also be applied in the tropics. We hypothesized that there should be a common link in chemical signaling mediating host location by these Scolytids. Using laboratory behavioral assays and chemical analysis we demonstrate that the yellow-orange exocarp stage of coffee berries, which attracts the coffee berry borer, releases relatively high amounts of volatiles including conophthorin, chalcogran, frontalin and sulcatone that are typically associated with Scolytinae chemical ecology. The green stage of the berry produces a much less complex bouquet containing small amounts of conophthorin but no other compounds known as bark beetle semiochemicals. In behavioral assays, the coffee berry borer was attracted to the spiroacetals conophthorin and chalcogran, but avoided the monoterpenes verbenone and a-pinene, demonstrating that, as in their conifer-attacking relatives in temperate zones, the use of host and non-host volatiles is also critical in host finding by tropical species. We speculate that microorganisms formed a common basis for the establishment of crucial chemical signals comprising inter-and intraspecific communication systems in both temperate-and tropical-occurring bark beetles attacking gymnosperms and angiosperms.


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The negative effects of climate change are already evident for many of the 25 million coffee farmers across the tropics and the 90 billion dollar (US) coffee industry. The coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei), the most important pest of coffee worldwide, has already benefited from the temperature rise in East Africa: increased damage to coffee crops and expansion in its distribution range have been reported. In order to anticipate threats and prioritize management actions for H. hampei we present here, maps on future distributions of H. hampei in coffee producing areas of East Africa. Using the CLIMEX model we relate present-day insect distributions to current climate and then project the fitted climatic envelopes under future scenarios A2A and B2B (for HADCM3 model). In both scenarios, the situation with H. hampei is forecasted to worsen in the current Coffea arabica producing areas of Ethiopia, the Ugandan part of the Lake Victoria and Mt. Elgon regions, Mt. Kenya and the Kenyan side of Mt. Elgon, and most of Rwanda and Burundi. The calculated hypothetical number of generations per year of H. hampei is predicted to increase in all C. arabica-producing areas from five to ten. These outcomes will have serious implications for C. arabica production and livelihoods in East Africa. We suggest that the best way to adapt to a rise of temperatures in coffee plantations could be via the introduction of shade trees in sun grown plantations. The aims of this study are to fill knowledge gaps existing in the coffee industry, and to draft an outline for the development of an adaptation strategy package for climate change on coffee production. An abstract in Spanish is provided as Abstract S1.


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Coffee is predicted to be severely affected by climate change. We determined the thermal tolerance of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, the most devastating pest of coffee worldwide, and make inferences on the possible effects of climate change using climatic data from Colombia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. For this, the effect of eight temperature regimes (15, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30, 33 and 35 degrees C) on the bionomics of H. hampei was studied. Successful egg to adult development occurred between 20-30 degrees C. Using linear regression and a modified Logan model, the lower and upper thresholds for development were estimated at 14.9 and 32 degrees C, respectively. In Kenya and Colombia, the number of pest generations per year was considerably and positively correlated with the warming tolerance. Analysing 32 years of climatic data from Jimma (Ethiopia) revealed that before 1984 it was too cold for H. hampei to complete even one generation per year, but thereafter, because of rising temperatures in the area, 1-2 generations per year/coffee season could be completed. Calculated data on warming tolerance and thermal safety margins of H. hampei for the three East African locations showed considerably high variability compared to the Colombian site. The model indicates that for every 1 degrees C rise in thermal optimum (T(opt)), the maximum intrinsic rate of increase (r(max)) will increase by an average of 8.5%. The effects of climate change on the further range of H. hampei distribution and possible adaption strategies are discussed. Abstracts in Spanish and French are provided as supplementary material Abstract S1 and Abstract S2.


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Tese submetida à Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia e aprovada em provas públicas para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica (especialidade de Ciência dos Materiais)


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A lo largo de este artículo se presenta cómo los servicios del CDD IMPIVA disseny posibilitan niveles de innovación a través del diseño en empresas y estudios de diseño. Concretamente, se abordan dos casos de estudio: una empresa fabricante de productos infantiles (MICUNA) y un estudio de diseño (ODOS DESiGN), ambos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los beneficios del servicio son estratégicos y suponen un mejor posicionamiento del diseño, tanto de forma interna como externa, para las entidades estudiadas. también se expone la resultante adquisición de nuevas capacidades por parte de los responsables del diseño con la consecuente mejora en la calidad de sus servicios.


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Agenda: 1- Conceitos 2- Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade Laboratorial, Requisitos regulamentares e Referenciais normativos 3- Certificação e Acreditação 4- Avaliações 5- Aplicação ao Laboratório Clínico 6- Requisitos técnicos da ISO 15189