One of the tantalising remaining problems in compositional data analysis lies in how to deal with data sets in which there are components which are essential zeros. By anessential zero we mean a component which is truly zero, not something recorded as zero simply because the experimental design or the measuring instrument has not been sufficiently sensitive to detect a trace of the part. Such essential zeros occur inmany compositional situations, such as household budget patterns, time budgets,palaeontological zonation studies, ecological abundance studies. Devices such as nonzero replacement and amalgamation are almost invariably ad hoc and unsuccessful insuch situations. From consideration of such examples it seems sensible to build up amodel in two stages, the first determining where the zeros will occur and the secondhow the unit available is distributed among the non-zero parts. In this paper we suggest two such models, an independent binomial conditional logistic normal model and a hierarchical dependent binomial conditional logistic normal model. The compositional data in such modelling consist of an incidence matrix and a conditional compositional matrix. Interesting statistical problems arise, such as the question of estimability of parameters, the nature of the computational process for the estimation of both the incidence and compositional parameters caused by the complexity of the subcompositional structure, the formation of meaningful hypotheses, and the devising of suitable testing methodology within a lattice of such essential zero-compositional hypotheses. The methodology is illustrated by application to both simulated and real compositional data
Cobre Las Cruces is a renowned copper mining company located in Sevilla, with unexpected problems in wireless communications that have a direct affectation in production. Therefore, the main goals are to improve the WiFi infrastructure, to secure it and to detect and prevent from attacks and from the installation of rogue (and non-authorized) APs. All of that integrated with the current ICT infrastructure.This project has been divided into four phases, although only two of them have been included into the TFC; they are the analysis of the current situation and the design of a WLAN solution.Once the analysis part was finished, some weaknesses were detected. Subjects such as lack of connectivity and control, ignorance about installed WiFi devices and their localization and state and, by and large, the use of weak security mechanisms were some of the problems found. Additionally, due to the fact that the working area became larger and new WiFi infrastructures were added, the first phase took more time than expected.As a result of the detailed analysis, some goals were defined to solve and it was designed a centralized approach able to cope with them. A solution based on 802.11i and 802.1x protocols, digital certificates, a probe system running as IDS/IPS and ligthweight APs in conjunction with a Wireless LAN Controller are the main features.
El legislador estatal ha introduït un nou article 200 bis a la LCSP, amb la finalitat de lluitar contra la morositat de les Administracions públiques. No obstant això, com es veurà al llarg del present Treball sota l’enunciat de: “Procediment per fer efectius els deutes de les administracions publiques”, amaga simplement la regulació d’una nova mesura cautelar i la reducció del termini per aquests supòsits d’inactivitat administrativa. Per analitzar adequadament el contingut d’aquest article, hem considerat oportú estudiar les mesures cautelars en lo contenciós-administratiu. El camí recorregut comença en els antecedents jurisprudencials en l’aplicació de l’anterior normativa en mesures cautelars, segueix per la regulació comunitària i cóm aquesta va ser aplicada en un conegut cas del TJCE – cas Factortame-, això ens permetrà entendre el gir jurisprudencial del Tribunal Suprem de 1990 així com el alè donat pel Tribunal Constitucional. Tot això, ens conduirà al anàlisi dels articles 129, 130 i 136 de la vigent Llei de la jurisdicció contenciós-administratiu, això ens porta finalment al anàlisis del 200 bis.
Recently, the surprising result that ab initio calculations on benzene and other planar arenes at correlated MP2, MP3, configuration interaction with singles and doubles (CISD), and coupled cluster with singles and doubles levels of theory using standard Pople’s basis sets yield nonplanar minima has been reported. The planar optimized structures turn out to be transition states presenting one or more large imaginary frequencies, whereas single-determinant-based methods lead to the expected planar minima and no imaginary frequencies. It has been suggested that such anomalous behavior can be originated by two-electron basis set incompleteness error. In this work, we show that the reported pitfalls can be interpreted in terms of intramolecular basis set superposition error (BSSE) effects, mostly between the C–H moieties constituting the arenes. We have carried out counterpoise-corrected optimizations and frequency calculations at the Hartree–Fock, B3LYP, MP2, and CISD levels of theory with several basis sets for a number of arenes. In all cases, correcting for intramolecular BSSE fixes the anomalous behavior of the correlated methods, whereas no significant differences are observed in the single-determinant case. Consequently, all systems studied are planar at all levels of theory. The effect of different intramolecular fragment definitions and the particular case of charged species, namely, cyclopentadienyl and indenyl anions, respectively, are also discussed
Abstract OBJECTIVE Determining which is the most effective solution (heparin flush compared to 0.9% saline flush) for reducing the risk of occlusions in central venous catheters (CVC) in adults. METHOD The systematic review followed the principles proposed by the Cochrane Handbook; critical analysis, extraction and synthesis of data were performed by two independent researchers; statistical analysis was performed using the RevMan program 5.2.8. RESULTS Eight randomized controlled trials and one cohort study were included and the results of the meta-analysis showed no difference (RR=0.68, 95% CI=0.41-1.10; p=0.12). Analysis by subgroups showed that there was no difference in fully deployed CVC (RR=1.09, CI 95%=0.53-2.22;p=0.82); Multi-Lumen CVC showed beneficial effects in the heparin group (RR=0.53, CI 95%=0.29-0.95; p=0.03); in Double-Lumen CVC for hemodialysis (RR=1.18, CI 95%=0.08-17.82;p=0.90) and Peripherally inserted CVC (RR=0.14, CI 95%=0.01-2.60; p=0.19) also showed no difference. CONCLUSION Saline solution is sufficient for maintaining patency of the central venous catheter, preventing the risks associated with heparin administration.
This paper studies the rate of convergence of an appropriatediscretization scheme of the solution of the Mc Kean-Vlasovequation introduced by Bossy and Talay. More specifically,we consider approximations of the distribution and of thedensity of the solution of the stochastic differentialequation associated to the Mc Kean - Vlasov equation. Thescheme adopted here is a mixed one: Euler/weakly interactingparticle system. If $n$ is the number of weakly interactingparticles and $h$ is the uniform step in the timediscretization, we prove that the rate of convergence of thedistribution functions of the approximating sequence in the $L^1(\Omega\times \Bbb R)$ norm and in the sup norm is of theorder of $\frac 1{\sqrt n} + h $, while for the densities is ofthe order $ h +\frac 1 {\sqrt {nh}}$. This result is obtainedby carefully employing techniques of Malliavin Calculus.
The new complex, [Zr(pda)2]n (1, pda2- = N,N'-bis(neo-pentyl)-ortho-phenylenediamide, n = 1 or 2), prepared by the reaction of 2 equiv of pdaLi2 with ZrCl4, reacts rapidly with halogen oxidants to afford the new product ZrX2(disq)2 (3, X = Cl, Br, I; disq- = N,N'-bis(neo-pentyl)-ortho-diiminosemiquinonate) in which each redox-active ligand has been oxidized by one electron. The oxidation products 3a-c have been structurally characterized and display an unusual parallel stacked arrangement of the disq- ligands in the solid state, with a separation of approximately 3 A. Density functional calculations show a bonding-type interaction between the SOMOs of the disq- ligands to form a unique HOMO while the antibonding linear combination forms a unique LUMO. This orbital configuration leads to a closed-shell-singlet ground-state electron configuration (S = 0). Temperature-dependent magnetism measurements indicate a low-lying triplet excited state at approximately 750 cm-1. In solution, 3a-c show strong disq--based absorption bands that are invariant across the halide series. Taken together these spectroscopic measurements provide experimental values for the one- and two-electron energies that characterize the pi-stacked bonding interaction between the two disq- ligands.
Creative accounting is a growing issue of interest in Spain. In this article we argue that the concept true and fair view can limit or promote the use of creative accounting depending upon its interpretation. We review the range of meanings that true and fair view can take at an international level and compare the experience of the United Kingdom with the Australian one by analysing the use of true and fair view to limit creative accounting. Finally, we suggest lines of action to be considered by the Spanish accounting standards-setting institutions.