552 resultados para BIOLOGISTS


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Energy production throughout the greater Rocky Mountain Region has increased dramatically in the past decade. Pristine habitat areas historically home to the greater sage grouse are being impaired by these energy development actions. Ongoing studies by state and federal biologists have shown a decrease in overall reproductive activity and a decrease in population on historical mating grounds. This project identifies actions to conserve and restore the habitat of sage grouse populations and reverse the decline of the species. Recommended measures presented in this project include using directional drilling of multiple wells from one single drill pad, creating a GIS mapping data base, funding additional scientific studies regarding impacts from energy development and improved cooperation between state, federal and private agencies.


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The Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline (ANGP) is proposed for construction on the North Slope in 2016. It will be aligned through Arctic caribou habitat and evidence shows that caribou are negatively affected by human development. This Capstone identifies potential adverse affects of ANGP on Arctic caribou using interviews from expert caribou biologists and the 1977 Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) as a model. Based on a synthesis of the interviews and TAPS analysis, this capstone proposes and examines a set of seventeen conservation measures to be implemented during construction and operation of ANGP to minimize adverse impacts on caribou herds. These conservation measures can be used as a baseline for future developments on the North Slope to promote caribou herd management.


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The fungal parasite of nematode eggs Pochonia chlamydosporia is also a root endophyte known to promote growth of some plants. In this study, we analysed the effect of nine P. chlamydosporia isolates from worldwide origin on tomato growth. Experiments were performed at different scales (Petri dish, growth chamber and greenhouse conditions) and developmental stages (seedlings, plantlets and plants). Seven P. chlamydosporia isolates significantly (P < 0.05) increased the number of secondary roots and six of those increased total weight of tomato seedlings. Six P. chlamydosporia isolates also increased root weight of tomato plantlets. Root colonisation varied between different isolates of this fungus. Again P. chlamydosporia significantly increased root growth of tomato plants under greenhouse conditions and reduced flowering and fruiting times (up to 5 and 12 days, respectively) versus uninoculated tomato plants. P. chlamydosporia increased mature fruit weight in tomato plants. The basis of the mechanisms for growth, flowering and yield promotion in tomato by the fungus are unknown. However, we found that P. chlamydosporia can produce Indole-3-acetic acid and solubilise mineral phosphate. These results suggest that plant hormones or nutrient ability could play an important role. Our results put forward the agronomic importance of P. chlamydosporia as biocontrol agent of plant parasitic nematodes with tomato growth promoting capabilities.


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Influenza A virus assembly is an unclear process, whereby individual virion components form an infectious particle. The segmented nature of the influenza A genome imposes a problem to assembly because it requires packaging of eight distinct RNA particles (vRNPs). It also allows genome mixing from distinct parental strains, events associated with influenza pandemic outbreaks. It is important to public health to understand how segmented genomes assemble, a process that is dependent on the transport of components to assembly sites. Previously, it has been shown that vRNPs are carried by recycling endosome vesicles, resulting in a change of Rab11 distribution. Here, we describe that vRNP binding to recycling endosomes impairs recycling endosome function, by competing for Rab11 binding with family-interacting proteins, and that there is a causal relationship between Rab11 ability to recruit family-interacting proteins and Rab11 redistribution. This competition reduces recycling sorting at an unclear step, resulting in clustering of single- and double-membraned vesicles. These morphological changes in Rab11 membranes are indicative of alterations in protein and lipid homeostasis during infection. Vesicular clustering creates hotspots of the vRNPs that need to interact to form an infectious particle.


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Caenorhabditis elegans can reproduce exclusively by self-fertilization. Yet, males can be maintained in laboratory populations, a phenomenon that continues to puzzle biologists. In this study we evaluated the role of males in facilitating adaptation to novel environments. For this, we contrasted the evolution of a fitness component exclusive to outcrossing in experimental populations of different mating systems. We introgressed a modifier of outcrossing into a hybrid population derived from several wild isolates to transform the wild-type androdioecious mating system into a dioecious mating system. By genotyping 375 single-nucleotide polymorphisms we show that the two populations had similar standing genetic diversity available for adaptation, despite the occurrence of selection during their derivation. We then performed replicated experimental evolution under the two mating systems from starting conditions of either high or low levels of diversity, under defined environmental conditions of discrete non-overlapping generations, constant density at high population sizes (N = 10(4)), no obvious spatial structure and abundant food resources. During 100 generations measurements of sex ratios and male competitive performance showed: 1) adaptation to the novel environment; 2) directional selection on male frequency under androdioecy; 3) optimal outcrossing rates of 0.5 under androdioecy; 4) the existence of initial inbreeding depression; and finally 5) that the strength of directional selection on male competitive performance does not depend on male frequencies. Taken together, these results suggest that androdioecious males are maintained at intermediate frequencies because outcrossing is adaptive.


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Decrease in Cdx dosage in an allelic series of mouse Cdx mutants leads to progressively more severe posterior vertebral defects. These defects are corrected by posterior gain of function of the Wnt effector Lef1. Precocious expression of Hox paralogous 13 genes also induces vertebral axis truncation by antagonizing Cdx function. We report here that the phenotypic similarity also applies to patterning of the caudal neural tube and uro-rectal tracts in Cdx and Wnt3a mutants, and in embryos precociously expressing Hox13 genes. Cdx2 inactivation after placentation leads to posterior defects, including incomplete uro-rectal septation. Compound mutants carrying one active Cdx2 allele in the Cdx4-null background (Cdx2/4), transgenic embryos precociously expressing Hox13 genes and a novel Wnt3a hypomorph mutant all manifest a comparable phenotype with similar uro-rectal defects. Phenotype and transcriptome analysis in early Cdx mutants, genetic rescue experiments and gene expression studies lead us to propose that Cdx transcription factors act via Wnt signaling during the laying down of uro-rectal mesoderm, and that they are operative in an early phase of these events, at the site of tissue progenitors in the posterior growth zone of the embryo. Cdx and Wnt mutations and premature Hox13 expression also cause similar neural dysmorphology, including ectopic neural structures that sometimes lead to neural tube splitting at caudal axial levels. These findings involve the Cdx genes, canonical Wnt signaling and the temporal control of posterior Hox gene expression in posterior morphogenesis in the different embryonic germ layers. They shed a new light on the etiology of the caudal dysplasia or caudal regression range of human congenital defects.


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Formation of the vertebrate axial skeleton requires coordinated Hox gene activity. Hox group 6 genes are involved in the formation of the thoracic area owing to their unique rib-promoting properties. Here we show that the linker region (LR) connecting the homeodomain and the hexapeptide is essential for Hoxb6 rib-promoting activity in mice. The LR-defective Hoxb6 protein was still able to bind a target enhancer together with Pax3, producing a dominant-negative effect, indicating that the LR brings additional regulatory factors to target DNA elements. We also found an unexpected association between Hoxb6 and segmentation in the paraxial mesoderm. In particular, Hoxb6 can disturb somitogenesis and anterior-posterior somite patterning by dysregulation of Lfng expression. Interestingly, this interaction occurred differently in thoracic versus more caudal embryonic areas, indicating functional differences in somitogenesis before and after the trunk-to-tail transition. Our results suggest the requirement of precisely regulated Hoxb6 expression for proper segmentation at tailbud stages.


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Group-living animals must adjust the expression of their social behaviour to changes in their social environment and to transitions between life-history stages, and this social plasticity can be seen as an adaptive trait that can be under positive selection when changes in the environment outpace the rate of genetic evolutionary change. Here, we propose a conceptual framework for understanding the neuromolecular mechanisms of social plasticity. According to this framework, social plasticity is achieved by rewiring or by biochemically switching nodes of a neural network underlying social behaviour in response to perceived social information. Therefore, at the molecular level, it depends on the social regulation of gene expression, so that different genomic and epigenetic states of this brain network correspond to different behavioural states, and the switches between states are orchestrated by signalling pathways that interface the social environment and the genotype. Different types of social plasticity can be recognized based on the observed patterns of inter- versus intra-individual occurrence, time scale and reversibility. It is proposed that these different types of social plasticity rely on different proximate mechanisms at the physiological, neural and genomic level.


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Hox genes encode a family of transcriptional regulators that elicit distinct developmental programmes along the head-to-tail axis of animals. The specific regional functions of individual Hox genes largely reflect their restricted expression patterns, the disruption of which can lead to developmental defects and disease. Here, we examine the spectrum of molecular mechanisms controlling Hox gene expression in model vertebrates and invertebrates and find that a diverse range of mechanisms, including nuclear dynamics, RNA processing, microRNA and translational regulation, all concur to control Hox gene outputs. We propose that this complex multi-tiered regulation might contribute to the robustness of Hox expression during development.


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Vertebrate limb induction is triggered in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) by a cascade of signaling events originating in the axial mesoderm. While it is known that Fgf, Wnt and retinoic acid (RA) signals are involved in this cascade, their precise regulatory hierarchy has not been determined in any species. tbx5 is the earliest gene expressed in the limb bud mesenchyme. Recently, another transcription factor, Prdm1, has been shown to be crucial for zebrafish forelimb development. Here, we show that Prdm1 is downstream of RA, Wnt2b and Tbx5 activity. We find that RA activity, but not Fgf signaling, is necessary for wnt2b expression. Fgf signaling is required for prdm1 expression in the fin bud, but is not necessary for the initiation of tbx5 expression. We propose a model in which RA signaling from the somitic mesoderm leads to activation of wnt2b expression in the intermediate mesoderm, which then signals to the LPM to trigger tbx5 expression. tbx5 is required for Fgf signaling in the limb bud leading to activation of prdm1 expression, which in turn is required for downstream activation of fgf10 expression.


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The mechanisms by which cells obtain instructions to precisely re-create the missing parts of an organ remain an unresolved question in regenerative biology. Urodele limb regeneration is a powerful model in which to study these mechanisms. Following limb amputation, blastema cells interpret the proximal-most positional identity in the stump to reproduce missing parts faithfully. Classical experiments showed the ability of retinoic acid (RA) to proximalize blastema positional values. Meis homeobox genes are involved in RA-dependent specification of proximal cell identity during limb development. To understand the molecular basis for specifying proximal positional identities during regeneration, we isolated the axolotl Meis homeobox family. Axolotl Meis genes are RA-regulated during both regeneration and embryonic limb development. During limb regeneration, Meis overexpression relocates distal blastema cells to more proximal locations, whereas Meis knockdown inhibits RA proximalization of limb blastemas. Meis genes are thus crucial targets of RA proximalizing activity on blastema cells.


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Vertebrate limbs develop in a temporal proximodistal sequence, with proximal regions specified and generated earlier than distal ones. Whereas considerable information is available on the mechanisms promoting limb growth, those involved in determining the proximodistal identity of limb parts remain largely unknown. We show here that retinoic acid (RA) is an upstream activator of the proximal determinant genes Meis1 and Meis2. RA promotes proximalization of limb cells and endogenous RA signaling is required to maintain the proximal Meis domain in the limb. RA synthesis and signaling range, which initially span the entire lateral plate mesoderm, become restricted to proximal limb domains by the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) activity following limb initiation. We identify fibroblast growth factor (FGF) as the main molecule responsible for this AER activity and propose a model integrating the role of FGF in limb cell proliferation, with a specific function in promoting distalization through inhibition of RA production and signaling.


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Partial differential equation (PDE) solvers are commonly employed to study and characterize the parameter space for reaction-diffusion (RD) systems while investigating biological pattern formation. Increasingly, biologists wish to perform such studies with arbitrary surfaces representing ‘real’ 3D geometries for better insights. In this paper, we present a highly optimized CUDA-based solver for RD equations on triangulated meshes in 3D. We demonstrate our solver using a chemotactic model that can be used to study snakeskin pigmentation, for example. We employ a finite element based approach to perform explicit Euler time integrations. We compare our approach to a naive GPU implementation and provide an in-depth performance analysis, demonstrating the significant speedup afforded by our optimizations. The optimization strategies that we exploit could be generalized to other mesh based processing applications with PDE simulations.


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During maturation, pollen undergoes a period of dehydration accompanied by the accumulation of compatible solutes.Solute import across the pollen plasma membrane, which occurs via proteinaceous transporters, is required to support pollen development and also for subsequent germination and pollen tube growth. Analysis of the free amino acid composition of various tissues in tomato revealed that the proline content in flowers was 60 times higher than in any other organ analyzed. Within the floral organs, proline was confined predominantly to pollen, where it represented >70 of total free amino acids. Uptake experiments demonstrated that mature as well as germinated pollen rapidly take up proline. To identify proline transporters in tomato pollen, we isolated genes homologous to Arabidopsis proline transporters. LeProT1 was specifically expressed both in mature and germinating pollen, as demonstrated by RNA in situ hybridization. Expression in a yeast mutant demonstrated that LeProT1 transports proline and γ-amino butyric acid with low affinity and glycine betaine with high affinity. Direct uptake and competition studies demonstrate that LeProT1 constitutes a general transporter for compatible solutes.


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Within the monitoring programme of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) the mesozooplankton of the Bornholm Basin (ICES subdivision 25, station BMP-K2) was sampled by the WP-2 net (lOOfJm) 5-8 times a year in 1988-1992. Abundance, biomass, secondary production and productivity (P/B) were given for mesozooplankton groups and copepod species. Environmental factors recorded were temperature, chlorophyll a and primary production. Within copepods, the dominant species were Temora longicornis and Pseudocalanus minutus with yearly peak values of 40-50% of the monthly copepod numbers and biomasses. The annual production of Temora longicornis was highest (6.5g C/m**2/y). The biomass of all copepods was at its maximum in June (mean = 2.25g C/m**2), especially in 1992 (3.65g C/m**2). The differences between results from two methods used to calculate the production of copepods were greatest in June and July. The cladocerans were only important in summer and the appendicularians only in spring. The productivity (P/B) of the appendicularians was highest of all mesozooplankton groups. Numbers and the biomass of the meroplankton were one or two orders of magnitude below the holoplanktic groups.