440 resultados para Australian fisheries management
The present study focuses on the stability of the coast, exploitation of the coastal resources, human activities within the study are that extends from Fort Cochin at north to Thottappally at south, central Kerala State and hinterlands, socio-economic problems of the coastal community and the environmental issues arising in the recent past due to human activities. The objective of the study is critically analyse the coastal zone region and prevailing situation and to propose a comprehensive management plan for the sustainable development of the region under study. The thesis covers varied aspects of coastal uses like fisheries, tourism, land use, water resources etc. To critically examine the above scenarios, the ILWIS (Integrated Land and Water Information Systems) – GIS software has been used. A satellite image of the area has been used for the coastline change detection and land use patterns. The outcome of the present study will be beneficial to the various stakeholders within the coastal region and its hinterlands. To further add, this study should find better applications to similar or near-similar situations of Southeast Asia where identical scenarios are noticeable.
Shrimp Aquaculture has provided tremendous opportunity for the economic and social upliftment of rural communities in the coastal areas of our country Over a hundred thousand farmers, of whom about 90% belong to the small and marginal category, are engaged in shrimp farming. Penaeus monodon is the most predominant cultured species in India which is mainly exported to highly sophisticated, quality and safety conscious world markets. Food safety has been of concem to humankind since the dawn of history and the concern about food safety resulted in the evolution of a cost effective, food safety assurance method, the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). Considering the major contribution of cultured Penaeus monodon to the total shrimp production and the economic losses encountered due to disease outbreak and also because traditional methods of quality control and end point inspection cannot guarantee the safety of our cultured seafood products, it is essential that science based preventive approaches like HACCP and Pre requisite Programmes (PRP) be implemented in our shrimp farming operations. PRP is considered as a support system which provides a solid foundation for HACCP. The safety of postlarvae (PL) supplied for brackish water shrimp farming has also become an issue of concern over the past few years. The quality and safety of hatchery produced seeds have been deteriorating and disease outbreaks have become very common in hatcheries. It is in this context that the necessity for following strict quarantine measures with standards and code of practices becomes significant. Though there were a lot of hue and cry on the need for extending the focus of seafood safety assurance from processing and exporting to the pre-harvest and hatchery rearing phases, an experimental move in this direction has been rare or nil. An integrated management system only can assure the effective control of the quality, hygiene and safety related issues. This study therefore aims at designing a safety and quality management system model for implementation in shrimp farming and hatchery operations by linking the concepts of HACCP and PRP.
The thesis documents a comprehensive systematic account of Vembenad lake fishes and to study the effect of physico-chemical parameters on the distribution and abundance of fishes in the lake. This study is expected to advance the knowledge on the biological aspects of two commercially important fishes of the lake which are very desirable for brackish water fish farming. Additionally, the results of the studies on the ecology as habitat, occurrence, season and abundance of all the recorded fishes of the lake end the commercially important fish species of the lake are also incorporated. A general appraisal on the detrimental factors which are adversely affecting the fisheries resources of the lake are presented and some measures of conservation are also suggested. The results of the present study are helpful in formulating suitable schemes for management of parts of the Vembenad lake for capture and culture fisheries
Quality related problems have become dominant in the seafood processing industry in Kerala. This has resulted in the rejection of seafood sent from India to many destinations. The latest being the total block listing of seafood companies from India from being exported to Europe and partial block listing by the US. The quality systems prevailed in the seafood industry in India were outdated and no longer in use in the developed world. According to EC Directive discussed above all the seafood factories exporting to European countries have to adopt HACCP. Based on this, EIA has now made HACCP system mandatory in all the seafood processing factories in India. This transformation from a traditional product based inspection system to a process control system requires thorough changes in the various stages of production and quality management. This study is conducted by the author with to study the status of the existing infrastructure and quality control system in the seafood industry in Kerala with reference to the recent developments in the quality concepts in international markets and study the drawbacks, if any, of the existing quality management systems in force in the seafood factories in Kerala for introducing the mandatory HACCP concept. To assess the possibilities of introducing Total Quality Management system in the seafood industry in Kerala in order to effectively adopt the HACCP concept. This is also aimed at improving the quality of the products and productivity of the industry by sustaining the world markets in the long run.
The study clearly brings out the role of commission agents in the traditional marine fisheries sector and thereby goes to set at rest the controversy regarding their role. The findings of the study has important implications for formulation of policies and development strategies related to the traditional marine fisheries sector. The study points out the need for a thorough review and reformulation of the policies and development strategies for efficiently achieving the development potential of the traditional marine fisheries sector and for improving the economic conditions of the fishermen. The study is based mostly on Alappuzha District of Kerala, covering all the 30 marine fishing villages, spread over the three coastal taluks, namely, Karthikappally, Ambalappuzha and Cherthala
Kerala was the pioneer in modern seafood processing and exporting. But now the industry is Iacingalot of problems due to low productivity and deterioration in the quality of the products. only about 17% of the installed freezing capacity in sea food processing industry was reported to be utilised during 1979-80. The price of the export commodities its decided by the buyers based on international supply and demand pattern and based on the strength and weakness of dollar/yen. The only way to increase the profitability of the processors is to reduce the cost of production to the possible extent. The individual processors find it difficult to continue in this field due to low productivity and quality problems. The main objectives of the research are to find out how the production is being managed in the seafood processing(freezing) 17industry in Kerala and the reasons for low productivity and poor quality of the products. The study includes a detailed analysis of Location of the factories. Layout Purchase, production and storage patterns. Production planning and scheduling. Work Measurement of the processing of important products. Quality Control and Inspection. Management Information System
Fish, a natural resource, has received great attention from all over the world. since it provides a cheap protein, employment and income to the millions of people for centuries. So fishermen, industrialist and multinationals are trying to exploit the marine resources to their maximum benefit by using modern craft, advance fishing equipments and efficient gear. Fishery resources in the open system particularly in oceans, were considered to be unlimited. However, recent developments in the innovation of efficient craft and gear using well tested material fitted with modern equipments that have greatly enhanced the mobility of craft, agility of gear and the ability of equipments to locate fishery resources have proved otherwise. Hence as the exploitation increases with more effort entering the fishery, the catch per unit of fishing effort starts to decline due to the limitness of the resources. The heavy fishing pressure in the recent past led to commercial extinction of a number of stocks such as. the North Sea herring, California sardine, Japanese Sardine and Peruvian anchovy (FAO. 1968: Gulland, 1974). In India, seer fish from Palk-Bay declined due to uncontrolled fishing (Devaraj 1983).
CMFRI - Winter School Course Manual on “Recent Advances in Breeding and Larviculture of Marine Finfish and Shellfish”. 30.12.2008 - 19.1.2009
Winter School on 'RECENT ADVANCES IN DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF DISEASES IN MARICULTURE' 7-27 November, 2002 Course Manual Indian Council of Agricultural Research Central ^Aarine Fisheries Research Institute
This study was materialized to analyze the management issues regarding the seafood processing waste generated including its impact on the coastal community in one of the important seafood hubs of India Aroor Seafood Industrial Belt Alappuzha District Kerala The area has witnessed serious pollution issues related to seafood waste and seldom has any action been implemented by either the polluters or the preventers Further this study is also intended to suggest a low cost eco friendly method for utilizing the bulk quantity of seafood solid waste generated in the area for the promotion of organic farming The high nutritional value of seafood enables the subsequent offal to be considered as an excellent source for plant nutrition The liquid silage accepted worldwide as the cheapest and practical solution for rendering fish waste in bulk for production of livestock feed is adopted in this study to develop foliar fertilizer formulations from various seafood waste The effect of seafood foliar sprays is demonstrated by field studies on two plant varieties such as Okra and Amaranthus
There is an imminent need for conservation and best-practice management efforts in marine ecosystems where global-scale declines in the biodiversity and biomass of large vertebrate predators are increasing and marine communities are being altered. We examine two marine-based industries that incidentally take migratory birds in Canada: (1) commercial fisheries, through bycatch, and (2) offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production. We summarize information from the scientific literature and technical reports and also present new information from recently analyzed data to assess the magnitude and scope of mortality. Fisheries bycatch was responsible for the highest levels of incidental take of migratory bird species; estimated combined take in the longline, gillnet, and bottom otter trawl fisheries within the Atlantic, including the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Pacific regions was 2679 to 45,586 birds per year. For the offshore oil and gas sector, mortality estimates ranged from 188 to 4494 deaths per year due to the discharge of produced waters resulting in oil sheens and collisions with platforms and vessels; however these estimates for the oil and gas sector are based on many untested assumptions. In spite of the uncertainties, we feel levels of mortality from these two industries are unlikely to affect the marine bird community in Canada, but some effects on local populations from bycatch are likely. Further research and monitoring will be required to: (1) better estimate fisheries-related mortality for vulnerable species and populations that may be impacted by local fisheries, (2) determine the effects of oil sheens from produced waters, and attraction to platforms and associated mortality from collisions, sheens, and flaring, so that better estimates of mortality from the offshore oil and gas sector can be obtained, and (3) determine impacts associated with accidental spills, which are not included in our current assessment. With a better understanding of the direct mortality of marine birds from industry, appropriate mitigation and management actions can be implemented. Cooperation from industry for data collection, research to fill knowledge gaps, and implementation of mitigation approaches will all be needed to conserve marine birds in Canada.
In analysing the release of agricultural land to urban development, the urban fringe literature has not focused on whether farmers are able to relocate from the urban fringe to remoter rural areas. Through interviews with representatives from the poultry industry in two Australian states, this paper identifies that poultry farm relocation strategies are constrained by off-farm economic relations, the land-use planning system and financial considerations. Closely aligned to these constraints on relocation is the on-going process of poultry farm intensification, which is seen as presenting rising problems for land-use management around expanding metropolitan centres in Australia. Of particular concern is the potential for amenity complaints and associated land-use conflicts, which have not been comprehensively investigated. Recognising that existing environmental and land-use planning controls are ineffective in producing amicable solutions when conflict involving poultry farming is at its most intense, the paper calls for improvements to the regulatory system, including greater consideration for how the process of relocation can be encouraged. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A cross-sectional study of serum antibody responses of cattle to tick-borne pathogens (Theileria parva, Theileria mutans, Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis) was conducted on smallholder dairy farms in Tanga and Iringa Regions of Tanzania. Seroprevalence was highest for T. parva (48% in Iringa and 23% in Tanga) and B. bigemina (43% in Iringa and 27% in Tanga) and lowest for B. bovis (12% in Iringa and 6% in Tanga). We use spatial and non-spatial models, fitted using classical and Bayesian methods, to explore risk factors associated with seroprevalence. These include both fixed effects (age, grazing history and breeding status) and random effects (farm and local spatial effects). In both regions, seroprevalence for all tick-borne pathogens increased significantly with age. Animals pasture grazed in the 3 months prior to the start of the sampling period were significantly more likely to be seropositive for Theileria spp. and Babesia spp. Pasture grazed animals were more likely to be seropositive than zero-grazed animals for A. marginale, but the relationship was weaker than that observed for the other four pathogens. This study did not detect any significant differences in seroprevalence associated with other management-related variables, including the method or frequency of acaricide application. After adjusting for age, there was weak evidence of localised (< 5 km) spatial correlation in exposure to some of the tick borne diseases. However, this was small compared with the 'farm-effect', suggesting that risk factors specific to the farm were more important than those common to the local neighbourhood. Many animals were seropositive for more than one pathogen and the correlation between exposure to the different pathogens remained after adjusting for the identified risk factors. Identifying the determinants of exposure to multiple tick-borne pathogens and characterizing local variation in risk will assist in the development of more effective control strategies for smallholder dairy farms. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.