749 resultados para Artists, Silesian


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Focusing on Fluxus, a loosely knit association of artists from America, Europe and Asia whose work centers around intermediality, this article explores the notion of relationality without relata. Intermediality refers to works that fall conceptually between media – such as visual poetry or action music – as well as between the general area of art media and those of life media(Higgins). Departing from two Fluxus intermedia – the event score, a performative score in the form of words, and the Fluxkit, a performative score in the form of objects – I investigate the logic of co-constitutivity within which every element is both subject and object, both constitutive and constituted. To be more precise, I trace the cross-categorial interplay of differences that explodes the logico-linguistic structure of binary oppositions, such as those between foreground and background, word and action, sound and silence, identity and alterity. Aided by Jacques Derrida’s concept of ‘de-centered play’ and Shigenori Nagatomo’s concept of ‘interfusion’ this article seeks to articulate the ways in which the Fluxus works mobilise the ‘silent background’ to dismantle the dualistic logic of definite differences.


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Quality management Self-evaluation of the organisation Citizens/customers satisfaction Impact on society evaluation Key performance evaluation Good practices comparison (Benchmarking) Continuous improvement In professional environments, when quality assessment of museums is discussed, one immediately thinks of the honourableness of the directors and curators, the erudition and specialisation of knowledge, the diversity of the gathered material and study of the collections, the collections conservation methods and environmental control, the regularity and notoriety of the exhibitions and artists, the building’s architecture and site, the recreation of environments, the museographic equipment design. We admit that the roles and attributes listed above can contribute to the definition of a specificity of museological good practice within a hierarchised functional perspective (the museum functions) and for the classification of museums according to a scale, validated between peers, based on “installed” appreciation criteria, enforced from above downwards, according to the “prestige” of the products and of those who conceive them, but that say nothing about the effective satisfaction of the citizen/customers and the real impact on society. There is a lack of evaluation instruments that would give us a return of all that the museum is and represents in contemporary society, focused on being and on the relation with the other, in detriment of the ostentatious possession and of the doing in order to meet one’s duties. But it is only possible to evaluate something by measurement and comparison, on the basis of well defined criteria, from a common grid, implicating all of the actors in the self-evaluation, in the definition of the aims to fulfil and in the obtaining of results.


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“Musealising hope” reflects on the trials and tribulations of an installation designed as a tribute to the struggle for survival of African peoples who dare make the long trek to Europe by sea. Its accomplishment involved a number of players whose conduct and reactions to events bear witness to the manner in which artists, the media, heads of cultural institutions, museologists, welfare institutions, and politicians cope with the phenomenon of immigration and with our present-day multicultural societies. In turn, this artistic endeavour and its symbolic signification highlight the changes which art and culture have undergone over the past few years and the kind of transformation which new inter-ethnic communities have brought to bear on concepts such as national heritage, identity or memory.


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Este estudio centra su análisis en la obra pictórica de Eduardo Kingman como un modelo para describir los enfoques, tendencias e ideología que caracterizaron al Indigenismo. Esta corriente artística reunió a pintores, escritores e intelectuales ecuatorianos durante la década de 1930. El artículo propone que esta corriente surgió como una reacción al academicismo predominante en los salones y escuelas de arte. El estudio hace una revisión de las exposiciones, bienales y concursos en los que Kingman participó.Analiza las influencias artísticas y literarias reflejadas en la obra de este autor,sus relaciones con el Grupo de Guayaquil y su vinculación al Sindicato de Escritores y Artistas del Ecuador (SEA). Finalmente, recoge la opinión y reacción a su producción pictórica por parte de escritores, intelectuales y prensa en general.


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El presente trabajo se basa en el análisis de las prácticas sonoras y, a partir de ahí, de una apuesta por un nuevo campo de estudios, el de los Estudios Sonoros; cuyo fin último es establecer una perspectiva epistemológica y política de las prácticas experimentales con sonido, en diálogo con proyectos provenientes de los Estudios Culturales, como son el proyecto modernidad/ colonialidad, las teorías poscoloniales y los estudios subalternos. Desde estas posiciones teóricas y políticas, estoy conciente de que el sonido, y sus posibilidades experimentales, articulan un régimen influyente en el mundo contemporáneo. Razón por la cual, sobre todo, esta es una reflexión desde las prácticas sonoras que surgen en dos ciudades andinas: Quito y Bogotá, como una expresión emergente para establecer encuentros Sur-Sur, que puedan generar diálogos epistemológicos sobre el sonido. En otras palabras, en este libro estoy proponiéndo a mis lectoras y lectores, una especie de “juego epistémico”: comprender el sonido como un lugar de conocimiento.Y el sonido es conocimiento precisamente porque el sonido nos permite vernos (y permite verme) como un sujeto históricamente ubicado. En el capítulo primero abordaré la pregunta de cómo se fue articulando el régimen discursivo del sonido como arte, dentro de diálogos y conflictos que se generaron en el contexto de la Guerra Fría que, para el caso de Latinoamérica, constituyó la transferencia de conocimientos articulados desde promesas como el desarrollismo y la modernización. También analizaré el cómo se configuraron, tanto en Quito como en Bogotá, las nuevas subjetividades “artísticas” frente al discurso de las vanguardias europeas del siglo XX y el experimentalismo estadounidense. Como verán mis lectoras y lectores, estos modelos, aparentemente originales e innovadores, fueron influidos por formas de saber y poder moduladas alrededor de la idea de la renovación de las artes a través del sonido, formulación que instaló el sonido como dispositivo/materia desde el cual, en detrimento de lo local, se articuló la fantasía de un universal deseado: las máquinas de sonido y de reproducibilidad técnica. En el segundo capítulo me centraré en algunas prácticas de experimentación sonora para indagar cuestiones como el estilo, procedimiento posmodernista ampliamente diseminado dentro de las instituciones artísticas y de éstas hacia la vida cotidiana. A partir de lo cual intentamos esclarecer el porqué de la confiscación y sometimiento de lo sonoro bajo el cuidadoso encierro del régimen discursivo del arte, que de manera eficiente lo absorbe como un “nuevo” medio para disciplinarlo y nombrarlo como proyecto sonoro, pieza sonora, instalación sonora, performance sonoro, acción sonora, objeto sonoro, paisaje sonoro, composición, loop. En otras palabras, cómo todo lo que genera el posmodernismo es apropiado por las universidades para crear la noción de “pastiche”, en donde todo cabe, bajo la indulgencia del “estilo”, procedimiento desde el cual se va instalando el régimen de verdad de un nuevo universal deseado: El Arte Sonoro. En este mismo capítulo, indagamos sobre las lógicas de producción de estas prácticas, para avanzar hacia las lógicas culturales donde lo sonoro se define y redefine por el posicionamiento y el lugar desde el que actúan los sujetos. Bajo estas consideraciones, queda planteada la propuesta, acuñada por esta investigación, la de un nuevo campo de estudio: Los Estudios Sonoros, propuesta que debe ser entendida como lo que algunos intelectuales latinoamericanos llaman epistemes emergentes11, precisamente porque esta investigación hace un esfuerzo por esclarecer las interdependencias existentes entre prácticas artísticas con sonido, el campo discursivo del arte y otras construcciones discursivas de la modernidad-colonialidad que establecen y regulan la formación del régimen sonoro. En el capítulo tercero analizaré cómo un “medio de creación” se vuelve hegemónico y cómo ciertos artistas que usan el sonido, bajo la pretensión de representar la marginalidad, marginalizan aún más a las personas que han sido históricamente subalternizadas. Seguido de este análisis, en el capítulo cuarto, indagamos sobre las tácticas que marcan nuevas formas de adhesión, de representación y de resistencia cultural, las mismas que son estrategias suplementarias frente, y en contra, de los discursos dominantes de las prácticas artísticas con sonido y las geopolíticas de conocimiento.


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Tres novelas ecuatorianas escritas entre 1927 y 1946 –El desencanto de Miguel García, de Benjamín Carrión, Banca, de Ángel F. Rojas, y Los animales puros, de Pedro Jorge Vera– son leídas a partir de las coordenadas de inicio y de cultivo ulterior de la novela de formación (Bildungsroman) en Latinoamérica –a finales del siglo XIX e inicios del XX. El ensayo destaca, al mismo tiempo, varias diferencias respecto del género originario, surgido en Alemania un siglo antes, en Latinoamérica la novela de formación sería más una «contraescritura del paradigma goethiano», con elementos de un «género paradójico». En este contexto de la subregión, El desencanto de Miguel García se corresponde enteramente con las características del género, al cual incorpora la perspectiva de un final feliz. Banca es mirada como una «novela de formación de lo rural andino», más cercana a Los ríos profundos, de José María Arguedas, junto a ella, y antecediéndola en 20 años, aportaría ya una renovación de lo regional, adicionalmente, Banca puede ser leída como novela de artista, subgénero de la novela de formación. En cuanto a Los animales puros, se concluye que es más novela política que Bildungsroman, puesto que no cumple las premisas necesarias de la misma, no es novela de artista, aunque se trate de una novela intelectualizada.


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Se plantea que la crítica suele ignorar las colecciones de cuentos que Humberto Salvador publicara entre las décadas de 1930 y 1980. Salvador recrea, a lo largo de toda su producción, la sociedad y la cultura que lo rodean, buscando descifrar su esencia moral, para ello, otorga a la intuición un valor positivo, por sobre la razón. Entre los temas iniciales del autor guayaquileño (década de 1920), sobresale su reflexión sobre el arte, como producción inmersa en la cultura, la historia y la sociedad, una obra sería conjunción del trabajo literario y el azar de la vida cotidiana: por ello es un objeto por encontrarse. Después de este período «estético», Salvador buscó representar la sociedad, con personajes desclasados principalmente, que no se adhieren a ningún código ortodoxo. Hizo énfasis en aspectos psicológicos o en estados mentales (enfermedades como la esquizofrenia, la histeria, etc.). A decir del crítico Wilfrido H. Corral, los relatos del guayaquileño progresan del tema del artista hacia el de la cotidianidad, y de éste al del artista menos libre, son joyas, insiste, de la comedia existencial, de la angustia y de la moderación doméstica.


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This major curated exhibition, publication and events builds on Rowlands’ curatorial research. Working in collaboration with co-curators Martin Clark, Artistic Director, Tate St Ives and Michael Bracewell, cultural historian, the exhibition sought to explore new narratives within British art. The innovative curatorial methodology developed from a fiction found in the infamous novel, The Dark Monarch by Sven Berlin, Gallery Press 1962. The research sought specific archival and collection work that allowed thematic strands to emerge that represented influences across generations. The exhibition features two-hundred artworks, from the Tate Collection, archives and other significant British public and private collections. It examines the development of early Modernism, in the UK, as well as the reappearance of esoteric and arcane references in a significant strand of contemporary art practice. Historical works from Samuel Palmer, Graham Sutherland, Henry Moore and Paul Nash are shown alongside contemporary artists including Derek Jarman, Cerith Wyn Evans, Eva Rothschild, Linder and John Russell. The exhibition includes a key work by Damien Hirst ¬ the first time he has been shown at Tate St Ives and a number of contemporary commissions. The Dark Monarch publication extended the discourse of the research critically examining the tension between progressive modernity and romantic knowledge, the book focuses on the way that artworks are encoded with various histories - geological, mythical and magical. Essays examine magic as a counterpoint to modernity’s transparency and rational progress, but also draw out the links modernity has with notions such as fetishism, mana, totem, and the taboo. Often viewed as counter to Modernism, this collection of essays suggest that these products of illusion and delusion in fact belong to modernity. Drawing together 15 different writers commissioned to explore magic as a counterpoint of liberal understanding of modernity, drawing out links that modernity has with notions of fetish, taboo and occult philosophy. Including essays by Marina Warner, Ilsa Colsell, Philip Hoare, Chris Stephens, Jennifer Higgie and Morrissey.


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In the ‘Object as Subject’ exhibition held at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery, Greenwich University, myself and two other artists showed work which explores the use of the ‘found object’ in their respective practices. My work was selected by the gallery curator David Waterworth. The work exhibited by me, two multi-media pieces and two films, continues my (practice as research) investigation into using everyday objects as starting points for creating work in a variety of mediums including: sculpture, films, installations and multiples. In this work I address a range of subject matters – philosophical, social and cultural. The history of the use of found object in art began in early 20th century European art when Marcel Duchamp and Pablo Picasso independently introduced everyday objects into their practice. My work continues this research.


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Counting Her Dresses and other plays, devised by Lib Taylor, is a short, mixed-media, promenade performance based on theatre writings by Gertrude Stein. Gertrude Stein was an American writer who lived in Paris for most of her adult life and was a significant figure in the development of early twentieth century modernism. She was an artists’ patron and one of the first collectors of paintings by Picasso, Matisse, Cezanne and others. She wrote novels, short stories, poetry and criticism, as well as a number of very short ‘plays’ and opera libretti. Even though her plays are very rarely performed they have been very influential in the development of avant-garde theatre. The performance juxtaposes a soundcape of voices, live performance, an ‘exhibition’ of paintings and mediated images projected onto and across the space to evoke Stein’s sense of theatre as a place of experience and emotion, not as a place of story and action. The performance comprises five theatre fragments which have been combined in a collage that alludes to the experimental art that Stein promoted.


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Interior Life was curated by Tim Renshaw, Mary Maclean and Bernice Donszelmann who together form ‘Outside Architecture’. The aim of this project was to argue that interior space should not be negatively defined as a retreat from the public realm. Instead, following the thought of the philosopher Peter Slotterdijk, interior space was proposed as a human need. The five artists selected by ‘Outside Architecture’ each visualized this need differently. A contention here was that interiors give rise to a multiplicity of experiences that potentially change the way we dwell in contemporary man-made space. This contention was primarily figured in relation to the materiality of contemporary interiors. Each gave attention to the effects of contemporary materials and surfaces and each considered that these forms produce new modes of sensing and immersion in a place. The exhibition included two talks by the members of ‘Outside Architecture. The project was supported by an Arts Council of England grant of £6,323 www.ucreative.ac.uk/galleries


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Two photographs from the Artists Studio Project 30x40cm, C-Prints, 2007 (with Shezad Dawood), first exhibited in Szuper Gallery at the Artists' Studio in 2007.


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An AHRC funded project titled: Picturing ideas? Visualising and Synthesising Ideas as art (2009-10). Outputs including: 4 exhibitions; 4 publications; 3 papers; 2 largescale backlit digital prints; 1 commissioned print. (See Additional Information) ----ABSTRACT: Utilising the virtuality of digital imagery this practice-led project explored the possibility of the cross-articulation between text and image and the bridging or synthesising potential of the visual affect of ideas. A series of digital images were produced 'picturing' or 'visualising' philosophical ideas derived from the writings of the philosopher Giles Deleuze, as remodellings of pre-existing philosophical ideas; developed through dialogues and consultation with specialists in the fields from which the ideas were drawn (philosophy, psychology, film) as well as artists and theorists concerned with ideas of 'mental imagery' and visualisation. Final images were produced as a synthesis (or combination) of these visualisations and presented in the format of large scale, backlit digital prints at a series of prestigious international exhibitions (see details above). Evaluation took the form of a four page illustrated text in Frieze magazine (August 2009) and three papers delivered at University of Ulster, Goldsmiths College of Art and Loughborough University. The project also included the publication of a catalogue essay (EAST 09) and an illustrated poem (in the Dark Monarch publication). A print version of the image was commissioned by Invisible Exports Gallery, New York and subsequently exhibited in The Devos Art Museum, School of Art & Design at Northern Michigan University and in a publication edited by Cedar Lewisohn for Tate Publishing. The project was funded by an AHRC practice-led grant (17K) and Arts Council of England award (1.5K). The outputs, including high profile, publicly accessible exhibitions, prestigious publications and conference papers ensured the dissemination of the research to a wide range of audiences, including scholars/researchers across the arts and humanities engaged in practice-based and interdisciplinary theoretical work (in particular in the fields of contemporary art and art theory and those working on the integration of art and theory/philosophy/psychology) but also the wider audience for contemporary art.


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The recent celebrations of the centenary of the publication of the Futurist manifesto led to a renewed discussion of the ideas and artworks of the Italian artists’ group. Jacques Rancière related the Futurist ethos with the modernist project of liberating art from representation. Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, in his post-Futurist manifesto, also identified a historical irony at play in the emptying out of Futurism’s promise: a liberated mechanical humanity did indeed materialize, in a global economic system premised on financial servitude to the future via debt. However, these models continue to assess Futurism against an unchallenged humanism, finding it either supporting ideals of freedom and human rights despite itself, or else lacking in these areas. But Futurism is potentially more relevant than ever not in spite of its anti-humanist agenda, precisely because of it. Tom McCarthy annexes not Futurist art but Futurist writing to an emerging object oriented ontology that seeks to challenge the primacy of the human. If Futurism is to be repurposed as a critical concept, it can only do so by countering the humanist myth the liberal subject that underlies the current cultural and political hegemony of neo-liberalism.