876 resultados para Artificial Intelligence, Constraint Programming, set variables, representation
The ability of an autonomous agent to select rational actions is vital in enabling it to achieve its goals. To do so effectively in a high-stakes setting, the agent must be capable of considering the risk and potential reward of both immediate and future actions. In this paper we provide a novel method for calculating risk alongside utility in online planning algorithms. We integrate such a risk-aware planner with a BDI agent, allowing us to build agents that can set their risk aversion levels dynamically based on their changing beliefs about the environment. To guide the design of a risk-aware agent we propose a number of principles which such an agent should adhere to and show how our proposed framework satisfies these principles. Finally, we evaluate our approach and demonstrate that a dynamically risk-averse agent is capable of achieving a higher success rate than an agent that ignores risk, while obtaining a higher utility than an agent with a static risk attitude.
Bounding the tree-width of a Bayesian network can reduce the chance of overfitting, and allows exact inference to be performed efficiently. Several existing algorithms tackle the problem of learning bounded tree-width Bayesian networks by learning from k-trees as super-structures, but they do not scale to large domains and/or large tree-width. We propose a guided search algorithm to find k-trees with maximum Informative scores, which is a measure of quality for the k-tree in yielding good Bayesian networks. The algorithm achieves close to optimal performance compared to exact solutions in small domains, and can discover better networks than existing approximate methods can in large domains. It also provides an optimal elimination order of variables that guarantees small complexity for later runs of exact inference. Comparisons with well-known approaches in terms of learning and inference accuracy illustrate its capabilities.
In recent years the use of several new resources in power systems, such as distributed generation, demand response and more recently electric vehicles, has significantly increased. Power systems aim at lowering operational costs, requiring an adequate energy resources management. In this context, load consumption management plays an important role, being necessary to use optimization strategies to adjust the consumption to the supply profile. These optimization strategies can be integrated in demand response programs. The control of the energy consumption of an intelligent house has the objective of optimizing the load consumption. This paper presents a genetic algorithm approach to manage the consumption of a residential house making use of a SCADA system developed by the authors. Consumption management is done reducing or curtailing loads to keep the power consumption in, or below, a specified energy consumption limit. This limit is determined according to the consumer strategy and taking into account the renewable based micro generation, energy price, supplier solicitations, and consumers’ preferences. The proposed approach is compared with a mixed integer non-linear approach.
To maintain a power system within operation limits, a level ahead planning it is necessary to apply competitive techniques to solve the optimal power flow (OPF). OPF is a non-linear and a large combinatorial problem. The Ant Colony Search (ACS) optimization algorithm is inspired by the organized natural movement of real ants and has been successfully applied to different large combinatorial optimization problems. This paper presents an implementation of Ant Colony optimization to solve the OPF in an economic dispatch context. The proposed methodology has been developed to be used for maintenance and repairing planning with 48 to 24 hours antecipation. The main advantage of this method is its low execution time that allows the use of OPF when a large set of scenarios has to be analyzed. The paper includes a case study using the IEEE 30 bus network. The results are compared with other well-known methodologies presented in the literature.
In the energy management of a small power system, the scheduling of the generation units is a crucial problem for which adequate methodologies can maximize the performance of the energy supply. This paper proposes an innovative methodology for distributed energy resources management. The optimal operation of distributed generation, demand response and storage resources is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model (MILP) and solved by a deterministic optimization technique CPLEX-based implemented in General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS). The paper deals with a vision for the grids of the future, focusing on conceptual and operational aspects of electrical grids characterized by an intensive penetration of DG, in the scope of competitive environments and using artificial intelligence methodologies to attain the envisaged goals. These concepts are implemented in a computational framework which includes both grid and market simulation.
Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a growing research field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). SI is the general term for several computational techniques which use ideas and get inspiration from the social behaviours of insects and of other animals. This paper presents hybridization and combination of different AI approaches, like Bio-Inspired Techniques (BIT), Multi-Agent systems (MAS) and Machine Learning Techniques (ML T). The resulting system is applied to the problem of jobs scheduling to machines on dynamic manufacturing environments.
Trabalho de Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
This document presents a tool able to automatically gather data provided by real energy markets and to generate scenarios, capture and improve market players’ profiles and strategies by using knowledge discovery processes in databases supported by artificial intelligence techniques, data mining algorithms and machine learning methods. It provides the means for generating scenarios with different dimensions and characteristics, ensuring the representation of real and adapted markets, and their participating entities. The scenarios generator module enhances the MASCEM (Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets) simulator, endowing a more effective tool for decision support. The achievements from the implementation of the proposed module enables researchers and electricity markets’ participating entities to analyze data, create real scenarios and make experiments with them. On the other hand, applying knowledge discovery techniques to real data also allows the improvement of MASCEM agents’ profiles and strategies resulting in a better representation of real market players’ behavior. This work aims to improve the comprehension of electricity markets and the interactions among the involved entities through adequate multi-agent simulation.
This paper presents the Realistic Scenarios Generator (RealScen), a tool that processes data from real electricity markets to generate realistic scenarios that enable the modeling of electricity market players’ characteristics and strategic behavior. The proposed tool provides significant advantages to the decision making process in an electricity market environment, especially when coupled with a multi-agent electricity markets simulator. The generation of realistic scenarios is performed using mechanisms for intelligent data analysis, which are based on artificial intelligence and data mining algorithms. These techniques allow the study of realistic scenarios, adapted to the existing markets, and improve the representation of market entities as software agents, enabling a detailed modeling of their profiles and strategies. This work contributes significantly to the understanding of the interactions between the entities acting in electricity markets by increasing the capability and realism of market simulations.
Neste documento, são investigados vários métodos usados na inteligência artificial, com o objetivo de obter previsões precisas da evolução dos mercados financeiros. O uso de ferramentas lineares como os modelos AR, MA, ARMA e GARCH têm muitas limitações, pois torna-se muito difícil adaptá-los às não linearidades dos fenómenos que ocorrem nos mercados. Pelas razões anteriormente referidas, os algoritmos como as redes neuronais dinâmicas (TDNN, NARX e ESN), mostram uma maior capacidade de adaptação a estas não linearidades, pois não fazem qualquer pressuposto sobre as distribuições de probabilidade que caracterizam estes mercados. O facto destas redes neuronais serem dinâmicas, faz com que estas exibam um desempenho superior em relação às redes neuronais estáticas, ou outros algoritmos que não possuem qualquer tipo de memória. Apesar das vantagens reveladas pelas redes neuronais, estas são um sistema do tipo black box, o que torna muito difícil extrair informação dos pesos da rede. Isto significa que estes algoritmos devem ser usados com precaução, pois podem tornar-se instáveis.
Les étudiants gradués et les professeurs (les chercheurs, en général), accèdent, passent en revue et utilisent régulièrement un grand nombre d’articles, cependant aucun des outils et solutions existants ne fournit la vaste gamme de fonctionnalités exigées pour gérer correctement ces ressources. En effet, les systèmes de gestion de bibliographie gèrent les références et les citations, mais ne parviennent pas à aider les chercheurs à manipuler et à localiser des ressources. D'autre part, les systèmes de recommandation d’articles de recherche et les moteurs de recherche spécialisés aident les chercheurs à localiser de nouvelles ressources, mais là encore échouent dans l’aide à les gérer. Finalement, les systèmes de gestion de contenu d'entreprise offrent les fonctionnalités de gestion de documents et des connaissances, mais ne sont pas conçus pour les articles de recherche. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons une nouvelle classe de systèmes de gestion : système de gestion et de recommandation d’articles de recherche. Papyres (Naak, Hage, & Aïmeur, 2008, 2009) est un prototype qui l’illustre. Il combine des fonctionnalités de bibliographie avec des techniques de recommandation d’articles et des outils de gestion de contenu, afin de fournir un ensemble de fonctionnalités pour localiser les articles de recherche, manipuler et maintenir les bibliographies. De plus, il permet de gérer et partager les connaissances relatives à la littérature. La technique de recommandation utilisée dans Papyres est originale. Sa particularité réside dans l'aspect multicritère introduit dans le processus de filtrage collaboratif, permettant ainsi aux chercheurs d'indiquer leur intérêt pour des parties spécifiques des articles. De plus, nous proposons de tester et de comparer plusieurs approches afin de déterminer le voisinage dans le processus de Filtrage Collaboratif Multicritère, de telle sorte à accroître la précision de la recommandation. Enfin, nous ferons un rapport global sur la mise en œuvre et la validation de Papyres.
L'un des modèles d'apprentissage non-supervisé générant le plus de recherche active est la machine de Boltzmann --- en particulier la machine de Boltzmann restreinte, ou RBM. Un aspect important de l'entraînement ainsi que l'exploitation d'un tel modèle est la prise d'échantillons. Deux développements récents, la divergence contrastive persistante rapide (FPCD) et le herding, visent à améliorer cet aspect, se concentrant principalement sur le processus d'apprentissage en tant que tel. Notamment, le herding renonce à obtenir un estimé précis des paramètres de la RBM, définissant plutôt une distribution par un système dynamique guidé par les exemples d'entraînement. Nous généralisons ces idées afin d'obtenir des algorithmes permettant d'exploiter la distribution de probabilités définie par une RBM pré-entraînée, par tirage d'échantillons qui en sont représentatifs, et ce sans que l'ensemble d'entraînement ne soit nécessaire. Nous présentons trois méthodes: la pénalisation d'échantillon (basée sur une intuition théorique) ainsi que la FPCD et le herding utilisant des statistiques constantes pour la phase positive. Ces méthodes définissent des systèmes dynamiques produisant des échantillons ayant les statistiques voulues et nous les évaluons à l'aide d'une méthode d'estimation de densité non-paramétrique. Nous montrons que ces méthodes mixent substantiellement mieux que la méthode conventionnelle, l'échantillonnage de Gibbs.