999 resultados para Artes Aspectos políticos
This work has the aim of evince compositional tools used in the development of musical scores for role-playing videogames through the analysis of Yasunori Mitsudas music for Chrono Cross (1999). This research is divided in two main parts: the first traces a historic path of the RPG genre on videogame consoles, since its birth as a tabletop game in the decade of 1970 until its consolidation on 3D game machines released in the 1990s. The focus of this historical study concentrates on the aesthetics of this kind of game and on the multiple relations it settles with sound throughout the years. The second part is an analytical work on an assortment of pieces by Mitsuda for the aforementioned game, bringing up the most interesting aspects of the connections established between these compositions and the whole game.
In present article, we present reflections on the process of closing public schools in the countryside in Brazil. Through bibliographical survey, as well as documental research, we carried out a retrospective analysis of the historical moment in which the implementation of policies of mass education directed to people living in rural areas occurs. We have also sought to raise socio-political-economic aspects of the moment in which the process of closing these schools is intensified. The results obtained suggest possible implications of this closure policy, in addition to indicating some of the challenges posed to the public policy of education in the country; for example, the Brazilian federal context and the budget limitations imposed to subnational governments with regard to the funding of school education, particularly in relation to small municipalities and/or municipalities with low tax revenues. This situation quite often occurs because these municipalities present reduced budgets, depending largely on transfers of financial resources from other spheres of the Government, either federal or state, the so-called intergovernmental budgetary transfers; namely, the Municipalities Participation Fund. Such issues demand the resumption of debates about the federative pact, in particular with regard to fiscal federalism, given that the financial capacity of each subnational government is crucial to the implementation of educational policies.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, wie Nachrichten, die vom Nachrichtenportal Deutsche Welle in portugiesischer Sprache verffentlicht werden, produziert werden und inwieweit sie Brasilien und Deutschland bezglich kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten reprsentieren. Der staatliche deutsche Auslandsrundfunk zeichnet sich durch seine internationale Reichweite aus und schafft Dialoge zwischen Deutschland und anderen Nationen. Angesichts der Schnittstelle zwischen Journalismus und Internet, haben wir uns auf den Sender Deutsche Welle, und dort vor allem auf die brasilianische Nachrichtenredaktion fokussiert. Dadurch war es mglich, den Kontext, in dem der analysierte journalistische Inhalt produziert wird, genau zu verstehen. Die Nachrichten wurden ber einen Zeitraum von einer Woche im Portal gesammelt und anschlieend einer quantitativen und qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse unterzogen (BARDIN, 2009). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie die Inhalte beide Lnder reprsentieren und gleichzeitig die Redaktionsstrategie des Senders besttigt wird. In Anbetracht des Effekts, den die Nachrichten und die bermittelte Reprsentation der beiden Lnder in den Beitrgen auf die Meinungsbildung der Zielgruppe haben knnten, trgt diese Studie zum wissenschaftlichen Verstndnis im journalistischen Bereich bei und regt zu weitere Studien ber die Deutsche Welle an
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCLAS
As Artes Marciais tiveram, em sua maioria, origem no Oriente, em meados do sculo XIX, principalmente Japo, ndia e China. No inicio essas Artes apresentavam carter de defesa pessoal e militar. No entanto a intensificao do contato com o Ocidente e a evoluo das armas de fogo, fez com que as lutas que utilizavam apenas o corpo cassem em desuso, passando a ser usada como uma modalidade esportiva e competitiva. Atualmente tem adeptos no mundo todo que buscam avanos nos aspectos fsicos (sade), motores e psicolgicos, ale de aprimorar o autodomnio, superar limites e melhorar o poder de concentrao (KODOKAN, 1995). Dentre as modalidades mais difundidas pelo mundo, destacam-se o Karat, o Kung-fu, o Jiu-Jitsu e o Jud, destas darei maior nfase nas duas ltimas. A Psicologia do esporte uma rea da psicologia que visa promover a sade, a comunicao, as relaes interpessoais, a liderana e a melhora do desempenho esportivo. Artes marciais so modalidades onde so encontrados altos nveis de estresse pelas mais variadas causas, sendo assim uma reviso bibliogrfica foi realizada para buscar analisar as variveis envolvidas e respostas de atletas das modalidades bem como os treinadores envolvidos
The air part of the cassava plant is considered an agronomical residue due to the great volume produced in Brazil, the second biggest world producer of this plant. It is a residue which presents possibilities of being used as a non-wooden raw material in the production of pulp due to the fact that its stem and presenting a high concentration of fibers, which accounts for 30,18% in try weight. Under such considerations, this paper dealt with the aspects of the pulp obtaining process of this cassava agronomical residue for the production of special papers, with further assessment of its use in the visual communication.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
This research analyzes the discourse of teachers of ancient oriental arts, namely: Yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, Kung Fu, Lian Gong, Qwan Ki Do, reveals the meaning that subjects have about what are the benefits to health of those already considered practical alternatives conventional treatment of health. The research uses the phenomenological method specifically the method of the phenomenon. The method first provides a pre-reflection on the oriental arts, exposing not systematically, some curiosities changing between aspects of oriental arts: historical, main teaching methods, styles, the character of struggle, why are linked to health, the benefits of their practices, movements, philosophy, concepts, ways of acting, the roots, the basics. In this article the pre-reflection does not appear to meet the standards of Congress page limit. Rather concentrate on the next step of the research and present the phenomenon situated in the experience of those who have experienced it in the case of the five arts teachers mentioned above. The method performs individual analysis or ideographic analysis of the five discourses of teachers from each oriental art and then conducts the general or nomothetic. The result is presented an analysis of generalities, convergence, divergence and individuality of meanings expressed by the subject, to finally develop a discussion of these data and weave a synthesis. The analyzes reveal that Eastern practices currently as some of these five analyzed here, those involving aspects of struggle and concentration are excellent allied health development and well-being. Understanding the philosophical aspect is inherent in the practice of the movements, although the character of the struggle, which they transmit through knowledge of their origins and roots is the current thinking routine that generates a life philosophy of selfhelp, self-enabling and tranquility preparation to overcome the tensions, disputes, everyday challenges. The speeches also reveal that the psychophysical aspects of diseases are real, because the practices of movements and the physical drilling of these oriental arts have enabled visible improvements in health by working the mental and the physical in an integrated manner. Masters must have all the knowledge to better meet today's society, preserving these cultures, passing them through the generations.
Earlier this year, took office in Congress deputies and senators regarding the Legislature from 2015 to 2019. Most elected officials has been identified as more conservative character, which should change the work schedule in the Legislative Houses. In this context, this experimental project consists of a journalistic reporting that aims to analyze how this new composition can affect issues involving the agenda of the LGBT community, in particular, the bills criminalizing the practice of homophobia. The work aims to reach politically minded readers between 21 and 60 years, in order to educate them about the importance of this issue. Therefore, we performed the calculation of violence perpetrated against this population, studied the new profile of the Congress, analyzed how Judiciary acts front of legislative inertia and made interviews. The report compiles important data about the issue and provides, as a result, information reinforced by experts to potentially broaden the understanding of readers about the fact
Ps-graduao em Artes - IA
La necesidad de estudiar la voz infantil se desprende del reconocimiento de las caractersticas anatmicas y fisiolgicas distintivas del rgano vocal de los nios y su relacin con el entrenamiento vocal. En el presente trabajo intentaremos describir dichas peculiaridades en la voz infantil cantada y hablada para obtener una serie de pruebas objetivas que sirvan como medio de evaluacin de la voz de los nios de Mendoza.
El artculo presenta algunos resultados acerca de la investigacin sobre la construccin de proyectos tico-políticos y su relacin con las polticas sociales y la reconfiguracin de lo social. Pretende aportar a la comprensin del Trabajo Social como sujeto colectivo y al anlisis de la incidencia de dichos proyectos en la formacin profesional y en la produccin de conocimientos) como modos de interpelacin a la intervencin social desde diversas miradas. Debatir acerca de la actuacin profesional del Trabajo Social supone cuestionar la formacin que debe brindar la universidad teniendo en cuenta los atravesamientos socio-políticos y las transformaciones societales, desde una mirada socio-histrica que permita reconocer y valorar su trayectoria y los aspectos emergentes.
Este captulo pertenece a la publicacin "Investigacin sobre aborto en Amrica Latina y El Caribe : una agenda renovada para informar polticas pblicas e incidencia", es un estado del arte que rene el conocimiento disponible, producido en Amrica Latina en el perodo 2009 a 2014. Aborda diversos aspectos de los temas ms relevantes de la investigacin sobre aborto inducido, desde una revisin crtica de resultados y metodologas, que apunta a identificar tendencias y resultados notables en cada temtica
En este espacio presentaremos el proyecto de investigacin "Artes performticas en espacios pblicos, corporalidades y polticas del estar juntos . Un estudio de las prcticas y las representaciones en grupos de danza, teatro, circo y msica en el partido de La Plata", acreditado por el Programa de Incentivos a la Investigacin-UNLP para el perodo 2013-2014. Con un equipo de trabajo conformado de manera interdisciplinaria y a partir de metodologa etnogrfica, realizaremos una investigacin con grupos de danza, teatro, circo y msica en el partido de La Plata, acerca de las siguientes cuestiones: las prcticas artsticas vinculadas con la utilizacin de espacios pblicos agremiacin o urbanos; las colectivizacin de diversas grupos experiencias locales de de asociacin, las disciplinas mencionadas; las identidades construidas en vinculacin con los procesos de utilizacin artstica de espacios pblicos urbanos y con las prcticas de generacin de agrupaciones; las representaciones sobre el arte, sus sentidos políticos, los artistas, sus cuerpos y sus corporalidades; y las corporalidades especficas construidas en el contexto de ambos procesos. Se pondr especial atencin en los circuitos y las trayectorias; en los sentidos políticos reconocidos por los actores en las prcticas de uso de espacios pblicos y en las experiencias de agrupacin; y en los procesos de construccin de identidades y corporalidades. Los materiales etnogrficos sern analizados en relacin con marcos conceptuales provenientes fundamentalmente de la antropologa sociocultural, la filosofa contempornea y la teora del arte