1000 resultados para Artèries coronàries-Malalties, Sistema cardiovascular-Malalties


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Little information is currently available from the various societies of cardiology on primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Since primary PCI is the main method of reperfusion in AMI in many centres, and since of all cardiac emergencies AMI represents the most urgent situation for PCI, recommendations based on scientific evidence and expert experience would be useful for centres practising primary PCI, or those looking to establish a primary PCI programme. To this aim, a task force for primary PCI in AMI was formed to develop a set of recommendations to complement and assist clinical judgment. This paper represents the product of their recommendations.


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The omega-3 index, defined as the sum of EPA and DHA in erythrocyte membranes expressed as a percentage of total fatty acids, has been proposed as both a risk marker and risk factor for CHD death. A major determinant of the omega-3 index is EPA þ DHA intake, but the impact of other dietary fatty acids has not been investigated. In a cross-sectional study on 198 subjects (102 men and 96 women, mean age 66 years) at high cardiovascular risk living in Spain, the country with low rates of cardiac death despite a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, dietary data were acquired from FFQ and blood cell membrane fatty acid composition was measured by GC. The average consumption of EPA þ DHA was 0·9 g/d and the mean omega-3 index was 7·1%. In multivariate models, EPA þ DHA intake was the main predictor of the omega-3 index but explained only 12% of its variability (P,0·001). No associations with other dietary fatty acids were observed. Although the single most influential determinant of the omega-3 index measured here was the intake of EPA þ DHA, it explained little of the former"s variability; hence, the effects of other factors (genetic, dietary and lifestyle) remain to be determined. Nevertheless, the high omega-3 index could at least partially explain the paradox of low rates of fatal CHD in Spain despite a high background prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors.


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The omega-3 index, defined as the sum of EPA and DHA in erythrocyte membranes expressed as a percentage of total fatty acids, has been proposed as both a risk marker and risk factor for CHD death. A major determinant of the omega-3 index is EPA þ DHA intake, but the impact of other dietary fatty acids has not been investigated. In a cross-sectional study on 198 subjects (102 men and 96 women, mean age 66 years) at high cardiovascular risk living in Spain, the country with low rates of cardiac death despite a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, dietary data were acquired from FFQ and blood cell membrane fatty acid composition was measured by GC. The average consumption of EPA þ DHA was 0·9 g/d and the mean omega-3 index was 7·1%. In multivariate models, EPA þ DHA intake was the main predictor of the omega-3 index but explained only 12% of its variability (P,0·001). No associations with other dietary fatty acids were observed. Although the single most influential determinant of the omega-3 index measured here was the intake of EPA þ DHA, it explained little of the former"s variability; hence, the effects of other factors (genetic, dietary and lifestyle) remain to be determined. Nevertheless, the high omega-3 index could at least partially explain the paradox of low rates of fatal CHD in Spain despite a high background prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a mass vaccination programme carried out in Catalonia (Spain) in the last quarter of 1997 in response to an upsurge of serogroup C meningococcal disease (SCMD). DESIGN Vaccination coverage in the 18 month to 19 years age group was investigated by means of a specific vaccination register. Vaccination effectiveness was calculated using the prospective cohort method. Cases of SCMD were identified on the basis of compulsory reporting and microbiological notification by hospital laboratories. Vaccination histories were investigated in all cases. Unadjusted and age adjusted vaccination effectiveness referred to the time of vaccination and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of follow up. SETTING All population aged 18 months to 19 years of Catalonia. MAIN RESULTS A total of seven cases of SCMD were detected at six months of follow up (one in the vaccinated cohort), 12 cases at 12 months (one in the vaccinated cohort), 19 cases at 18 months (two in the vaccinated cohort) and 24 at 24 months (two in the vaccinated cohort). The age adjusted effectiveness was 84% (95%CI 30, 97) at six months, 92% (95%CI 63, 98) at 12 months, 92% (95% CI 71, 98) at 18 months and 94% (95%CI 78, 98) at 24 months. In the target population, cases have been reduced by more than two thirds (68%) two years after the vaccination programme. In the total population the reduction was 43%. CONCLUSION Vaccination effectiveness has been high in Catalonia, with a dramatic reduction in disease incidence in the vaccinated cohort accompanied by a relevant reduction in the overall population. Given that vaccination coverage was only 54.6%, it may be supposed that this vaccination effectiveness is attributable, in part, to the herd immunity conferred by the vaccine.


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The omega-3 index, defined as the sum of EPA and DHA in erythrocyte membranes expressed as a percentage of total fatty acids, has been proposed as both a risk marker and risk factor for CHD death. A major determinant of the omega-3 index is EPA þ DHA intake, but the impact of other dietary fatty acids has not been investigated. In a cross-sectional study on 198 subjects (102 men and 96 women, mean age 66 years) at high cardiovascular risk living in Spain, the country with low rates of cardiac death despite a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, dietary data were acquired from FFQ and blood cell membrane fatty acid composition was measured by GC. The average consumption of EPA þ DHA was 0·9 g/d and the mean omega-3 index was 7·1%. In multivariate models, EPA þ DHA intake was the main predictor of the omega-3 index but explained only 12% of its variability (P,0·001). No associations with other dietary fatty acids were observed. Although the single most influential determinant of the omega-3 index measured here was the intake of EPA þ DHA, it explained little of the former"s variability; hence, the effects of other factors (genetic, dietary and lifestyle) remain to be determined. Nevertheless, the high omega-3 index could at least partially explain the paradox of low rates of fatal CHD in Spain despite a high background prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors.


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Los individuos forman parte de varios grupos a la vez, en primer lugar del familiar y en segundo de todos los demás. La capacidad de cuidado de familiares y profesionales sanitarios así como su credibilidad como promotores de la salud estarán relacionadas con sus creencias y conocimientos sobre la enfermedad. El objetivo fue conocer las creencias y percepciones de los familiares y personal sanitario con relación a las causas, consecuencias y manejo de los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad coronaria, en 4 Hospitales de la Provincia de Barcelona. Muestra: 57 familiares de pacientes ingresados por un primer evento coronario, 65 enfermeras y 38 médicos que estaban trabajando en un momento determinado en todos los turnos y servicios donde se atendían enfermos de cardiopatía isquémica. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó el programa SPSS Vs 9.0.1.Resultados. El 72 % de los familiares opinaban que el paciente realizaba una dieta grasa. No hacen suficiente ejercicio un 78%. Había vivido un suceso importante en los últimos tres años un 61%. Se sentían capaces de cuidar a su familiar un 66%. No se han observado diferencias entre las opiniones de enfermeras y médicos ni entre los diferentes hospitales. El paciente es el máximo responsable del control de su enfermedad.


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Los individuos forman parte de varios grupos a la vez, en primer lugar del familiar y en segundo de todos los demás. La capacidad de cuidado de familiares y profesionales sanitarios así como su credibilidad como promotores de la salud estarán relacionadas con sus creencias y conocimientos sobre la enfermedad. El objetivo fue conocer las creencias y percepciones de los familiares y personal sanitario con relación a las causas, consecuencias y manejo de los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad coronaria, en 4 Hospitales de la Provincia de Barcelona. Muestra: 57 familiares de pacientes ingresados por un primer evento coronario, 65 enfermeras y 38 médicos que estaban trabajando en un momento determinado en todos los turnos y servicios donde se atendían enfermos de cardiopatía isquémica. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó el programa SPSS Vs 9.0.1.Resultados. El 72 % de los familiares opinaban que el paciente realizaba una dieta grasa. No hacen suficiente ejercicio un 78%. Había vivido un suceso importante en los últimos tres años un 61%. Se sentían capaces de cuidar a su familiar un 66%. No se han observado diferencias entre las opiniones de enfermeras y médicos ni entre los diferentes hospitales. El paciente es el máximo responsable del control de su enfermedad.


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Increased plasma levels of cholesterol are high risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Statins are drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis at both pancreatic and extrahepathic levels, being the treatment of choice for hypercholesterolemia. Objective: To analyze the side effects of statins in the mouth cavity, and to analyze the symptoms after interruption of the treatment. Design: Observational study, preliminary. Material and methods: Patients aged 50-70, diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and undergoing treatment with statins, referred from their primary care physician to the dentist"s office. Anamnesis over oral symptoms was performed in the first visit. Statin treatment was discontinued, followed by lab tests and control visits seven and fifteen days later. We monitored the improvement and/or remission of oral symptoms. Statin treatment was resumed, sending out a report of the patient evolution to the PCP. Symptoms were registered in sheet specially designed for the study. Exclusion criteria: patient refusal, use of drugs for dry mouth treatment, Sjögren"s syndrome. Results: n=26 patients. Dry mouth patients: improvement in 17 out of 23 patients (88.5%). Itchiness: 6 out of 15 cases improved (57.7%). Bitterness: improvement in 13 out of 14 patients (53.8%). Cough: improvement in 11 out of 12 patients (46.1%). Discussion: A high percentage of oral symptoms are associated to treatment with statins. There is a marked improvement after temporary interruption of the treatment. Little is known regarding the side effects of oral treatment with statins. This preliminary study includes a relatively small number of patients. The design of experimental treatments will be required to establish a true correlation between statin treatment and oral symptoms


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Les anomenades malalties neurodegeneratives tenen una simptomatologia i unes manifestacions clíniques molt diferents entre elles. No obstant, totes elles convergeixen en el mateix procés final, la neurodegeneració, que es manifestarà en diferents localitzacions o tipus cel·lulars del sistema nerviós. Nosaltres, plantegem la hipòtesi de que els processos moleculars i cel·lulars subjacents a la neurodegeneració són comuns per totes elles. Després de dur a terme un procés de selecció, es decideix treballar amb la malaltia de Parkinson, la d’Alzheimer, l’Esclerosi lateral amiotròfica i l’esclerosi múltiple. Hem pogut determinar que hi ha set processos moleculars o cel·lulars que estan associats al procés de neurodegeneració i que són comuns a totes elles. Havent-les estudiat per separat s’observa que el procés de neurodegeneració consisteix en una fallada en cadena de diferents sistemes moleculars i cel·lulars que tenen com a punt d’origen l’estrès oxidatiu. A aquest estrès s’hi pot arribar de diferents maneres. Una d’elles és l’exposició excessiva a certs metalls, que provoca la pèrdua dels sistemes antioxidants cel·lulars. Degut a això, els mitocondris reben un impacte oxidatiu massa gran i comencen a fallar. El fet que aquest orgànul actuï com a tampó del calci intracel·lular en provoca la seva desregulació, alterant d’aquesta manera el senyal nerviós. En resposta a l’estrès oxidatiu i tèrmic que genera la disfunció mitocondrial, s’activen les Proteïnes de Xoc Tèrmic (HSP) que actuant de citocines i presentadores d’antígens, inicien la resposta immunològica contra les cèl·lules danyades. Paral·lelament, s’observa un increment de la permeabilitat de la barrera hematoencefàlica degut a la pèrdua de les adhesions cel·lulars estretes per l’alta presència d’espècies reactives. Com a conseqüència de l’afebliment o el trencament de la barrera hematoencefàlica, es pot produir una entrada al SNC de diferents substàncies neurotòxiques i de cèl·lules del sistema immunitàri que, en condicions normals tenen l’accés restringit. Juntament amb aquestes cèl·lules immunològiques, també s’activen les cèl·lules del sistema immunitari innat residents al cervell, la micròglia, i totes elles secreten citocines proinflamatòries que contribueixen al procés de neurodegeneració. Nosaltres presentem els mecanismes pels quals aquesta inflamació, lluny d’atenuar-se, es cronifica per l’acció de certs bucles de retroalimentació positiva. Les diferents peculiaritats de cada malaltia contribueixen en aquest procés de diferents maneres, com és el cas dels pèptids β-amilides en la malaltia d’Alzheimer, l’α-sinucleina en el Parkinson, la superòxid dismutasa (SOD) en l’esclerosi lateral amiotròfica, o l’infiltració de leucòcits al cervell degut a la resposta autoimmune de l’esclerosi múltiple.Deixant de banda aquestes diferències, si el procés és comú entre totes elles, l’estudi a fons d’aquest procés hauria de poder permetre identificar dianes tarapèutiques que siguin comunes per les quatre malalties.


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Background: Vorapaxar is a new oral protease-activatedreceptor 1 (PAR-1) antagonist that inhibits thrombin-induced platelet activation. Methods: In this multinational, double-blind, randomized trial, we compared vorapaxar with placebo in 12,944 patients who had acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation. The primary end point was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, stroke, recurrent ischemia with rehospitalization, or urgent coronary revascularization. RESULTS: Follow-up in the trial was terminated early after a safety review. After a median follow-up of 502 days (interquartile range, 349 to 667), the primary end point occurred in 1031 of 6473 patients receiving vorapaxar versus 1102 of 6471 patients receiving placebo (KaplanMeier 2-year rate, 18.5% vs. 19.9%; hazard ratio, 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.85 to 1.01; P = 0.07). A composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke occurred in 822 patients in the vorapaxar group versus 910 in the placebo group (14.7% and 16.4%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.81 to 0.98; P = 0.02). Rates of moderate and severe bleeding were 7.2% in the vorapaxar group and 5.2% in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.16 to 1.58; P<0.001). Intracranial hemorrhage rates were 1.1% and 0.2%, respectively (hazard ratio, 3.39; 95% CI, 1.78 to 6.45; P<0.001). Rates of nonhemorrhagic adverse events were similar in the two groups. Conclusions: In patients with acute coronary syndromes, the addition of vorapaxar to standard therapy did not significantly reduce the primary composite end point but significantly increased the risk of major bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage. (Funded by Merck; TRACER ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00527943.)


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Las enfermedades neuromuscualres son enfermedades neurológicas, de naturaleza progresiva, normalmente hereditarias cuya principal característica clínica es la debilidad muscular. Dentro de las enfermedades que causan problemas respiratorios, existen una gran variedad de enfermedades neuromusculares que comprometen la función respiratoria, las cuales pueden dividirse en enfermedades neuromusculares neuropaticas y miopáticas, además de poder clasificarlas según la evolución. Las ENM pueden comprometer el sistema respiratorio condicionando morbilidad respiratoria de intensidad y precocidad variable dependiendo del grado de afección de los músculos respiratorios y deglutorios, así como de otros factores como el estado nutricional o la capacidad de deambulación, todos ellos factores que pueden ser incluidos dentro de un programa de enfermería de atención a domicilio.


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Són moltes les investigacions que han aprofundit en l’estudi de l’esquizofrènia i algunes aporten resultats de persones que estan a la tercera edat. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és descriure alguns aspectes mèdics i de gestió de casos en població gran afectada de trastorn mental. Un segon objectiu és observar si hi ha un major risc cardiovascular en edat avançada en comparació amb persones de menor edat. Es tracta d’un estudi descriptiu i transversal amb una mostra de 220 subjectes afectats de trastorn mental sever, 33 dels quals sobrepassen els 60 anys. Es van utilitzar els registres sobre les dades mèdiques, clíniques i de funcionament social durant l’any 2011. Entre els resultats principals s’ha trobat una bona adherència al tractament i al seguiment(95,3%-90% respectivament) una bona participació familiar en el tractament(90%), nivells més elevats de dislipèmies(colesterol 70,6%; triglicèrids 64,3%), menor nombre de fumadors(28%). Les valoracions psicopatològiques no mostren significació estadística respecte al grup més jove (p=.468) ni en reingressos ni urgències(p=.181;.420 respectivament). Les dades que es presenten en aquest estudi fan èmfasi en la necessitat de tenir cura dels malalts mentals també a la tercera edat, on la fragilitat física i psicosocial s’accentua a nivell de comorbilitat amb altres malalties mèdiques.


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Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is increasingly considered a heterogeneous condition. It was hypothesised that COPD, as currently defined, includes different clinically relevant subtypes. Methods To identify and validate COPD subtypes, 342 subjects hospitalised for the first time because of a COPD exacerbation were recruited. Three months after discharge, when clinically stable, symptoms and quality of life, lung function, exercise capacity, nutritional status, biomarkers of systemic and bronchial inflammation, sputum microbiology, CT of the thorax and echocardiography were assessed. COPD groups were identified by partitioning cluster analysis and validated prospectively against cause-specific hospitalisations and all-cause mortality during a 4 year follow-up. Results Three COPD groups were identified: group 1 (n ¼ 126, 67 years) was characterised by severe airflow limitation (postbronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1 ) 38% predicted) and worse performance in most of the respiratory domains of the disease; group 2 (n ¼ 125, 69 years) showed milder airflow limitation (FEV 1 63% predicted); and group 3 (n ¼ 91, 67 years) combined a similarly milder airflow limitation (FEV 1 58% predicted) with a high proportion of obesity, cardiovascular disorders, iabetes and systemic inflammation. During follow-up, group 1 had more frequent hospitalisations due to COPD (HR 3.28, p < 0.001) and higher all-cause mortality (HR 2.36, p ¼ 0.018) than the other two groups, whereas group 3 had more admissions due to cardiovascular disease (HR 2.87, p ¼ 0.014). Conclusions In patients with COPD recruited at their first hospitalisation, three different COPD subtypes were identified and prospectively validated:"severe respiratory COPD","moderate respiratory COPD", and"systemic COPD'


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We propose an innovative, integrated, cost-effective health system to combat major non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular, chronic respiratory, metabolic, rheumatologic and neurologic disorders and cancers, which together are the predominant health problem of the 21st century. This proposed holistic strategy involves comprehensive patient-centered integrated care and multi-scale, multi-modal and multi-level systems approaches to tackle NCDs as a common group of diseases. Rather than studying each disease individually, it will take into account their intertwined gene-environment, socio-economic interactions and co-morbidities that lead to individual-specific complex phenotypes. It will implement a road map for predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory (P4) medicine based on a robust and extensive knowledge management infrastructure that contains individual patient information. It will be supported by strategic partnerships involving all stakeholders, including general practitioners associated with patient-centered care. This systems medicine strategy, which will take a holistic approach to disease, is designed to allow the results to be used globally, taking into account the needs and specificities of local economies and health systems.


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L’apoptosi és un procés fisiològic que controla el nombre de cèl·lules en organismes superiors. L’apoptosi està estrictament regulada i s’ha vist que està implicada en la patogènesi d’algunes malalties del sistema nerviós. En aquest sentit, un excés de mort cel·lular contribueix a les malalties neurodegenerati- ves, mentre que, el seu dèficit és una de les raons del desenvolupament de tumors. El punt principal de regulació del procés apoptòtic és l’activació de les caspases, cisteïna-proteases que tenen especificitat pels residus aspàrtic. Les caspases es poden activar per dos mecanismes principals: (1) alliberament de citocrom C dels mitocondris alterats al citoplasma i (2) l’activació dels receptors de la membrana anomenats receptors de mort (DR, de l’anglès death receptor). Aquests receptors s’han caracteritzat extensament en el sistema immunitari, mentre que en el sistema nerviós les seves funcions són encara desconegudes. El present article se centra en el paper dels DR en la patogènesi de malalties neurodegeneratives i suggereix el seu potencial des del punt de vista terapèutic. També es descriuen diverses molècules intracel·lulars caracteritzades per la seva habilitat en la modulació dels DR. Entre elles, presentem dues noves proteïnes – lifeguard i FAIM – que s’expressen específicament al sistema nerviós.