530 resultados para Antibióticos carbapenêmicos


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Lima S.A.F., Wodewotzky T.I., Lima-Neto J.F., Beltrao-Braga P.C.B. & Alvarenga F.C.L. 2012. [In vitro differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells of dogs into osteogenic precursors.] Diferenciacao in vitro de celulas-tronco mesenquimais da medula ossea de caes em precursores osteogenicos. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(5):463-469. Departamento de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubiao Junior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil. E-mail: silviavet@usp.br The aim of our research was to evaluate the potential for osteogenic differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells (MSC) obtained from dog bone marrow. The MSC were separated using the Ficoll method and cultured under two different conditions: DMEM low glucose or DMEM/F12, both containing L-glutamine, 20% of FBS and antibiotics. MSC markers were tested, confirming CD44+ and CD34- cells with flow cytometry. For osteogenic differentiation, cells were submitted to four different conditions: Group 1, same conditions used for primary cell culture with DMEM supplemented media; Group 2, same conditions of Group 1 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. Group 3, Cells cultured with supplemented DMEM/F12 media, and Group 4, same conditions as in Group 3 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. The cellular differentiation was confirmed using alizarin red and imunostaining with SP7/Osterix antibody. We observed by alizarin staining that calcium deposit was more evident in cells cultivated in DMEM/F12. Furthermore, by SP/7Osterix antibody immunostaining we obtained 1:6 positive cells when using DMEM/F12 compared with 1:12 for low-glucose DMEM. Based on our results, we conclude that the medium DMEM/F12 is more efficient for induction of differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in canine osteogenic progenitors. This effect is probably due to the greater amount of glucose in the medium and the presence of various amino acids.


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O objetivo principal da nossa pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial de diferenciação osteogênica de células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC) obtidas da medula óssea do cão. As MSC foram separadas pelo método Ficoll e cultivadas sob duas condições distintas: DMEM baixa glicose ou DMEM/F12, ambos contendo L-glutamina, 20% de SFB e antibióticos. Marcadores de MSC foram testados, confirmando células CD44+ e CD34- através da citometria de fluxo. Para a diferenciação osteogênica, as células foram submetidas a quatro diferentes condições: Grupo 1, as mesmas condições utilizadas para a cultura de células primárias com os meios DMEM baixa glicose suplementado; Grupo 2, as mesmas condições do Grupo 1, mais os indutores de diferenciação dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato; Grupo 3, células cultivadas com meios DMEM/F12 suplementado; e Grupo 4, nas mesmas condições que no Grupo 3, mais indutores de diferenciação de dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato. A diferenciação celular foi confirmada através da coloração com alizarin red e da imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP7/Osterix. Nós observamos através da coloração com alizarin red que o depósito de cálcio foi mais evidente nas células cultivadas em DMEM/F12. Além disso, usando a imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP/7Osterix obtivemos positividade em 1:6 células para o Meio DMEM/F12 comparada com 1:12 para o meio DMEM-baixa glicose. Com base nos nossos resultados concluímos que o meio DMEM/F12 é mais eficiente para a indução da diferenciação de células-tronco mesenquimais caninas em promotores osteogênicos. Este efeito provavelmente ocorre em decorrência da maior quantidade de glicose neste meio, bem como da presença de diversos aminoácidos.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O conhecimento do perfil de resistência aos antibióticos das bactérias de um nosocômio é essencial para orientar tratamento adequado dos pacientes. Isso é especialmente importante para os pacientes mais graves, já que o tratamento deve ser instituído antes do resultado das culturas. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o perfil das bactérias multirresistentes encontradas nas hemoculturas de pacientes admitidos na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) da Unidade de Queimados do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. MÉTODO: Foram analisados 178 pacientes internados na UTI para tratamento de queimados, no período de 2009 a 2011, sendo 131 do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 29,2 anos. RESULTADOS: Entre os pacientes analisados, 80 (44,9%) apresentaram hemocultura periférica positiva, sendo 66 (82,5%) casos com bactérias multirresistentes. Em 48 pacientes, foram isoladas Staphylococcus sp., que se apresentaram resistentes à oxacilina em 33 deles. Em 11 pacientes, foram isoladas Acinetobacter baumanii, que se apresentaram resistentes a imipenem em 8 casos. Em 19 pacientes, foram isoladas Pseudomonas sp., resistentes a imipenem em 16 casos. Em 10 pacientes foram isoladas Enterobacter sp., resistentes a amicacina e ciprofloxacina em 2 casos. A presença de bactérias multirresistentes não foi associada a maior ocorrência de óbitos, porém foi verificado maior tempo de internação (52,6 dias vs. 36,3 dias para os grupos com e sem bactérias multirresistentes, respectivamente; P = 0,0306). Não foi encontrada interação significante entre superfície corpórea queimada e presença de bactérias MR. CONCLUSÕES: A presença de bactérias multirresistentes é um problema grave, tanto pela prevalência como pela morbidade e mortalidade associadas.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the routine use of rapid antigen detection test in the diagnosis and treatment of acute pharyngotonsillitis in children. METHODS: This is a prospective and observational study, with a protocol compliance design established at the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital of Universidade de São Paulo for the care of children and adolescents diagnosed with acute pharyngitis. RESULTS: 650 children and adolescents were enrolled. Based on clinical findings, antibiotics would be prescribed for 389 patients (59.8%); using the rapid antigen detection test, they were prescribed for 286 patients (44.0%). Among the 261 children who would not have received antibiotics based on the clinical evaluation, 111 (42.5%) had positive rapid antigen detection test. The diagnosis based only on clinical evaluation showed 61.1% sensitivity, 47.7% specificity, 44.9% positive predictive value, and 57.5% negative predictive value. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis had low sensitivity and specificity. The routine use of rapid antigen detection test led to the reduction of antibiotic use and the identification of a risk group for complications of streptococcal infection, since 42.5% positive rapid antigen detection test patients would not have received antibiotics based only on clinical diagnosis.


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Introduction: Enterococcus faecalis is a member of the mammalian gastrointestinal microbiota but has been considered a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections. In the oral cavity, it is commonly detected from root canals of teeth with failed endodontic treatment. However, little is known about the virulence and genetic relatedness among E. faecalis isolates from different clinical sources. This study compared the presence of enterococcal virulence factors among root canal strains and clinical isolates from hospitalized patients to identify virulent clusters of E. faecalis. Methods: Multilocus sequence typing analysis was used to determine genetic lineages of 40 E. faecalis clinical isolates from different sources. Virulence clusters were determined by evaluating capsule (cps) locus polymorphisms, pathogenicity island gene content, and antibiotic resistance genes by polymerase chain reaction. Results: The clinical isolates from hospitalized patients formed a phylogenetically separate group and were mostly grouped in the clonal complex 2, which is a known virulent cluster of E. faecalis that has caused infection outbreaks globally. The clonal complex 2 group comprised capsule-producing strains harboring multiple antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity island genes. On the other hand, the endodontic isolates were more diverse and harbored few virulence and antibiotic resistance genes. In particular, although more closely related to isolates from hospitalized patients, capsuleproducing E. faecalis strains from root canals did not carry more virulence/antibiotic genes than other endodontic isolates. Conclusions: E. faecalis isolates from endodontic infections have a genetic and virulence profile different from pathogenic clusters of hospitalized patients’ isolates, which is most likely due to niche specialization conferred mainly by variable regions in the genome.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento médico sobre as imunodeficiências primárias na cidade de São Paulo (SP). MÉTODOS: Um questionário de 14 questões sobre as imunodeficiências primárias foi aplicado a médicos que trabalhavam em hospitais gerais. Uma das questões apresentava 25 situações clínicas que poderiam ou não estar associadas às imunodeficiências primárias, e a porcentagem de respostas apropriadas gerou um indicador de conhecimento. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 746 médicos, dentre os quais 215 pediatras (28,8%), 244 cirurgiões (32,7%) e 287 clínicos (38,5%). Cerca de 70% dos médicos responderam ter aprendido sobre as imunodeficiências primárias na graduação ou na residência médica. O atendimento a pacientes que usam antibióticos com frequência foi relatado por 75% dos médicos, mas apenas 34,1% já haviam investigado algum paciente e 77,8% não conheciam os dez sinais de alerta para as imunodeficiências primárias. O indicador de conhecimento obtido apresentou uma média de 45,72% (±17,87). Apenas 26,6% dos pediatras e 6,6% tanto dos clínicos quanto dos cirurgiões apresentaram indicador de conhecimento de pelo menos 67% (equivalente à resposta apropriada em dois terços das situações clínicas). CONCLUSÃO: Há uma deficiência no conhecimento médico das imunodeficiências primárias na cidade de São Paulo, mesmo entre os pediatras, a despeito do maior contato com o tema nos últimos anos. A melhora da informação sobre as imunodeficiências primárias entre a comunidade médica é um importante passo para o diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces dessas doenças.


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Introduction and Objectives: Vancomycin is indicated to patients who have not responded to treatment with other antibiotics in serious infections caused by organisms susceptible to it and resistant to other antimicrobials. However, over the last five years, many adverse reactions have been reported with this medicine in the University Hospital of the University of Silo Paulo (HU/USP), such as nephrotoxicity and toxicity related to infusion. Some critical patients, for example surgical patients with sepsis and severe trauma are generally susceptible to renal failure due to the severity of the underlying disease. The-aim of this study is to quantify and delineate the epidemiological profile of confirmed adverse reactions caused by vancomycin. Material and Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational quantitative study of medical records of patients who had confirmed.adverse reactions occurred with vancomycin in the period from January 2007 to May 2012, at the HU/USP - Brazil. All notifications related to vancomycin were evaluated in the following items: age and sex of patients, type and ward where the adverse event occurred involving this drug. Results and Conclusions: During the analysed period, were confinued 37 adverse events with vancomycn. The adults represented 75,7% of the cases, and the children 24,3%. The present study shows that adult patients admitted to the medical clinic had greater susceptibility to adverse reactions to vancomycin and for pediatric patients its higher frequency was at ICU. Despite the adverse skin reactions performed with greater frequency, it is known that the most severe reactions were related to the kidney resulting in more complex clinical interventions.


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[ES] Se estudian los factores de virulencia de bac-terias responsables de infecciones urinarias y los mecanismos íntimos que les permiten resistir la acción a determinados antibióticos.


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Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal


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Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Doctorado en Gestión Costera.


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Members of the genera Campylobacter and Helicobacter have been in the spotlight in recent decades because of their status as animals and/or humans pathogens, both confirmed and emerging, and because of their association with food-borne and zoonotic diseases. First observations of spiral shaped bacteria or Campylobacter-like organisms (CLO) date back to the end of the 19th century, however the lack of adequate isolation methods hampered further research. With the introduction of methods such as selective media and a filtration procedure during the 1970s led to a renewed interest in Campylobacter, especially as this enabled elucidation of their role in human hosts. On the other hand the classification and identification of these bacteria was troublesome, mainly because of the biochemical inertness and fastidious growth requirements. In 1991, the taxonomy of Campylobacter and related organisms was thoroughly revised, since this revision several new Campylobacter and Helicobacter species have been described. Moreover, thanks to the introduction of a polyphasic taxonomic practice, the classification of these novel species is well-founded. Indeed, a polyphasic approach was here followed for characterizing eight isolates obtained from rabbits epidemiologically not correlated and as a result a new Campylobacter species was proposed: Campylobacter cuniculorum (Chapter 1). Furthermore, there is a paucity of data regarding the occurrence of spiral shaped enteric flora in leporids. In order to define the prevalence both of this new species and other CLO in leporids (chapter 2), a total of 85 whole intestinal tracts of rabbits reared in 32 farms and 29 capture hares, epidemiologically not correlated, were collected just after evisceration at the slaughterhouse or during necroscopy. Examination and isolation methods were varied in order to increase the sensibility level of detection, and 100% of rabbit farms resulted positive for C. cuniculorum in high concentrations. Moreover, in 3.53% of the total rabbits examined, a Helicobacter species was detected. Nevertheless, all hares resulted negative both for Campylobacter or Helicobacter species. High prevalence of C. cuniculorum were found in rabbits, and in order to understand if this new species could play a pathological role, a study on some virulence determinants of C. cuniculorum was conducted (Chapter 3). Although this new species were able to adhere and invade, exert cytolethal distending toxin-like effects although at a low titre, a cdtB was not detected. There was no clear relationship between source of isolation or disease manifestation and possession of statistically significantly levels of particular virulence-associated factors although, cell adhesion and invasion occurred. Furthermore, antibiotic susceptibility was studied (chapter 4) in Campylobacter and in Escherichia coli strains, isolated from rabbits. It was possible to find acquired resistance of C. cuniculorum to enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and erytromycin. C. coli isolate was susceptible to all antimicrobial tested and moreover it is considered as a wild-type strain. Moreover, E. coli was found at low caecal concentration in rabbits and 30 phenotypes of antibiotic resistance were founded as well as the high rate of resistances to at least one antibiotic (98.1%). The majority of resistances were found from strains belonging to intensive farming system. In conclusion, in the course of the present study a new species isolated from rabbits was described, C. cuniculorum, and its high prevalence was established. Nevertheless, in hare samples no Campylobacter and Helicobacter species were detected. Some virulence determinants were further analyzed, however further studied are needed to understand the potential pathogenicity of this new species. On the other hand, antimicrobial susceptibility was monitored both in C. cuniculorum and indicator bacteria and acquired resistance was observed towards some antibiotics, indicating a possible role of rabbitries in the diffusion of antibiotic resistance. Further studies are necessary to describe and evaluate the eventual zoonotic role of Campylobacter cuniculorum.


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Se presume que la prescripción de medicamentos sin receta médica en las farmacias es una práctica frecuente. El objetivo fue conocer la conducta del personal de las farmacias ante una consulta realizada por estudiantes de medicina entrenados para actuar como pacientes simulados de las siguientes situaciones: 1: Infección respiratoria alta, 2: Diarrea aguda; 3: Disuria, 4: Ulcera genital, 5: Hipertensión arterial, 6: Cefalea aguda, 7: Artralgia de tobillo. Se efectuaron 100 entrevistas y cada una de las situaciones se realizó al menos 12 veces. En solo el 28% de los casos no se indicó tratamiento y las 72 prescripciones fueron realizadas por 38 farmacéuticos y 34 no profesionales. La medicación se consideró inadecuada en 58.3%, iatrogénica en 51.4% y la posología incorrecta en 50%. Los fármacos más indicados fueron antibióticos (23.6%), AINES (20.8%), antidiarreicos (11.8%) y antigripales (9.7%). Las situaciones 7 (100%), 1 (93.3%) y 2 (84.6%) tuvieron la mayor frecuencia de indicación de tratamiento y fue significativa la negativa a medicar en las situaciones 4 (OR, 0.16) y 5 (OR, 0.22) (p<0.05). La prescripción fue incorrecta en el 100% de las situaciones 2 y 4 y iatrogénica en el 100% de las situaciones 2, 4 y 5. En 48 casos se sugirió consulta médica y la situación 5 tuvo 4.27 veces más posibilidades de ser derivada (p= 0.01). Este estudio demuestra que en las farmacias del gran Mendoza es común la venta de medicamentos sin prescripción médica lo que compromete la seguridad y salud de las personas.