834 resultados para Ananconda Country Club
European luxury brands have an image of manufacturing their products in the same country where the brands originate. However, in the past years many luxury brands have shifted their manufacturing to countries outside Europe. China is now a common manufacturing country for European luxury brands despite the country’s poor image as a manufacturer. Chinese manufacturing is often associated with bad quality, bad labour conditions, mass production, and counterfeits. The image of China does not quite match the image luxury brands enjoy including characteristics such as high end quality, craftsmanship, details, design, or premium price. A negatively perceived country-of-manufacture may have an effect on a brand’s image and consumers’ purchase decisions. This thesis is focused on European luxury brands manufacturing in China, and how this effects the brand image and purchase decisions among luxury consumers. The empirical part of this thesis is based on focus group research, which is a popular method in the field of qualitative research. The main focus group is female luxury consumers in Finland. This main group has been divided into three categories: 1) the university students, 2) the young career women, 3) the experienced luxury consumers. This categorization has been done based on their different stages in luxury consumption. All in all, the empirical research consisted of 11 interviews and 29 participants. The main contribution of this thesis was that there is a difference between the opinions of the younger groups (university students and young career women) and the experienced luxury consumers when discussing the effect of country-of-manufacture on brand image and purchase decisions of luxury brands. The younger participants thought that manufacturing luxury products in China might affect the brand image, but their purchase decisions would not be that much affected by the country-of-origin. The experienced luxury consumers had quite a different view on the country-of-origin of luxury brands – they found it an important decisive factor prior making purchases. The majority of experienced luxury consumers would not buy luxury products made in China, and they would always check where these products are made in.
Sustainability, in its modern meaning, has been discussed for more than forty years. However, many experts believe that humanity is still far from being sustainable. Some experts have argued that humanity should seek survivable development because it is too late for sustainable one, since 1990s. Obviously, some problems prevented humanity from becoming sustainable. This thesis focuses on the agenda of sustainability discussions and seeks for the essential topics missing from it. For this purpose, the research is conducted on 21 out of 33 books endorsed by the Club of Rome. All of these books are titled ‘a report to the Club of Rome’. The Club of Rome is an organization that has been constantly working on the problems of humankind for the past 40 years. This thesis has three main components: first, the messages of the reports to the Club of Rome, second, academics perceptions of the Club, and third, the Club member perceptions of its evolution, messages and missing topics. This thesis investigates the evolution of four aspects in the reports. The first one is the agenda of the reports. The second one is the basic approaches of the Club (i.e., global, long-term and holistic). The third one is the ways that the reports treat free market and growth ideology. The fourth one is the approach of the reports toward components of the global complex system (i.e., society, economy and politics). The outline of the thesis is as follows. First, the original reports are briefly summarized. After this, the academic perceptions are discussed and structured around three concepts (i.e., futures studies, sustainability and degrowth). In the final step, the perceptions of the experts are collected and analysed, using a variation of Delphi method, called ‘in-depth interviews’, and ‘quality content analysis’ method. This thesis is useful for those interested in sustainability, global problems, and the Club of Rome. This thesis concludes that the reports from 1972 up to 1980 were cohesive in discussing topics related to the problems of humankind. The topics of the reports are fragmented after this period. The basic approaches of CoR are visible in all the reports. However, after 1980, those approaches and especially holistic thinking are only visible in the background. Regarding the free market and growth ideology, although all the reports are against them, the early reports were more explicitly expressing their disagreement. A milestone is noticeable around 1980 when such objections went completely to the background. However, recent reports are more similar to those of 1970s both in adopting a holistic approach and in explicitly criticizing free market and growth ideology. Finally, concerning the components of global complex system, the society is excluded and the focus of the reports is on politics, economy and their relation. Concerning the topics missing from the debate, this thesis concludes that no major research has been conducted on the fundamental and underlying reasons of the problems (e.g. beliefs, values and culture). Studying the problems without considering their underlying reasons, obviously, leads to superficial and ineffective solutions. This might be one of the reasons that sustainability discussions have as yet led to no concrete result.
The objective of the present study was to determine the efficacy of detection of antigliadin immunoglobulins G and A (IgG and IgA) for the diagnosis of celiac disease in a developing country, since other enteropathies might alter the levels of these antibodies. Three groups were studied: 22 patients with celiac disease (mean age: 30.6 months), 61 patients with other enteropathies (mean age: 43.3 months), and 46 patients without enteropathies (mean age: 96.9 months). Antigliadin IgG and IgA ELISA showed sensitivity of 90.9 and 95.5%, respectively. With the hypothetical values of prevalence ranging from 1:500 to 1:2000 liveborns, the positive predictive value varied from 8.5 to 2.3% for IgG and from 4.8 to 1.1% for IgA. Considering the patients without enteropathies, specificity was 97.8 and 95.7% for IgG and IgA, respectively. In patients with other enteropathies, specificity was 82.0 and 84.1%, respectively. When patients with and without other enteropathies were considered as a whole, specificity was 88.8 and 91.6%, respectively. The specificity of positive IgG or IgA was 93.5% in children without enteropathies and 78.7% in the presence of other enteropathies. The negative predictive value for hypothetical prevalences varying from 1:500 to 1:2000 liveborns was 99.9%. Thus, even in developing countries where the prevalence of non-celiac enteropathies is high, the determination of serum antigliadin antibody levels is a useful screening test prior to the jejunal biopsy in the investigation of intestinal malabsorption.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Britannian parlamentissa käytyä keskustelua Kirkkovaltiosta ja paavin maallisesta vallasta vuosina 1858–1861. Aihetta tarkastellaan kolmen teeman kautta. Nämä teemat ovat Kirkkovaltion ajassa ja paikassa tapahtunut kontekstualisointi, paavin ja katolilaisten Britannialle aiheuttamasta sisäisestä ja ulkoisesta uhasta käyty keskustelu, sekä Kirkkovaltion liittäminen kansainvälisiin suhteisiin. Britannian ja Kirkkovaltion suhdetta 1800-luvun puolivälissä on käsitelty aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa vain vähän. Suhtautumisen perusasenteena sekä konservatiiveilla että liberaaleilla on pidetty katolilaisvastaisuutta ja Kirkkovaltion lakkauttamisen ajamista. Tutkielmassa pyritään osoittamaan, että Britannian parlamentin jäsenten suhtautuminen oli kuitenkin moniulotteisempaa ja moniäänisempää, kuin pelkkä tiukka katolilaisvastaisuus. Parlamentin jäsenet pyrkivät kontekstualisoimaan Kirkkovaltiota käyttämällä vertauksia sekä Britanniaan ja Sardinian kuningaskuntaan, että erilaisiin historiallisiin tilanteisiin. Keskusteluun osallistuneilla parlamentin jäsenillä oli myös hyvin laaja skaala erilaisia kontakteja Italiaan ja Roomaan, ja he olivat hyvin perillä paavin maallisesta vallasta käydystä yleiseurooppalaisesta kirjallisesta debatista. Osa parlamentin jäsenistä näki paavin ja katolilaiset sekä sisäisenä että ulkoisena uhkana Britannialle, mikä liittyy vahvasti 1800-luvun puolivälin uhkakuvia täynnä olleeseen näkemykseen. Näkemys uhasta tiivistyi keskusteluun uskollisuudenvalan uudistamisesta vuonna 1858. Tässä keskustelussa esiin nousivat erityisesti ääriprotestanttiset, katolilaisvastaiset parlamentin jäsenet. Osa parlamentin jäsenistä näki paavin itsenäisyyden toisaalta myös hyvänä asiana, ja paavin maallisen vallan lakkauttamista uhkana Britannialle. Viimeisessä käsittelyluvussa tutkitaan suhtautumista Kirkkovaltioon kansainvälisten suhteiden tasolla. Britannialla ei ollut virallisia diplomaattisuhteita Kirkkovaltioon, mutta maan epävirallisista suhteista ja niiden kehittämisestä käytiin parlamentissa keskustelua. Parlamentissa keskusteltiin myös Ranskan ja Itävallan merkityksestä Kirkkovaltiolle, sekä Kirkkovaltion mahdollisista aluemenetyksistä tai jopa valtion lakkauttamisesta. Keskustelua käytiin myös brittien värväämisestä paavin armeijaan ja paavia vastustaneen Garibaldin joukkoihin.
The use of recovered paper as raw material in the paper and board industry has increased heavily during recent decades. At the same time, growing environmental awareness has raised the interest in recycling and a more sustainable way of living, at least in high-income countries. This paper combines these topics and explores how economic, demographic and environmental factors have affected the recovery and utilization of recycled paper between 1992 and 2010 in a sample of 70 countries. This study updates and extends the previous research on the topic using panel data and panel data estimation methods. The results confirm the roles of economic determinants but also indicate that concern for the environment impacts the recovery of recycled paper particularly in high-income countries. Moreover, the motives for recycling appear to depend on the income level of a country, which is something that future policies should consider.
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) are rare hematopoietic stem cell diseases affecting children. Cytogenetics plays an important role in the diagnosis of these diseases. We report here the experience of the Cytogenetic Subcommittee of the Brazilian Cooperative Group on Pediatric Myelodysplastic Syndromes (BCG-MDS-PED). We analyzed 168 cytogenetic studies performed in 23 different cytogenetic centers; 84 of these studies were performed in patients with confirmed MDS (primary MDS, secondary MDS, JMML, and acute myeloid leukemia/MDS+Down syndrome). Clonal abnormalities were found in 36.9% of the MDS cases and cytogenetic studies were important for the detection of constitutional diseases and for differential diagnosis with other myeloid neoplasms. These data show the importance of the Cooperative Group for continuing education in order to avoid a late or wrong diagnosis.
The growth of the Brazilian economy in recent years has created an atmosphere of optimism in various segments of Brazilian society, with several important international repercussions. In this paper, we analyze in detail how this economic growth is reflected in investments in science and technology made by major academic funding agencies. As a result, we observed a discrepancy in the growth of funding input and the growth of the Brazilian gross domestic product. This fact associated with an increased academic output entails negative consequences for the system. This may be a symptom of an academic community not fully understood by society and vice versa. Finally, we believe that a long-lasting important change in investment policy in science is necessary in order to ensure financial security for the academic system as a whole.
The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of the use of continuous positive airway pressure installed prophylactically in the delivery room (DR-CPAP), for infants with a birth weight between 500 and 1000 g in settings with limited resources. During 23 months, infants with a birth weight between 500 and 1000 g consecutively received DR-CPAP. A total of 33 infants with low birth weight were enrolled, 16 (48.5%) were females. Only 14 (42.4%) received antenatal corticosteroids and only 2 of those 14 (14.3%) infants weighing 500-750 g were not intubated in the delivery room, and apnea was given as the reason for intubation of these patients. Of the 19 infants in the 751-1000 g weight range, 9 (47.4%) were intubated in the delivery room, 6 due to apnea and 3 due to respiratory discomfort. For DR-CPAP to be successful, it is probably necessary for preterm babies to be more prepared at birth to withstand the respiratory effort without the need for intubation. Antenatal corticosteroids and better prenatal monitoring are fundamental for success of DR-CPAP.