919 resultados para Analytic Reproducing Kernel
This paper investigates the performance analysis of separation of mutually independent sources in nonlinear models. The nonlinear mapping constituted by an unsupervised linear mixture is followed by an unknown and invertible nonlinear distortion, are found in many signal processing cases. Generally, blind separation of sources from their nonlinear mixtures is rather difficult. We propose using a kernel density estimator incorporated with equivariant gradient analysis to separate the sources with nonlinear distortion. The kernel density estimator parameters of which are iteratively updated to minimize the output independence expressed as a mutual information criterion. The equivariant gradient algorithm has the form of nonlinear decorrelation to perform the convergence analysis. Experiments are proposed to illustrate these results.
Improving healthcare quality is a growing need of any society. Although various quality improvement projects are routinely deployed by the healthcare professional, they are characterised by a fragmented approach, i.e. they are not linked with the strategic intent of the organisation. This study introduces a framework which integrates all quality improvement projects with the strategic intent of the organisation. It first derives the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) matrix of the system with the involvement of the concerned stakeholders (clinical professional), which helps identify a few projects, the implementation of which ensures achievement of desired quality. The projects are then prioritised using the analytic hierarchy process with the involvement of the concerned stakeholders (clinical professionals) and implemented in order to improve system performance. The effectiveness of the method has been demonstrated using a case study in the intensive care unit of Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Site selection is a key activity for quarry expansion to support cement production, and is governed by factors such as resource availability, logistics, costs, and socio-economic-environmental factors. Adequate consideration of all the factors facilitates both industrial productivity and sustainable economic growth. This study illustrates the site selection process that was undertaken for the expansion of limestone quarry operations to support cement production in Barbados. First, alternate sites with adequate resources to support a 25-year development horizon were identified. Second, technical and socio-economic-environmental factors were then identified. Third, a database was developed for each site with respect to each factor. Fourth, a hierarchical model in analytic hierarchy process (AHP) framework was then developed. Fifth, the relative ranking of the alternate sites was then derived through pair wise comparison in all the levels and through subsequent synthesizing of the results across the hierarchy through computer software (Expert Choice). The study reveals that an integrated framework using the AHP can help select a site for the quarry expansion project in Barbados.
Conventionally, oil pipeline projects are evaluated thoroughly by the owner before investment decision is made using market, technical and financial analysis sequentially. The market analysis determines pipelines throughput and supply and demand points. Subsequent, technical analysis identifies technological options and economic and financial analysis then derives the least cost option among all technically feasible options. The subsequent impact assessment tries to justify the selected option by addressing environmental and social issues. The impact assessment often suggests alternative sites, technologies, and/or implementation methodology, necessitating revision of technical and financial analysis. This study addresses these issues via an integrated project evaluation and selection model. The model uses analytic hierarchy process, a multiple-attribute decision-making technique. The effectiveness of the model has been demonstrated through a case application on cross-country petroleum pipeline project in India.
Risks and uncertainties are part and parcel of any project as projects are planned with many assumptions. Therefore, managing those risks is the key to project success. Although risk is present in all most all projects, large-scale construction projects are most vulnerable. Risk is by nature subjective. However, managing risk subjectively posses the danger of non-achievement of project goals. This study introduces an analytical framework for managing risk in projects. All the risk factors are identified, their effects are analyzed, and alternative responses are derived with cost implication for mitigating the identified risks. A decision-making framework is then formulated using decision tree. The expected monetary values are derived for each alternative. The responses, which require least cost is selected. The entire methodology has been explained through a case study of an oil pipeline project in India and its effectiveness in managing projects has been demonstrated. © INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING.