818 resultados para Aluminium Phosphide


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A new family of commercial zinc alloys designated as ZA8, ZA12, and ZA27 and high damping capacity alloys including Cosmal and Supercosmal and aluminium alloy LM25 were investigated for compressive creep and load relaxation behaviour under a series of temperatures and stresses. A compressive creep machine was designed to test the sand cast hollow cylindrical test specimens of these alloys. For each compressive creep experiment the variation of creep strain was presented in the form of graphs plotted as percentage of creep strain () versus time in seconds (s). In all cases, the curves showed the same general form of the creep curve, i.e. a primary creep stage, followed by a linear steady-state region (secondary creep). In general, it was observed that alloy ZA8 had the least primary creep among the commercial zinc-based alloys and ZA27 the greatest. The extent of primary creep increased with aluminium content to that of ZA27 then declined to Supercosmal. The overall creep strength of ZA27 was generally less than ZA8 and ZA12 but it showed better creep strength than ZA8 and ZA12 at high temperature and high stress. In high damping capacity alloys, Supercosmal had less primary creep and longer secondary creep regions and also had the lowest minimum creep rate among all the tested alloys. LM25 exhibited almost no creep at maximum temperature and stress used in this research work. Total creep elongation was shown to be well correlated using an empirical equation. Stress exponent and activation energies were calculated and found to be consistent with the creep mechanism of dislocation climb. The primary α and β phases in the as-cast structures decomposed to lamellar phases on cooling, with some particulates at dendrite edges and grain boundaries. Further breakdown into particulate bodies occurred during creep testing, and zinc bands developed at the highest test temperature of 160°C. The results of load relaxation testing showed that initially load loss proceeded rapidly and then deminished gradually with time. Load loss increased with temperature and almost all the curves approximated to a logarithmic decay of preload with time. ZA alloys exhibited almost the same load loss at lower temperature, but at 120°C ZA27 improved its relative performance with the passage of time. High damping capacity alloys and LM25 had much better resistance to load loss than ZA alloys and LM25 was found to be the best against load loss among these alloys. A preliminary equation was derived to correlate the retained load with time and temperature.


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The compressive creep behaviour of six sand cast zinc-rich alloys: No3 and No5, corresponding to BS 1004A and BS 1004B, respectively, alloy No2, ILZRO,.16 and two newer alloys ACuZinc5 and ACuZinc10 was investigated. The total creep contraction of the alloys was found to be well correlated using an empirical equation. On the basis of this equation, a parametrical relationship was derived which allowed the total creep contraction to be related to the applied stress, the temperature and the time of test, so that a quantitative assessment of compressive creep of the alloys could be made under different testing conditions. The primary creep and secondary creep rates were found for the alloys at different temperatures and stresses. Generally, the primary creep contraction was found to increase with copper content, whereas secondary creep rates decreased in the order No3, ACuZinc10, ACuZinc5 and No2. ILZRO.16 was tested only at the highest stress and two higher temperatures. The results showed that ILZRO.16 had higher creep resistance than all the other alloys. Thus, based on the above empirical equation, alloy No2 was found to have a substantially better total creep resistance than alloys No3 and No5, and slightly better than ACuZinc5 and ACuZinc10 for strains up to 1%. Both ACuZinc alloys had higher creep strength than commercial alloys No3 and No5. Alloy No5 had much higher creep resistance than alloy No3 under all conditions. The superior creep resistance of alloy No2 was considered to be due to the presence of small precipitates of -phase in the zinc matrix and a regular eutectic morphology. The stress exponents and activation energies for creep under different testing conditions were found to be consistent with some established creep-controlling mechanisms; i.e. dislocation climb for alloy No3, dislocation climb over second phase particles for alloys No5, No2, ACuZinc10, controlled by lattice diffusion in the zinc-rich phase. The lower creep resistance of alloy No3 was mainly due to the lower creep strength of copper-free primary particles having greater volume than eutectic in the microstructure. Alloys No5, ACuZinc5 and ACuZinc10 showed much better creep resistance than alloy No3, based on the precipitation-hardening due to the presence of small -phase precipitates. The primary dendrites in both ACuZinc alloys however were not of much benefit in improving the creep resistance of the alloys.


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Following a scene-setting introduction are detailed reviews of the relevant scientific principles, thermal analysis as a research tool and the development of the zinc-aluminium family of alloys. A recently introduced simultaneous thermal analyser, the STA 1500, its use for differential thermal analysis (DTA) being central to the investigation, is described, together with the sources of support information, chemical analysis, scanning electron microscopy, ingot cooling curves and fluidity spiral castings. The compositions of alloys tested were from the binary zinc-aluminium system, the ternary zinc-aluminium-silicon system at 30%, 50% and 70% aluminium levels, binary and ternary alloys with additions of copper and magnesium to simulate commercial alloys and five widely used commercial alloys. Each alloy was shotted to provide the smaller, 100mg, representative sample required for DTA. The STA 1500 was characterised and calibrated with commercially pure zinc, and an experimental procedure established for the determination of DTA heating curves at 10°C per minute and cooling curves at 2°C per minute. Phase change temperatures were taken from DTA traces, most importantly, liquidus from a cooling curve and solidus from both heating and cooling curves. The accepted zinc-aluminium binary phase diagram was endorsed with the added detail that the eutectic is at 5.2% aluminium rather than 5.0%. The ternary eutectic trough was found to run through the points, 70% Al, 7.1% Si, 545°C; 50% Al, 3.9% Si, 520°C; 30% Al, 1.4% Si, 482°C. The dendrite arm spacing in samples after DTA increased with increasing aluminium content from 130m at 30% to 220m at 70%. The smallest dendrite arm spacing of 60m was in the 30% aluminium 2% silicon alloy. A 1kg ingot of the 10% aluminium binary alloy, insulated with Kaowool, solidified at the same 2°C per minute rate as the DTA samples. A similar sized sand casting was solidified at 3°C per minute and a chill casting at 27°C per minute. During metallographic examination the following features were observed: heavily cored phase which decomposed into ' and '' on cooling; needles of the intermetallic phase FeAl4; copper containing ternary eutectic and copper rich T phase.


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This thesis examines theoretically and experimentally the behaviour of a temporary end plate connection for an aluminium space frame structure, subjected to static loading conditions. Theoretical weld failure criterions are derived from basic fundamentals for both tensile and shear fillet welds. Direct account of weld penetration is taken by incorporating it into a more exact poposed weld model. Theoretical relationships between weld penetration and weld failure loads, failure planes and failure lengths are derived. Also, the variation in strength between tensile and shear fillet welds is shown to be dependent upon the extent of weld penetration achieved/ The proposed tensile weld failure theory is extended to predict the theoretical failure of the welds in the end plate space frame connection. A finite element analysis is conducted to verify the assumptions made for this theory. Experimental hardness and tensile tests are conducted to substantiate the extent and severity of the heat affected zone in aluminium alloy 6082-T6. Simple transverse and longitudinal fillet welded specimens of the same alloy, are tested to failure. These results together with those of other authors are compared to the theoretical predictions made by the proposed weld failure theories and by those made using Kamtekar's and Kato and Morita's failure equations, the -formula and BS 8118. Experimental tests are also conducted on the temporary space frame connection. The maximum stresses and displacements recorded are checked against results obtained from a finite element analysis of the connection. Failure predictions made by the proposed extended weld failure theory, are compared against the experimental results.


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Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in aluminium butt welds has been investigated. It is shown that the initiation of cracks from both buried defects and. from the weld reinforcement may be quantified by predictive laws based on either linear elastic fracture mechanics, or on Neuber's rule of stress and strain ooncentrations. The former is preferable on the grounds of theoretical models of crack tip plasticity, although either may be used as the basis of an effeotive design criteria against crack initiation. Fatigue lives fol1owing initiation were found to follow predictions based on the integration of a Paris type power law. The effect of residual stresses from the welding operation on both initiation and propagation was accounted for by a Forman type equation. This incorporated the notional stress ratio produced by the residual stresses after various heat treatments. A fracture mechanics analysis was found to be useful in describing the fatigue behaviour of the weldments at increased temperatures up to 300°C. It is pointed out, however, that the complex interaction of residual stresses, frequency, and changes in fracture mode necessitate great caution in the application of any general design criteria against crack initiation and growth at elevated. temperatures.


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Aluminium alloys S1C, NS4, HE9, LM25 and the 'difficult' zinc containing U.S. specification alloy used for automobile bumpers (X-7046), have been successfully electroplated using pretreatments which utilized either conventional immersion, elevated temperature or electrolytic modified alloy zincate (M.A.Z.) deposits. Satisfactory adhesion in excess of 7•5 KN m -I was only achieved on X-7046 using an electrolytic M.A.Z. pretreatment. The limitations of simple zincate solutions were demonstrated. Growth of deposits ~as monitored using a weight loss technique and the morphology of the various deposits studied using scanning electron microscopy. The characteristics of a specific alloy and processing sequence selected had a significant influence on the growth and morphology of the N.A.Z. deposi t. These all affected subsequent adhesion of electrodeposited nickel. The advantages of double-dip sequences were confirmed. Superior adhesion was associated with a uniform, thin, fine grained M.A.Z. deposit which exhibited rapid and complete surface coverage of the aluminium alloy. The presence of this preferred type deposit did not guarantee adhesion because a certain degree of etching was essential. For a satisfactory combination of alloy and M.A.Z. pretreatment, there was a specific optimum film weight per unit area which resulted in maximum adhesion. An ideal film weight of 0•06 :!: 0•01 mg cm-2was determined for S1C. Different film weights were required for the other alloys due to variations in surface topography caused by pretreatment. S1C was the easiest alloy on which to achieve high bond strength. Peel adhesion was not directly related to tensile strength of the alloy. The highest adhesion value was obtained on S1C which had the lowest strength of the alloys studied. The characteristics of the failure surfaces after peeling depended on alloy type, adhesion level and pretreatment employed. Plated aluminium alloys exhibited excellent corrosion resistance when appropriately pretreated. The M.A.Z. layer was not preferentially attacked. There was a threshold value of adhesion below which corrosion performance ~a8 poor. Alloy type, pretreatment and coating system influenced corrosion performance. Microporous chromium gave better corrosion protection than decorative chromium.


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The mechanisms involved in the production of chromate-phosphate conversion coatings on aluminium have been investigated. A sequence of coating nucleation and growth has been outlined and the principle roles of the constituent ingredients of the chromate-phosphate solution have been shown. The effect of dissolved aluminium has been studied and its role in producing sound conversion coatings has been shown. Metallic contamination has been found to have a dramatic influence on chromate-phosphate coatings when particular levels have been exceeded. Coating formation was seen to be affected in proportion to the level of contaminaton; no evidence of sudden failure was noted. The influence of substrate and the effect of an acidic cleaner prior to conversion coating have been studied and explained. It was found that the cleaner ages rapidly and that this must .be allowed for when attempting to reproduce industrial conditions in the laboratory. A study was carried out on the flowing characteristics of polyester powders of various size distributions as they melt using the hot-stage microscopy techniques developed at Aston. It was found that the condition of the substrate (ie extent of pretreatment), had a significant effect on particle flow. This was explained by considering the topography of the substrate surface. A number of 'low-bake' polyester powders were developed and tested for mechanical, physical and chemical resistance. The best formulation had overall properties which were as good as the standard polyester in many respects. However chemical resistance was found to be slightly lower. The charging characteristics of powder paints during application by means of electrostatic spraying was studied by measuring the charge per unit mass and relating this to the surface area. A high degree of correlation was found between charge carried and surface area, and the charge retained was related to the powder's formulation.


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An initial review of the subject emphasises the need for improved fuel efficiency in vehicles and the possible role of aluminium in reducing weight. The problems of formability generally in manufacture and of aluminium in particular are discussed in the light of published data. A range of thirteen commercially available sheet aluminium alloys have been compared with respect to mechanical properties as these affect forming processes and behaviour in service. Four alloys were selected for detailed comparison. The formability and strength of these were investigated in terms of underlying mechanisms of deformation as well as the microstructural characteristics of the alloys including texture, particle dispersion, grain size and composition. In overall terms, good combinations of strength and ductility are achievable with alloys of the 2xxx and 6xxx series. Some specific alloys are notably better than others. The strength of formed components is affected by paint baking in the final stages of manufacture. Generally, alloys of the 6xxx family are strengthened while 2xxx and 5xxx become weaker. Some anomalous behaviour exists, however. Work hardening of these alloys appears to show rather abrupt decreases over certain strain ranges which is probably responsible for the relatively low strains at which both diffuse and local necking occur. Using data obtained from extended range tensile tests, the strain distribution in more complex shapes can be successfully modelled using finite element methods.Sheet failure during forming occurs by abrupt shear fracture in many instances. This condition is favoured by states of biaxial tension, surface defects in the form of fine scratches and certain types of crystallographic texture. The measured limit strains of the materials can be understood on the basis of attainment of a critical shear stress for fracture.