469 resultados para ADENYLYL-CYCLASE


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A synthetic heptadecapeptide, CKS-17, represents the highly conserved amino acid sequences occurring within the transmembrane envelope protein of many animal and human retroviruses. CKS-17 has been demonstrated to exhibit suppressive properties for numerous immune functions. We have recently shown that CKS-17 acts as an immunomodulatory epitope causing an imbalance of human type 1 and type 2 cytokine production and suppression of cell-mediated immunities. cAMP, an intracellular second messenger, plays an important role in regulation of cytokine biosynthesis--i.e., elevation of intracellular cAMP levels selectively inhibits type 1 cytokine production but has no effect or enhances type 2 cytokine production. Here, we demonstrate that CKS-17 induces dramatic rises in the intracellular cAMP levels of a human monocyte cell line and of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. A peptide corresponding to the reverse sequence of CKS-17, used as control, has no effect on intracellular cAMP levels. The cAMP-inducing ability of CKS-17 is significantly blocked by SQ-22536, an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase. These results indicate that CKS-17, a highly conserved component of the transmembrane proteins of immunosuppressive retroviruses, induces increased intracellular levels of cAMP via activation of adenylate cyclase and suggest that this retroviral envelope peptide may differentially modulate type 1 and type 2 cytokine production through elevation of intracellular cAMP levels.


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Infection with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is a leading cause of traveler's diarrhea. Many enterotoxigenic E. coli strains produce heat-stable enterotoxin (ST), a peptide that binds to the intestinal receptor guanylyl cyclase C known as STaR. The toxin-receptor interaction elevates intracellular cGMP, which then activates apical chloride secretion, resulting in secretory diarrhea. In this report, we examine how the intracellular domains of STaR participate in the propagation and regulation of signaling. We show that STaR exists as an oligomer in both the presence and the absence of toxin. We also demonstrate that deletion of the intracellular kinase-homology domain produces a constitutively active mutant, suggesting that this domain subserves an autoinhibitory function. Finally, we constructed a point mutant within a highly conserved region of the cyclase domain that completely inactivates the catalytic activity of guanylyl cyclase. Cotransfection of this point mutant with wild-type receptor causes a dominant-negative effect on receptor activation. This suggests that interaction of receptor subunits is required for toxin-induced activation and that the cyclase domain is involved in this essential interaction. We propose that the binding of ST to STaR promotes a conformational change across the cell membrane. This removes the inhibitory effects of the kinase-homology domain and promotes an interaction between cyclase domains that leads to receptor activation. The data suggest a paradigm of signal transduction that may also be relevant to other members of the guanylyl cyclase receptor family.


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The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the increase in local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) elicited by focal cortical epileptic seizures was investigated in anesthetized adult rats. Seizures were induced by topical bicuculline methiodide applied through two cranial windows drilled over homotopic sites of the frontal cortex, and LCBF was measured by quantitative autoradiography by using 4-iodo[N-methyl-14C]antipyrine. Superfusion of an inhibitor of NO synthase, N omega-nitro-L-arginine (NA; 1 mM), for 45 min abolished the increase of LCBF induced by topical bicuculline methiodide (10 mM) [164 +/- 18 ml/100 g per min in the artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)-superfused side and 104 +/- 12 ml/100 g per ml in the NA-superfused side; P < 0.005]. This effect was reversed by coapplication of an excess of L-arginine substrate (10 mM) (218 +/- 22 ml/100 g per min in the aCSF-superfused side and 183 +/- 31 ml/100 g per min in the NA + L-Arg-superfused side) but not by 10 mM D-arginine, a stereoisomer with poor affinity for NO synthase (193 +/- 17 ml/100 g per min in the aCSF-superfused side and 139 +/- 21 ml/100 g per min in the NA + D-Arg-superfused side; P < 0.005). Superfusion of the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor methylene blue attenuated the LCBF increase elicited by topical bicuculline methiodide by 25% +/- 16% (P < 0.05). The present findings suggest that NO is the mediator of the vasodilation in response to focal epileptic seizures.


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It has previously been shown that alcohol can suppress reproduction in humans, monkeys, and small rodents by inhibiting release of luteinizing hormone (LH). The principal action is via suppression of the release of LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) both in vivo and in vitro. The present experiments were designed to determine the mechanism by which alcohol inhibits LHRH release. Previous research has indicated that the release of LHRH is controlled by nitric oxide (NO). The proposed pathway is via norepinephrine-induced release of NO from NOergic neurons, which then activates LHRH release. In the present experiments, we further evaluated the details of this mechanism in male rats by incubating medial basal hypothalamic (MBH) explants in vitro and examining the release of NO, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), conversion of arachidonic acid to prostanoids, and production of cGMP. The results have provided further support for our theory of LHRH control. Norepinephrine increased the release of NO as measured by conversion of [14C]arginine to [14C]citrulline, and this increase was blocked by the alpha 1 receptor blocker prazosin. Furthermore, the release of LHRH induced by nitroprusside (NP), a donor of NO, is related to the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase by NO since NP increased cGMP release from MBHs and cGMP also released LHRH. Ethanol had no effect on the production of NO by MBH explants or the increased release of NO induced by norepinephrine. Therefore, it does not act at that step in the pathway. Ethanol also failed to affect the increase in cGMP induced by NP. On the other hand, as might be expected from previous experiments indicating that LHRH release was brought about by PGE2, NP increased the conversion of [14C]arachidonic acid to its metabolites, particularly PGE2. Ethanol completely blocked the release of LHRH induced by NP and the increase in PGE2 induced by NP. Therefore, the results support the theory that norepinephrine acts to stimulate NO release from NOergic neurons. This NO diffuses to the LHRH terminals where it activates guanylate cyclase, leading to an increase in cGMP. At the same time, it also activates cyclooxygenase. The increase in cGMP increases intracellular free calcium, activating phospholipase A2 to provide arachidonic acid, the substrate for conversion by the activated cyclooxygenase to PGE2, which then activates the release of LHRH. Since alcohol inhibits the conversion of labeled arachidonic acid to PGE2, it must act either directly to inhibit cyclooxygenase or perhaps it may act by blocking the increase in intracellular free calcium induced by cGMP, which is crucial for activation of of both phospholipase A2 and cyclooxygenase.


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Locomotor recovery from anoxia is complicated and little is known about the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating anoxic recovery in Drosophila. For this thesis I established a protocol for large-scale analysis of locomotor activity in adult flies with exposure to a transient anoxia. Using this protocol I observed that wild-type Canton-S flies recovered faster and more consistently from anoxia than the white-eyed mutant w1118, which carries a null allele of w1118 in an isogenic genetic background. Both Canton-S and w1118 are commonly used controls in the Drosophila community. Genetic analysis including serial backcrossing, RNAi knockdown, w+ duplication to Y chromosome as well as gene mutation revealed a strong association between the white gene and the timing of locomotor recovery. I also found that the locomotor recovery phenotype is independent of white-associated eye pigmentation, that heterozygous w+ allele was haplo-insufficient to induce fast and consistent locomotor recovery from anoxia in female flies, and that mini-white is insufficient to promote fast and consistent locomotor recovery. Moreover, locomotor recovery was delayed in flies with RNAi knockdown of white in subsets of serotonin neurons in the central nervous system. I further demonstrated that mutations of phosphodiesterase genes (PDE) displayed wild-type-like fast and consistent locomotor recovery, and that locomotor recovery was light-sensitive in the night in w1118. The delayed locomotor recovery and the light sensitivity were eliminated in PDE mutants that were dual-specific or cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific. Up-regulation of cGMP using multiple approaches including PDE mutation, sildenafil feeding or specific expression of an atypical soluble guanylyl cyclase (Gyc88E) was sufficient to suppress w-RNAi induced delay of locomotor recovery. Taken together, these data strongly support the hypothesis that White transports cGMP and promotes fast and consistent locomotor recovery from anoxia.


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Distinct glial cell types of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system (PNS) are derived from the neural crest. Here we show that the expression of the Ets domain transcription factor Erm distinguishes satellite glia from Schwann cells beginning early in rat PNS development. In developing dorsal root ganglia (DRG), Erm is present both in presumptive satellite glia and in neurons. In contrast, Erm is not detectable at any developmental stage in Schwann cells in peripheral nerves. In addition, Erm is downregulated in DRG-derived glia adopting Schwann cell traits in culture. Thus, Erm is the first described transcription factor expressed in satellite glia but not in Schwann cells. In culture, the Neuregulin1 (NRG1) isoform GGF2 maintains Erm expression in presumptive satellite cells and reinduces Erm expression in DRG-derived glia but not in Schwann cells from sciatic nerve. These data demonstrate that there are intrinsic differences between these glial subtypes in their response to NRG1 signaling. In neural crest cultures, Erm-positive progenitor cells give rise to two distinct glial subtypes: Erm-positive, Oct-6-negative satellite glia in response to GGF2, and Erm-negative, Oct-6-positive Schwann cells in the presence of serum and the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin. Thus, Erm-positive neural crest-derived progenitor cells and presumptive satellite glia are able to acquire Schwann cell features. Given the in vivo expression of Erm in peripheral ganglia, we suggest that ganglionic Erm-positive cells may be precursors of Schwann cells.


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Sildenafil, an inhibitor of the cGMP-degrading phosphodiesterase 5 that is used to treat erectile dysfunction, has been linked to an increased risk of melanoma. Here, we have examined the potential connection between cGMP-dependent signaling cascades and melanoma growth. Using a combination of biochemical assays and real-time monitoring of melanoma cells, we report a cGMP-dependent growth-promoting pathway in murine and human melanoma cells. We document that C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), a ligand of the membrane-bound guanylate cyclase B, enhances the activity of cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) in melanoma cells by increasing the intracellular levels of cGMP. Activation of this cGMP pathway promotes melanoma cell growth and migration in a p44/42 MAPK-dependent manner. Sildenafil treatment further increases intracellular cGMP concentrations, potentiating activation of this pathway. Collectively, our data identify this cGMP-cGKI pathway as the link between sildenafil usage and increased melanoma risk.


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1 On rat isolated pulmonary arteries, vasorelaxation by S-nitrosocaptopril (SNOcap) was compared with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and nitroprusside, and inhibition by SNOcap of contractions to angiotensin I was compared with the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril. 2 SNOcap was equipotent as a vasorelaxant on main (i.d. 2-3 mm) and intralobar (i.d. 600 mum)pulmonary arteries (pIC(50) values: 5.00 and 4.85, respectively). Vasorelaxant responses reached equilibrium rapidly (2-3 min). 3 Pulmonary vasorelaxant responses to SNOcap, like GSNO, were (i) partially inhibited by the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo(4,3-a)-quinoxalin-1-one; 3 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were abolished and (ii) potentiated by hydroxocobalamin (HCOB; NO. free radical scavenger; 100 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were inhibited. 4 The relative potencies for pulmonary vasorelaxation compared with inhibition of platelet aggregation were: SNOcap 7: 1; GSNO 25: 1; nitroprusside > 2000:1. 5 SNOcap, like captopril, concentration-dependently and time-dependently increased the EC50 for angiotensin I but not angiotensin II. The dependence on incubation time was independent of the presence of tissue but differed for SNOcap and captopril. This difference reflected the slow dissociation of SNOcap and instability of captopril, and precluded a valid comparison of the potency of the two drugs. After prolonged incubation (greater than or equal to 5.6 h) SNOcap was more effective than captopril. 6 Thus, in pulmonary arteries SNOcap (i) possesses NO donor properties characteristic of S-nitrosothiols but different from nitroprusside and (ii) inhibits ACE at least as effectively as captopril. These properties suggest that SNOcap could be valuable in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.


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We report the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of Escherichia coli adenylyltransferase that catalyzes the reversible nucleotidylation of glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme in nitrogen assimilation. This domain (AT-N440) catalyzes the deadenylylation and subsequent activation of GS. The structure has been divided into three subdomains, two of which bear some similarity to kanamycin nucleotidyltransferase (KNT). However, the orientation of the two domains in AT-N440 differs from that in KNT. The active site of AT-N440 has been identified on the basis of structural comparisons with KNT, DNA polymerase beta, and polyadenylate polymerase. AT-N440 has a cluster of metal binding residues that are conserved in polbeta-like nucleotidyl transferases. The location of residues conserved in all ATase sequences was found to cluster around the active site. Many of these residues are very likely to play a role in catalysis, substrate binding, or effector binding.


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This study investigated the nature of vasodilator mechanisms in the dorsal aorta of the giant shovelnose ray, Rhinobatus typus. Anatomical techniques found no evidence for an endothelial nitric oxide synthase, but neural nitric oxide synthase was found to be present in the perivascular nerve fibres of the dorsal aorta and other arteries and veins using both NADPH-diaphorase staining and immunohistochemistry with a specific neural NOS antibody. Arteries and veins both contained large nNOS-positive nerve trunks from which smaller nNOS-positive bundles branched and formed a plexus in the vessel wall. Single, varicose nNOS-positive nerve fibres were present in both arteries and veins. Within the large bundles of both arteries and veins, groups of nNOS-positive cell bodies forming microganglia were observed. Double-labelling immunohistochemistry using an antibody to tyrosine hydroxylase showed that nearly all the NOS nerves were not sympathetic. Acetylcholine always caused constriction of isolated rings of the dorsal aorta and the nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside, did not mediate any dilation. Addition of nicotine (3 x 10(-4) M) to preconstricted rings caused a vasodilation that was not affected by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NNA (10(-4) M), nor the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (10(-5) M). This nicotine-mediated vasodilation was, therefore, not due to the synthesis and release of NO. Disruption of the endothelium significantly reduced or eliminated the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. In addition. indomethacin (10(-5) M), an inhibitor of cyclooxygenases, significantly increased the time period to maximal dilation and reduced, but did not completely inhibit the nicotine-mediated vasodilation. These data support the hypothesis that a prostaglandin is released from the vascular endothelium of a batoid ray, as has been described previously in other groups of fishes. The function of the nitrergic innervation of the blood vessels is not known because nitric oxide does not appear to regulate vascular tone. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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1 The aim was to test the hypothesis that nitric oxide ( NO) donor drugs can inhibit the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) transporter, SERT. 2 The NO donors, MAHMA/NO ( a NONOate; (Z)-1-[N-methyl-N-[6-(N-methylammoniohexyl)amino]]diazen- 1-ium-1,2-diolate), SIN-1 ( a sydnonimine; 5-amino-3-(4-morpholinyl)-1,2,3-oxadiazolium chloride), FK409 ( an oxime; (+/-)-(4-ethyl-2E-(hydroxyimino)-5-nitro-3E-hexenamide)) and peroxynitrite, but not Angeli's salt ( source of nitroxyl anion) or sodium nitrite, caused concentration-dependent inhibition of the specific uptake of [H-3]- 5-HT in COS-7 cells expressing human SERT. 3 Superoxide dismutase (150 U ml(-1)) plus catalase ( 1200 U ml(-1)), used to remove superoxide and hence prevent peroxynitrite formation, prevented the inhibitory effect of SIN-1 ( which generates superoxide) but not of MAHMA/NO or FK409. 4 The inhibitory effects of the NO donors were not affected by the free radical scavenger, hydroxocobalamin (1 mM) or the guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-[ 1,2,4] oxadiazolo[4,3-a] quinoxalin-1-one; 3 muM). 5 L-Cysteine ( 1 mM; source of excess thiol residues) abolished or markedly reduced the inhibitory effects of MAHMA/NO, SIN-1, FK409 and peroxynitrite. 6 It is concluded that inhibition of SERT by the NO donors cannot be attributed exclusively to NO free radical nor to nitroxyl anion. It does not involve guanosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, but may involve nitrosation of cysteine residues on the SERT protein. Peroxynitrite mediates the effect of SIN-1, but not the other drugs. 7 Data in mice with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension suggest that SERT inhibitors may attenuate pulmonary vascular remodelling. Thus, NO donors may be useful in pulmonary hypertension, not only as vasodilators, but also because they inhibit SERT, provided they display this effect in vivo at appropriate doses.


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alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) activates the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) on melanocytes to promote a switch from red/yellow pheomelanin synthesis to darker eumelanins via positive coupling to adenylate cyclase. The human MC1R locus is highly polymorphic with the specific variants associated with red hair and fair skin (RHC phenotype) postulated to be loss-of-function receptors. We have examined the ability of MC1R variants to activate the cAMP pathway in stably transfected REK293 cells. The RHC associated variants, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His, demonstrated agonist-mediated increases in cAMP and phosphorylation of cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB). Whereas the Asp294His variant showed severely impaired functional responses, the Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp variants retained considerable signaling capacity. Melanoma cells homozygous for either the Arg151Cys variant or consensus sequence both elicited CREB phosphorylation in response to alpha-MSH in the presence of IBMX. The common RHC alleles, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His, are neither complete loss-of-function receptors nor are they functionally equivalent. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Three natriuretic-like peptides (TNP-a, TNP-b, and TNP-c) were isolated from the venom of Oxyuranus microlepidotus (inland taipan) and were also present in the venoms of Oxyuranus scutellatus canni (New Guinea taipan) and Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus (coastal taipan). They were isolated by HPLC, characterised by mass spectrometry and Edman analysis, and consist of 35-39 amino acid residues. These molecules differ from ANP/BNP through replacement of invariant residues within the 17-membered ring structure and by inclusion of proline residues in the C-terminal tail. TNP-c was equipotent to ANP in specific GC-A assays or aortic ring assays whereas TNP-a and TNP-b were either inactive (GC-A over-expressing cells and endothelium-denuded aortic rings) or weakly active (endothelium-in tact aortic rings). TNP-a and TNP-b were also unable to competitively inhibit the binding of TNP-c in endothelium-denuded aortae (GC-A) or endothelium-in tact aortae (NPR-C). Thus, these naturally occurring isoforms provide a new platform for further investigation of structure-function relationships of natriuretic peptides. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The mechanisms underlying the swelling of frog red blood cells (RBC), induced by Pacific (P-CTX-1) and Caribbean (C-CTX-1) ciguatoxins (CTXs), were investigated by measuring the length, width and surface of their elliptic shape. P-CTX-1 (0.5 to 5 nM) and C-CTX-1 (1 mu M) induced RBC swelling within 60 min. The CTXs-induced RBC swelling was blocked by apamin (1 mu M) and by Sr2+ (1 mu M). P-CTX-1-induced RBC swelling was prevented and inhibited by H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one(27 mu M), an inhibitor Of Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), and NOS blockade by NG methyl-L-arginine (L-NMA; 10 mu M). Cytochalasin D (cytD, 10 mu M) increased RBC surface and mimicked CTX effect but did not prevent the P-CTX-1-induced L-NMA-sensitive extra increase. Calculations revealed that P-CTX-1 and cytD increase RBC total surface envelop and volume. These data strongly suggest that the molecular mechanisms underlying CTXs-induced RBC swelling involve the NO pathway by an activation of the inducible NOS, leading to sGC activation which modulates intracellular cGMP and regulates L-type Ca2+ channels. The resulting increase in intracellular Ca2+ content, in turn, disrupts the actin cytoskeleton, which causes a water influx and triggers a Ca2+-activated K+ current through SK2 isoform channels. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP27 and PACAP38) on isolated parasympathetic neurons of rat intracardiac and submandibular ganglia were examined under voltage clamp using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques. VIP and PACAP (less than or equal to 10 nm) selectively and reversibly increased the affinity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels (nAChRs) for their agonists resulting in a potentiation of acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked whole-cell currents at low agonist concentrations. VIP-induced potentiation was observed with either ACh or nicotine as the cholinergic agonist. The VIP- but not the PACAP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked currents was inhibited by [Ac-Tyr(1), D-Phe(2)]-GRF 1-29, amide (100 nm), a selective antagonist of VPAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptors; whereas the PACAP38- but not the VIP-induced potentiation was inhibited by 100 nm PACAP6-38, a PAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptor antagonist. The signal transduction pathway mediating VIP- and PACAP-induced potentiation of nicotinic ACh-evoked currents involves a pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G-protein. Intracellular application of 200 mu m GTP gamma S or GDP beta S inhibited VIP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked whole-cell currents. GTP gamma S alone potentiated ACh- and nicotine-evoked currents and the magnitude of these currents was not further increased by VIP or PACAP. The G-protein subtype modulating the neuronal nAChRs was examined by intracellular dialysis with antibodies directed against alpha(o), alpha(i-1,2), alpha(i-3) or beta G-protein subunits. Only the anti-G alpha(o) and anti-G beta antibodies significantly inhibited the effect of VIP and PACAP on ACh-evoked currents. The potentiation of ACh-evoked currents by VIP and PACAP may be mediated by a membrane-delimited signal transduction cascade involving the PTX-sensitive G(o) protein.