924 resultados para A.A. degree


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Based on 13 published porewater H2S and sulphate profiles the amount of H2S escaping from non-bioturbated shales varies between some few % to 45% of the amount of bacterially generated H2S. This finding permits calculation of the original organic carbon (TOCor) content of immature nonbioturbated shales using TOC and sulphur content data. In two immature non-bioturbated sequences from Hungary (Toarcian and Oligocene) the first-order correlation between HI and TOC/TOCor was found to be stronger than that between HI and TOC, indicating that sulphate reduction was the leading process both in decrease in TOC content and degradation of kerogen source potential.


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Whole-rock basalt samples from the upper half of Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B have oxygen-isotope compositions typical of mid-ocean-ridge basalts which have experienced a moderate degree of low-temperature alteration by sea water. By contrast, d18O values in the lower half of the hole correspond to basalts which have experienced almost no detectable oxygen-isotope alteration. These observations suggest that the overall water/rock ratio was lower in the lower half of the drilled crust. A correlation between d18O values and 87Sr/86Sr ratios suggests that the water/rock ratio, rather than temperature variation, was the main factor determining basalt d18O values. Hydrogen-isotope data appear to be consistent with a low water/rock ratio in the lower part of the crust.


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Boron contents and boron isotopic compositions were determined for the uppermost 1.3 km section of typical 6.2 Ma oceanic crust from DSDP/ODP Hole 504B, Costa Rica Rift, Galapagos Spreading Center. Both the boron content and the d11B value in the oceanic crust are controlled by two types of alteration: 1. (1) low-temperature alteration (0 to 60°C; Zones I and II) and 2. (2) high-temperature hydrothermal alteration (200 to 400°C; Zones III and IV). Basalts subjected to the low-temperature alteration are characterized by their relatively high boron contents (0.69 to 19.3 ppm) and high d11B values (+2.2 to +10.6?), indicating uptake of boron into secondary phases in equilibrium with seawater or evolved seawater. Hydrothermally altered basalts contain less abundant boron (0.17 to 0.52 ppm) and relatively constant d11B values (?0.1 to +1.0?). Although basalts from the upper part of these hydrothermal zones (<1300 mbsf) show equilibrated boron content and d11B value with aqueous fluid, effective leaching of boron from basalt is predominant in the lower part (>1300 mbsf). Original boron content and d11B value of the Hole 504B MORB were 0.35 ppm and +0.2?, respectively. The present data provide fundamental information in understanding of the distribution of boron and boron isotopes in the oceanic crust.


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This paper analyzes the influence of the East Asian crisis and the subsequent reforms on the oligopolistic nature of the Thai banking industry. Since the crisis, there have been substantial changes in competitive environment, including a decline in the family ownership of banks as well as the arrival of new entrants. How did these changes affect a banking industry in which the six largest local banks accounted for over 70 percent of market share? The estimated Lerner index from Bresnahan's [1989] conjectural variation model indicates the possibility of a decline in the degree of competition.


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The European Union has been promoting linguistic diversity for many years as one of its main educational goals. This is an element that facilitates student mobility and student exchanges between different universities and countries and enriches the education of young undergraduates. In particular, a higher degree of competence in the English language is becoming essential for engineers, architects and researchers in general, as English has become the lingua franca that opens up horizons to internationalisation and the transfer of knowledge in today’s world. Many experts point to the Integrated Approach to Contents and Foreign Languages System as being an option that has certain benefits over the traditional method of teaching a second language that is exclusively based on specific subjects. This system advocates teaching the different subjects in the syllabus in a language other than one’s mother tongue, without prioritising knowledge of the language over the subject. This was the idea that in the 2009/10 academic year gave rise to the Second Language Integration Programme (SLI Programme) at the Escuela Arquitectura Técnica in the Universidad Politécnica Madrid (EUATM-UPM), just at the beginning of the tuition of the new Building Engineering Degree, which had been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) model. This programme is an interdisciplinary initiative for the set of subjects taught during the semester and is coordinated through the Assistant Director Office for Educational Innovation. The SLI Programme has a dual goal; to familiarise students with the specific English terminology of the subject being taught, and at the same time improve their communication skills in English. A total of thirty lecturers are taking part in the teaching of eleven first year subjects and twelve in the second year, with around 120 students who have voluntarily enrolled in a special group in each semester. During the 2010/2011 academic year the degree of acceptance and the results of the SLI Programme have been monitored. Tools have been designed to aid interdisciplinary coordination and to analyse satisfaction, such as coordination records and surveys. The results currently available refer to the first and second year and are divided into specific aspects of the different subjects involved and into general aspects of the ongoing experience.


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Los efectos de la corrosión sobre las armaduras se manifiestan por la pérdida de sección y la variación de las propiedades mecánicas relacionadas con la ductilidad. En este trabajo se han ensayado a tracción 96 barras de acero B500SD que previamente se han sometido a niveles variables de corrosión. Los resultados muestran que los alargamientos de las barras disminuyen y el cociente entre la tensión máxima y el límite elástico aumenta conforme el nivel de corrosión avanza. A partir del estudio del efecto de entalla y de la distinta constitución metalográfica del acero a nivel de sección debido a su procedimiento de fabricación se pueden explicar los fenómenos anteriores.


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Based on theoretical arguments, we propose a possible route for controlling the band-gap in the promising photovoltaic material CdIn2S4. Our ab initio calculations show that the experimental degree of inversion in this spinel (fraction of tetrahedral sites occupied by In) corresponds approximately to the equilibrium value given by the minimum of the theoretical inversion free energy at a typical synthesis temperature. Modification of this temperature, or of the cooling rate after synthesis, is then expected to change the inversion degree, which in turn sensitively tunes the electronic band-gap of the solid, as shown here by screened hybrid functional calculations.