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Drosophila pair-rule genes are expressed in striped patterns with a precise order of overlap between stripes of different genes. We investigated the role of Giant (Gt) in the regulation of even-skipped, hairy, runt, and fushi tarazu stripes formed in the vicinity of Gt expression domains. In gt null embryos, specific stripes of eve, h, run, and ftz are disrupted. With an ectopic expression system, we verified that stripes affected in the mutant are also repressed. Simultaneously hybridizing gt misxpressing embryos with two pair-rule gene probes, we were able to distinguish differences in the repression of pairs of stripes that overlap extensively. Together, our results showed Gt repression roles in the regulation of two groups of partially overlapping stripes and that Gt morphogen activity is part of the mechanism responsible for the differential positioning of these stripes borders. We discuss the possibility that other factors regulate Gt stripe targets as well. Developmental Dynamics 239:2989-2999, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The evolution of paleo-incised-valleys in the Sao Paulo State region of the southeastern Brazilian continental shelf is presented in this study in relation to the post Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-level rises based on the submarine topography modeled by a detailed Digital Elevation Model and evidences noted in high resolution seismic profiles. The hypothesis that has guided this study is that the set of paleo-valley characteristics (i.e. the fluvial parameters of modern coastal drainage systems, the topographical shape and dimensions of the valleys and of the subsurface channels) may indicate aspects of the relation between the influence of the fluvial and the eustatic variation regime in geomorphological-stratigraphic registers. Models described in the literature sustain the view that faster marine transgressions tend to increase erosion in estuaries, which may explain the lack of registers of paleo-drainage both in topography and the sub-surface in areas with wider shelves. On the other hand, on narrower shelves, with a higher slope angle, the transgression process can preserve, or even enhance, the incised valley registers during shoreface retreat. In the area studied, we observed that the dimensions and form of the continental shelf varies from the northern to the southern part of the area, affecting aspects of the geomorphological registers of the submerged incised valleys.
We have described the stretching and folding of foams in a vertical Hele-Shaw cell containing air and a surfactant solution, from a sequence of upside-down flips. Besides the firactal dimension of the foam, we have observed the logistic growth for the soap film length. The stretching and folding mechanism is present during the foam formation, and this mechanism is observed even after the foam has reached its respective maximum fractal dimension. Observing the motion of bubbles inside the foam, large bubbles present power spectrum associated with random walk motion in both directions, while the small bubbles are scattered like balls in a Galton board. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Commercial passenger flights have been increasing around the world. The effect of these flights on health is unclear. Venous thromboembolism has been noted after recent long-distance airplane flight, even in the absence of other risk factors. Hypoxia caused by the low ambient pressure during flights could contribute, and individuals with obstructive sleep apnea may be particularly vulnerable. The association between the effects of long airplane travel and sleep-disordered breathing deserves further study. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
More than 2 years after undergoing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, women still present bilateral asymmetries during multijoint movement tasks. Given the well-known ACL-injury gender bias, the goal of this study was to investigate whether males also present such asymmetries more than 2 years after undergoing ACL reconstruction. This study involved 12 participants submitted to ACL reconstruction in the ACL group and 17 healthy participants in the control group. The mean postoperative period was 37 months. The participants executed bilateral countermovement jumps and load squat tasks. The kinematics and ground reaction forces on each lower limb and pelvis were recorded, and used to compute bilateral peak vertical ground reaction forces, peak knee and hip joint powers in the sagittal plane, and the ratio between these powers. For the jump task, the groups had the same performance in the jump height, but for the ACL group the peak knee joint power on the operated side was 13% lower than on the non-operated side (p = 0.02). For the squat task, the hip-knee joint power ratio on the operated side of the ACL group was 31% greater than on the non-operated side (p = 0.02). The ACL group presented a deficit in the operated knee that had its energy generation over time (joint power) partially substituted by the hip joint power of the same side. The fact that, even after more than 2 years following the ACL reconstruction and returning to regular activity, the ACL group still had neuromuscular asymmetries suggests a need for improvement in the ACL reconstruction surgery procedures and/or rehabilitation protocols.
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle caused by the absence of or defective muscular proteins. The murine model for limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2B (LGMD2B), the SJL mice, carries a deletion in the dysferlin gene that causes a reduction in the protein levels to 15% of normal. The mice show muscle weakness that begins at 4-6 weeks and is nearly complete by 8 months of age. The possibility of restoring the defective muscle protein and improving muscular performance by cell therapy is a promising approach for the treatment of LGMDs or other forms of progressive muscular dystrophies. Here we have injected human adipose stromal cells (hASCs) into the SJL mice, without immunosuppression, aiming to assess their ability to engraft into recipient dystrophic muscle after systemic delivery; form chimeric human/mouse muscle fibers; express human muscle proteins in the dystrophic host and improve muscular performance. We show for the first time that hASCs are not rejected after systemic injection even without immunosuppression, are able to fuse with the host muscle, express a significant amount of human muscle proteins, and improve motor ability of injected animals. These results may have important applications for future therapy in patients with different forms of muscular dystrophies.
Sympathetic hyperactivity (SH) and renin angiotensin system (RAS) activation are commonly associated with heart failure (HF), even though the relative contribution of these factors to the cardiac derangement is less understood. The role of SH on RAS components and its consequences for the HF were investigated in mice lacking alpha(2A) and alpha(2C) adrenoceptor knockout (alpha(2A)/alpha(2C) ARKO) that present SH with evidence of HF by 7 mo of age. Cardiac and systemic RAS components and plasma norepinephrine (PN) levels were evaluated in male adult mice at 3 and 7 mo of age. In addition, cardiac morphometric analysis, collagen content, exercise tolerance, and hemodynamic assessments were made. At 3 mo, alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)ARKO mice showed no signs of HF, while displaying elevated PN, activation of local and systemic RAS components, and increased cardiomyocyte width (16%) compared with wild-type mice (WT). In contrast, at 7 mo, alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)ARKO mice presented clear signs of HF accompanied only by cardiac activation of angiotensinogen and ANG II levels and increased collagen content (twofold). Consistent with this local activation of RAS, 8 wk of ANG II AT(1) receptor blocker treatment restored cardiac structure and function comparable to the WT. Collectively, these data provide direct evidence that cardiac RAS activation plays a major role underlying the structural and functional abnormalities associated with a genetic SH-induced HF in mice.
Moreira, A, Arsati, F, Cury, PR, Franciscon, C, Oliveira, PR, and Araujo, VC. Salivary immunoglobulin a response to a match in top-level brazilian soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 23(7): 1968-1973, 2009-It has been suggested that several parameters of mucosal immunity, including salivary immunoglobulin A (s-IgA), are affected by heavy exercise either in field sports or in the laboratory environment. Few observations have been made during a true sporting environment, particularly in professional soccer. We tested the hypothesis that salivary IgA levels will be decreased after a 70-minute regulation in a top-level professional soccer friendly match. Saliva samples from 24 male professional soccer players collected before and after the match were analyzed. Salivary immunoglobulin A concentration was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as the absolute concentration (s-IgAabs), s-IgA relative to total protein concentration (IgA-Pro), and the secretion rate of IgA (s-IgArate). Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was used to monitor the exercise intensity. The paired t-test showed no significant changes in s-IgAabs and s-IgArate (p > 0.05) from PRE to POST match. However, a significant (p < 0.05) increase in total protein concentration (1.46 +/- 0.4 to 2.00 +/- 07) and a decrease in IgA-Pro were observed. The best and most significant correlation was obtained with the RPE and changes in IgA-Pro (rs = -0.43) and could indicate that this expression may be an interesting marker of intensity in a soccer match. However, further investigation regarding exercise intensity, protein concentration, and immune suppression, particularly in team sports, is warranted. From a practical application, the variability of the responses among the players leads us to suggest that there is a need to individually analyze the results with team sports. Some athletes showed a decrease in s-IgA expressions, suggesting the need for taking protective actions to minimize contact with cold viruses or even reducing the training load.
Moreira, A, Arsati, F, de Oliveira Lima-Arsati, YB, de Freitas, CG, and de Araujo, VC. Salivary immunoglobulin a responses in professional top-level futsal players. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 1932-1936, 2011-The purpose of this study was to investigate the responses of salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) in 10 professional top-level Brazilian futsal players after 2 highly competitive games separated by 7 days. Unstimulated saliva was collected over a 5-minute period at PRE- and POST-match. The SIgA was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as the absolute concentration (SIgAabs) and secretion rate of IgA (SIgArate). Rate of perceived exertion and heart rate were used to monitor the exercise intensity. A 2-way analysis of variance with repeated measures showed nonsignificant differences between matches to SIgAabs, SIgArate, and saliva flow rate (p > 0.05). However, significant time differences were observed for all these parameters. In summary, we showed that a competitive training match induced a decrease in SIgA levels in top-level futsal players, which suggests an increment of the vulnerability to infections meditated by the training stimulus. This decrease suggests that the athletes were at an increased risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection, and therefore, it could be necessary to take protective actions to minimize contact with cold viruses or even reduce the training load for athletes.
Combined photocatalytic and fungal processes for the treatment of nitrocellulose industry wastewater
The objective of this work was to characterize the delignification effluent originating from the delignification industry and evaluate the combination of the fungus and photocatalytic process (TiO(2)/UV system) for the treatment of this effluent. The delignification effluent has proven harmful to the environment because it presents high color (3516 CU), total phenol (876 mg/L and TOC (1599 mg/L) and is also highly toxic even in a low concentration. The results of photocatalysis were 11%, 25% and 13% higher for reductions in color, total phenol and TOC, respectively. The combined treatments presented benefits when compared to the non-combined treatments. Fungus and photocatalysis in combination proved to be the best treatment, reducing the color, total phenol, toxicity (inhibition of Escherichia coli growth) and TOC by 94.2%, 92.6%, 4.9% and 62%, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Research of advanced technologies for energy generation contemplates a series of alternatives that are introduced both in the investigation of new energy sources and in the improvement and/or development of new components and systems. Even though significant reductions are observed in the amount of emissions, the proposed alternatives require the use of exhaust gases cleaning systems. The results of environmental analyses based on two configurations proposed for urban waste incineration are presented in this paper; the annexation of integer (Boolean) variables to the environomic model makes it possible to define the best gas cleaning routes based on exergetic cost minimisation criteria. In this first part, the results for steam cogeneration system analysis associated with the incineration of municipal solid wastes (MSW) is presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fourier transform near infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy was evaluated as an analytical too[ for monitoring residual Lignin, kappa number and hexenuronic acids (HexA) content in kraft pulps of Eucalyptus globulus. Sets of pulp samples were prepared under different cooking conditions to obtain a wide range of compound concentrations that were characterised by conventional wet chemistry analytical methods. The sample group was also analysed using FT-NIR spectroscopy in order to establish prediction models for the pulp characteristics. Several models were applied to correlate chemical composition in samples with the NIR spectral data by means of PCR or PLS algorithms. Calibration curves were built by using all the spectral data or selected regions. Best calibration models for the quantification of lignin, kappa and HexA were proposed presenting R-2 values of 0.99. Calibration models were used to predict pulp titers of 20 external samples in a validation set. The lignin concentration and kappa number in the range of 1.4-18% and 8-62, respectively, were predicted fairly accurately (standard error of prediction, SEP 1.1% for lignin and 2.9 for kappa). The HexA concentration (range of 5-71 mmol kg(-1) pulp) was more difficult to predict and the SEP was 7.0 mmol kg(-1) pulp in a model of HexA quantified by an ultraviolet (UV) technique and 6.1 mmol kg(-1) pulp in a model of HexA quantified by anion-exchange chromatography (AEC). Even in wet chemical procedures used for HexA determination, there is no good agreement between methods as demonstrated by the UV and AEC methods described in the present work. NIR spectroscopy did provide a rapid estimate of HexA content in kraft pulps prepared in routine cooking experiments.
Titanium and its alloys have been used in dentistry due to their excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. It was shown that even a pure titanium metal and its alloys spontaneously form a bone-like apatite layer on their surfaces within a living body. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the growth of calcium phosphates at the surface of the experimental alloy Ti-7.5Mo. We produced ingots from pure titanium and molybdenum using an arc-melting furnace We then submitted these Ingots to heat treatment at 1100 degrees C for one hour, cooled the samples in water, and cold-worked the cooled material by swaging and machining. We measured the media roughness (Ra) with a roughness meter (1.3 and 2.6 mu m) and cut discs (13 mm in diameter and 4 mm in thickness) from each sample group. The samples were treated by biomimetic methods for 7 or 14 days to form an apatite coating on the surface. We then characterized the surfaces with an optical profilometer, a scanning electron microscope and contact angle measurements. The results of this study indicate that apatite can form on the surface of a Ti-7.5Mo alloy, and that a more complete apatite layer formed on the Ra = 2 6 mu m material. This Increased apatite formation resulted in a lower contact angle (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
This work presents a thermoeconomic optimization methodology for the analysis and design of energy systems. This methodology involves economic aspects related to the exergy conception, in order to develop a tool to assist the equipment selection, operation mode choice as well as to optimize the thermal plants design. It also presents the concepts related to exergy in a general scope and in thermoeconomics which combines the thermal sciences principles (thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics) and the economic engineering in order to rationalize energy systems investment decisions, development and operation. Even in this paper, it develops a thermoeconomic methodology through the use of a simple mathematical model, involving thermodynamics parameters and costs evaluation, also defining the objective function as the exergetic production cost. The optimization problem evaluation is developed for two energy systems. First is applied to a steam compression refrigeration system and then to a cogeneration system using backpressure steam turbine. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The development of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconductors is of great interest for the applied superconductivity area. These intermetallics composites are obtained normally by heat treatment reactions at high temperature. Processes that allow formation of the superconducting phases at lower temperatures (<1000 degrees C), particularly for Nb(3)Al, are of great interest. The present work studies phase formation and stability of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconducting phases using mechanical alloying (high energy ball milling). Our main objective was to form composites near stoichiometry, which could be transformed into the superconducting phases using low-temperature heat treatments. High purity Nb-Sn and Nb-Al powders were mixed to generate the required superconducting phases (Nb-25at.%Sn and Nb-25at.%Al) in an argon atmosphere glove-box. After milling in a Fritsch mill, the samples were compressed in a hydraulic uniaxial press and encapsulated in evacuated quartz tubes for heat treatment. The compressed and heat treated samples were characterized using X-ray diffractometry. Microstructure and chemical analysis were accomplished using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. Nb(3)Al XRD peaks were observed after the sintering at 800 degrees C for the sample milled for 30 h. Nb(3)Sn XRD peaks could be observed even before the heat treatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.