912 resultados para Aïllament social -- Espanya -- Models matemàtics
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
Departures from pure self interest in economic experiments have recently inspired models of "social preferences". We conduct experiments on simple two-person and three-person games with binary choices that test these theories more directly than the array of games conventionally considered. Our experiments show strong support for the prevalence of "quasi-maximin" preferences: People sacrifice to increase the payoffs for all recipients, but especially for the lowest-payoff recipients. People are also motivated by reciprocity: While people are reluctant to sacrifice to reciprocate good or bad behavior beyond what they would sacrifice for neutral parties, they withdraw willingness to sacrifice to achieve a fair outcome when others are themselves unwilling to sacrifice. Some participants are averse to getting different payoffs than others, but based on our experiments and reinterpretation of previous experiments we argue that behavior that has been presented as "difference aversion" in recent papers is actually a combination of reciprocal and quasi-maximin motivations. We formulate a model in which each player is willing to sacrifice to allocate the quasi-maximin allocation only to those players also believed to be pursuing the quasi-maximin allocation, and may sacrifice to punish unfair players.
It has long been standard in agency theory to search for incentive-compatible mechanisms on the assumption that people care only about their own material wealth. However, this assumption is clearly refuted by numerous experiments, and we feel that it may be useful to consider nonpecuniary utility in mechanism design and contract theory. Accordingly, we devise an experiment to explore optimal contracts in an adverse-selection context. A principal proposes one of three contract menus, each of which offers a choice of two incentive-compatible contracts, to two agents whose types are unknown to the principal. The agents know the set of possible menus, and choose to either accept one of the two contracts offered in the proposed menu or to reject the menu altogether; a rejection by either agent leads to lower (and equal) reservation payoffs for all parties. While all three possible menus favor the principal, they do so to varying degrees. We observe numerous rejections of the more lopsided menus, and approach an equilibrium where one of the more equitable contract menus (which one depends on the reservation payoffs) is proposed and agents accept a contract, selecting actions according to their types. Behavior is largely consistent with all recent models of social preferences, strongly suggesting there is value in considering nonpecuniary utility in agency theory.
We use subjects actions in modified dictator games to perform a within-subject classification ofindividuals into four different types of interdependent preferences: Selfish, Social Welfaremaximizers, Inequity Averse and Competitive. We elicit beliefs about other subjects actions inthe same modified dictator games to test how much of the existent heterogeneity in others actions is known by subjects. We find that subjects with different interdependent preferences infact have different beliefs about others actions. In particular, Selfish individuals cannotconceive others being non-Selfish while Social Welfare maximizers are closest to the actualdistribution of others actions. We finally provide subjects with information on other subjects actions and re-classify individuals according to their (new) actions in the same modified dictatorgames. We find that social information does not affect Selfish individuals, but that individualswith interdependent preferences are more likely to change their behavior and tend to behavemore selfishly.
Identifying species exhibiting variation in social organization is an important step towards explaining the genetic and environmental factors underlying social evolution. In most studied populations of the ant Leptothorax acervorum, reproduction is shared among queens in multiple queen colonies (polygyny). By contrast, reports from other populations, but based on weaker evidence, suggest a single queen may monopolize all reproduction in multiple queen colonies (functional monogyny). Here we identify a marked polymorphism in social organization in this species, by conclusively showing that functional monogyny is exhibited in a Spanish population, showing that the social organization is stable and not purely a consequence of daughter queens overwintering, that daughter queen re-adoption is frequent and queen turnover is low. Importantly, we show that polygynous and functionally monogynous populations are not genetically distinct from one another based on mtDNA and nDNA. This suggests a recent evolutionary divergence between social phenotypes. Finally, when functionally monogynous and polygynous colonies were kept under identical laboratory conditions, social organization did not change, suggesting a genetic basis for the polymorphism. We discuss the implications of these findings to the study of reproductive skew.
The very diverse social systems of sweat bees make them interesting models to study social evolution. Here we focus on the dispersal behaviour and social organization of Halictus scabiosae, a common yet poorly known species of Europe. By combining field observations and genetic data, we show that females have multiple reproductive strategies, which generates a large diversity in the social structure of nests. A detailed microsatellite analysis of 60 nests revealed that 55% of the nests contained the offspring of a single female, whereas the rest had more complex social structures, with three clear cases of multiple females reproducing in the same nest and frequent occurrence of unrelated individuals. Drifting among nests was surprisingly common, as 16% of the 122 nests in the overall sample and 44% of the nests with complex social structure contained females that had genotypes consistent with being full-sisters of females sampled in other nests of the population. Drifters originated from nests with an above-average productivity and were unrelated to their nestmates, suggesting that drifting might be a strategy to avoid competition among related females. The sex-specific comparison of genetic differentiation indicated that dispersal was male-biased, which would reinforce local resource competition among females. The pattern of genetic differentiation among populations was consistent with a dynamic process of patch colonization and extinction, as expected from the unstable, anthropogenic habitat of this species. Overall, our data show that H. scabiosae varies greatly in dispersal behaviour and social organization. The surprisingly high frequency of drifters echoes recent findings in wasps and bees, calling for further investigation of the adaptive basis of drifting in the social insects.
El estudio de las variables relacionadas con la adquisición de las lenguas escolares en contextos bilingües y multilingües ha resurgido a raíz de la incorporación de alumnado extranjero al sistema educativo español. En este sentido, y gracias a su peculiar situación sociolingüística, Cataluña se ha convertido en un observatorio perfecto para estudiar el proceso de adquisición de lenguas del alumnado extranjero. En este artículo presentamos una parte de los datos obtenidos en la evaluación del conocimiento de catalán y del castellano de 668 alumnos extranjeros de sexto de Primaria escolarizados en 57 centros de Cataluña. Con ello pretendemos estudiar los efectos de la presencia y del uso social de las lenguas escolares en el conocimiento lingüístico de este alumnado. La hipótesis principal es que el desarrollo de buenos niveles de conocimiento escrito de las lenguas escolares por parte de los alumnos extranjeros depende, en buena medida, de las oportunidades que haya en el entorno social para que ellos puedan utilizar estas lenguas en los intercambios comunicativos informales con sus compañeros o con otros adultos. Las conclusiones del trabajo señalan las relaciones existentes entre el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas conversacionales y el de habilidades lingüísticas cognitivo-académicas (Cummins, 1979b), en el sentido de que tanto el conocimiento escrito de catalán como el de castellano que tiene el alumnado extranjero están condicionados por el nivel de desarrollo conversacional previo en ambas lenguas. Además, apuntan a que la transferencia de habilidades lingüísticas cognitivo-académicas no se produce directamente entre el catalán y el castellano, sino que depende fundamentalmente de la presencia social que tengan estas lenguas y de sus usos informales. Así, en la medida en que un buen número de estudiantes extranjeros no desarrolla suficiente competencia lingüística conversacional ni en catalán ni en castellano, el proceso de adquisición de las lenguas escolares se alarga más allá de los seis años
ESTUDIO EA2005-0191. Programa de estudios y análisis del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Línea de estudio: 1.8 Publicaciones científicas españolas
El projecte s'inscriu dins de l'àmbit de la investigació i innovació docent aplicant criteris de gestió de qualitat en els que es tenen molt presents els aspectes relacionats amb la seguretat i la sostenibilitat. El projecte promou la investigació generant models de funcionament i verificant la qualitat dels resultats de la seva aplicació. Des d'aquest punt de vista la recerca incorpora aspectes relacionats amb la seguretat i la sostenibilitat dels procediments, la manipulació de productes i materials, la gestió de residus i el seu reciclatge als tallers i laboratoris de les Facultats de Belles Arts. Els resultats d'aquestes investigacions tenen una extensió social en l'àmbit de les Belles Arts en general. Existeix suficient evidència empírica sobre el deteriorament de la salut i els danys que causen un gran nombre de substàncies, productes i materials utilitzats habitualment en les Belles Arts i es sospita sobre els potencials efectes negatius d'altres productes. A Espanya, també és conegut el limitat desenvolupament en matèria de prevenció laboral, de protecció mediambiental i en paràmetres de sostenibilitat en relació amb l'Espai Europeu i, especialment, al nord d'Europa. Es pot considerar, encara, la tímida i escassament coordinada, encara que progressiva, implantació de mesures orientades a solucionar aquestes deficiències per part de les universitats espanyoles i el seu insuficient finançament. En un context d'elevada sensibilització social i dels mitjans de comunicació sobre els efectes del canvi climàtic i la contaminació els processos de canvi s'han de liderar des d'institucions de rang molt divers. Amb els antecedents esmentats el grup d'investigació advoca per continuar desenvolupant diferents modalitats de recerca, buscant alternatives eficaces en aquest àmbit. Alternatives que contemplin la possible substitució d'uns productes per altres, la reducció d'aquells insubstituïbles, la implantació de procediments de qualitat verificada, l'adopció de mesures de seguretat de naturalesa preventiva o mediambiental, l'exploració de recursos sostenibles, etc. per solucionar en la mesura possible l'esmentada problemàtica.
Recent evidence questions some conventional view on the existence of income-related inequalities in depression suggesting in turn that other determinants might be in place, such as activity status and educational attainment. Evidence of socio-economic inequalities is especially relevant in countries such as Spain that have a limited coverage of mental health care and are regionally heterogeneous. This paper aims at measuring and explaining the degree of socio-economic inequality in reported depression in Spain. We employ linear probability models to estimate the concentration index and its decomposition drawing from 2003 edition of the Spanish National Health Survey, the most recent representative health survey in Spain. Our findings point towards the existence of avoidable inequalities in the prevalence of reported depression. However, besides ¿pure income effects¿ explaining 37% of inequality, economic activity status (28%), education (15%) and demographics (15%) play also a key encompassing role. Although high income implies higher resources to invest and cure (mental) illness, environmental factors influencing in peoples perceived social status act as indirect path as explaining the prevalence of depression. Finally, we find evidence of a gender effect, gender social-economic inequality in income is mainly avoidable.
OBJECTIVES: The present study examines whether depressed mood and external control mediate or moderate the relationship between the number of social roles and alcohol use. PARTICIPANTS: The analysis was based on a national representative sample of 25- to 45-year-old male and female drinkers in Switzerland. METHOD: The influence of depressed mood and external control on the relationship between the number of social roles (parenthood, partnership, employment) and alcohol use was examined in linear structural equation models (mediation) and in multiple regressions (moderation) stratified by gender. All analyses were adjusted for age and education level. RESULTS: Holding more roles was associated with lower alcohol use, lower external control and lower depressed mood. The study did not find evidence of depressed mood or external control mediating the social roles-alcohol relationship. A moderation effect was identified among women only, whereby a protective effect of having more roles could not be found among those who scored high on external control. In general, a stronger link was observed between roles and alcohol use, while depressed mood and external control acted independently on drinking. With the exception of women with high external control, the study found no link between a higher number of social roles and greater alcohol use. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that drinking behaviours are more strongly linked to external control and depressed mood than they are to the number of social roles. The study also demonstrates that in any effective alcohol prevention policy, societal actions that enable individuals to combine more social roles play a central role.
[cat] L’extensió de les activitats bancàries al segle XIX va ser liderat per alguns grups socials connectats amb el comerç, que van treure profit de la seva experiència i coneixement per estendre la seva influència al voltant del món del crèdit. A la historiografia espanyola, hi ha un conjunt de treballs que s’han centrat en aquesta gent, però en molts pocs casos s’ha fet una classificació que permeti detectar el conjunt de grups econòmics que han liderat el procés de modernització financera de l’Espanya de mitjans del segle XIX. El principal objectiu del treball és l’anàlisi dels grups socials que van formar el Banco de Barcelona entre 1844 i 1854. Aquesta institució va ser important per a la història financera i bancària d’Espanya per ser pionera en la seva activitat creditícia i d’emissió: a més, la seva experiència va servir com a base en la constitució d’un sistema financer modern a Espanya. En una societat com la catalana de mitjans del segle XIX, la confiança era un factor important per explicar la decisió d’invertir. L’aparició de noves companyies i les seves necessitats d’inversió van transformar el comportaments previs. Quin va ser el comportament dels inversors potencials? Va ser el grup que hi havia al voltant del banc el que va ascendir econòmicament en els anys centrals del segle XIX? La resposta és prou clara, els membres del consell d’administració del Banc de Barcelona formaven un grup apart dins dels grups que sorgeixen a l’economia catalana en el seu conjunt.
[cat] En aquest treball, es realitza una nova estimació del VAB industrial espanyol a un nivell de desagregació territorial corresponent a les províncies (NUTSIII) i les Comunitats Autònomes (NUTS II). Per assolir aquest objectiu es planteja una nova metodologia d’estimació de les xifres històriques de VAB industrial regional. Front a les aproximacions tradicionals, basades en la utilització de fonts fiscals com a forma d’aproximar la capacitat productiva industrial, en aquest treball s’ofereix una estimació que també es basa en les rendes generades per la producció industrial de les regions. Amb aquest objectiu, es fa servir la metodologia proposada per Geary i Stark (2002) i les millores proposades per Crafts (2005). La utilització d’aquesta metodologia permet elaborar una nova estimació retrospectiva del VAB industrial de les regions espanyoles a diversos talls temporals corresponents al període 1860-1930.