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MARQUES, B.P. (2014) From Strategic Planning to Development Initiatives: a first reflection on the situation of Lisbon and Barcelona, in 20th APDR Congress Proceddings, APDR and UÉvora, Évora, pp. 850-857, ISBN 978-989-8780-01-0.
coord. Lima, Joana; Pereira, Maria Joana Alves, Silva, Maria Manuela Antunes da
Esta nossa proposta pretende reflectir sobre a importância dos fenómenos artísticos dos anos 60 aos nossos dias na formação do animador cultural. É nossa intenção demonstrar que a relação do animador cultural com as práticas artísticas contemporâneas, em articulação com o de outros profissionais ligados à produção artística, pode contribuir para uma maior aproximação do público em relação às obras de arte. A distância e incompreensão do público conduziu à formação de alguns mitos, na maior parte com origem na falta de formação estética e artística das populações em relação à arte e à obra de arte, à ausência de interesse em participar na discussão sobre O que é a arte? e, em particular na questão O que é a obra de arte hoje? Este é outro dos objectivos desta intervenção: justificar esta especificidade cronológica, ou seja, porque é que as obras de arte produzidas a partir dos anos 60 a esta parte exigem mecanismos de fruição e participação por parte do público distintos dos exigidos em obras de arte produzidas até aos finais do séc. XIX. O animador cultural tem, neste âmbito, um papel significativo porque a sua maior ou menor familiarização com as práticas artísticas da contemporaneidade vai orientar também os seus projectos, no sentido em que contribui para alargar os tipos de público com que trabalha e contextualizar a participação dos vários intervenientes. Neste âmbito, serão apresentadas de forma muito breve algumas obras de arte e lançadas pistas de abordagem para a sua problematização, de modo a promover uma aproximação participativa e crítica às práticas artísticas contemporâneas do animador e dos públicos com que ele trabalha.
Maria Adelaide Miranda e Pedro Chambel (Coord.)
Colóquio Internacional realizado em Ponta Delgada de 27-29 de Novembro de 2014, Açores
Marques, B.P. e Salvador, R. (2014) "Ulisses e Hércules: desafios contemporâneos das Metrópoles de Lisboa e Barcelona ao nível do Desenvolvimento e da Competitividade Territorial", in Atas do XIV Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia, Guimarães, pp. 2741-2746, ISBN 978-972-99436-8-3 / 978-989-97394-6-8.
O presente texto tem como ponto de partida o levantamento heráldico operado no âmbito do projecto “A Casa Senhorial em Lisboa e no Rio de Janeiro (séculos XVII, XVIII e XIX). Anatomia dos Interiores”, nas suas vertentes arquivística, iconográfica e patrimonial. Com base nas manifestações armoriadas arroladas, vem chamar-se a atenção para o interesse de que a Heráldica se pode revestir para o estudo das artes decorativas existente no interior das casas senhoriais. Mais do que uma análise heráldica praticada em moldes tradicionais – isto é, como instrumento passível de fornecer dados para identificação e datação de comanditários ou de campanhas de obras –, a presente abordagem ambiciona caracterizar, para o período em apreço, o recurso à decoração heráldica tanto em aplicações estruturais do espaço interior, como em objectos de todo o tipo, como elementos decorativos ou funcionais integrados no recheio das casas senhoriais lisboetas. Propõe-se, assim, analisar o conjunto de tais manifestações heráldicas enquanto documento integral que funcionou como forma de auto-representação e de comunicação, conferindo uma mensagem e um sentido concretos aos objectos e aos espaços em que se inseriu.
A ready-mixed and several laboratory formulated mortars were produced and tested in fresh state and after hardening, simulating a masonry plaster for indoor application. All the mortars used a clayish earth from the same region and different compositions of aggregates, eventually including fibres and a phase change material. All the formulated mortars were composed by 1:3 volumetric proportions of earth and aggregate. Tests were developed for consistency, fresh bulk density, thermal conductivity, capillary absorption and drying, water vapour permeability and sorption-desorption. The use of PCM changed drastically the workability of the mortars and increased their capillary absorption. The use of fibres and variations on particle size distribution of the mixtures of sand that were used had no significant influence on tested properties. But particularly the good workability of these mortars and the high capacity of sorption and desorption was highlighted. With this capacity plasters made with these mortars are able to adsorb water vapour from indoor atmosphere when high levels of relative humidity exist and release water vapour when the indoor atmosphere became too dry. This fact makes them able to contribute passively for a healthier indoor environment. The technical, ecological and environmental advantages of the application of plasters with this type of mortars are emphasized, with the aim of contributing for an increased use for new or existent housing.
Due to their exposure to environmental conditions, outer coatings composed by render and painting system are usually the first construction elements to deteriorate and require intervention. A correct conservation and rehabilitation of these materials is fundamental once they provide protection to other façade materials. It is known that old mortar renders were essentially air lime based mortars. To maintain the integrity of the whole wall-render elements, the image of the building and to avoid accelerated degradation, conservation and rehabilitation must be implemented with compatible mortars. As that, lime based mortars would be preferable. It was also common, in ancient renders, the incorporation of ceramic residues, which is, nowadays, an abundant material, especially in Central Region of Portugal. The reuse of these materials has great relevance once their landfilling causes serious environmental issues. In an attempt to combine the environmental and technical advantages of the use of ceramic waste in mortars’ production for rehabilitation purposes, a research has been developed at the University of Coimbra, in cooperation with Nova University of Lisbon, on the long term behaviour of air lime mortars with ceramic residues. In this paper the most significant up to one year results of an experimental campaign with air lime mortars with 1:3 and 1:2 volumetric proportions and ceramic residues are presented.
Due to their high adsorption capacity of water vapor, earthen plasters can act as a moisture buffer, contributing to balance the relative humidity of the indoor environment of buildings. As a consequence of this capacity earthen plasters may also contribute to the perception of thermal comfort, since a high relative humidity increases the thermal conductivity of air and restricts skin evaporation, increasing the discomfort associated with the perception of heat or cold. Simultaneously, earthen plasters may also contribute to the indoor air quality. In one hand, by mitigating health problems of the respiratory system associated with indoor environment with high relative humidity, in which increases the risk of development of microorganisms usually responsible for infections, allergies or asthma. In the other hand, by mitigating the probability of inflammation of the respiratory system airways associated to exceedingly dry indoor environments. Therefore it also becomes expectable that earthen plasters may contribute for reducing the needs for air conditioning and mechanical ventilation in buildings and, thereby, also allowing the reduction of the associated energy consumption. The «Barrocal» region, located in the sedimentary basin of Algarve, South Portugal, presents geomorphological characteristics that promote the occurrence of soils with a clay mineralogy dominated by illite, which is a clay mineral characterized by a high adsorption capacity of water vapor and low expansibility. This fact turns expectable that these soils have a high potential for interior plastering. In order to evaluate this potential four mortars were formulated with an increasing content of clayey soil extracted from a selected clay quarry from «Barrocal» region. The results from the preliminary characterization campaign confirmed the reduced linear shrinkage of these mortars, as well as their high adsorption-desorption capacity, that is positively correlated with the content of clayey soil present in mortar formulation. However, the mechanical tests showed that the mechanical resistance of these mortars should be improved, for instance through the addition of natural fibers for reinforcement, which will be investigated in future research. This research contributed to increase certainty regarding the potential of clayey soils of the «Barrocal» sub-region of Algarve to produce mortars suitable for eco-efficient interior plastering.
Provide instructions and resources for assessment and training in earth building: the Pirate project
This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
High reflective paints (cool paints) are used on flat roofs to reduce heat gains from the incidence of solar radiation and thus improve the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of buildings, especially in summer periods. Given the application potential of these paints on vertical surfaces, a research study has been developed to evaluate the thermal performance of reflective paints on walls under real exposure conditions. Accordingly, different reflective paints have been applied as the final coating of an ETICS type solution, on the facades of a full scale experimental cell built at LNEC campus. For being applied in an ETICS system a paint has to fulfill several requirements, whether aesthetic or functional (such as the adhesion between the coating layers or the durability of the insulation), essential for its efficient performance. Since this construction coating system is subject to a prolonged sun exposure, various problems may arise, such as paint degradation or deterioration of the thermal insulation properties, particularly when dark colors are applied. To evaluate the thermal performance of the chosen paints, the method of non-destructive analysis by Infrared Thermography was used. Thermography allows knowing the temperature distribution of facades by measuring the radiation emitted by their surfaces. To complement the thermographic diagnosis, thermocouples were placed between the insulation and the paint system of the experimental cell. Additional laboratory tests allowed the characterization of the optical properties (reflectance and emittance) of the different reflective paints used in this study. The comparative analysis of the thermal performance of reflective and conventional paints revealed that the reflective paint allows a reduction of the facade surface temperature, reducing the risk of loss of insulating properties of the ETICS system and thus ensuring its longevity and functionality. The color of the paint used affects, naturally, the reflective ability of the surface and may have an important role in energy balance of the building. This paper also showed the potential of infrared thermography in the evaluation of the thermal performance of reflective paints.