1000 resultados para 982.11


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MSTN, also known as growth and differentiation factor 8 (GDF8), and GDF11 are members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) subfamily. They have been thought to be derived from one ancestral gene. In the present study, we report the isolation and characterization of an invertebrate GDF8/11 homolog from the amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense). The amphioxus GDF8/11 gene consists of five exons flanked by four introns, which have two more exons and introns than that of other species. In intron III, a possible transposable element was identified. This suggested that this intron might be derived from transposon. The amphioxus GDF8/11 cDNA encodes a polypeptide of 419 amino acid residues. Phologenetic analysis shows that the GDF8/11 is at the base of vertebrate MSTNs and GDF11s. This result might prove that the GDF8/11 derived from one ancestral gene and the amphioxus GDF8/11 may be the common ancestral gene, and also the gene duplication event generating MSTN and GDF11 occurred before the divergence of vertebrates and after or at the divergence of amphioxus from vertebrates. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction results showed that the GDF8/11 gene was expressed in new fertilized cell, early gastrulation, and knife-shaped embryo, which was different from that in mammals. It suggested that the GDF8/11 gene might possess additional functions other than regulating muscle growth in amphioxus.


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文昌鱼是头索动物,被认为是现存的与脊椎动物最接近的无脊椎动物,经常被看作是分析从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物进化过程的一种重要的模式动物。在本研究中,我们克隆了青岛文昌鱼的GDF8/11、ACTIVIN和NM23-Bbt2基因,并对这些基因在不同胚胎发育时期和不同成体组织中的表达情况进行了分析,同时分析了这些基因的进化情况。 文昌鱼GDF8/11的基因组全长为9.9 kb,包括五个外显子和四个内含子,比其他物种多出两个外显子和两个内含子。在多出的第三个内含子中,我们分离出一个可能的转座因子,这表明这个内含子可能来源于转座子。文昌鱼GDF8/11 cDNA编码一个419个氨基酸的前体多肽,这个前体多肽与软体动物、硬骨鱼类、鸟类和哺乳动物的MSTN以及哺乳动物和斑马鱼的GDF11具有高同源性。系统分析表明文昌鱼GDF8/11位于脊椎动物MSTN和GDF11的根部,这个结果证实MSTN/GDF11来源于同一个祖先基因,并且文昌鱼GDF8/11可能就是他们的共同祖先,产生MSTN和GDF11的基因复制事件发生在脊椎动物分离之前和文昌鱼与脊椎动物分离之后或者分离时。RT-PCR结果表明GDF8/11基因在新受精的细胞、早原肠胚和刀形胚胎中表达,这与哺乳动物中的情况不同。这表明GDF8/11在文昌鱼中除了调节肌肉生长外还可能拥有其他的功能。 文昌鱼ACTIVIN的基因组序列长为6.1 kb,启动子大约长为447 bp,其基因组包括两个外显子和一个内含子,外显子/内含子边界严格遵守GT…AG的原则。文昌鱼ACTIVIN基因编码一个410个氨基酸的前体蛋白,前体蛋白包括信号肽、N-末端结构域和C-末端结构域。文昌鱼ACTIVIN基因演绎的氨基酸序列与脊椎动物比较发现ACTIVIN基因比较保守,特别是C-末端生物活性区。系统进化分析表明脊椎动物和无脊椎动物的ACTIVIN基因分别聚在一起,文昌鱼的ACTIVIN则位于脊椎动物ACTIVIN分支的根部,这表明文昌鱼ACTIVIN基因可能是脊椎动物ACTIVIN同源基因的祖先基因。 文昌鱼NM23-Bbt2 cDNA包括一个编码171个氨基酸的开放阅读框,序列分析表明文昌鱼NM23-Bbt2与其他物种高度保守,他们都包含高度保守的基元,并且这些基元在NM23的功能中扮演着重要的角色。RT-PCR分析表明文昌鱼NM23-Bbt2在所检测的组织和胚胎发育时期中的非特异性的表达模式。系统分析表明脊椎动物和无脊椎动物NM23-H2分别聚在一起,而文昌鱼NM23-Bbt2位于脊椎动物NM23-H2分支的根部,这表明文昌鱼NM23-Bbt2可能是脊椎动物NM23-H2同源基因的祖先基因。从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物的基因组结构比较表明五个外显子和四个内含子的基因组结构可能产生在文昌鱼与脊椎动物分离之前。


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On a reversed phase Hypersil BDS C-18 (200 mm x 4. 6 mm, 5 mu m) column, 20 amino acids, which were derivatized using 2-(11H-benzo [a] carbazol-11-yl) ethyl carbonochloridate (BCEC-Cl) as pre-column derivatization reagent, were separated in conjunction with a gradient elution. Optimum derivatization was obtained by reacting of amino acids with BCEC-Cl at room temperature for 5 min in the presence of sodium borate catalyst in acetonitrile solvent. The fluorescence excitation and emission wavelengths were 279 nm and 380 nm respectively. The identification of amino acid derivatives from hydrolyzed bovine serum albumin and bee pollen was carried out by post-column mass spectrometry with electrospray ion source in positive ion mode. Linear correlation coefficients of the amino acid derivatives were > 0.9990, and detection limits (at signal to noise of 3:1) were 1.49 - 19.74 fmol for the labeled amino acids.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of amines using a labeling reagent 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl chloroformate (BCEC-Cl) followed by high-performance, liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives was carried out by LC/APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The chromophore of 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) reagent was replaced by 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent BCEC-Cl. BCEC-Cl could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M+ H](+) under APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision-induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 261.8 and m/z 243.8 corresponding to the cleavages of CH2O-CO and CH2-OCO bonds. Studies on derivatization demonstrated excellent derivative yields over the pH 9.0-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% were observed with three- to four-fold molar reagent excess. In addition, the detection responses for BCEC-derivatives were compared to those obtained using 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) and 9-fluorenyl methylchloroformate, (FMOC-Cl) as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEC/I-BCEOC = 1.94-2.17 and I-BCEC/I-FMOC = 1.04-2.19 for fluorescent (FL) responses (here, I was relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the derivatized amines had been optimized on reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from 0.50 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 1.77-14.4 fmol. The relative standard deviations for within-day determination (n = 11) were 1.84-2.89% for the tested amines. The mean intra- and inter-assay precision for all amines levels were < 3.64% and 2.52%, respectively. The mean recoveries ranged from 96.6% to 107.1% with their standard deviations in the range of 0.8-2.7. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9996. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to discover the distribution law of the remaining oil, the paper focuses on the quantitative characterization of the reservoir heterogeneity and the distribution law of the fluid barrier and interbed, based on fine geological study of the reservoir in Liuhuall-1 oil field. The refined quantitative reservoir geological model has been established by means of the study of core analysis, logging evaluation on vertical well and parallel well, and seismic interpretation and prediction. Utilizing a comprehensive technology combining dynamic data with static data, the distribution characteristics, formation condition and controlling factors of remaining oil in Liuhuall-1 oil field have been illustrated. The study plays an important role in the enrichment regions of the remaining oil and gives scientific direction for the next development of the remaining oil. Several achievements have been obtained as follows: l.On the basis of the study of reservoir division and correlation,eight lithohorizons (layer A, B_1, B_2, B_3, C, D, E, and F) from the top to the bottom of the reservoir are discriminated. The reef facies is subdivided into reef-core facies, fore-reef facies and backreef facies. These three subfacies are further subdivided into five microfacies: coral algal limestone, coralgal micrite, coral algal clastic limestone, bioclastic limestone and foraminiferal limestone. In order to illustrate the distribution law of remaining oil in high watercut period, the stratigraphic structure model and sedimentary model are reconstructed. 2.1n order to research intra-layer, inter-layer and plane reservoir heterogeneity, a new method to characterize reservoir heterogeneity by using IRH (Index of Reservoir Heterogeneity) is introduced. The result indicates that reservoir heterogeneity is medium in layer B_1 and B_3, hard in layer A, B_2, C, E, poor in layer D. 3.Based on the study of the distribution law of fluid barrier and interbed, the effect of fluid battier and interbed on fluid seepage is revealed. Fluid barrier and interbed is abundant in layer A, which control the distribution of crude oil in reservoir. Fluid barrier and interbed is abundant relatively in layer B_2,C and E, which control the spill movement of the bottom water. Layer B_1, B_3 and D tend to be waterflooded due to fluid barrier and interbed is poor. 4.Based on the analysis of reservoir heterogeneity, fluid barrier and interbed and the distribution of bottom water, four contributing regions are discovered. The main lies on the north of well LH11-1A. Two minors lie on the east of well LH11-1-3 and between well LH11-1-3 and well LH11-1-5. The last one lies in layer E in which the interbed is discontinuous. 5.The parameters of reservoir and fluid are obtained recurring to core analysis, logging evaluation on vertical well and parallel well, and seismic interpretation and prediction. Theses parameters provide data for the quantitative characterization of the reservoir heterogeneity and the distribution law of the fluid barrier and interbed. 6.1n the paper, an integrated method about the distribution prediction of remaining oil is put forward on basis of refined reservoir geological model and reservoir numerical simulation. The precision in history match and prediction of remaining oil is improved greatly. The integrated study embodies latest trend in this research field. 7.It is shown that the enrichment of the remaining oil with high watercut in Liuhua 11-1 oil field is influenced by reservoir heterogeneity, fluid barrier and interbed, sealing property of fault, driving manner of bottom water and exploitation manner of parallel well. 8.Using microfacies, IRH, reservoir structure, effective thickness, physical property of reservoir, distribution of fluid barrier and interbed, the analysis of oil and water movement and production data, twelve new sidetracked holes are proposed and demonstrated. The result is favorable to instruct oil field development and have gotten a good effect.


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儿童的故事重述涉及工作记忆和抽象表征能力,是与儿童的日常学业任务密切联系。儿童能否把握时间线索来组织故事重述,反映的是儿童抽象出故事事件内在时间关系的能力,因此对儿童故事重述的探查可以揭示儿童抽象思维发展的一般规律和特点。本研究在前人研究的基础上,系统探查了7-11岁儿童故事重述能力及其策略的发展过程,探讨了时间线索对儿童故事重述的影响,并对ADHD儿童和正常儿童的故事重述及策略进行了比较。 主要研究结果如下: (1)7-11岁儿童故事重述能力总体上随年龄增长而提高,按正确顺序重述的事件数量增多,重述过程中提取和使用的时间线索也增加。其中7-9岁有较快速的发展。 (2)随故事中包含的事件数量的增加,故事难度增大,儿童的故事重述成绩有所下降,故事长度对7岁和9岁儿童的影响大于对11岁儿童的影响。 (3)有、无时间线索语词会影响儿童的故事重述。故事中包含时间语词线索有助于儿童的故事重述。11岁儿童的故事重述已不受有、无时间线索的影响,他们在无时间线索的条件下,更多地主动使用表示因果关系的语词来表征事件关系。 (4)ADHD儿童的故事重述能力在9岁到11岁有较快的发展。但总体而言,ADHD儿童对含有时间线索故事的重述能力显著差于正常儿童。 (5)故事再学习对ADHD儿童和正常儿童的故事重述都存在促进作用。但ADHD儿童故事再学习效果不如正常儿童,低龄儿童中差距尤其明显,随着年龄的增加,ADHD儿童与正常儿童故事再学习效果的差距逐渐缩小。 (6)不同年龄的儿童主要采用四种策略解决问题。随年龄增长,正常儿童和ADHD儿童中使用水平较高的内容主线和逻辑关系策略的人数都有所增加。但ADHD儿童中高水平策略使用人数比例仍低于正常儿童。


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