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AND logic gate behaviour can be recognized in chemical-responsive luminescence phenomena concerning small molecules. Though initial developments concerned separate and distinguishable chemical species as inputs, consideration of other types of input sets allows substantial expansion of the sub-field. Dissection of these molecular devices into modules, where possible, enables analysis of their logic behaviour according to supramolecular photochemical mechanisms.


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An electron immunogold-labeling technique was used in conjunction with a post-embedding procedure to demonstrate for the first time the ultrastructural distribution of the parasitic platyhelminth neuropeptide, neuropeptide F (NPF), in the nervous system of the cestode Moniezia expansa. Two axon types, distinguished by their populations of different-sized electron-dense vesicles, were identified. Immunogold labeling demonstrated an apparent homogeneity of PP, FMRFamide and NPF (M. expansa) antigenic sites throughout the larger dense-cored vesicles within the central nervous system. Triple labeling clearly demonstrated the co-localisation of immunoreactivities (IR) for NPF, PP and FMRFamide within the same dense-cored vesicles. The presence of NPF-IR within the vesicles occupying the perikaryon of the neuronal cell body indicated that the peptides had undergone post-translational C-terminal amidation prior to entering the axon. Antigen pre-absorption experiments using NPF prevented labeling with either PP or FMRFamide antisera, and the failure of these antisera to block NPF-IR supports the view that some, if not all, of the PP/FMRFamide-IR is due to NPF-like peptides.


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Body size determines a host of species traits that can affect the structure and dynamics of food webs, and other ecological networks, across multiple scales of organization. Measuring body size provides a relatively simple means of encapsulating and condensing a large amount of the biological information embedded within an ecological network. Recently, important advances have been made by incorporating body size into theoretical models that explore food web stability, the patterning of energy fluxes, and responses to perturbations. Because metabolic constraints underpin bodysize scaling relationships, metabolic theory offers a potentially useful new framework within which to develop novel models to describe the structure and functioning of ecological networks and to assess the probable consequences of biodiversity change.


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1. We examined the empirical relationship between predator-prey body size ratio and interaction strength in the Ythan Estuary food web.


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This paper examines a significant accounting innovation in central government accounting – the introduction of Resource Accounting and Budgeting (RAB) in the UK. This innovation is studied through the lens of Rogers diffusion theory. The study setting is the Scotland Parliament. This research shows that, in the terms of diffusion theory, RAB can be classified as an accounting innovation. However, the implementation of RAB is problematic. While the reform of the UK central government system was initially sought as a mechanism to enhance democratic accountability, this paper shows that RAB does not connect with parliamentarians. The introduction of RAB flows as much from a managerial agenda as it does from the aim of democratic accountability.


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Out of 2,409 clinical cases analysed over an eight-week period, 199 (8.2 per cent) were of a dermatological nature. Atopic eczema, warts, seborrhoeic eczema and acne vulgaris were encountered most frequently. The reaction to a skin clinic in the general practice, with access to liquid nitrogen, electrocautery and histopathology is described. Treatment of patients is summarized. It is suggested that having a practice skin clinic reduces the rate of hospital referrals by two thirds.


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In recent years external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) has been proposed as a treatment for the wet form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) where choroidal neovascularization (CNV) is the hallmark. While the majority of pilot (Phase I) studies have reported encouraging results, a few have found no benefit, i.e. EBRT was not found to result in either improvement or stabilization of visual acuity of the treated eye. The natural history of visual loss in untreated CNV of AMD is highly variable. Loss of vision is influenced mainly by the presenting acuity, and size and composition of the lesion, and to a lesser extent by a variety of other factors. Thus the variable outcome reported by the small Phase I studies of EBRT published to date may simply reflect the variation in baseline factors. We therefore obtained information on 409 patients treated with EBRT from eight independent centres, which included details of visual acuity at baseline and at subsequent follow-up visits. Analysis of the data showed that 22.5% and 14.9% of EBRT-treated eyes developed moderate and severe loss of vision, respectively, during an average follow-up of 13 months. Initial visual acuity, which explained 20.5% of the variation in visual loss, was the most important baseline factor studied. Statistically significant differences in loss of vision were observed between centres, after considering the effects of case mix factors. Comparisons with historical data suggested that while moderate visual loss was similar to that of the natural history of the disease, the likelihood of suffering severe visual loss was halved. However, the benefit in terms of maintained/improved vision in the treated eye was modest.


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Consumption of arsenic (As) wine is a traditional activity during the classic Chinese festival of Duanwu, colloquially known worldwide as the Dragon Boat Day. Arsenic wine is drunk on the morning of the fifth day of the fifth lunar calendar month to commemorate the death of Qu Yuan, a famed Chinese poet who drowned himself in protest of a corrupt government, and to protect against ill fortune. Although realgar minerals are characteristically composed of sparingly soluble tetra-arsenic tetra-sulfides (As(4)S(4)), purity does vary with up to 10% of As being present as non-sulfur bound species, such as arsenate (As(v)) and arsenite (As(III)). Despite, the renewed interest in As speciation and the bioaccessibility of the active As components in realgar based Chinese medicines, little is known about the safety surrounding the cultural practice of drinking As wine. In a series of experiments the speciation and solubility of As in a range of wines were investigated. Furthermore, a simulated gastrointestinal system was employed to predict the impact of digestive processes on As bioavailability. The predominant soluble As species found in all the wines were As(III) and As(v). Based on typical As wine recipes employing 0.1 g realgar mL(-1) wine, the concentration of dissolved As ranged from ca. 100 to 400 mg L(-1) depending on the ethanol content of the preparation: with the As solubility found to be higher in wines with a lower proportion of ethanol. Based on a common 100 mL measure of wine with a concentration of 400 mg As L(-1), the amount of soluble As would equate to around half of the acute minimal lethal dose for adults. This is likely an underestimate of the bioaccessible concentration, as a three-fold increase in bioaccessibility could be observed in the intestinal phase based on the results from the stimulated gastrointestinal system. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.