993 resultados para 330-U1377A


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In western civilization, the knowledge of the elasmobranch or selachian fishes (sharks and rays) begins with Aristotle (384–322 B.C.). Two of his extant works, the “Historia Animalium” and the “Generation of Animals,” both written about 330 B.C., demonstrate knowledge of elasmobranch fishes acquired by observation. Roman writers of works on natural history, such as Aelian and Pliny, who followed Aristotle, were compilers of available information. Their contribution was that they prevented the Greek knowledge from being lost, but they added few original observations. The fall of Rome, around 476 A.D., brought a period of economic regression and political chaos. These in turn brought intellectual thought to a standstill for nearly one thousand years, the period known as the Dark Ages. It would not be until the middle of the sixteenth century, well into the Renaissance, that knowledge of elasmobranchs would advance again. The works of Belon, Salviani, Rondelet, and Steno mark the beginnings of ichthyology, including the study of sharks and rays. The knowledge of sharks and rays increased slowly during and after the Renaissance, and the introduction of the Linnaean System of Nomenclature in 1735 marks the beginning of modern ichthyology. However, the first major work on sharks would not appear until the early nineteenth century. Knowledge acquired about sea animals usually follows their economic importance and exploitation, and this was also true with sharks. The first to learn about sharks in North America were the native fishermen who learned how, when, and where to catch them for food or for their oils. The early naturalists in America studied the land animals and plants; they had little interest in sharks. When faunistic works on fishes started to appear, naturalists just enumerated the species of sharks that they could discern. Throughout the U.S. colonial period, sharks were seldom utilized for food, although their liver oil or skins were often utilized. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, was the only shark species utilized in a large scale on both coasts. It was fished for its liver oil, which was used as a lubricant, and for lighting and tanning, and for its skin which was used as an abrasive. During the early part of the twentieth century, the Ocean Leather Company was started to process sea animals (primarily sharks) into leather, oil, fertilizer, fins, etc. The Ocean Leather Company enjoyed a monopoly on the shark leather industry for several decades. In 1937, the liver of the Soupfin Shark, Galeorhinus galeus, was found to be a rich source of vitamin A, and because the outbreak of World War II in 1938 interrupted the shipping of vitamin A from European sources, an intensive shark fishery soon developed along the U.S. West Coast. By 1939 the American shark leather fishery had transformed into the shark liver oil fishery of the early 1940’s, encompassing both coasts. By the late 1940’s, these fisheries were depleted because of overfishing and fishing in the nursery areas. Synthetic vitamin A appeared on the market in 1950, causing the fishery to be discontinued. During World War II, shark attacks on the survivors of sunken ships and downed aviators engendered the search for a shark repellent. This led to research aimed at understanding shark behavior and the sensory biology of sharks. From the late 1950’s to the 1980’s, funding from the Office of Naval Research was responsible for most of what was learned about the sensory biology of sharks.


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系统获得性抗性(Systematic acquired resistance, SAR)是植物抵御病原菌侵染的最有效手段,利用基因工程技术导入SAR信号发生过程中的关键基因后,植物的SAR基因表达量提高并且对病原菌侵染的反应速度加快,因此植物的抗病性得以增强,与传统的抗病基因工程技术相比它对病原菌没有专一性,许多学者称之为广谱抗病基因工程,该领域已成为目前抗病基因工程研究的热点和前沿。 NDR1和NPR1基因在植物的SAR发生中起着重要的作用,前者功能定位在ROS(reactive oxygen species)的激活和随后的水杨酸(SA)诱导合成之间,突变株病原菌诱导后SA合成能力降低,SAR发生减弱,目前还没有对该基因进行过量表达分析的报道;后者功能定位在SAR信号转导级联反应之中的SA积累和随后的SAR基因表达之间。该突变株在病原菌侵染时不产生病程相关蛋白(PRs),表现为感病,而对照抗病;过量表达该基因的转基因拟南芥对多种病原菌的侵染产生抗性,PR1等PRs蛋白的表达量也提高,异源表达该基因的水稻对白叶枯病的抗性也提高。本研究利用RT-PCR方法从拟南芥中克隆了这两种基因,序列分析表明拟南芥Wassilewskija生态型的NDR1基因与Columbia生态型相比,共有7处碱基不同,引起编码氨基酸变化4处,而NPR1基因与报道的Wassilewskija生态型来源的NPR1基因完全相同。 我们构建了35S启动子驱动的NDR1和NPR1基因的植物组成型高效表达载体,利用农杆菌介导法转化烟草,PCR和Southern鉴定外源基因已经整合到植物基因组中。抗病性分析显示过量表达NDR1和NPR1基因的烟草对晚疫病和赤星病的抗性都有明显提高,说明这两个基因的在其它植物中异源表达后,都能提高植物对多种病原菌的抗性。 本论文提出了利用这两个基因来培育抗黄萎病棉花的设想,一方面为解决这个“世纪性”难题积累新的资料,另一方面也为其它作物的抗病基因工程提供新的经验。利用35S启动子驱动的NDR1和NPR1基因的植物组成型表达载体分别对陆地棉品种石远321进行花粉管通道法转化。同时,还探讨了这两个基因在棉花中的共转化实验,希望它们的“协同增效”能进一步提高棉花的抗病性。对其中2001年夏天在南京注射所获得的5,000粒种子在三亚进行100 g/ml卡那霉素筛选,初步鉴定分别获得转NDR1和NPR1基因株系26和24棵,PCR进一步鉴定其中分别有12和7棵为转基因阳性,转基因频率分别为0.50%和0.27%,目前利用营养钵蘸根法对其二代进行抗枯、黄萎病鉴定,结果显示有转基因植株对枯、黄萎病的抗性都明显增强,进一步的鉴定正在进行中。2002年初海南注射分别获得转NDR1和NPR1基因以及共转化种子22,000、10,500和12,500粒种子,2002年夏在中国农科院植保所黄萎菌病圃筛选抗黄萎病单株,并利用100 g/ml卡那霉素初步筛选出了一批抗性植株,每种转基因株系随机挑选5株进行PCR鉴定,结果显示为阳性。进一步的抗黄萎病鉴定和筛选以及分子分析正在进行中。 同时,本文还探讨了病原菌诱导型启动子在广谱抗病基因工程应用的可能性。根据烟草的Pr1-a启动子已知序列设计引物,PCR扩增启动子序列后,构建病原菌诱导型NPR1基因植物表达载体,并对棉花进行转化,获得种子11,500粒,利用同上的筛选方法,获得了一致的结果,目前抗黄萎病鉴定、分子检测以及生物学分析正在进行中。 最后,鉴于抗生素标记在转基因植物的应用引起了许多“安全性”争论的事实,还构建了无筛选标记的表达载体对抗虫棉进行转化,这样在生产上可以直接获得抗虫棉抗黄萎病棉花新材料,也为其它作物抗病基因工程积累经验。 本研究还提出了一种较为有效的提取高质量棉花总RNA的方法,与原来一些棉花RNA纯化方法相比,该方法所用都为常规试剂,易于重复,质量高。并且利用获得的总RNA构建了黄萎菌激发子诱导的cDNA文库,滴度测定为1╳107pfμ/μg,插入片段大小在5 00~2 000 bp范围内。 鉴于NPR1基因研究的重要性,本研究还利用简并引物PCR技术从海岛棉和陆地棉的基因组中都分离到了NPR1基因的同源片段,大小都为208 bp,与拟南芥NPR1基因的相应部分的同源性分别为66%和65%,它们之间的同源性为87%,目前该基因的全长正在分离鉴定中。 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(PGIPs)在植物的防御反应中起着重要的作用,通过分析已知20余种pgip基因序列的保守区,设计简并引物,PCR扩增海岛棉(Gossypium barbadense)7124 cDNA文库,得到一条长561 bp的片段,序列测定后分析确认为pgip基因的一部分。根据此序列和棉花病原菌诱导的cDNA文库载体中已知部分设计RACE引物,扩增后,5’和3’RACE分别得到666bp和906 bp的片段。序列分析表明它具有完整的编码框,产物为330 aa的蛋白质。序列分析该蛋白具有10个串联的LRR(leucine-rich repeat)区,与柑桔(Citrus)和枳(Poncirus)的pgip基因的同源性分别为69.2%和68.7%。进一步PCR扩增得到该基因的全长阅读框,并且获得了相应的基因组片段,序列分析发现该基因没有内含子。这是从棉属植物中克隆的第一个pgip基因。


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The growth performance of a predatory snakehead, Channa striatus was tested by supplying tadpoles of Rana tigrina and fingerlings of Puntius gonionotus and Labeo rohita as prey for a period of 21 days in aquaria. Prey consumption by C. striatus was significantly different (P<0.05) for different prey used (T1 - R. tigrina, T2 - P. gonionotus, T3 - L. rohita). Tadpoles of R. tigrina were preferred by the predator (C. striatus) over P. gonionotus and L. rohita although tadpole is nutritionally inferior to each of P. gonionotus and L. rohita. Each predator rayed on 50-330 mg per day per g of their body weight. Fish preyed on tadpoles also showed the highest growth. Significant difference in weight gain was found between T1 and T2 and also between T1 and T3 but no difference was found between T2 and T3. Food conversion ratio (FCR) was found to be lowest in treatment T3 followed by the treatments T2 and T1 respectively.


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The demand for brooders of Penaeus monodon by the hatcheries, which are solely dependant on wild brooders for their seed production, has resulted in a vigorous fishery and trade for this species, especially along the Visakhapatnam coast. More than three hundred brooders are brought in per day for trading during the peak landing season from December to March every year. The price of gravid brooders has been declining over the years but on an average is about Rs. 30,000 per brooder. The total length of male brooders ranged from 190 to 246 mm during the three years under study and for females it varied between 210 and 330 mm. A specialized methodology for transportation, storage and trade of P. monodon brooders has been evolved over the years at Visakhapatnam Fishing Harbour. Concentrated exploitation of brooders from the wild and presence of pathogens in them makes a strong case for development of specific pathogen free brooders and conservation of wild stock.


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