984 resultados para 318-U1357B


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This study examines the importance of change in characteristics and circumstances ofhouseholds and household members for contact and cooperation patterns. The literaturesuggests that there might be an underrepresentation of change in panel studies, becauserespondents facing more changes would be more likely to drop out. We approach this problemby analysing whether previous changes are predictive of later attrition or temporary drop-out,using eleven waves of the Swiss Household Panel (1999-2009). Our analyses supportprevious findings to some extent. Changes in household composition, employment status andsocial involvement as well as moving are associated mainly with attrition and less withtemporary drop-out. These changes affect obtaining cooperation rather than obtaining contact,and tend to increase attrition.


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The Totalp-Platta-Malenco ophiolites in the Eastern Central Alps offer a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of Li, Be and B in ultramafic rocks in response to serpentinization and to progressive Alpine metamorphism. These units represent the remnants of a former ocean-continent transition that was intensely serpentinized during exposure on the Jurassic seafloor of the Ligurian Tethys. From north to the south, three isograd reactions (lizardite double right arrow antigorite + brucite; lizardite + talc double right arrow antigorite; lizardite + tremolite double right arrow antigorite + diopside) have been used to quantify the evolution of the light element content of metamorphic minerals. We determined the Li, Be and B concentrations in major silicate minerals from the ultramafic bodies of Totalp, Platta and Malenco by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Mantle minerals have Be concentrations (e.g. <0.001-0.009 mu g/g in olivine) similar to the metamorphic minerals that replace them (e.g. <0.001-0.016 mu g/g in serpentine). The mantle signature of Be is thus neither erased during seafloor alteration nor by progressive metamorphism from prehnite-pumpellyite to epidote-amphibolite facies. In contrast, the Li and B inventories of metamorphic minerals are related to the lizardite-to-antigorite transition. Both elements display higher concentrations in the low-temperature serpentine polymorph lizardite (max. 156 mu/g Li, max. 318 mu g/g B) than in antigorite (max. 0.11 mu g/g Li, max. 12 mu g/g B). Calculated average B/Li ratios for lizardite (similar to 1395) and antigorite (similar to 115) indicate that Li fractionates from B during the lizardite-to-antigorite transition during prograde metamorphism in ultramafic rocks. In subduction zones, this signature is likely to be recorded in the B-rich nature of forearc fluids. Relative to oceanic mantle the Be content of mantle clinopyroxene is much higher, but similar to Be values from mantle xenoliths and subduction-related peridotite massifs. These data support previous hypothesis that the mantle rocks from the Eastern Central Alps have a subcontinental origin. We conclude that Be behaves conservatively during subduction metamorphism of ultramafic rocks, at least at low-temperature, and thus retains the fingerprint of ancient subduction-related igneous events in mantle peridotites. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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One of the challenges of tumour immunology remains the identification of strongly immunogenic tumour antigens for vaccination. Reverse immunology, that is, the procedure to predict and identify immunogenic peptides from the sequence of a gene product of interest, has been postulated to be a particularly efficient, high-throughput approach for tumour antigen discovery. Over one decade after this concept was born, we discuss the reverse immunology approach in terms of costs and efficacy: data mining with bioinformatic algorithms, molecular methods to identify tumour-specific transcripts, prediction and determination of proteasomal cleavage sites, peptide-binding prediction to HLA molecules and experimental validation, assessment of the in vitro and in vivo immunogenic potential of selected peptide antigens, isolation of specific cytolytic T lymphocyte clones and final validation in functional assays of tumour cell recognition. We conclude that the overall low sensitivity and yield of every prediction step often requires a compensatory up-scaling of the initial number of candidate sequences to be screened, rendering reverse immunology an unexpectedly complex approach.


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Newsletter for Economic Development


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The vascular effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are mediated by the inhibition of the dual action of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE): production of angiotensin II and degradation of bradykinin. The deleterious effect of converting enzyme inhibitors (CEI) on neonatal renal function have been ascribed to the elevated activity of the renin-angiotensin system. In order to clarify the role of bradykinin in the CEI-induced renal dysfunction of the newborn, the effect of perindoprilat was investigated in anesthetized newborn rabbits with intact or inhibited bradykinin B2 receptors. Inulin and PAH clearances were used as indices of GFR and renal plasma flow, respectively. Perindoprilat (20 microg/kg i.v.) caused marked systemic and renal vasodilation, reflected by a fall in blood pressure and renal vascular resistance. GFR decreased, while urine flow rate did not change. Prior inhibition of the B2 receptors by Hoe 140 (300 microg/kg s.c.) did not prevent any of the hemodynamic changes caused by perindoprilat, indicating that bradykinin accumulation does not contribute to the CEI-induced neonatal renal effects. A control group receiving only Hoe 140 revealed that BK maintains postglomerular vasodilation via B2 receptors in basal conditions. Thus, the absence of functional B2 receptors in the newborn was not responsible for the failure of Hoe 140 to prevent the perindoprilat-induced changes. Species- and/or age-related differences in the kinin-metabolism could explain these results, suggesting that in the newborn rabbit other kininases than ACE are mainly responsible for the degradation of bradykinin.


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INTRODUCTION: Symptomatic foraminal stenosis has been observed in patients with degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, asymmetrical disc degeneration and spondylolisthesis. Nevertheless not all patients with the above pathologies will develop symptomatic foraminal stenosis. We hypothesised that symptomatic patients have anatomical predisposition to foraminal stenosis, namely a larger pedicle height (PH) to vertebral body height (VH) ratio, leaving less room below the pedicle for the exiting nerve root compared to asymptomatic patients. PATIENT SAMPLE: 66 Patients were divided in two groups. The surgical group consisted of 37 patients (average age of 61 years) who presented with severe radicular symptoms resisting to conservative measures and requiring decompression and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF). The control group consisted of 29 patients (average age of 51 years) presenting with low back pain (LBP) but with no radicular symptoms and who were treated conservatively. METHODS: We measured VH at the level of the posterior wall as well as PH on parasagittal images (CT or MRI) on all lumbar levels (L1 to L5). Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t test. RESULTS: No difference in PH was found between the two groups for L1 to L4 levels. By contrast, there was a highly statistically significant difference in VH between the two groups from L1 to L4 level. In the surgical group, the VH was smaller (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Symptomatic patients with foraminal stenosis have smaller VH leading to lesser space beneath the pedicle and putting the exiting nerve root at risk in cases of spondylolisthesis or disc degeneration.


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RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE : L'hirsutisme, l'acné et l'alopécie chez la femme sont souvent associés à des troubles menstruels et à une production excessive d'androgènes, raison pour laquelle ces symptômes cutanés font l'objet d'évaluation endocrinienne. L'hyperandrogénie affecte 5 à 10 % des femmes en âge de reproduction et constitue un motif fréquent de consultation. Récemment, les sociétés d'endocrinologie ont émis des recommandations sur l'investigation et le traitement de l'hyperandrogénie. Longtemps confrontés à la demande de patientes souffrant d'hirsutisme, d'acné ou d'alopécie, nous avons décidé d'effectuer une approche diagnostique et thérapeutique comportant des dosages hormonaux et un traitement antiandrogénique. Un grand nombre de patientes a été ainsi étudié au fil des années. Les paramètres mesurés incluaient la testostérone plasmatique totale, l'androstènedione, le sulfate de déhydroépiandrostérone (DHEAS), la sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) et la testostérone salivaire. Cette dernière est considérée comme un bon reflet de la testostérone libre plasmatique, indépendamment des protéines de liaison. L'analyse rétrospective des dossiers nous a permis de comparer nos données avec celles de la littérature. Des 318 dossiers de patientes ayant consulté notre Service pour hirsutisme, acné ou alopécie pendant 6 ans, 228 ont pu être retenus pour une évaluation adéquate. Chez les patientes présentant ces symptômes de façon isolée, les taux d'androgènes et la prévalence de l'oligo-aménorhée étaient plus élevés en cas d'hirsutisme qu'en cas d'alopécie, avec des valeurs intermédiaires en cas d'acné. Aucun des androgènes mesurés ne permettait, à lui seul, d'identifier tous les cas d'hyperandrogénie, mais la testostérone salivaire a montré la meilleure corrélation positive avec l'hirsutisme, alors que la testostérone plasmatique totale montrait la moins bonne corrélation, et l'androstènedione, le DHEAS et la SHBG des corrélations intermédiaires (corrélation négative pour la SHBG). De plus, au cours du traitement antiandrogénique, la testostérone salivaire a montré l'abaissement proportionnel le plus marqué de tous les androgénes mesurés. Comparées aux patientes originaires d'Europe centrale, les patientes originaires d'Europe du sud consultaient avec des degrés d'hirsutisme supérieurs, mais aucune différence n'a été observée dans les corrélations entre l'hirsutisme et les taux hormonaux de ces deux groupes. En l'absence d'un nombre suffisant d'échographies ovariennes, .la prévalence du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques a été probablement sous-estimée (63 patientes, 27.6 % des cas), au bénéfice du diagnostic d'hyperandrogénie avec euménorrhée (101, 44.3 %); les autres diagnostics étaient: androgénes normaux (51, 22.4%), SHBG basse isolée (7, 3.1%), hyperplasie surrénalienne congénitale non-classique (4, 1.8%), et tumeur ovarienne (2, 0.9%). Nous avons comparé les divers traitements médicaux de l'hirsutisme publiés au cours des 25 dernières années, quant à leur efficacité et leur coût. La sensibilisation à l'insuline avec metformin est moins efficace, mais aussi moins chère. L'anti-androgène flutamide et l'inhibiteur de la 5-α reductase finastéride figurent parmi les traitements les plus performants, mais ils sont aussi les plus chers. Le traitement anti-androgénique et de suppression hormonale avec acétate de cyprotérone et éthinyloestradiol, utilisé dans cette étude, est également parmi les plus efficaces, tout en étant nettement moins cher. Cette étude est la première comparant directement les taux d'androgènes et la prévalence de l'oligoaménorrhée dans les 3 symptômes cutanés d'hyperandrogénie, hirsutisme, acné et alopécie, et elle démontre leur différente dépendance aux androgènes. La salive apparait comme un milieu de choix pour identifier ces patientes et la recommandation actuelle de doser la testostérone plasmatique totale en premier, pour distinguer l'hyperandrogénie de l'hirsutisme idiopathique, nous paraît inadéquate. Nous proposons, au contraire, d'abandonner ce dosage au profit de celui de la testostérone salivaire. Par ailleurs, notre étude infirme l'hypothèse d'une sensibilité cutanée accrue aux androgènes chez les femmes originaires du sud de l'Europe. Finalement, elle est la seule à comparer les effets cliniques, les changements biologiques et le coût annuel des traitements publiés de l'hirsutisme.


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Trata-se de um estudo ecológico. Objetivou-se analisar as trajetórias dos nascimentos no município do Rio de Janeiro e identificar a relação entre oferta de serviços de saúde e fluxo de gestantes entre local de residência e a maternidade. Foram utilizados dados dos Sistemas de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) de 2004. O processamento e mapeamento dos dados foram feitos através do programa TabWin. O SINASC processou 99.042 declarações de nascidos vivos e o SIM processou 1.318 declarações de óbitos em menores de um ano no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Concluiu-se que a possibilidade de intervenção no perfil da mortalidade infantil e materna desloca-se cada vez mais para a esfera dos serviços de saúde, e o acesso à assistência de qualidade tem papel fundamental na determinação da mortalidade. Deve-se investigar a existência de desigualdades no acesso a tais serviços.


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Background: Analyzing social differences in the health of adolescents is a challenge. The accuracy of adolescent's report on familial socio-economic position is unknown. The aims of the study were to examine the validity of measuring occupational social class and family level of education reported by adolescents aged 12 to 18, and the relationship between social position and self-reported health.Methods: A sample of 1453 Spanish adolescents 12 to 18 years old from urban and rural areas completed a self-administered questionnaire including the Child Health and Illness Profile-Adolescent Edition (CHIP-AE), and data on parental occupational social class (OSC) and level of education (LE). The responsible person for a sub-sample of teenagers (n = 91) were interviewed by phone. Kappa coefficients were estimated to analyze agreement between adolescents and proxy-respondents, and logistic regression models were adjusted to analyze factors associated with missing answers and disagreements. Effect size (ES) was calculated to analyze the relationship between OSC, LE and the CHIP-AE domain scores.Results: Missing answers were higher for father's (24.2%) and mother's (45.7%) occupational status than for parental education (8.4%, and 8.1% respectively), and belonging to a non-standard family was associated with more incomplete reporting of social position (OR = 4,98; 95%CI = 1,3–18,8) as was agreement between a parent and the adolescent. There were significant social class gradients, most notably for aspects of health related to resilience to threats to illness.ConclusionAdolescents can acceptably self-report on family occupation and level of education. Social class gradients are present in important aspects of health in adolescents.