435 resultados para 2202 Electromagnetismo


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La presente tesis es un estudio dedicado a la optimización y desarrollo de sistemas del tipo juntura túnel. La metodología utilizada para la realización de la tesis consistió, en primer lugar, en la optimización de las componentes independientes de la juntura túnel: electrodo y barrera aislante. Posteriormente se optimizaron los procesos de fabricación para el desarrollo y caracterización de dispositivos del tipo juntura túnel en su forma final. En la primera parte de la tesis se analizan detalladamente los resultados obtenidos de la caracterización eléctrica y topografica de barreras aislantes en sistemas electrodo - barrera. Los sistemas bicapas estudiados, GdBa_2Cu_3_7/SrTiO_3, Nb/Ba_0,05Sr_0,95TiO_3 y YBa_2Cu_3O_7/SrTiO_3, fueron caracterizados utilizando un microscopio de fuerza atómica en modo conductor. Se propuso un modelo fenomenológico basado en los resultados experimentales, que permitió la obtención de parámetros críticos para el desarrollo de dispositivos del tipo juntura túnel con nuevas funcionalidades. La información obtenida de la caracterización de los sistemas bicapas (homogeneidad de crecimiento, baja densidad de defectos y de pinholes) indican un muy buen control de los parámetros de crecimiento de las barreras. Por otro lado, se obtuvo un buen comportamiento aislante para espesores mayores a 2 nm sin la presencia de pinholes en la barrera. La similitud en la estequiometría de las barreras (SrTiO_3) permitió comparar los distintos sistemas estudiados en términos de conductividad eléctrica. Se verificó que el modelo fenomenológico permite comparar la conductividad eléctrica de los sistemas mediante uno de los parámetros definidos en el modelo fenomenológico (obtenido de los ajustes lineales de las curvas I(V)). De los 3 sistemas estudiados, las bicapas GdBa_2Cu_3O_7/SrTiO_3 presentaron un mayor valor de longitud de atenuación de los portadores de carga a través de la barrera y una muy baja densidad de defectos superficiales. Las bicapas YBa_2Cu_3O_7/SrTiO_3 y Nb/Ba_0,05Sr_0,95TiO_3 permitieron validar el modelo fenomenológico propuesto para el análisis de la respuesta corriente - voltaje obtenida con el microscopio de fuerza atómica en modo conductor. La segunda parte de la tesis abarca conceptos de magnetismo y microfabricación para el desarrollo de junturas túnel magnéticas. Durante la caracterización de las películas ferromagnéticas individuales de Co_90Fe_10 (CoFe) se logró aumentar valor del campo coercitivo de films de 10 nm de espesor al incrementar la temperatura de depósito. Esto se debe a un aumento del tamaño de grano de los films. El aumento de la temperatura del sustrato durante el crecimiento influye en la morfología y las propiedades magnéticas de los films de CoFe favoreciendo la formación de granos y la pérdida del eje preferencial de magnetización. Estos resultados permitieron la fabricación de sistemas Co_90Fe_10/M_gO/Co_90Fe_10 con distintas orientaciones relativas accesibles con campo magnético para el estudio del acople magnético entre los films de CoFe. La caracterización eléctrica de estos sistemas, particularmente la respuesta corriente - voltaje obtenida con el microscopio de fuerza atómica en modo conductor, indicó que las propiedades de transporte eléctrico de las junturas presentan un alto grado de reproducibilidad. Se analizó además la inuencia del sustrato utilizado en la corriente túnel que atraviesa la barrera aislante. Por otro lado, se discuten los fenómenos relacionados a la optimización de las propiedades magnéticas de electrodos ferromagnéticos para la fabricación de junturas túnel Co_90Fe_10/MgO/Co_90Fe_10 y Co_90Fe_10/MgO /Fe_20Ni_80. En particular, se estudió el acople magnético entre capas ferromagnéticas y la inuencia del sustrato utilizado para el crecimiento de las tricapas. La optimización de los electrodos magnéticos involucró el análisis de la inuencia de la presencia de un aislante entre dos capas magnéticas en el acople de los electrodos. Se logró el desacople de films de 10 nm de Co_90Fe_10 y Fe_20Ni_80 separados por un espaciador de MgO de 2 nm. Finalmente se detallan los pasos para la fabricación de una red de junturas túnel magnéticas y su caracterización eléctrica a bajas temperaturas. El sistema estudiado fue la tricapa Co_90Fe_10 (10 nm)/M_gO (8 nm)/ Fe_20Ni_80 (10 nm) crecido sobre un sustrato de M_gO. La caracterización eléctrica confirmó la buena calidad de la junturas fabricadas. Las junturas obtenidas presentaron un comportamiento altamente resistivo (~ MΩ). Las mediciones de la corriente túnel en función de la temperatura permitieron descartar la presencia de pinholes en la barrera. El transporte de los portadores de carga es por efecto túnel a través de la barrera aislante. Las curvas de conductancia diferencial permitieron calcular el valor medio de la altura de la barrera de potencial (φ = 3.1 eV) a partir del modelo de Brinkman. Los resultados obtenidos en cada uno de los capítulos se complementan y son relevantes para la optimización de junturas túnel, debido a que brindan información crítica para su correcto funcionamiento. En la presente tesis se lograron obtener los primeros avances para la fabricación de arreglos de junturas túnel que permitan el desarrollo de dispositivos.


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We have conducted a mini-survey for low-frequency radio emission from some of the closest brown dwarfs to the Sun with rapid rotation rates: SIMP J013656.5 +093347, WISEPC 150649.97+702736.0, and WISEPA J174124.26+255319.5.We have placed robust 3s upper limits on the flux density in the 111 – 169 MHz frequency range for these targets: WISE 1506: < 0:72 mJy; WISE 1741: < 0:87 mJy; SIMP 0136: < 0:66 mJy. At 8 hours of integration per target to achieve these limits, we find that systematic and detailed study of this class of object at LOFAR frequencies will require a substantial dedication of resources.


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El diseño y construcción de edificios en muros esbeltos de concreto reforzado presentan en la actualidad una alta demanda, debido a su eficiente sistema constructivo y grandes ventajas en cuanto al desempeño sismo resistente de la edificación. Sin embargo, en países tales como Colombia y Ecuador, se han promovido prácticas constructivas que tienden a reducir considerablemente estos espesores, llegando incluso a niveles excesivos en los cuáles hay poco o ninguna evidencia experimental o numérica sobre el comportamiento real de este tipo de muros ante movimientos sísmicos moderados y severos. Con base en esto nace la necesidad de entender e interpretar de manera adecuada el comportamiento estructural de los muros esbeltos de concreto reforzado. Es necesario aclarar que el diseño convencional de dichos elementos no contempla un rango plástico, es decir, el diseñador no detalla sus cálculos teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento inelástico del elemento. Debido a esto no se tiene certeza del comportamiento del muro una vez sobrepasado los esfuerzos de fluencia, lo cual se hace necesario ya que dicho elemento cuenta con un rango de ductilidad que influye directamente en el desempeño estructural del mismo. Basado en lo anterior es importante conocer el comportamiento tanto elástico como inelástico de los muros esbeltos de concreto reforzado, así mismo de cada uno de los parámetros geométricos, características de los materiales y solicitaciones en el elemento. Es importante destacar que con los métodos simplificados de análisis estructural que consideren el rango no lineal es posible tener conocimiento del comportamiento de cada una de las variables mencionadas anteriormente, logrando así una concepción del diseño de estos elementos más adecuada y acorde a todos los parámetros que lo componen. La presente tesis se realiza motivada en plantear una metodología simplificada para el análisis de muros esbeltos de concreto reforzado, que a su vez sea útil para entender de manera adecuada el comportamiento no lineal de estos elementos bajo la ocurrencia de diferentes solicitaciones.


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BACKGROUND: Inactivating genes in vivo is an important technique for establishing their function in the adult nervous system. Unfortunately, conventional knockout mice may suffer from several limitations including embryonic or perinatal lethality and the compensatory regulation of other genes. One approach to producing conditional activation or inactivation of genes involves the use of Cre recombinase to remove loxP-flanked segments of DNA. We have studied the effects of delivering Cre to the hippocampus and neocortex of adult mice by injecting replication-deficient adeno-associated virus (AAV) and lentiviral (LV) vectors into discrete regions of the forebrain. RESULTS: Recombinant AAV-Cre, AAV-GFP (green fluorescent protein) and LV-Cre-EGFP (enhanced GFP) were made with the transgene controlled by the cytomegalovirus promoter. Infecting 293T cells in vitro with AAV-Cre and LV-Cre-EGFP resulted in transduction of most cells as shown by GFP fluorescence and Cre immunoreactivity. Injections of submicrolitre quantities of LV-Cre-EGFP and mixtures of AAV-Cre with AAV-GFP into the neocortex and hippocampus of adult Rosa26 reporter mice resulted in strong Cre and GFP expression in the dentate gyrus and moderate to strong labelling in specific regions of the hippocampus and in the neocortex, mainly in neurons. The pattern of expression of Cre and GFP obtained with AAV and LV vectors was very similar. X-gal staining showed that Cre-mediated recombination had occurred in neurons in the same regions of the brain, starting at 3 days post-injection. No obvious toxic effects of Cre expression were detected even after four weeks post-injection. CONCLUSION: AAV and LV vectors are capable of delivering Cre to neurons in discrete regions of the adult mouse brain and producing recombination


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Depois de apresentarmos uma caracterização geral da estrutura da população estrangeira no concelho de Leiria (ponto 1), com recurso a dados do INE, e de percebermos como ela se reflete num agrupamento de escolas da cidade de Leiria, solicitámos informação sobre a heterogeneidade cultural do referido agrupamento. Numa primeira resposta, a secretaria fez-nos chegar um documento com todos os ciclos de ensino e, na frente, o n.º de imigrantes, sem qualquer identificação de proveniência ou nacionalidade. Contudo, abriram uma categoria para o grupo “etnia” e outro para as “NEE” (Necessidades Educativas Especiais). Só numa segunda abordagem, e sem utilizar quaisquer moralismos ou críticas sociopedagógicas relativamente à arrumação da diversidade cultural efetuada pelos serviços e direção do agrupamento, solicitámos que nos facultassem a distribuição por nacionalidades e grupos étnicos. As respostas são sistematizadas em quadros no ponto 2 e mostram daltonismo cultural perante o que é a diferença cultural e a diferença entre os filhos de imigrantes distintos. Por outro lado, esse entendimento da diversidade cultural, algo controverso, alimenta e gere projetos de trabalho social e mediação sociopedagógica que consideramos patologizadores, na medida em que a diferença parece ser tratada como deficiência (ponto 3, 4 e 5 do texto).


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Silicon samples were implanted with high Ti doses and subsequently processed with the pulsed-laser melting technique. The electronic transport properties in the 15–300 K range and the room temperature spectral photoresponse at energies over the bandgap were measured. Samples with Ti concentration below the insulator-metal (I-M) transition limit showed a progressive reduction of the carrier lifetime in the implanted layer as Ti dose is increased. However, when the Ti concentration exceeded this limit, an extraordinary recovery of the photoresponse was measured. This result supports the theory of intermediate band materials and is of utmost relevance for photovoltaic cells and Si-based detectors.


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A variable width pulse generator featuring more than 4-V peak amplitude and less than 10-ns FWHM is described. In this design the width of the pulses is controlled by means of the control signal slope. Thus, a variable transition time control circuit (TTCC) is also developed, based on the charge and discharge of a capacitor by means of two tunable current sources. Additionally, it is possible to activate/deactivate the pulses when required, therefore allowing the creation of any desired pulse pattern. Furthermore, the implementation presented here can be electronically controlled. In conclusion, due to its versatility, compactness and low cost it can be used in a wide variety of applications.


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This article addresses the problem of spray vaporization and combustion in axisymmetric opposed-jet configurations involving a stream of hot air counterflowing against a stream of nitrogen carrying a spray of fuel droplets. The Reynolds numbers of the jets are assumed to be large, so that mixing of the two streams is restricted to a thin mixing layer that separates the counterflowing streams. The evolution of the droplets in their feed stream from the injection location is seen to depend fundamentally on the value of the droplet Stokes number, St, defined as the ratio of the droplet acceleration time to the mixing layer strain time close to the stagnation point. Two different regimes of spray vaporization and combustion can be identified depending on the value of St. For values of St below a critical value, equal to 1/4 for dilute sprays with small values of the spray liquid mass loading ratio, the droplets decelerate to approach the gas stagnation plane with a vanishing axial velocity. In this case, the droplets located initially near the axis reach the mixing layer, where they can vaporize due to the heat received from the hot air, producing fuel vapor that can burn with the oxygen in a diffusion flame located on the air side of the mixing layer. The character of the spray combustion is different for values of St of order unity, because the droplets cross the stagnation plane and move into the opposing air stream, reaching distances that are much larger than the mixing layer thickness before they turn around. The vaporization of these crossing droplets, and also the combustion of the fuel vapor generated by them, occur in the hot air stream, without significant effects of molecular diffusion, generating a vaporization-assisted nonpremixed flame that stands on the air side outside the mixing layer. Separate formulations will be given below for these two regimes of combustion, with attention restricted to the near-stagnation-point region, where the solution is self-similar and all variables are only dependent on the distance to the stagnation plane. The resulting formulations display a reduced number of controlling parameters that effectively embody dependences of the structure of the spray flame on spray dilution, droplet inertia, and fuel preferential diffusion. Sample solutions are given for the limiting cases of pure vaporization and of infinitely fast chemistry, with the latter limit formulated in terms of chemistry-free coupling functions that allow for general nonunity Lewis numbers of the fuel vapor.


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This paper aims at analysing the presence of gypsy characters in two neo-Victorian popular films, namely Joe Johnston’s The Wolfman (2010) and Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows (2011). The cultural construction of nineteenth-century gypsies, those “Others within Europe” (Boyarin 433) whose presence in Victorian fiction was peripheral, spectral and at times invisible (Nord 3-4), is simultaneously exploited and contested by these two neo-Victorian screen narratives to raise issues of otherness and invisibility on the screen. Setting off from the premise that screen texts, just like print texts, can also be participant in the neo-Victorian project of reimagining the underside of Victorian culture for contemporary audiences (Whelehan 273), this paper traces how the adaptation of Victorian gypsies for the screen, true to the palimpsestuous potential inherent to the process of adaptation (Hutcheon 6) and sharing the double drive between past and present which characterises the neo-Victorian genre (Arias and Pulham xiii; Shiller 539), hybridises our cultural memory of the Victorian Age on the screen while concurrently raises concerns over the persistent liminal status of gypsies in contemporary European culture. In particular, this paper illustrates how the tropes prototypically associated to gypsies (namely their nomadic lifestyle, mysticism, alienated existence or their perceived association to criminality) which can be traced back to Victorian culture are deployed on the neo-Victorian popular screen (with varyingly succesful outcomes) to comment on their (in)visibility in the European popular imagination.


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EChO (Exoplanet atmospheres Characterization Observatory), a proposal for exoplanets exploration space mission, is considered the next step for planetary atmospheres characterization. It would be a dedicated observatory to uncover a large selected sample of planets spanning a wide range of masses (from gas giants to super-Earths) and orbital temperatures (from hot to habitable). All targets move around stars of spectral types F, G, K, and M. EChO would provide an unprecedented view of the atmospheres of planets in the solar neighbourhood. The consortium formed by various institutions of different countries proposed as ESA M3 an integrated spectrometer payload for EChO covering the wavelength interval 0.4 to 16 µm. This instrument is subdivided into 4 channels: a visible channel, which includes a fine guidance system (FGS) and a VIS spectrometer, a near infrared channel (SWiR), a middle infrared channel (MWiR), and a long wave infrared module (LWiR). In addition, it contains a common set of optics spectrally dividing the wavelength coverage and injecting the combined light of parent stars and their exoplanets into the different channels. The proposed payload meets all of the key performance requirements detailed in the ESA call for proposals as well as all scientific goals. EChO payload is based on different spectrometers covering the spectral range mentioned above. Among them, SWiR spectrometer would work from 2.45 microns to 5.45 microns. In this paper, the optical and mechanical designs of the SWiR channel instrument are reported on.


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Diante da interface entre o acelerado processo de urbanização e a necessidade de concretização das diretrizes de promoção da saúde a fim de assegurar a qualidade de vida, despontam novas concepções de organização das cidades. No presente trabalho são tecidas ponderações sobre as condições ambientais, considerando as dimensões do ambiente físico e social, que podem afetar a saúde na área central da cidade de Uberlândia-MG, uma cidade de porte médio em transição para grande com alto grau de transformações em seu espaço intra-urbano decorrentes dentre outros fatores do contexto em que está inserida. Neste sentido destaca-se como objetivo geral do presente artigo compreender as características da área central de Uberlândia frente ao paradigma das cidades saudáveis. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas com o intuito de organizar e compreender os conceitos a serem utilizados, bem como constatações empíricas. Dentre as contribuições geográficas deste artigo destaca-se a importância das pesquisas ligadas a temática da cidade saudável, dada a urgência de mudanças no modo de vida da população, e em contrapartida o papel e o significado representado pela área central no contexto das cidades médias brasileiras.


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Estimating with greater precision and accuracy the height of plants has been a challenge for the scientific community. The objective this study is to evaluate the spatial variation of tree heights at different spatial scales in areas of the city of Recife, Brazil, using LiDAR remote sensing data. The LiDAR data were processed in the QT Modeler (Quick Terrain Modeler v. 8.0.2) software from Applied Imagery. The TreeVaW software was utilized to estimate the heights and crown diameters of trees. The results obtained for tree height were consistent with field measurements.