983 resultados para 2-sigma error


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Averiguar el valor de los modelos del desamparo aprendido y la teoría de la atribución, en su papel explicativo y de aportación de soluciones al problema del fracaso escolar. Incontrolabilidad: desamparo. Atribución causal: mediatizan aparición de síntomas. Muestreo por selección al azar. Primer estudio: estudiantes de COU de clase media-baja, número 52. Segundo estudio: estudiantes de COU de clase media-alta. Numero 65. Generalización: estudiantes de COU. Los sujetos fueron asignados al azar en un grupo de incontrolabilidad. Cada experimentador aplicaba las 3 pruebas a cada sujeto, una tras otra y sin intervalo entre ellas. Las pruebas fueron administradas individualmente y de forma simultánea por los 8 experimentadores previamente entrenados. Variables: VI= prueba de incontrolabilidad. VD= cuestionario atribucional. VA= prueba de anagramas. Prueba de incontrolabilidad: juego de cartulinas de colores y produce la situación de control y no control. Cuestionario atribucional: medir el estilo atribucional de los sujetos con respecto al éxito o al fracaso en la tarea previa. Prueba de anagramas: juego de cartulinas con letras, trata de medir el número de aciertos y de errores, las latencias post-error, latencia correcta y latencia total. Contraste de diferencia de medias. Primer estudio. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, cabe afirmar que las predicciones realizadas en base al modelo teórico han sido parcialmente corroboradas. Las influencias de factores metodológicos llevan a los autores a pensar en la necesidad de realizar una nueva contrastación. De todas formas concluyen diciendo que los sujetos tienden a mostrar los déficits cognitivos y motivacionales que el modelo de desamparo aprendido predice. Segundo estudio: Los resultados de este estudio no permiten concluir en ningún sentido siempre que se interpreten cautelosamente. Se se consideran independientemente del primer estudio, debería negarse la hipótesis y consecuentemente el modelo del que deriva. Después de realizar este estudio se registró que los sujetos sometidos a incontrolabilidad obtuvieron menos errores que los sujetos no sometidos a incontrolabilidad. Después de haber efectuado estos 2 estudios, los datos resultan contradictorios entre sí. Ante esta situación los autores creen que lo más adecuado es dejar en suspenso la validez del modelo. Deciden realizar un tercer estudio con un método similar, para ver si se obtiene alguna conclusión con respecto a las primigenias hipótesis y poder además investigar la causa de por qué el grupo de control tiene un menor rendimiento.


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Se plantean las siguientes hipótesis: 1) Si se incluye en el campo visual del sujeto una interferencia entre el primer y segundo ocultamiento, entonces se modifica la respuesta de busqueda. 2) Si se modifica por adición la primera hipótesis en el sentido de incluir una clave visual en la situación experimental, entonces aumentará la tendencia a la modificación de la respuesta de búsqueda. 21 Niños de ambos sexos entre 5'15 y 12 meses, elegidos al azar entre las poblaciones de Cartagena y Murcia. Como paso previo se planteó la comprobacion mediante diagnóstico de que la población infantil se encontraba en el estadio IV. Posteriormente se realizó una serie de tres pruebas que se diagnosticaron para obtener la diversidad de respuestas de los niños en una manipulación experimental. La variable dependiente fue la ejecución mostrada por los niños en la tarea. Dos cubos de playa azul y otro rojo; una pantalla de cartulina blanca y un objeto atractivo para el niño. Se realizó un análisis estadístico (contraste de significación de diferencias entre proporciones con muestras relacionadas). Los resultados muestran que la inclusión de una pantalla que interfiera la visión de los recipientes ocultadores después de que el niño haya recuperado el objeto en A, permite a este solucionar con exito la tarea cuando el objeto se oculta nuevamente en B. No se comprueba la primera hipótesis en su nivel general ni la segunda por restricción de las pruebas. Se constata que las descripciones piagetianas del desarrollo sensoriomotor no incluye en ningún caso una ruptura visual en las conductas de los sujetos. Los resultados sólo dan un mayor valor a las características perceptivas en la actualización de la conducta de busqueda.


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Analizar el error 'rectificación'en la lectura oral teniendo en cuentas tres variables: niveles, pruebas y sexo; por separado e interrelacionadas cuando ha sido posible. 411 alumnos: 130 alumnos de segundo nivel, 133 de tercer nivel y 148 de cuarto nivel, pertenecientes a 30 centros de Ávila, León, Madrid, Zamora, Valladolid, Salamanca y Burgos. Trabajo surgido a raíz de la multitud de estudios sobre la dislexia han surgido diversas denominaciones y causas de la misma que están expuestas en la primer parte del trabajo. La segunda parte refleja una larga investigación: la base de la misma ha sido el T.A.L.E. ( Test de lecto-escritura) y su aplicación en una determinada muestra de individuos, de donde han sido extraídos los datos necesarios para analizar el error 'rectificación' (uno de los baremados en la prueba de lectura oral de que consta el TALE; por lo tanto la segunda parte de este trabajo ha sido puramente práctica. 1) El error 'rectificación' es en relación a los demás, medianamente frecuente. Es preciso señalar que la frecuencia sólo se puede observar en relación a cada prueba; pues cada una costa de un número determinado de errores. 2) En general, el error 'retificación' es bastante más frecuente en los hombres que en las mujeres. 3) No se da un aumento de frecuencia, a medida que se avanza de nivel, tanto en la prueba de las sílabas cómo en las palabras; la de texto no puede ser incluida en esta comparación puesto que cada curso tiene un texto concreto. 4) En la prueba de sílabas, y en los hombres, no existe una disminución progresiva de fallos respecto al aumento de nivel; y en las mujeres tampoco. 5) En la prueba de palabras y en los hombres si se da una disminución progresiva de porcentajes a medida que se avanza de nivel; no sucediendo lo mismo en las mujeres. 6) Las palabras de mayor porcentaje, sin distinción de sexo, son: gitano, corona, clavel, rastapi, opasto y anglicano.


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Two wavelet-based control variable transform schemes are described and are used to model some important features of forecast error statistics for use in variational data assimilation. The first is a conventional wavelet scheme and the other is an approximation of it. Their ability to capture the position and scale-dependent aspects of covariance structures is tested in a two-dimensional latitude-height context. This is done by comparing the covariance structures implied by the wavelet schemes with those found from the explicit forecast error covariance matrix, and with a non-wavelet- based covariance scheme used currently in an operational assimilation scheme. Qualitatively, the wavelet-based schemes show potential at modeling forecast error statistics well without giving preference to either position or scale-dependent aspects. The degree of spectral representation can be controlled by changing the number of spectral bands in the schemes, and the least number of bands that achieves adequate results is found for the model domain used. Evidence is found of a trade-off between the localization of features in positional and spectral spaces when the number of bands is changed. By examining implied covariance diagnostics, the wavelet-based schemes are found, on the whole, to give results that are closer to diagnostics found from the explicit matrix than from the nonwavelet scheme. Even though the nature of the covariances has the right qualities in spectral space, variances are found to be too low at some wavenumbers and vertical correlation length scales are found to be too long at most scales. The wavelet schemes are found to be good at resolving variations in position and scale-dependent horizontal length scales, although the length scales reproduced are usually too short. The second of the wavelet-based schemes is often found to be better than the first in some important respects, but, unlike the first, it has no exact inverse transform.


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This contribution describes the optimization of chlorine extraction from silicate samples by pyrohydrolysis prior to the precise determination of Cl stable-isotope compositions (637 Cl) by gas source, dual inlet Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) on CH(3)Clg. The complete method was checked on three international reference materials for Cl-content and two laboratory glass standards. Whole procedure blanks are lower than 0. 5 mu mol, corresponding to less than 10 wt.% of most of the sample chloride analysed. In the absence of international chlorine isotope rock, we report here Cl extracted compared to accepted Cl contents and reproducibilities on Cl and delta Cl-37 measurements for the standard rocks. After extraction, the Cl contents of the three international references compared within error with the accepted values (mean yield = 94 +/-10%) with reproducibilities better than 12% (10). The laboratory glass standards - andesite SO100DS92 and phonolite S9(2) - were used specifically to test the effect of chloride amount on the measurements. They gave Cl extraction yields of 100 +/-6% (1 sigma-; n = 15) and 105 +/- 8% (1 sigma-; n = 7), respectively, with delta Cl-37 values of -0.51 0.14%o and -0.39 0.17%o (1g). In summary, for silicate samples with Cl contents between 39 and 9042 ppm, the Pyrohydrolysis/HPLC method leads to overall CI extraction yields of 100 8%, reproducibilities on Cl contents of 7% and on delta Cl-37 measurements of 0.12%o (all 1 sigma). The method was further applied to ten silicate rocks of various mineralogy and chemistry (meteorite, fresh MORB glasses, altered basalts and setpentinized peridotites) chosen for their large range of Cl contents (70-2156 ppm) and their geological significance. delta Cl-37 values range between -2.33 and -0.50%o. These strictly negative values contrast with the large range and mainly positive values previously reported for comparable silicate samples and shown here to be affected by analytical problems. Thus we propose a preliminary, revised terrestrial CI cycle, mainly dominated by negative and zero delta Cl-37 values. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new model, RothPC-1, is described for the turnover of organic C in the top metre of soil. RothPC-1 is a version of RothC-26.3, an earlier model for the turnover of C in topsoils. In RothPC-1 two extra parameters are used to model turnover in the top metre of soil: one, p, which moves organic C down the profile by an advective process, and the other, s, which slows decomposition with depth. RothPC-1 is parameterized and tested using measurements (described in Part 1, this issue) of total organic C and radiocarbon on soil profiles from the Rothamsted long-term field experiments, collected over a period of more than 100 years. RothPC-1 gives fits to measurements of organic C and radiocarbon in the 0-23, 23-46, 46-69 and 69-92 cm layers of soil that are almost all within (or close to) measurement error in two areas of regenerating woodland (Geescroft and Broadbalk Wildernesses) and an area of cultivated land from the Broadbalk Continuous Wheat Experiment. The fits to old grassland (the Park Grass Experiment) are less close. Two other sites that provide the requisite pre- and post-bomb data are also fitted; a prairie Chernozem from Russia and an annual grassland from California. Roth-PC-1 gives a close fit to measurements of organic C and radiocarbon down the Chernozem profile, provided that allowance is made for soil age; with the annual grassland the fit is acceptable in the upper part of the profile, but not in the clay-rich Bt horizon below. Calculations suggest that treating the top metre of soil as a homogeneous unit will greatly overestimate the effects of global warming in accelerating the decomposition of soil C and hence on the enhanced release of CO2 from soil organic matter; more realistic estimates will be obtained from multi-layer models such as RothPC-1.


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Background Pharmacy aseptic units prepare and supply injectables to minimise risks. The UK National Aseptic Error Reporting Scheme has been collecting data on pharmacy compounding errors, including near-misses, since 2003. Objectives The cumulative reports from January 2004 to December 2007, inclusive, were analysed. Methods The different variables of product types, error types, staff making and detecting errors, stage errors detected, perceived contributory factors, and potential or actual outcomes were presented by cross-tabulation of data. Results A total of 4691 reports were submitted against an estimated 958 532 items made, returning 0.49% as the overall error rate. Most of the errors were detected before reaching patients, with only 24 detected during or after administration. The highest number of reports related to adult cytotoxic preparations (40%) and the most frequently recorded error was a labelling error (34.2%). Errors were mostly detected at first check in assembly area (46.6%). Individual staff error contributed most (78.1%) to overall errors, while errors with paediatric parenteral nutrition appeared to be blamed on low staff levels more than other products were. The majority of errors (68.6%) had no potential patient outcomes attached, while it appeared that paediatric cytotoxic products and paediatric parenteral nutrition were associated with greater levels of perceived patient harm. Conclusions The majority of reports were related to near-misses, and this study highlights scope for examining current arrangements for checking and releasing products, certainly for paediatric cytotoxic and paediatric parenteral nutrition preparations within aseptic units, but in the context of resource and capacity constraints.


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A one-dimensional water column model using the Mellor and Yamada level 2.5 parameterization of vertical turbulent fluxes is presented. The model equations are discretized with a mixed finite element scheme. Details of the finite element discrete equations are given and adaptive mesh refinement strategies are presented. The refinement criterion is an "a posteriori" error estimator based on stratification, shear and distance to surface. The model performances are assessed by studying the stress driven penetration of a turbulent layer into a stratified fluid. This example illustrates the ability of the presented model to follow some internal structures of the flow and paves the way for truly generalized vertical coordinates. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Flow in the world's oceans occurs at a wide range of spatial scales, from a fraction of a metre up to many thousands of kilometers. In particular, regions of intense flow are often highly localised, for example, western boundary currents, equatorial jets, overflows and convective plumes. Conventional numerical ocean models generally use static meshes. The use of dynamically-adaptive meshes has many potential advantages but needs to be guided by an error measure reflecting the underlying physics. A method of defining an error measure to guide an adaptive meshing algorithm for unstructured tetrahedral finite elements, utilizing an adjoint or goal-based method, is described here. This method is based upon a functional, encompassing important features of the flow structure. The sensitivity of this functional, with respect to the solution variables, is used as the basis from which an error measure is derived. This error measure acts to predict those areas of the domain where resolution should be changed. A barotropic wind driven gyre problem is used to demonstrate the capabilities of the method. The overall objective of this work is to develop robust error measures for use in an oceanographic context which will ensure areas of fine mesh resolution are used only where and when they are required. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Measurements of anthropogenic tracers such as chlorofluorocarbons and tritium must be quantitatively combined with ocean general circulation models as a component of systematic model development. The authors have developed and tested an inverse method, using a Green's function, to constrain general circulation models with transient tracer data. Using this method chlorofluorocarbon-11 and -12 (CFC-11 and -12) observations are combined with a North Atlantic configuration of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model with 4/3 degrees resolution. Systematic differences can be seen between the observed CFC concentrations and prior CFC fields simulated by the model. These differences are reduced by the inversion, which determines the optimal gas transfer across the air-sea interface, accounting for uncertainties in the tracer observations. After including the effects of unresolved variability in the CFC fields, the model is found to be inconsistent with the observations because the model/data misfit slightly exceeds the error estimates. By excluding observations in waters ventilated north of the Greenland-Scotland ridge (sigma (0) < 27.82 kg m(-3); shallower than about 2000 m), the fit is improved, indicating that the Nordic overflows are poorly represented in the model. Some systematic differences in the model/data residuals remain and are related, in part, to excessively deep model ventilation near Rockall and deficient ventilation in the main thermocline of the eastern subtropical gyre. Nevertheless, there do not appear to be gross errors in the basin-scale model circulation. Analysis of the CFC inventory using the constrained model suggests that the North Atlantic Ocean shallower than about 2000 m was near 20% saturated in the mid-1990s. Overall, this basin is a sink to 22% of the total atmosphere-to-ocean CFC-11 flux-twice the global average value. The average water mass formation rates over the CFC transient are 7.0 and 6.0 Sv (Sv = 10(6) m(3) s(-1)) for subtropical mode water and subpolar mode water, respectively.


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The theta-logistic is a widely used generalisation of the logistic model of regulated biological processes which is used in particular to model population regulation. Then the parameter theta gives the shape of the relationship between per-capita population growth rate and population size. Estimation of theta from population counts is however subject to bias, particularly when there are measurement errors. Here we identify factors disposing towards accurate estimation of theta by simulation of populations regulated according to the theta-logistic model. Factors investigated were measurement error, environmental perturbation and length of time series. Large measurement errors bias estimates of theta towards zero. Where estimated theta is close to zero, the estimated annual return rate may help resolve whether this is due to bias. Environmental perturbations help yield unbiased estimates of theta. Where environmental perturbations are large, estimates of theta are likely to be reliable even when measurement errors are also large. By contrast where the environment is relatively constant, unbiased estimates of theta can only be obtained if populations are counted precisely Our results have practical conclusions for the design of long-term population surveys. Estimation of the precision of population counts would be valuable, and could be achieved in practice by repeating counts in at least some years. Increasing the length of time series beyond ten or 20 years yields only small benefits. if populations are measured with appropriate accuracy, given the level of environmental perturbation, unbiased estimates can be obtained from relatively short censuses. These conclusions are optimistic for estimation of theta. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Time-resolved studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with N-2 have been attempted at 296, 417, and 484 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. No conclusive evidence for reaction could be found even with pressures of N-2 of 500 Torr. This enables us to set upper limits of ca. 3 x 10(-15) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for the second-order rate constants. A lower limit for the activation energy, E-a, of ca. 47 kJ mol(-1) is also derived. Ab initio calculations at the G3 level indicate that the only SiH2N2 species of lower energy than the separated reactants is the H2Si...N-2 donor-acceptor (ylid) species with a relative enthalpy of -26 kJ mol(-1), insufficient for observation of reaction under the experimental conditions. Ten bound species on the SiH2N2 surface were found and their energies calculated as well as those of the potential dissociation products: HSiN + NH((3)Sigma(-)) and HNSi + NH((3)Sigma(-)). Additionally two of the transition states involving cyclic-SiH2N2 (siladiazirine) were explored. It appears that siladiazirine is neither thermodynamically nor kinetically stable. The findings indicate that Si-N-d bonds (where N-d is double-bonded nitrogen) are not particularly strong. An unexpected cyclic intermediate was found in the isomerization of silaisocyanamide to silacyanamide.


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A new layered ammonium manganese(II) diphosphate, (NH4)(2)[Mn-3(P2O7)(2)(H2O)(2)], has been synthesised under solvothermal conditions at 433 K in ethylene glycol and the structure determined at 293 K using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data (M-r = 584.82, monoclinic, space group P2(1)/a, a = 9.4610( 8), b = 8.3565( 7), c = 9.477(1) Angstrom, beta = 99.908(9) degrees, V = 738.07 Angstrom(3), Z = 2, R = 0.0351 and R-w = 0.0411 for 1262 observed data (I > 3(sigma(I))). The structure consists of chains of cis- and trans-edge sharing MnO6 octahedra linked via P2O7 units to form layers of formula [Mn3P4O14(H2O)(2)](2-) in the ab plane. Ammonium ions lie between the manganese-diphosphate layers. A network of interlayer and ammonium-layer based hydrogen bonding holds the structure together. Magnetic measurements indicate Curie - Weiss behaviour above 30 K with mu(eff) = 5.74(1) mu(B) and theta = -23(1) K, consistent with the presence of high-spin Mn2+ ions and antiferromagnetic interactions. However, the magnetic data reveal a spontaneous magnetisation at 5 K, indicating a canting of Mn2+ moments in the antiferromagnetic ground state. On heating (NH4)(2)[Mn-3(P2O7)(2)(H2O)(2)] in water at 433 K under hydrothermal conditions, Mn-5(HPO4)(2)(PO4)(2).4H(2)O, synthetic hureaulite, is formed.


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The convergence speed of the standard Least Mean Square adaptive array may be degraded in mobile communication environments. Different conventional variable step size LMS algorithms were proposed to enhance the convergence speed while maintaining low steady state error. In this paper, a new variable step LMS algorithm, using the accumulated instantaneous error concept is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the accumulated instantaneous error is used to update the step size parameter of standard LMS is varied. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is simpler and yields better performance than conventional variable step LMS.