981 resultados para 1753-1900
Original Chapman home ranch packing house, Santa Ysabel, California, ca. 1900. [copy print]
Report year irregular.
Report year irregular.
Printed by Order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
Charles Clarke Chapman, circa 1900.
Group portrait with Charles Clarke Chapman, Samuel James, and George Arthur Chapman Sr., circa 1900.
Copy of a damaged group portrait with Charles Clarke Chapman on the left, Samuel James on the right, and young man in front with hat and tie is George Arthur Chapman Sr., circa 1900.
The Grand Trunk Railway initially ran from Montreal to Toronto, then with expansion of Canada operated to British Columbia, linking major cities together. In 1900, two way bill forms were completed; one for the Niagara Falls Wine Co. and the other for T.G. Bright & Co. Both companies were headquartered in Niagara Falls, Ont. The consignors were John Mayberry & Co. and John Eleareys?.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Edward Oliver Graham of Rochester, N.Y. worked as a nurseryman in that city for 27 years. He owned a nursery business that operated under his own name for many years. The central office was located in Rochester, but there was also a branch located in Toronto, Ont. In 1903 he formed a company known as the Graham Nursery Company. He died in September 1909.