837 resultados para 1518


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The paper demonstrates the magnitude of the constitutional statement of the dignity of the human person subscribed to the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a fundamental principle. Next, it brings reports on quality of life of residents of Vila Esperança, in the municipality of Cubatão (SP), from an ethnographic approach, descriptive and photographic documentation. We could conclude that the Brazilian legal system is organized hierarchically, so the Principle of Human Dignity cannot be disregard. The vital guarantee of a minimum vital floor is essential for poor people to expand the possibilities for the full exercise of human dignity.


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Introduction: the patients with specials necessities ne ed a singular dentistry treatment because they have limitations due to theirs deficiency. The quality of oral health is related to the clinical situation of patient. The individuals with motor and understanding problems have poor oral health. Aim: this st udy aimed to review the literature about the importance of the early dentistry treatment of pacients with specials necessities. Methodology: the review of literature was made through t he Pubmed and Bireme. Studies about dental caries and periodontal dise a se of patient s with specials necessities had shown high index of caries and periodontal disease. Therefore it is important that there are capacity p rofessionals and multidisciplinary treatment. It is necessary to supply the dificulties of treatment like an xiety of parents, systemic problems and discrimination. Conclusion: the early treatment results in good coperation during the treatment, and the aquisition of cares for all life. The best way is a program of oral health with instructions about diet, oral hygiene, control of bacterials, motivation and interaction between patients and professionals.


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Aim: observe the knowledge of dental caries and periodontal disease of primary schoolteachers, according to type of institution (public and private) from Araraquara city. methodology: for that participants were 113 teachers from public schools and 57 from private schools. The instrument of analysis was based on a questionnaire with closed and open questions concerning the etiology, prevention and development of dental caries and periodontal disease. Results: 97,3% of public ́s schoolteachers and 91,2% of private ́s schoolteachers answered that they knows what is dental caries, but they didn ́t answer correctly about the caries etiology as being multifactorial and about methods of prevention. Both of schoolteachers (public and private) had more sucessful when answered about bacterial plaque than periodontal disease and yours manifestation. Conclusion: the dental knowledge of schoolteachers in public and private school was evaluated and limited educational programs should be directed to both public and private schoolteachers, in order to increase the level of dental knowledge of them, so that they can act as educational agents with the children.


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Ao atender um paciente, muitas vezes o profissional da saúde fotografa ou filma o caso. Há, via de regra, duas razões básicas para tal atitude. A primeira é para a documentação do caso per se, e as imagens ficarão restritas ao prontuário clínico do paciente. E, se porventura algum dia houver um litígio envolvendo aquele determinado tratamento, tais imagens poderão ser utilizadas como meio de prova. A segunda razão diz respeito à divulgação do caso clínico, com a sua publicação em periódicos científicos, apresentação em aulas, cursos, congressos e similares. Pode-se citar ainda uma outra razão: o uso das imagens para a divulgação dos serviços do profissional que conduziu o tratamento/procedimento. Para a obtenção/gravação das imagens, faz-se necessário o consentimento do paciente, ou de seu responsável legal (no caso de incapaz). Porém, a imagem produzida somente poderá ser utilizada para os fins específicos a que se destinou inicialmente. Se porventura o profissional tiver intenção de usá-la, por exemplo, em publicações, precisará do consentimento específico para este fim. Vale lembrar que a própria Constituição Federal da Brasil assegura tal direito. A produção de imagens de pessoas e a sua divulgação em meios acadêmicos, por exemplo, ocorre não somente em atendimentos clínicos, como também em pesquisas que envolvam seres humanos. É necessário respeitar as normas éticas e legais relacionadas ao uso de imagens. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de Termo de Consentimento para obtenção e uso de imagens de pacientes de profissionais da saúde.


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Ao paciente é necessário fornecer esclarecimentos sobre as possibilidades terapêuticas, apresentando os riscos, benefícios, prognóstico e custos de cada alternativa possível e indicada. Esta é uma determinação ética e jurídica. Não obstante, o profissional da saúde detém o conhecimento clínico/técnico/científico, e determina quais informações serão (ou não) fornecidas. O paciente decide submeter-se a um tratamento, fornecendo o seu Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido com base nos dados a ele apresentados. Infelizmente, pode ocorrer de alguns profissionais não fornecerem todas as informações necessárias a uma tomada de decisão esclarecida ou, depois de obtido o consentimento do paciente, apresentarem-lhe informação que cause sua desistência do tratamento inicialmente aceito. Esta última informação, se pertinente, e não se tratando de fato superveniente, deveria ter sido fornecida inicialmente. Porém, a informação pode não ser de todo verdadeira, e levar o paciente a decidir baseado, por exemplo, em riscos apresentados e mensurados de forma equivocada. A reabilitação crânio-facial da Articulação Têmporo-Mandibular (ATM), por meio de prótese de ATM, é indicada em muitas situações. Amiúde, pacientes que necessitam de tais próteses apresentam problemas funcionais e estéticos; a expectativa gerada com a reabilitação é grande. Este trabalho apresenta um caso e discute questões éticas e legais, incluindo a responsabilidade civil, do fornecimento parcial e inadequado de esclarecimentos a um paciente.


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The aim of this article is to discuss and compare the goals and objectives for the youth and adult education (EJA) present in the National Education Plan (Law No. 10.17201), whose term ended in January 2011, with the new proposal for a National Education Plan, produced by the brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), which is in course in Congress. Our discussion if run through by the comparison between what the goals that, in general, were reached, which were partially reached and which ones were not reached, this analysis will result, in a certain way, in a “portrait” of the current situation of youth and adult education (EJA) in Brazil.


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The personal experience respective is a description of an psychosocial intervention effectuated in the year of 2007 in an institution not government, in the city of Taubaté, with a group of women infected with the virus HIV. We will present in the short form our work, which happened through a therapeutic group, that had as device, the production of new process of subjectivizing with these women in the conduction of them condition of life after the infection with the virus HIV. To determine our actions use the theoretical assumptions of genealogy, of psychology and the theory of institutional operating group with emphasis on aspects of group discussion. During approximately twelve meetings with the denser group work topics such as social violence (inequality of rights, prejudice and stigma), treatment of the condition of serum positive when marked by ambivalence to treatment and the use of defense mechanisms: denial, projection and omnipotence, the weak and intense physical and mental suffering resulting from this process.We end our exhibition while presenting the discursive constructions and, consequently, the multiforms singular potentialities of the group that appeared with our psychosocial interventions.


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The present work is a reflexive-theoretically research that intends, by the light of Psychoanalytic and Freudo-Marxim theories, to think about the work malaise - effect of a repressive civilization -, and the sublimation possibilities, in the context of the discussions about the conflict individual-civilization. The work favors the essential thing for the human race's representations. Current researches indicate the importance of thinking the work in the process physical and mental health/illness, as well as the subjectivity of the human race in the present time. However, the organizations of work, using reductionist views, with the psychiatric-medical Knowledge/power as accomplice, have a tendency to disregard their responsibilities in the "production" of the illnesses in the workers. Freud, by the neurosis's understanding, showed that in the individual-civilization conflict the first one pays a high price: the constant malaise (the guilt as malaise). While who detains the guilt, in the social sense of the word (the guilt of malaise), is the human culture, intermediated by the organizations, defenders of the minority's interests that hold the manners of production/exploration. According to Freud, the growth of the feeling of guilt is inevitable, considering the necessity of the drives repression to cultural progress through displeasure work. However, Reich and Marcuse theorize an exit for the Freudian pessimism about the conflict between the individual and the civilization. Freud didn't consider properly the nature socio-historical of the Reality Principle, understanding it like universal. Therefore, the level of repression would have a specific socio-economic class: surplus value for a minority and more repression for the great mass. A less repressive Reality Principle might provide a fair progress of the humanity. It's in the list of discussion the possibility of the work in social and psychological conditions that allow the reduction of worker's malaise in the civilization's breast.


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This study was developed from a extension project between the years of 2006 -2009 in a Middle School in the city of Bauru with the goals to support the construction of citizenship in teenagers and to strengthen their self esteem, their self knowledge and the achievement of their rights and duties in order to ease their insertion into the collective, as they realize themselves as social transformation agents. It is an adaptation of a project developed by the ODEBRECHT foundation in Bahia focusing on the transverse themes: Ethics, Sexual Education, Cultural Plurality, Work and Consumption, and Health and Environment. These themes, in addition to others that each school needs to prioritize due to the vicissitudes that experiences, must permeate across the curriculum to create, transform and favor their development by means of the daily living. The survey methodology was based in the research-action. We considered the activities developed in groups and the result of Defining Issues Test (DIT-1) applied before and after Project for data collection. The result indicates change in the moral development of the teenagers and new perceptions about the problems that are presented in the reality, providing the construction of values present in the transverse themes proposal. Greater participation of students in the school activities, like student guild and fanfare, was also observed.


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The sector of milk production in Brazil is very heterogeneous (high-tech in large scale X family properties). This study aimed to develop a diagnostic as a basis for a strategic plan to face the challenges inherent in operating a dairy farm in property of a farmers' association in Dracena, São Paulo, Brazil. It was observed that the association needs a more efficient guidance in the marketing, production and finance areas, not to compromise the search for new markets and continued growth in activity.


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This paper analyzed and mapped social networks among cassava farmers in São Paulo, gathered in search of information regarding production and marketing. A descriptive research, using semi-structured questionnaires, in Tupa and Assis regions, was conducted. UCINET software assisted the analysis of interactions within networks. The results indicate that Tupa network is diffuse and there is little interaction with technology transfer institutions. In Assis, the network is cohesive with greater technological diffusion.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: the squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the head and neck cancer of higher occurrence, representing about 90% of all these tumors. The SCC has several risk factors as smoking, alcohol and some oncogenic viruses, including the Epstein Barr virus (EBV). The EBV is a member of Herpesviridae family and has tropism for B lymphocytes and also for epithelial cells. Aim: the aim of this study was accomplish a review of the literature about the presence of the EBV in oral carcinomas. Conclusion: EBV is closely related to nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a SCC of high incidence in Southeast Asia, however its role in others oral SCC has not been proved.