974 resultados para 114-1


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"Einleitung in die Philosophie", Wintersemester 1932/33, eigenhändige Notizen, 1 Heft, 12 Blatt, davon 5 leer, und 8 zusätzliche Blätter; Zwei Aufsätze vor 1933 (enthält: "Über Kants Philosophie", Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 8 Blatt. Mit 1 Blatt von Theodor W. Adorno an Max Horkheimer, 29.04.1954 (GS 11, S. 202-208; "Nicolai Hartmann", ca 1931, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 6 Blatt (GS 2, S. 172-176)); "Zur Emanzipation der Philosophie von der Wissenschaft" (GS 10, S. 334-419). Über Empiriokritizismus (Mach), Neukantianismus (Cohen), Phänomenologie (Husserlm Scheler), Lebensphilosophie (Bergson), nach 1927 - vor 1933; a) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, gebunden, 114 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 109 Blatt; Über Erkenntnistheorie und Gestalttheorie (GS 11, S. 22-69), Manuskript, in 2 Heften (Heft 1, 96 Blatt; Heft 2, 32 Blatt);


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Widespread Lower Cretaceous magmatism occurred along the Indian-Australian/Antarctic margins, and in the juvenile Indian Ocean, during the rifting of eastern Gondwana. The formation of this magmatic province probably began around 120-130 Ma with the eruption of basalts on the Naturaliste Plateau and at Bunbury, western Australia. On the northeast margin of India, activity began around 117 Ma with the Rajmahal continental basalts and associated lamprophyre intrusions. The formation of the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean began no later than 114 Ma. Ultramafic lamprophyres (alnoites) were emplaced in the Prince Charles Mountains near the Antarctic continental margin at ~ 110 Ma. These events are considered to be related to a major mantle plume, the remnant of which is situated beneath the region of Kerguelen and Heard islands at the present day. Geochemical data are presented for each of these volcanic suites and are indicative of complex interactions between asthenosphere-derived magmas and the continental lithosphere. Kerguelen Plateau basalts have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions lying outside the field for Indian Ocean mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) but, with the exception of Site 738 at the southern end of the plateau, within the range of more recent hotspot basalts from Kerguelen and Heard Islands. However, a number of the plateau tholeiites are characterized by lower 206Pb/204Pb ratios than are basalts from Kerguelen Island, and many also have anomalously high La/Nb ratios. These features suggest that the source of the Kerguelen Plateau basalts suffered contamination by components derived from the Gondwana continental lithosphere. An extreme expression of this lithospheric signature is shown by a tholeiite from Site 738, suggesting that the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau may be underlain by continental crust. The Rajmahal tholeiites mostly fall into two distinct geochemical groups. Some Group I tholeiites have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and incompatible element abundances, similar to Kerguelen Plateau tholeiites from Sites 749 and 750, indicating that the Kerguelen-Heard mantle plume may have directly furnished Rajmahal volcanism. However, their elevated 207Pb/204Pb ratios indicate that these magmas did not totally escape contamination by continental lithosphere. In contrast to the Group I tholeiites, significant contamination is suggested for Group II Rajmahal tholeiites, on the basis of incompatible element abundances and isotopic compositions. The Naturaliste Plateau and the Bunbury Basalt samples show varying degrees of enrichment in incompatible elements over normal MORB. The Naturaliste Plateau samples (and Bunbury Basalt) have high La/Nb ratios, a feature not inconsistent with the notion that the plateau may consist of stretched continental lithosphere, near the ocean-continent divide.


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At Site 464, a 308-meter-deep hole was drilled on the Hess Rise (39°51.64'N, 173°53.33'E; water depth 4637 m). The upper strata consist of siliceous clay and oozes of Pleistocene, Pliocene, and possibly latest Miocene ages (36 m) and the lower strata are Albian chert, chalk, and marlstone (219 m). The middle part of the stratigraphic section is pelagic brown clay (53 m) which is essentially barren of microfossils except for ichthyoliths. At the base of this middle unit in Core 10 is a recrystallized Cretaceous radiolarian assemblage and an impoverished late Miocene nannofossil assemblage. Fifteen samples from Cores 6 through 10 in the middle unit and three samples from the overlying siliceous clay were examined for ichthyoliths.


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Extreme winter warming events in the sub-Arctic have caused considerable vegetation damage due to rapid changes in temperature and loss of snow cover. The frequency of extreme weather is expected to increase due to climate change thereby increasing the potential for recurring vegetation damage in Arctic regions. Here we present data on vegetation recovery from one such natural event and multiple experimental simulations in the sub-Arctic using remote sensing, handheld passive proximal sensors and ground surveys. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) recovered fast (2 years), from the 26% decline following one natural extreme winter warming event. Recovery was associated with declines in dead Empetrum nigrum (dominant dwarf shrub) from ground surveys. However, E. nigrum healthy leaf NDVI was also reduced (16%) following this winter warming event in experimental plots (both control and treatments), suggesting that non-obvious plant damage (i.e., physiological stress) had occurred in addition to the dead E. nigrum shoots that was considered responsible for the regional 26% NDVI decline. Plot and leaf level NDVI provided useful additional information that could not be obtained from vegetation surveys and regional remote sensing (MODIS) alone. The major damage of an extreme winter warming event appears to be relatively transitory. However, potential knock-on effects on higher trophic levels (e.g., rodents, reindeer, and bear) could be unpredictable and large. Repeated warming events year after year, which can be expected under winter climate warming, could result in damage that may take much longer to recover.


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We re-evaluate the Greenland mass balance for the recent period using low-pass Independent Component Analysis (ICA) post-processing of the Level-2 GRACE data (2002-2010) from different official providers (UTCSR, JPL, GFZ) and confirm the present important ice mass loss in the range of -70 and -90 Gt/y of this ice sheet, due to negative contributions of the glaciers on the east coast. We highlight the high interannual variability of mass variations of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), especially the recent deceleration of ice loss in 2009-2010, once seasonal cycles are robustly removed by Seasonal Trend Loess (STL) decomposition. Interannual variability leads to varying trend estimates depending on the considered time span. Correction of post-glacial rebound effects on ice mass trend estimates represents no more than 8 Gt/y over the whole ice sheet. We also investigate possible climatic causes that can explain these ice mass interannual variations, as strong correlations between GRACE-based mass balance and atmosphere/ocean parallels are established: (1) changes in snow accumulation, and (2) the influence of inputs of warm ocean water that periodically accelerate the calving of glaciers in coastal regions and, feed-back effects of coastal water cooling by fresh currents from glaciers melting. These results suggest that the Greenland mass balance is driven by coastal sea surface temperature at time scales shorter than accumulation.


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Probable in-situ manganese deposits larger than 1 cm in diameter buried in ODP/DSDP cores were selected for study after examining previous descriptions of the manganese deposits in site reports and the ODP data base. Most of the selected samples from 11 cores occur at or just above sedimentary hiatuses or in slowly deposited sediments and are overlain by rapidly deposited sediments of biogenic, terrigenous or volcanogenic origin. The changes in sedimentation recorded in the lithostratigraphic sections around these deposits are closely related to changes in tectonic evolution, deep water circulation or biological productivity at the sites. The similarity in composition and structure of the buried deposits to those of the modern manganese nodules and crusts with no evidence of post-depositional change suggest that buried manganese deposits may be used as indicators of past sedimentary conditions during which they formed. Their major components are hydrogenetic and earlydiagenetic manganese minerals as well as detrital minerals. The characteristics of these manganese deposits suggests that similar processes of deposition have taken place since the Paleogene or older.


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Deep marine successions of early Campanian age from DSDP site 516F drilled at low paleolatitudes in the South Atlantic reveal distinct sub-Milankovitch variability in addition to precession and eccentricity related variations. Elemental abundance ratios point to a similar 5 climatic origin for these variations and exclude a quadripartite structure - as observed in the Mediterranean Neogene - of the precession related cycles as an explanation for the inferred semi-precession cyclicity in MS. However, the semi-precession cycle itself is likely an artifact, reflecting the first harmonic of the precession signal. The sub-Milankovitch variability is best approximated by a ~ 7 kyr cycle as shown by 10 spectral analysis and bandpass filtering. The presence of sub-Milankovitch cycles with a period similar to that of Heinrich events of the last glacial cycle is consistent with linking the latter to low-latitude climate change caused by a non-linear response to precession induced variations in insolation between the tropics.


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