965 resultados para ð13C


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Observaciones periódicas de las fluctuaciones de la temperatura en la superficie del suelo y a diversos niveles hasta 30 cm. encima y debajo de ésta, es decir, del microclima, en el cual cumple su ciclo biológico la gran mayoría de los componentes de la fauna de las lomas. Como se aprecia en las láminas II y III, se limita el invierno constantemente frío a los meses de Junio a Agosto, o en otros años de Julio a Setiembre. Los meses de Mayo y Setiembre, respectivamente Octubre, se caracterizan por los abruptos cambios en que alternan días calientes veraniegos con los días fríos invernales. Días soleados y de temperaturas constantemente altas caracterizan la época de Verano en los meses de Noviembre hasta Abril. Las temperaturas diurnas mayores (65°C) se obtuvo en la superficie del suelo en Marzo y las temperaturas diurnas menores (18.5°C) en Julio. Durante todo el curso de un día de Invierno nublado, las temperaturas se mantenían con escasa variación entre 13°C y 18°C en los seis niveles observados sobre y bajo la superficie del suelo. Variando menos y siendo más altas en las capas más profundas (Lámina I). Las correspondientes observaciones para un día de Verano mostraron (Lámina I) que las temperaturas pueden variar en la superficie entre 19°C y 53°C, mientras a esta diferencia de 34°C correspondía a sólo 30 cm. bajo el suelo una temperatura casi constante, con una diferencia de solo 2°C, entre máxima de 33°C y mínima de 31°C. Relacionándose la vida animal en las lomas estrechamente con la vida vegetal, la fauna es más abundante en el invierno. En total se han registrado 256 especies de artrópodos; el 26% de los cuales son coleópteros, el 20% dípteros, el 12% himenópteros, el 9% lepidópteros; el 7% son Araneida y el 0.8% Scorpionida. Especie típicas del arenal con vegetación son : el escorpión Brachistosternus ehrenbergi GERVAIS, la araña Sicarius peruensis KEYS, el lepismátido Acrotelsella gigantea ESCHERICH, los tenebrionidos Scotobious vulgaris GUERIN, Psametichus costatus GUERIN y Philorea mucronata SESN., dos especies de Ántrax (BombyliidaeDipt.) y la abeja Caupolicana vestita var. Piurensis CKLL. Que anida sólo en el suelo arenoso.


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The only currently available method to measure brain glycogen in vivo is 13C NMR spectroscopy. Incorporation of 13C-labeled glucose (Glc) is necessary to allow glycogen measurement, but might be affected by turnover changes. Our aim was to measure glycogen absolute concentration in the rat brain by eliminating label turnover as variable. The approach is based on establishing an increased, constant 13C isotopic enrichment (IE). 13C-Glc infusion is then performed at the IE of brain glycogen. As glycogen IE cannot be assessed in vivo, we validated that it can be inferred from that of N-acetyl-aspartate IE in vivo: After [1-13C]-Glc ingestion, glycogen IE was 2.2 +/- 0.1 fold that of N-acetyl-aspartate (n = 11, R(2) = 0.77). After subsequent Glc infusion, glycogen IE equaled brain Glc IE (n = 6, paired t-test, p = 0.37), implying isotopic steady-state achievement and complete turnover of the glycogen molecule. Glycogen concentration measured in vivo by 13C NMR (mean +/- SD: 5.8 +/- 0.7 micromol/g) was in excellent agreement with that in vitro (6.4 +/- 0.6 micromol/g, n = 5). When insulin was administered, the stability of glycogen concentration was analogous to previous biochemical measurements implying that glycogen turnover is activated by insulin. We conclude that the entire glycogen molecule is turned over and that insulin activates glycogen turnover.


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The northern Humboldt Current system (NHCS) off Peru is one of the most productive world marine regions. It represents less than 0.1% of the world ocean surface but presently sustains about 10% of the world fish catch, with the Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta Engraulis ringens as emblematic fish resource. Compared with other eastern boundary upwelling systems, the higher fish productivity of the NHCS cannot be explained by a corresponding higher primary productivity. On another hand, the NHCS is the region where El Niño, and climate variability in general, is most notable. Also, surface oxygenated waters overlie an intense and extremely shallow Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ). In this context, the main objective of this study is to better understand the trophic flows in the NHCS using both stomach content and stable isotope analyses. The study focuses on a variety of organisms from low trophic levels such as zooplankton to top predators (seabirds and fur seals). The approach combines both long-term and specific studies on emblematic species such as anchoveta, and sardine Sardinops sagax and a more inclusive analysis considering the 'global' food web in the recent years (2008 – 2012) using stable isotope analysis. Revisiting anchovy and sardine we show that whereas phytoplankton largely dominated anchoveta and sardine diets in terms of numerical abundance, the carbon content of prey items indicated that zooplankton was by far the most important dietary component. Indeed for anchovy euphausiids contributed 67.5% of dietary carbon, followed by copepods (26.3%). Selecting the largest prey, the euphausiids, provide an energetic advantage for anchoveta in its ecosystem where oxygen depletion imposes strong metabolic constrain to pelagic fish. Sardine feed on smaller zooplankton than do anchoveta, with sardine diet consisting of smaller copepods and fewer euphausiids than anchoveta diet. Hence, trophic competition between sardine and anchovy in the northern Humboldt Current system is minimized by their partitioning of the zooplankton food resource based on prey size, as has been reported in other systems. These results suggest an ecological role for pelagic fish that challenges previous understanding of their position in the foodweb (zooplanktophagous instead of phytophagous), the functioning and the trophic models of the NHCS. Finally to obtain a more comprehensive vision of the relative trophic position of NHCS main components we used stable isotope analyses. For that purpose we analyzed the δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values of thirteen taxonomic categories collected off Peru from 2008 - 2011, i.e., zooplankton, fish, squids and air-breathing top predators. The δ15N isotope signature was strongly impacted by the species, the body length and the latitude. Along the Peruvian coast, the OMZ get more intense and shallow south of ~7.5ºS impacting the baseline nitrogen stable isotopes. Employing a linear mixed-effects modelling approach taking into account the latitudinal and body length effects, we provide a new vision of the relative trophic position of key ecosystem components. Also we confirm stomach content-based results on anchoveta Engraulis ringens and highlight the potential remarkable importance of an often neglected ecosystem component, the squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon. Indeed, our results support the hypothesis according to which this species forage to some extent on fish eggs and larvae and can thus predate on the first life stages of exploited species. However, the δ13C values of these two species suggest that anchoveta and squat lobster do not exactly share the same habitat. This would potentially reduce some direct competition and/or predation.


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A interação de substâncias húmicas com minerais no solo pode influir na dinâmica da decomposição da matéria orgânica e na sua estabilidade. A adsorção de dois ácidos húmicos em Latossolo Roxo natural (LR natural) e tratado com oxalato de amônio (LR tratado) foi efetuada, com vistas em investigar os mecanismos de adsorção e os principais grupos funcionais envolvidos, bem como relacionar a capacidade adsortiva de acordo com as características químicas e moleculares dos adsorbatos. Os ácidos húmicos extraídos com solução de NaOH 0,5 N de uma amostra de carvão (AHc) e de um solo Brunizém (AHs) foram caracterizados por análise elementar e espectroscopia de 13C-RMN. A parametrização dos dados experimentais das isotermas de adsorção foi do tipo y = A tanh Bx, e o modelo de Langmuir também foi aplicado. As amostras adsorvidas foram analisadas por espectroscopia no Infra-Vermelho por Reflectância Difusa com Transformada de Fourier (DRIFT). A adsorção dos ácidos húmicos no LR natural foi de natureza química, sendo evidenciado por DRIFT que a reação de troca de ligantes das carboxilas com a superfície dos minerais foi um mecanismo importante. O AHc, que apresentou caráter aromático mais elevado e maior teor de carboxilas na molécula, foi adsorvido em maior quantidade do que o AHs nos dois adsorventes, o que indica a possível participação de estruturas aromáticas na interação organomineral. No LR tratado, cuja área superficial específica foi superior (ASE = 140,9 m² g-1), a adsorção foi mais elevada do que no LR natural (ASE = 66,1 m² g-1). A maior ASE no LR tratado foi relacionada com o rompimento de microagregados no tratamento com oxalato de amônio que extraiu a porção cimentante dos óxidos de ferro que unia os minerais. A interação neste tipo de adsorvente, estimada segundo a equação y = A tanh Bx, foi mais forte do que na amostra natural, o que pode estar relacionado com a presença de sítios de adsorção hidrofóbica pela presença do oxalato na superfície, com a exposição de sítios mais reativos após tratamento e pH mais ácido. O modelo de Langmuir mostrou-se adequado para explicar a adsorção na amostra natural, enquanto, no LR tratado com oxalato de amônio, o ajuste não foi satisfatório. Em geral, a aplicação da equação y = A tanh Bx forneceu melhor ajuste (R² maior) do que a equação de Langmuir.


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Endogenous glucose production rate (EGPR) remains constant when lactate is infused in healthy humans. A decrease of glycogenolysis or of gluconeogenesis from endogenous precursors or a stimulation of glycogen synthesis, may all be involved; This autoregulation does not depend on changes in glucoregulatory hormones. It may be speculated that alterations in basal sympathetic tone may be involved. To gain insights into the mechanisms responsible for autoregulation of EGPR, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis were measured, with a novel method (based on the prelabelling of endogenous glycogen with 13C glucose, and determination of hepatic 13C glycogen enrichment from breath 13CO2 and respiratory gas exchanges) in healthy humans infused with lactate or saline. These measurements were performed with or without beta-adrenergic receptor blockade (propranolol). Infusion of lactate increased energy expenditure, but did not increase EGPR; the relative contributions of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis to EGPR were also unaltered. This indicates that autoregulation is attained, at least in part, by inhibition of gluconeogenesis from endogenous precursors. beta-adrenergic receptor blockade alone (with propranolol) did not alter EGPR, glycogenolysis or gluconeogenesis. During infusion of lactate, propranolol decreased the thermic effect of lactate but EGPR remained constant. This indicates that alterations of beta-adrenergic activity is not required for autoregulation of EGPR.


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Résumé La protéomique basée sur la spectrométrie de masse est l'étude du proteome l'ensemble des protéines exprimées au sein d'une cellule, d'un tissu ou d'un organisme - par cette technique. Les protéines sont coupées à l'aide d'enzymes en plus petits morceaux -les peptides -, et, séparées par différentes techniques. Les différentes fractions contenant quelques centaines de peptides sont ensuite analysées dans un spectromètre de masse. La masse des peptides est enregistrée et chaque peptide est séquentiellement fragmenté pour en obtenir sa séquence. L'information de masse et séquence est ensuite comparée à une base de données de protéines afin d'identifier la protéine d'origine. Dans une première partie, la thèse décrit le développement de méthodes d'identification. Elle montre l'importance de l'enrichissement de protéines comme moyen d'accès à des protéines de moyenne à faible abondance dans le lait humain. Elle utilise des injections répétées pour augmenter la couverture en protéines et la confiance dans l'identification. L'impacte de nouvelle version de base de données sur la liste des protéines identifiées est aussi démontré. De plus, elle utilise avec succès la spectrométrie de masse comme alternative aux anticorps, pour valider la présence de 34 constructions de protéines pathogéniques du staphylocoque doré exprimées dans une souche de lactocoque. Dans une deuxième partie, la thèse décrit le développement de méthodes de quantification. Elle expose de nouvelles approches de marquage des terminus des protéines aux isotopes stables et décrit la première méthode de marquage des groupements carboxyliques au niveau protéine à l'aide de réactifs composé de carbone 13. De plus, une nouvelle méthode, appelée ANIBAL, marquant tous les groupements amines et carboxyliques au niveau de la protéine, est exposée. Summary Mass spectrometry-based proteomics is the study of the proteome -the set of all expressed proteins in a cell, tissue or organism -using mass spectrometry. Proteins are cut into smaller pieces - peptides - using proteolytic enzymes and separated using different separation techniques. The different fractions containing several hundreds of peptides are than analyzed by mass spectrometry. The mass of the peptides entering the instrument are recorded and each peptide is sequentially fragmented to obtain its amino acid sequence. Each peptide sequence with its corresponding mass is then searched against a protein database to identify the protein to which it belongs. This thesis presents new method developments in this field. In a first part, the thesis describes development of identification methods. It shows the importance of protein enrichment methods to gain access to medium-to-low abundant proteins in a human milk sample. It uses repeated injection to increase protein coverage and confidence in identification and demonstrates the impact of new database releases on protein identification lists. In addition, it successfully uses mass spectrometry as an alternative to antibody-based assays to validate the presence of 34 different recombinant constructs of Staphylococcus aureus pathogenic proteins expressed in a Lactococcus lactis strain. In a second part, development of quantification methods is described. It shows new stable isotope labeling approaches based on N- and C-terminus labeling of proteins and describes the first method of labeling of carboxylic groups at the protein level using 13C stable isotopes. In addition, a new quantitative approach called ANIBAL is explained that labels all amino and carboxylic groups at the protein level.


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Purpose Carbon-13 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-MRS) is challenging because of the inherent low sensitivity of 13C detection and the need for radiofrequency transmission at the 1H frequency while receiving the 13C signal, the latter requiring electrical decoupling of the 13C and 1H radiofrequency channels. In this study, we added traps to the 13C coil to construct a quadrature-13C/quadrature-1H surface coil, with sufficient isolation between channels to allow simultaneous operation at both frequencies without compromise in coil performance. Methods Isolation between channels was evaluated on the bench by measuring all coupling parameters. The quadrature mode of the quadrature-13C coil was assessed using in vitro 23Na gradient echo images. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was measured on the glycogen and glucose resonances by 13C-MRS in vitro, compared with that obtained with a linear-13C/quadrature-1H coil, and validated by 13C-MRS in vivo in the human calf at 7T. Results Isolation between channels was better than â^'30 dB. The 23Na gradient echo images indicate a region where the field is strongly circularly polarized. The quadrature coil provided an SNR enhancement over a linear coil of 1.4, in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion It is feasible to construct a double-quadrature 13C-1H surface coil for proton decoupled sensitivity enhanced 13C-NMR spectroscopy in humans at 7T. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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14C dating models are limited when considering recent groundwater for which the carbon isotopic signature of the total dissolved inorganic carbon (TDIC) is mainly acquired in the unsaturated zone. Reducing the uncertainties of dating thus implies a better identification of the processes controlling the carbon isotopic composition of the TDIC during groundwater recharge. Geochemical interactions between gas, water and carbonates in the unsaturated zone were investigated for two aquifers (the carbonate-free Fontainebleau sands and carbonate-bearing Astian sands, France) in order to identify the respective roles of CO2 and carbonates on the carbon isotopic signatures of the TDIC; this analysis is usually approached using open or closed system terms. Under fully open system conditions, the seasonality of the 13C values in the soil CO2 can lead to important uncertainties regarding the so-called "initial 14C activity" used in 14C correction models. In a carbonate-bearing unsaturated zone such as in the Astian aquifer, we show that an approach based on fully open or closed system conditions is not appropriate. Although the chemical saturation between water and calcite occurs rapidly within the first metre of the unsaturated zone, the carbon isotopic contents (δ13C) of the CO2 and the TDIC evolve downward, impacted by the dissolution-precipitation of the carbonates. In this study, we propose a numerical approach to describe this evolution. The δ13C and the A 14C (radiocarbon activity) of the TDIC at the base of the carbonate-hearing unsaturated zone depends on (i) the δ13C and the A 14C of the TDIC in the soil determined by the soil CO2, (ii) the water's residence time in the unsaturated zone and (iii) the carbonate precipitation-dissolution fluxes. In this type of situation, the carbonate δ13C-A 14C evolutions indicate the presence of secondary calcite and permit the calculation of its accretion flux, equal to ~ 4.5 ± 0.5 x 10-9 mol grock-1 yr-1. More generally, for other sites under temperate climate and with similar properties to the Astian sands site, this approach allows for a reliable determination of the carbon isotopic composition at the base of the unsaturated zone as the indispensable "input function" data of the carbon cycle into the aquifer.


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High-fructose diet stimulates hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) and causes hypertriglyceridemia and insulin resistance in rodents. Fructose-induced insulin resistance may be secondary to alterations of lipid metabolism. In contrast, fish oil supplementation decreases triglycerides and may improve insulin resistance. Therefore, we studied the effect of high-fructose diet and fish oil on DNL and VLDL triglycerides and their impact on insulin resistance. Seven normal men were studied on four occasions: after fish oil (7.2 g/day) for 28 days; a 6-day high-fructose diet (corresponding to an extra 25% of total calories); fish oil plus high-fructose diet; and control conditions. Following each condition, fasting fractional DNL and endogenous glucose production (EGP) were evaluated using [1-13C]sodium acetate and 6,6-2H2 glucose and a two-step hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp was performed to assess insulin sensitivity. High-fructose diet significantly increased fasting glycemia (7 +/- 2%), triglycerides (79 +/- 22%), fractional DNL (sixfold), and EGP (14 +/- 3%, all P < 0.05). It also impaired insulin-induced suppression of adipose tissue lipolysis and EGP (P < 0.05) but had no effect on whole- body insulin-mediated glucose disposal. Fish oil significantly decreased triglycerides (37%, P < 0.05) after high-fructose diet compared with high-fructose diet without fish oil and tended to reduce DNL but had no other significant effect. In conclusion, high-fructose diet induced dyslipidemia and hepatic and adipose tissue insulin resistance. Fish oil reversed dyslipidemia but not insulin resistance.


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Hyperinsulinemia increases lactate release by various organs and tissues. Whereas it has been shown that aerobic glycolysis is linked to Na+-K+-ATPase activity, we hypothesized that stimulation by insulin of skeletal muscle Na+-K+-ATPase is responsible for increased muscle lactate production. To test this hypothesis, we assessed muscle lactate release in healthy volunteers from the [13C]lactate concentration in the effluent dialysates of microdialysis probes inserted into the tibialis anterior muscles on both sides and infused with solutions containing 5 mmol/l [U-13C]glucose. On one side, the microdialysis probe was intermittently infused with the same solution additioned with 2.10(-5) M ouabain. In the basal state, [13C]lactate concentration in the dialysate was not affected by ouabain. During a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp, [13C]lactate concentration increased by 135% in the dialysate without ouabain, and this stimulation was nearly entirely reversed by ouabain (56% inhibition compared with values in the dialysate collected from the contralateral probe). These data indicate that insulin stimulates muscle lactate release by activating Na+-K+-ATPase in healthy humans.


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PURPOSE: Multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging require a radiofrequency probe capable of transmitting and receiving at the proton and non-proton frequencies. To minimize coupling between probe elements tuned to different frequencies, LC (inductor-capacitor) traps blocking current at the (1) H frequency can be inserted in non-proton elements. This work compares LC traps with LCC traps, a modified design incorporating an additional capacitor, enabling control of the trap reactance at the low frequency while maintaining (1) H blocking. METHODS: Losses introduced by both types of trap were analysed using circuit models. Radiofrequency coils incorporating a series of LC and LCC traps were then built and evaluated at the bench. LCC trap performance was then confirmed using (1) H and (13) C measurements in a 7T human scanner. RESULTS: LC and LCC traps both effectively block interaction between non-proton and proton coils at the proton frequency. LCC traps were found to introduce a sensitivity reduction of 5±2%, which was less than half of that caused by LC traps. CONCLUSION: Sensitivity of non-proton coils is critical. The improved trap design, incorporating one extra capacitor, significantly reduces losses introduced by the trap in the non-proton coil. Magn Reson Med 72:584-590, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Introduction: Urinary steroid profiling is used in doping controls to detect testosterone abuse. A testosterone over epitestosterone (T/E) ratio exceeding 4.0 is considered as suspicious of testosterone administration, irrespectively of individual heterogeneous factors such as the athlete's ethnicity. A deletion polymorphism in the UGT2B17 gene was demonstrated to account for a significant part of the inter-individual variability in the T/E between Caucasians and Asians. However, the anti-doping strategy includes the determination of carbon isotope ratio on androgen metabolites which has been demonstrated to be reliable for the direct detection of testosterone misuse. Herein, we examined the profiles and the variability in the 13C/12Cratios of urinary steroids in a widely heterogeneous cohort of professional soccer players residing in different world countries (Argentina, Italy, Japan, South-Africa, Switzerland and Uganda). Aim: The determination of threshold values based on genotype information and diet specific of the ethnicity is expected to enhance significantly the detection of testosterone misuse. Methods: The steroid profile of 57 Africans, 32 Asians, 50 Caucasians and 32 Hispanics was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The carbon isotope ratio of selected androgens in urine specimens were determined by means of gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). Results: Significant differences have been observed between all ethnic groups. After estimation of the prevalence of the UGT2B17 deletion/deletion genotype (African:22%; Asian:81%; Caucasian:10%; Hispanic:7%), ethnicspecific thresholds were developed for a specificity of 99% for the T/E (African:5.6; Asian:3.8; Caucasian:5.7; Hispanic:5.8). Italian and Swiss populations recorded an enrichment in 13C of the urinary steroids with respect to the other groups, thereby supporting consumption of a relatively larger proportion of C3 plants in their diet. Noteworthy, detection criteria based on the difference in the carbon isotope ratio of androsterone and pregnanediol for each population were well below the established threshold value for positive cases. Conclusion: These profiling results demonstrate that a unique and nonspecific threshold to evidence testosterone misuse is not fit for purpose. In addition, the carbon isotopic ratio from these different diet groups highlight the importance to adapt the criteria for increasing the sensitivity in the detection of exogenous testosterone. In conclusion, it may be emphasized that combining the use of isotope ratio mass spectrometry including refined interpretation criteria for positivity and the subject-based profiling of steroids will most probably improve the efficiency of the confirmatory test.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o estoque e a qualidade da matéria orgânica (MOS) por meio de análises de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) de 13C no estado sólido de amostras intactas de solo e de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) e fluorescência dos ácidos húmicos (AH) isolados de um Cambissolo cultivado com cana-de-açúcar por longo tempo. Numa situação, a cana-de-açúcar foi cultivada por 55 anos sem a queima por ocasião da colheita. A outra situação envolveu uma área cultivada com queima da palhada, na qual em uma parte foi realizada a adição de vinhaça (120 m³ ano-1) durante 35 anos e a outra não recebeu esse tratamento. O aumento no estoque de AH em 157 e 57 % nas camadas de 0-0,20 e 0,20-0,40 m, respectivamente, na área cultivada durante 55 anos com preservação do palhiço, correspondeu ao aumento observado no grau de aromaticidade e diminuição da acidez da MOS, obtido por RMN 13C. Nas áreas com manejos que envolviam a preservação da MOS foram obtidos AH com maior concentração de radicais livres do tipo semiquinona, determinada por RPE, e maior intensidade de emissão de fluorescência. Mudanças significativas no processo de humificação da MOS e, portanto, na sua qualidade foram decorrentes da preservação do palhiço por ocasião da colheita. Por sua vez, a adição de vinhaça durante 35 anos ao canavial no qual foi realizada a queima do palhiço não alterou significativamente a qualidade da MOS, sugerindo rápida evolução do material orgânico solúvel adicionado ao solo.


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Abstract:During my doctoral research, I focused on deciphering the interactions between sea-level and climate change during the Late Barremian-Early Aptian, their expression in the Tethys basin and in the Helvetic carbonate platform. The research highlights are summarized here in three points: In the Helvetic Alps, the transition between the Lower Schrattenkalk (Upper Barremian) and the Rawil Member (Lowermost Aptian) is characterized by a change from a predominantly photozoan to a heterozoan carbonate-producing system, which coincides in time with a general increase in detrital and nutrient input. The clay mineral record shows the appearance of kaolinite within the Rawil Member, whereas this mineral is absent from the uppermost Lower and lowermost Upper Schrattenkalk Members. This indicates the installation of a warmer and more humid climate during this time period. A negative peak in 513C is recorded at the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, and correlates with the well-known negative excursion of -l%o occurring in other basins and dated as latest Barremian, thus confirming a latest Barremian and earliest Aptian age for the Lower Schrattenkalk and Rawil Members, respectively. Furthermore, a sequence stratigraphie framework has been defined for the Rawil Member, based on both the ecology of faunal and floral assemblages, and their palaeoenvironmental interpretation, as well as on the stacking pattern of limestone beds observed during field prospection. The presence of a sequence boundary is postulated near the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, which is correlated with the earliest Aptian SbAl defined in Vercors (France). The SbAl is characterized by a maximum of proximal assemblages and by the disappearance of several benthic foraminiferal species. Within the Rawil Member itself, the stacking pattern and microfacies trends are interpreted to represent the TST of the first Aptian sequence. With regards to the pelagic setting in the Tethyan realm, I investigated the Gorgo a Cerbara section (central Italy). There, thin organic-rich layers occur episodically in pelagic carbonates of the upper Barremian portion of the Maiolica Formation. They are associated with high Corg:Ptot ratios, which indicate the presence of intermittent dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Coarse correlations are also observed between TOC, Ρ and biogenic silica contents, indicating links between Ρ availability, productivity, and organic matter preservation. The corresponding 813Ccarb and δ180 records remain, however, quite stable, indicating that these brief periods of enhanced TOC preservation did not have sufficient impact on the marine carbon household to deviate 6,3C records, and are probably not the consequence of major climate change. On the other hand, organic-rich layers become more frequent around the Barremian-Aptian boundary in both pelagic and hemi-pelagic environments (Gorgo a Cerbara and La Bédoule, France), which are correlated with negative excursions in 6l3Ccarb and 613Corg records. During the earliest Aptian, at Gorgo a Cerbara, the frequency of organic-rich intervals progressively increases and redox-sensitive trace-element enrichments become more frequent, until the highest TOC-enriched level just below the "Livello Selli", indicator of Oceanic Anoxic Event la (OAEla). The latter is associated with the well-known negative spike in 613Ccarb and S,3Corg records, a diminution in the δ,80 record interpreted as the consequence of a wanning interval, an important peak in Ρ accumulation and high Cor::Ptot ratios indicating the prevalence of anoxic conditions. The Selli Level (OAEla) documents a general cooling phase and coincides with maximum RSTE enrichments as well as high Corg:Ptot ratios, which confirm the importance of anoxic conditions during OAE1 a at this site.During the Early Aptian, environmental change on the platform is expressed by orbitolinids proliferation that may be induced by both climate change and sea-level rise. In the basin, the successive black shales horizons from the Late Barremian until the OAE la are interpreted as the progressive impact of palaeoenvironmental change probably linked to the formation of the Ontong- Java plate-basalt plateau.RésuméCe travail de thèse a permis d'investiguer les interactions entre les variations du niveau marin et les changements climatiques sur la plate-forme helvétique ainsi qu'en domaine pélagique à la limite Barrémien-Aptien (Crétacé).Dans les Alpes helvétiques, la limite Barrémien-Aptien est marquée par la transition du Schrattenkalk inférieur, caractérisé par des carbonates photozaires, au Membre de Rawil caractérisé par des carbonates héterozoaires. Cette transition est marquée par une arrivée massive d'éléments détritiques et un apport de nutriments ayant entraîné la prolifération de foraminifères agglutinés tels que les orbitolines. L'analyse des minéraux argileux indique l'apparition de la kaolinite durant le Membre de Rawil, interprétée comme l'installation d'un climat plus chaud et humide. Un pic négatif en 513C est enregistré au sommet du Schrattenkalk inférieur correspond à l'excursion négative de -1%0 bien connue en domaine pélagique et datée comme Barrémien terminal. Cette corrélation apporte un contrôle chronostratigraphique supplémentaire permettant de dater le Schrattenkalk inférieur du Barrémien sup. et le Membre de Rawil de l'Aptien inf. D'autre part, une étude stratigraphique, basée sur des observations de terrain et sur l'interprétation d'assemblages floristiques et faunistiques en terme de paléoenvironnement a permis de mettre en évidence une limite de séquence au sommet du Schrattenkalk inf., corrélable avec la SbAl définie dans le Vercors. Durant la mise en place du Membre de Rawil, l'évolution des microfaciès est interprétée comme le « Transgressive System Tract » de la première séquence aptienne.En domaine pélagique, de minces couches riches en matière organique (MO) apparaissent dès le Barrémien sup. dans la coupe de Gorgo a Cerbara (Italie). Elles sont associées à un ratio C:P élevé indiquant des conditions épisodiquement dysoxiques à anoxiques. De plus, une corrélation nette entre Carbone Organique Total (TOC), phosphore (P) et silice biogénique est observée correspondant à un lien entre Ρ disponible, productivité et préservation de la MO. Pourtant, dans le même temps, le ÔI3C et le δ1βΟ restent constants indiquant des conditions environnementales stables et un cycle du carbone non perturbé par la préservation de MO qui ne serait pas la conséquence d'un changement climatique global mais juste d'un effet local.Ala limite Barrémien-Aptien, en domaine hémi-pélagique (La Bédoule, France) et pélagique (Gorgo a Cerbara), les couches riches en MO sont plus fréquentes et plus épaisses, elles se sont déposées en même temps qu'un pic négatif en 513CCARB et ô13Coib probablement dû à un épisode volcanique. A l'Aptien inf. le TOC des niveaux riches en MO augmente progressivement en même temps que la teneur en éléments traces jusqu'au dernier enrichissement avant l'événement anoxique océanique la (OAE la) correspondant au « niveau critique inf. », indiquant des conditions anoxiques moins restreintes. Celui-ci est également caractérisé par le fameux pic négatif en Ô13C (C3), une diminution du δ180 interprétée comme un réchauffement, par un pic en Ρ et un ratio C:P élevé. L'OAE 1 a, quant à lui, enregistre un refroidissement et coïncide avec le maximum en éléments traces ainsi qu'un fort ratio C:P mettant en valeur l'importance des conditions anoxiques pendant 1ΌΑΕ la dans cette coupe alors qu'aucune perturbation n'est enregistrés à La Bédoule probablement à cause de conditions paléogéographiques locales.Durant l'Aptien inf., les changements environnementaux sur la plate-forme se marquent par la prolifération d'orbitolines due à un changement climatique et une hausse du niveau marin. En domaine profond, la succession de niveaux riches en MO du Barrémien sup. jusqu'à l'OAE la documente l'impact progressif de changements paléoenvironnementaux, probablement liés à la formation du plateau d'Ontong Java à l'ouest de l'océan Pacifique.


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Soluções de iodeto de sódio (NaI) e de politungstato de sódio (PTS) têm sido utilizadas, de forma indistinta, no fracionamento densimétrico da matéria orgânica (MO) do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito desses dois produtos em soluções de mesma densidade (1,80 kg L-1), bem como do aumento da densidade da solução de PTS (2,0 e 2,2 kg L-1), na obtenção de C na fração leve (FL) da MO do solo. As características estruturais da FL obtida com as diferentes soluções também foram avaliadas por ressonância magnética nuclear do 13C (RMN-13C) neste estudo, o qual foi realizado com amostras da camada de 0-5 cm de dois solos brasileiros (PVd-Argissolo Vermelho e LVd-Latossolo Vermelho). A dispersão do solo foi realizada com ultra-som (250 J mL-1 no PVd e 450 J mL-1 no LVd); a suspensão de 20 g de solo e 80 mL-1 de solução foi centrifugada (2.000 g, 90 min), e a FL, obtida pela filtragem do sobrenadante em filtro de fibra de vidro, sendo o C desta fração analisado por combustão seca (Shimadzu TOC-V CSH). O uso da solução de PTS aumentou a recuperação de C da FL em 152 % no PVd e em 166 % no LVd, em comparação à solução de NaI de mesma densidade (1,8 kg L-1). O incremento da densidade da solução de PTS também aumentou a obtenção de C na FL, o qual foi mais expressivo na densidade de 1,8 para 2,0 kg L-1 (57 % em ambos os solos) do que de 2,0 para 2,2 kg L-1 (21 % no PVd e 5 % no LVd). Com base nos teores de Fe e C da fração argila, estimou-se que a contaminação da FL com C da fração argila, quando do uso das soluções de PTS, variou de 1,9 a 3,5 % no LVd e de 6,8 a 10,4 % no PVd, os quais foram considerados baixos perante o alto percentual de incremento na recuperação de C na FL. O incremento da razão C Alquil/C-O-alquil e do C-carbonila na análise de RMN-13C sugere incremento na recuperação de FL em estádios mais avançados de decomposição com o uso de PTS e incremento da densidade da solução, tendo sido esses resultados mais expressivos no LVd. Com base no incremento da obtenção de C e na baixa contaminação da FL com C da fração argila, recomenda-se o uso da solução de PTS 2,0 kg L-1 em estudos de fracionamento densimétrico da MO do solo.