902 resultados para émotions
Bien que des photographies dexpressions motionnelles faciales soient couramment utilises pour tudier le traitement des informations affectives, les ensembles de stimuli actuels comportent diffrentes limites mthodologiques. Dans la perspective damliorer la validit cologique des travaux sur la reconnaissance motionnelle faciale (REF), ltude propose un nouvel ensemble de stimuli dynamiques constitu de personnages virtuels exprimant les six émotions fondamentales diffrentes intensits. La validation prliminaire des stimuli a t effectue en les comparant aux stimuli du POFA. Dans ltude 1, le contenu motionnel de 84 avatars statiques et de 48 photographies du POFA a t valu par 150 tudiants. Dans ltude 2, la REF a t value chez 134 tudiants laide davatars dynamiques. Lhabilet reconnatre les émotions est similaire celle rapporte dans la littrature scientifique ainsi quau POFA. Les rsultats permettent de conclure que les avatars constituent un ensemble valide de stimuli pour tudier la REF, offrant une contribution significative dans le domaine de la recherche motionnelle. Lusage davatars tant de plus en plus courant des fins dintervention et de recherche, les stimuli ouvrent aussi la voie diverses applications, entre autres pour ltude des comportements violents. Dautres travaux devront tre raliss afin de poursuivre leur validation.
Le prsent mmoire se penche sur la dramaturgie que mettent en scne le Banquet et le Phdon de Platon. Dans le cas du premier dialogue, une tude de l'pilogue et du discours d'Alcibiade, assortie de parallles ponctuels dans la Rpublique et la Lettre VII, permet de dceler un exemple de la rtention d'information platonicienne, telle que comprise sous l'gide des coles platoniciennes de Tbingen et de Milan, de mme qu'une attestation de l'existence de doctrines non-crites qualitativement suprieures celles que renferment les dialogues. L'pilogue du Banquet fait ensuite, la lumire des conclusions susmentionnes, l'objet d'une interprtation qui distingue trois niveaux de lecture des dialogues platoniciens : l'extriorit, l'intriorit et l'oralit philosophique, symbolises respectivement par le pote comique Aristophane, le pote tragique Agathon et le pote philosophique Socrate. Il va de soi que ce dernier renvoie smantiquement au philosophe par excellence, titre que Platon endosse volontiers. L'essai exgtique touchant le Phdon se concentre pour sa part sur la dernire volont de Socrate. Celle-ci survient au dnouement de la partie la plus dramaturgique du dialogue, c'est--dire aprs les discours proprement philosophiques sur l'immortalit de l'me. En ciblant ces moments, de mme que l'introduction, nous distinguons l'adjonction des tons tragique et comique, illustrant par l un procd inhabituel dont le but, ultimement, est de soustraire le dialogue au registre tragique afin d'viter la propagation d'émotions contraires la philosophie. En exploitant l'oxymore comique-tragique sur un plan mimtique, nous montrerons que la dernire volont de Socrate vhicule un dessein parntique.
Dans ce texte, nous soumettons examen la conception de l'autisme avance par Laurent Mottron dans son ouvrage L'autisme : une autre intelligence (Mottron, 2004). Le texte comprend quatre parties. Dans la premire partie, nous prsentons le cadre paradigmatique de l'auteur en matire de troubles envahissants et l'emphase mise sur une catgorie qu'il tient pour majoritaire bien que nglige dans la littrature scientifique et dans les rseaux de services : les troubles envahissants du dveloppement sans dficienceintellectuelle (TEDSDI). Il assimile ce groupe un nouvel autisme dominant. Dans la deuxime partie, nous montronsque souscrire l'ide de l'autisme comme une autre forme d'intelligence ne permet pas une conceptualisation adquate des capacits ni des dficits des personnes concernes. La troisime partie, aborde le problme du traitement de l'autisme. l'encontre des propos de Mottron, nous dfendons la pertinence de traiter l'autisme, notamment par I'intervention comportementale intensive (lCI) et l'analyse applique du comportement et jugeons sa position anachronique. D'autre part, la prpondrance et quasiexclusivit qu'il accorde TEACCH comme rponse sociopsycho-pdagogique apparat injustifie. La quatrime partie constitue une critique de l'analyse des émotions chez les personnes autistes que fait l'auteur partir d'crits autobiographiques, un retour vers l'introspection comme mthode de recherche. En conclusion, nous dplorons le ton gnral du propos, trop dialectique, notamment dans sa dichotomisation entre autistes et non autistes. Le militantisme de Mottron pour les autistes sans dficience intellectuelle doit, de mme que le dbordement idologique de sa thorie en faveur de la reconnaissance d'une culture autistique.
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with some studies in molecular mechanics Using spectroscopic data and has four chapters in it. Certain approximation methods for the evaluation of molecular force fields are herein developed The second part, which consists of the last two chaptcrs, deals with infrared spectral studies of ternary liquid systems and a polymer film prepared by glow discharge method.
Of the several physical processes occurring in the sea, vertical motions have special significance because of their marked effects on the oceanic environment. upwelling is the process in the sea whereby subsurface layers move up towards the surface. The reverse process of surface water sinking to subsurface depths is called sinking. Upwelling is a very conspicuous feature along the west coasts of continents and equatorial regions, though upwelling also occurs along certain east coasts of continents and other regions, The Thesis is an outcome of some investigations carried out by the author on upwelling and sinking off the west and east coasts of India. The aim of the study is to find out the actual period and duration of upwelling and sinking, their driving mechanism, various associated features and the factors that affect these processes. It is achieved by analysing the temperature and density fields off the west and east coasts of India, and further conclusions are drawn from the divergence field of surface currents, wind stress and sea level variations.
Sediment transport in the nearshore areas is an important process in deciding the coastline stability. The design and effective maintenance of navigable waterways, harbours and marine structures depend on the stability of the sediment substrate and the nature of sedimentation in the nearshore zone. The nearshore zone is a complex environment and the exact relationships existing between water motions and the resulting sediment transports are not well understood. During the rough weather season, when the sediment movement is considerable, processes occurring in the nearshore area are much less understood. Moreover, there is a general lack of field measurements, especially during the time of severe storm conditions. The increasing pressures and the concern on the preservation of the valuable coastal environment have led to the development of shore protection programmes. Conservation not only demands knowledge of what needs to be done, but also requires the basic processes to be fully understood. Considering the fragile nature of barrier beaches and intense occupancy of these areas by man, these coastal features have long been a subject of study by coastal oceanographers, geomorphologists and engineers. The present study is an attempt to understand the sediment movement in relation to beach dynamics, especially in the surf zone, along some part of Kerala coast and the response of the beaches to various forcing functions over different seasons
Femtosecond time-resolved techniques with KETOF (kinetic energy time-of-flight) detection in a molecular beam are developed for studies of the vectorial dynamics of transition states. Application to the dissociation reaction of IHgI is presented. For this system, the complex [I---Hg---I](++)* is unstable and, through the symmetric and asymmetric stretch motions, yields different product fragments: [I---Hg---I](++)* -> HgI(X^2/sigma^+) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I*(^2P_l/2)] (1a); [I---Hg---I](++)* -> Hg(^1S_0) + I(^2P_3/2) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I* (^2P_1/2)] (1 b). These two channels, (1a) and (1b), lead to different kinetic energy distributions in the products. It is shown that the motion of the wave packet in the transition-state region can be observed by MPI mass detection; the transient time ranges from 120 to 300 fs depending on the available energy. With polarized pulses, the vectorial properties (transition moments alignment relative to recoil direction) are studied for fragment separations on the femtosecond time scale. The results indicate the nature of the structure (symmetry properties) and the correlation to final products. For 311-nm excitation, no evidence of crossing between the I and I* potentials is found at the internuclear separations studied. (Results for 287-nm excitation are also presented.) Molecular dynamics simulations and studies by laser-induced fluorescence support these findings.
The real-time dynamics of Na_n (n=3-21) cluster multiphoton ionization and fragmentation has been studied in beam experiments applying femtosecond pump-probe techniques in combination with ion and electron spectroscopy. Three dimensional wave packet motions in the trimer Na_3 ground state X and excited state B have been observed. We report the first study of cluster properties (energy, bandwidth and lifetime of intermediate resonances Na_n^*) with femtosecond laser pulses. The observation of four absorption resonances for the cluster Na_8 with different energy widths and different decay patterns is more difficult to interpret by surface plasmon like resonances than by molecular structure and dynamics. Timeresolved fragmentation of cluster ions Na_n^+ indicates that direct photo-induced fragmentation processes are more important at short times than the statistical unimolecular decay.
We report here the first experimental study of femtosecond time-resolved molecular multiphoton ionization. Femtosecond pump-probe techniques are combined with time-of-flight spectroscopy to measure transient ionization spectra of Na_2 in a molecular-beam experiment. The wave-packet motions in different molecular potentials show that incoherent contributions from direct photoionization of a singly excited state and from excitation and autoionization of a bound doubly excited molecular state determine the observed transient ionization signal.
Femtosecond reaction dynamics of OClO in a supersonic molecular beam are reported. The system is excited to the A^2A_2 state with a femtosecond pulse, covering a range of excitation in the symmetric stretch between v_1 = 17 to v_1 = 11 (308-352 nm). A time-delayed femtosecond probe pulse ionizes the OClO, and OClO^+ is detected. This ion has not been observed in previous experiments because of its ultrafast fragmentation. Transients are reported for the mass of the parent OClO as well as the mass of the ClO. Apparent biexponential decays are observed and related to the fragmentation dynamics: OClO+hv \rightarrow (OClO)^{(++)*} \rightarrow ClO+O \rightarrow Cl+O_2. Clusters of OClO with water (OClO)_n (H_2 0)_m with n from 1 to 3 and m from 0 to 3 are also observed. The dynamics of the fragmentation reveal the nuclear motions and the electronic coupling between surfaces. The time scale for bond breakage is in the range of 300-500 fs, depending on v_1; surface crossing to form new intermediates is a pathway for the two channels of fragmentation: ClO+O (primary) and Cl+O_2 (minor). Comparisons with results of ab initio calculations are made.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschftigt sich mit den Einflssen visuell wahrgenommener Bewegungsmerkmale auf die Handlungssteuerung eines Beobachters. Im speziellen geht es darum, wie die Bewegungsrichtung und die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit als aufgabenirrelevante Reize die Ausfhrung von motorischen Reaktionen auf Farbreize beeinflussen und dabei schnellere bzw. verzgerte Reaktionszeiten bewirken. Bisherige Studien dazu waren auf lineare Bewegungen (von rechts nach links und umgekehrt) und sehr einfache Reizumgebungen (Bewegungen einfacher geometrischer Symbole, Punktwolken, Lichtpunktlufer etc.) begrenzt (z.B. Ehrenstein, 1994; Bosbach, 2004, Wittfoth, Buck, Fahle & Herrmann, 2006). In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die Gltigkeit dieser Befunde fr Dreh- und Tiefenbewegungen sowie komplexe Bewegungsformen (menschliche Bewegungsablufe im Sport) erweitert, theoretisch aufgearbeitet sowie in einer Serie von sechs Reaktionszeitexperimenten mittels Simon-Paradigma empirisch berprft. Allen Experimenten war gemeinsam, dass Versuchspersonen an einem Computermonitor auf einen Farbwechsel innerhalb des dynamischen visuellen Reizes durch einen Tastendruck (links, rechts, proximal oder distal positionierte Taste) reagieren sollten, wobei die Geschwindigkeit und die Richtung der Bewegungen fr die Reaktionen irrelevant waren. Zum Einfluss von Drehbewegungen bei geometrischen Symbolen (Exp. 1 und 1a) sowie bei menschlichen Drehbewegungen (Exp. 2) zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn die Richtungsinformationen einer Drehbewegung kompatibel zu den rumlichen Merkmalen der geforderten Tastenreaktion sind. Der Komplexittsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses spielt dabei keine Rolle. Fr die kognitive Verarbeitung des Bewegungsreizes stellt nicht der Drehsinn, sondern die relative Bewegungsrichtung oberhalb und unterhalb der Drehachse das entscheidende rumliche Kriterium dar. Zum Einfluss rumlicher Tiefenbewegungen einer Kugel (Exp. 3) und einer gehenden Person (Exp. 4) belegen unsere Befunde, dass Probanden signifikant schneller reagieren, wenn sich der Reiz auf den Beobachter zu bewegt und ein proximaler gegenber einem distalen Tastendruck gefordert ist sowie umgekehrt. Auch hier spielt der Komplexittsgrad des visuellen Ereignisses keine Rolle. In beiden Experimenten fhrt die Wahrnehmung der Bewegungsrichtung zu einer Handlungsinduktion, die im kompatiblen Fall eine schnelle und im inkompatiblen Fall eine verzgerte Handlungsausfhrung bewirkt. In den Experimenten 5 und 6 wurden die Einflsse von wahrgenommenen menschlichen Laufbewegungen (freies Laufen vs. Laufbandlaufen) untersucht, die mit und ohne eine Positionsvernderung erfolgten. Dabei zeigte sich, dass unabhngig von der Positionsvernderung die Laufgeschwindigkeit zu keiner Modulation des richtungsbasierten Simon Effekts fhrt. Zusammenfassend lassen sich die Studienergebnisse gut in effektbasierte Konzepte zur Handlungssteuerung (z.B. die Theorie der Ereigniskodierung von Hommel et al., 2001) einordnen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind ntig, um diese Ergebnisse auf gromotorische Reaktionen und Displays, die strker an visuell wahrnehmbaren Ereignissen des Sports angelehnt sind, zu bertragen.
Humans can effortlessly manipulate objects in their hands, dexterously sliding and twisting them within their grasp. Robots, however, have none of these capabilities, they simply grasp objects rigidly in their end effectors. To investigate this common form of human manipulation, an analysis of controlled slipping of a grasped object within a robot hand was performed. The Salisbury robot hand demonstrated many of these controlled slipping techniques, illustrating many results of this analysis. First, the possible slipping motions were found as a function of the location, orientation, and types of contact between the hand and object. Second, for a given grasp, the contact types were determined as a function of the grasping force and the external forces on the object. Finally, by changing the grasping force, the robot modified the constraints on the object and affect controlled slipping slipping motions.
The flexibility of the robot is the key to its success as a viable aid to production. Flexibility of a robot can be explained in two directions. The first is to increase the physical generality of the robot such that it can be easily reconfigured to handle a wide variety of tasks. The second direction is to increase the ability of the robot to interact with its environment such that tasks can still be successfully completed in the presence of uncertainties. The use of articulated hands are capable of adapting to a wide variety of grasp shapes, hence reducing the need for special tooling. The availability of low mass, high bandwidth points close to the manipulated object also offers significant improvements I the control of fine motions. This thesis provides a framework for using articulated hands to perform local manipulation of objects. N particular, it addresses the issues in effecting compliant motions of objects in Cartesian space. The Stanford/JPL hand is used as an example to illustrate a number of concepts. The examples provide a unified methodology for controlling articulated hands grasping with point contacts. We also present a high-level hand programming system based on the methodologies developed in this thesis. Compliant motion of grasped objects and dexterous manipulations can be easily described in the LISP-based hand programming language.
Robots must act purposefully and successfully in an uncertain world. Sensory information is inaccurate or noisy, actions may have a range of effects, and the robot's environment is only partially and imprecisely modeled. This thesis introduces active randomization by a robot, both in selecting actions to execute and in focusing on sensory information to interpret, as a basic tool for overcoming uncertainty. An example of randomization is given by the strategy of shaking a bin containing a part in order to orient the part in a desired stable state with some high probability. Another example consists of first using reliable sensory information to bring two parts close together, then relying on short random motions to actually mate the two parts, once the part motions lie below the available sensing resolution. Further examples include tapping parts that are tightly wedged, twirling gears before trying to mesh them, and vibrating parts to facilitate a mating operation.