961 resultados para woolly apple aphid


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Predatory behavior of Pseudodorus clavatus (Diptera, Syrphidae) on aphids tended by ants. In this study, we examined the interactions between myrmecophilous aphids, their ant-guards and a predatory syrphid species, Pseudodorus clavatus (F.). Larvae of this predator were found in the colonies of three aphid species: Aphis gossypii, A. spiraecola and Toxoptera sp., which were tended by eight ant species, especially Camponotus. Hoverfly larvae managed to infiltrate the aphid colonies and consume nymphs. Predator larvae exhibited inconspicuous movements and were not detected by ants which were commonly observed touching and antennating the larvae they come into contact. These results suggest that behavioral and chemical cues are involved in the infiltration and on the successful predation of syrphids upon aphids.


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Survey Methodology: The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) Bureau of Horticulture provided USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Iowa Field office with a complete list of apple and grape growers expected to be in operation. These operations were mailed a questionnaire and a telephone follow-up of non-respondents was conducted. The survey data was edited for reasonableness, and then summarized using statistical software. There were 236 operators who reported they did own, lease or operate a grape vineyard in 2006. The same operators reported 538 acres of grapes.


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Plants, like humans and other animals, also get sick, exhibit disease symptoms, and die. Plant diseases are caused by environmental stress, genetic or physiological disorders and infectious agents including viroids, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Plant pathology originated from the convergence of microbiology, botany and agronomy; its ultimate goal is the control of plant disease. Microbiologists have been attracted to this field of research because of the need for identification of the agents causing infectious diseases in economically important crops. In 1878—only two years after Pasteur and Koch had shown for the first time that anthrax in animals was caused by a bacteria—Burril, in the USA, discovered that the fire blight disease of apple and pear was also caused by a bacterium (nowadays known as Erwinia amylovora). In 1898, Beijerinck concluded that tobacco mosaic was caused by a “contagium vivum fluidum” which he called a virus. In 1971, Diener proved that a potato disease named potato spindle tuber was caused by infectious RNA which he called viroid


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Food safety today is conditiones by the implementation of new Tecnologies for food preservation based on mild treatments and mínimum process, Novel foods, severe restrictions in the toxicològic profile of chemical preservatives, And the drastic limitation /prohibition of antibiotics, and as a consequence, by the New emergint pathogens or by the increase of classical food-borne pathogens. Biopreservatives appear within this context with strong expectations, because thei are safe microorganisms of ten isolated from foods, chemical compounds of natural origin -antimicrobial peptides and proteins, botanical extracts, enzymes- and sintetic compounds based on natural structures, but less toxic and more eficients, like the amtimicrobial peptides. Among the microbial biopreservatives, lactic acid bacteria have shown great possibilities in the preservation of cured meat products, ready to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as to decrease microbial spoilage in food by products before processing for valorization. Our laboratory has performed an extense survey of the microbiological quality of fresh fruit and vegetables, and of ready-to-eat products, and have detect low levels, but significant of Salmonella sp., E. coli and Listeria spp., including L.monocytogenes, in retail markets and Supermarkets of Catalonia. Due to this reason, we started a project consisting of Developing application of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) obtained from these products, as biopreservatives. LAB were abundant in ready-to-eat fresh fruits and vegetables, specially in germinated seeds. From these products we obtained strains of Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus and Weissella, producing bacteriocins and with a Significant activity of control of L.monocytogenes in fresh apple and cut salad. Ather strains were efective in the inhibition of fungal rot during postharvest caused by Penicillium expansum


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group iscurrently developing the first a ctivity index specific forEosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). None of the existing dysphagiaquestionnaires take into account the consistency of theingested food t hat considerably impacts the symptompresentation. Goal: To d evelop and evaluate an E oE-specificquestionnaire assessing dysphagia caused by foods of differentconsistencies.Methods: B ased on patient interviews and chart reviews, a nexpert panel ( EEsAI study g roup) identified internationallystandardizedfood prototypes t ypically a ssociated with EoErelateddysphagia. Food consistencies were c orrelated withEoE-related d ysphagia, t aking into account p otential f oodavoidance and f ood processing. This V isual D ysphagiaQuestionnaire (VDQ) was piloted in 20 patients and is currentlyevaluated in a cohort of 150 adult EoE patients.Results: T he following 8 food c onsistency prototypes w ereidentified: soft foods (pudding, jelly), grits, toast bread, Frenchfries, dry rice, ground meat, raw fibrous f oods (eg. apple,carrot), s olid m eat. Dysphagia was r anked o n a 4-point Likertscale (0=no difficulties; 3= severe difficulties, food will not pass).First analysis demonstrated that severity of dysphagia is relatedto the eosinophil load and presence of esophageal strictures.Conclusions: T he VDQ i s the first EoE-specific tool f orassessing dysphagia caused by i nternationally-standardizedfoods of different consistencies. This instrument also addressesfood avoidance behaviour and food processing habits. This toolperformed well in a p ilot study a nd is currently evaluated in acohort of 150 adult EoE patients.


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El lanzamiento de las tabletas, especialmente la iPad de Apple en 2010, abrió la competencia entre las compañías de comunicación en el sentido de hacer disponible el contenido para este entorno de medios emergentes. La fuga de lectores de periódicos impresos y la consecuente caída en las ganancias por publicidad, forzó a las compañías periodísticas a que buscaran los otros medios de mantener sus negocios. La diversificación de productos y la penetración de los periódicos en dispositivos móviles constituyen un escenario prometedor para el medio. El vertiginoso volumen de ventas de las tabletas indica que en 2012 serán comercializadas más de 140 millones de unidades en el mundo. El diseño de los periódicos en tabletas está íntimamente ligado al diseño de la versión impresa por la fuerza de su metáfora. El desafío es encontrar un diseño de páginas propio, aprovechando el potencial multimedia sin interferir negativamente en la legibilidad y en el carácter intrínseco de informar.


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Para realizar el seguimiento online de la carrera de resistencia TrailWalker que organiza anualmente Intermon OX, se ha desarrollado un sistema GIS formado por una aplicación cliente iOS para el teléfono iPhone, que mediante el sistema de localización de Apple transmite periódicamente la posición de los participantes a un servidor con el software ArcGIS for Server, que permitirá explotar la información espacial mediante un visor web.


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Grande parte da literatura sobre "pedagogias críticas" tem sido política e teoricamente importante e nos ajudou a avançar em várias frentes. Com muita freqüência, no entanto, ela não tem sido relacionada o bastante com os modos pelos quais o atual movimento em direção ao que pode ser mais bem chamado de "modernização conservadora" alterou o senso comum e transformou as condições materiais e ideológicas que cercam o ensino. Desse modo, ela às vezes torna-se uma forma do que pode ser mais bem chamado de retórica do "romantismo das possibilidades", na qual a linguagem da possibilidade substitui uma análise habilidosa e consistente do que realmente é o equilíbrio de forças e o que é necessário para mudar as políticas neoliberais e neoconservadoras na alfabetização e em toda a esfera da educação. Examino os modos pelos quais o terreno social e cultural da política e do discurso educacionais tem sido alterado "in loco", por assim dizer. Afirmo que precisamos estabelecer conexões mais próximas entre nossos discursos teóricos e críticos, de um lado, e as transformações reais que estão atualmente deslocando políticas e práticas educacionais para direções fundamentalmente de direita, de outro. Desse modo, parte da minha discussão é conceitual e política; mas parte dela precisará ser de natureza empírica para que eu possa ordenar o que se conhece sobre os efeitos reais e materiais do deslocamento para a direita na educação.


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Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. THIS WEEK: Electric Lighting in the Iowa State Capitol BACKGROUND: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON LIGHTING THE BUILDING AND GROUNDS WITH ELECTRICITY—1882 The Capitol Commissioners submitted biennial reports throughout the 15 years it took to build the Capitol (1871-1886). Often there were committees formed to investigate a certain phase of the construction. The following is the report of the Committee on Lighting. Note: The Capitol Commissioners determined the gas lighting to be the best choice in the 1880s. Less than 20 years later, the process began to convert the Capitol from gas to electric lighting. There was a period where both types of lighting were being used in the Capitol. The photograph of the 1904 apple harvest shows both electric and gas fixtures. The turn of the 20th century photograph of the library also shows chandeliers utilizing both gas and electricity. The photograph of the single fixture in the library is a mystery. It shows a fixture utilizing both gas and electricity, but no other photographs of the library exist where this fixture appears. Perhaps it was a prototype and never used in the Capitol.


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Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees, cultivars Gala and Fuji, were sprayed at full bloom with thidiazuron (TDZ) at doses of 0, 5, 10, or 20 g ha-1 of a.i. in order to evaluate its effects on plant growth and development, return bloom, fruit set, nutrition, and fruit yield. Fruit set increased with TDZ dose in 'Gala' but not in 'Fuji'. TDZ did not affect fruit yield in any cultivar. In 'Gala', the return bloom was reduced in about 50% at TDZ doses of 10 or 20 g ha-1. TDZ increased shoot growth in both cultivars. In leaves, TDZ decreased the concentration of Ca and Mg in 'Gala' and of Mg in 'Fuji', but did not affect the chlorophyll content, leaf area, length, width, and dry mass per cm² regardless of cultivar. In fruits, the effect of TDZ varied according to the portion evaluated. Highest doses of TDZ decreased the concentration of Ca and K in 'Gala' and of K in 'Fuji' in the entire fruits (flesh + skin); in the skin, highest doses of TDZ reduced the levels of N, Ca, and Mg in both cultivars, in addition to the level of K in 'Fuji'.


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The objective of this work was to study the toxicity of pymetrozine and thiamethoxam to the cotton aphid parasitoid Aphelinus gossypii Timberlake and to the whitefly predator Delphastus pusillus (LeConte). Cotton leaves containing mummies of the parasitoid A. gossypii were collected and treated with seven concentrations of both insecticides. Parasitoid emergence was not affected by pymetrozine and ranged from 59.9% to 75.0%, but decreased with the increase of thiamethoxam concentrations ranging from 30.2% to 69.6%. Cotton leaves infested by whitefly and treated with recommended rates of both insecticides were collected three hours, three days and six days after spraying and colonized with larvae and adults of D. pusillus. Predators released on thiamethoxam-treated leaves experienced mortality from 70% to 100%, while those released on pymetrozine-treated leaves showed mortality from 0% to 20%. Topical toxicity from both insecticides was studied on larvae, pupae and adults of D. pusillus. The survival of predator after six days of exposure to 400, 600 and 800 mg/L of pymetrozine a.i. was higher than 69.6%, and to 25, 100 and 200 mg/L of thiamethoxam a.i. was lower than 8.7%. The toxicity data for A. gossypii and D. pusillus characterize the pymetrozine as harmless for both species, and thiamethoxam of low to moderate toxicity for A. gossypii treated mummies, and high toxicity for D. pusillus.


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The motivation for this research initiated from the abrupt rise and fall of minicomputers which were initially used both for industrial automation and business applications due to their significantly lower cost than their predecessors, the mainframes. Later industrial automation developed its own vertically integrated hardware and software to address the application needs of uninterrupted operations, real-time control and resilience to harsh environmental conditions. This has led to the creation of an independent industry, namely industrial automation used in PLC, DCS, SCADA and robot control systems. This industry employs today over 200'000 people in a profitable slow clockspeed context in contrast to the two mainstream computing industries of information technology (IT) focused on business applications and telecommunications focused on communications networks and hand-held devices. Already in 1990s it was foreseen that IT and communication would merge into one Information and communication industry (ICT). The fundamental question of the thesis is: Could industrial automation leverage a common technology platform with the newly formed ICT industry? Computer systems dominated by complex instruction set computers (CISC) were challenged during 1990s with higher performance reduced instruction set computers (RISC). RISC started to evolve parallel to the constant advancement of Moore's law. These developments created the high performance and low energy consumption System-on-Chip architecture (SoC). Unlike to the CISC processors RISC processor architecture is a separate industry from the RISC chip manufacturing industry. It also has several hardware independent software platforms consisting of integrated operating system, development environment, user interface and application market which enables customers to have more choices due to hardware independent real time capable software applications. An architecture disruption merged and the smartphone and tablet market were formed with new rules and new key players in the ICT industry. Today there are more RISC computer systems running Linux (or other Unix variants) than any other computer system. The astonishing rise of SoC based technologies and related software platforms in smartphones created in unit terms the largest installed base ever seen in the history of computers and is now being further extended by tablets. An underlying additional element of this transition is the increasing role of open source technologies both in software and hardware. This has driven the microprocessor based personal computer industry with few dominating closed operating system platforms into a steep decline. A significant factor in this process has been the separation of processor architecture and processor chip production and operating systems and application development platforms merger into integrated software platforms with proprietary application markets. Furthermore the pay-by-click marketing has changed the way applications development is compensated: Three essays on major trends in a slow clockspeed industry: The case of industrial automation 2014 freeware, ad based or licensed - all at a lower price and used by a wider customer base than ever before. Moreover, the concept of software maintenance contract is very remote in the app world. However, as a slow clockspeed industry, industrial automation has remained intact during the disruptions based on SoC and related software platforms in the ICT industries. Industrial automation incumbents continue to supply systems based on vertically integrated systems consisting of proprietary software and proprietary mainly microprocessor based hardware. They enjoy admirable profitability levels on a very narrow customer base due to strong technology-enabled customer lock-in and customers' high risk leverage as their production is dependent on fault-free operation of the industrial automation systems. When will this balance of power be disrupted? The thesis suggests how industrial automation could join the mainstream ICT industry and create an information, communication and automation (ICAT) industry. Lately the Internet of Things (loT) and weightless networks, a new standard leveraging frequency channels earlier occupied by TV broadcasting, have gradually started to change the rigid world of Machine to Machine (M2M) interaction. It is foreseeable that enough momentum will be created that the industrial automation market will in due course face an architecture disruption empowered by these new trends. This thesis examines the current state of industrial automation subject to the competition between the incumbents firstly through a research on cost competitiveness efforts in captive outsourcing of engineering, research and development and secondly researching process re- engineering in the case of complex system global software support. Thirdly we investigate the industry actors', namely customers, incumbents and newcomers, views on the future direction of industrial automation and conclude with our assessments of the possible routes industrial automation could advance taking into account the looming rise of the Internet of Things (loT) and weightless networks. Industrial automation is an industry dominated by a handful of global players each of them focusing on maintaining their own proprietary solutions. The rise of de facto standards like IBM PC, Unix and Linux and SoC leveraged by IBM, Compaq, Dell, HP, ARM, Apple, Google, Samsung and others have created new markets of personal computers, smartphone and tablets and will eventually also impact industrial automation through game changing commoditization and related control point and business model changes. This trend will inevitably continue, but the transition to a commoditized industrial automation will not happen in the near future.


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Kale Brassica oleracea var. acephala is attacked by whitefly Bemisia tabaci, aphid Brevicoryne brassicae and Thrips tabaci. One of the main reasons for extensive insecticide application is the lack of information about factors that control insect population. The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationships between predators and parasitoids, organic compound leaves, levels of leaf nitrogen and potassium, total rainfall, relative humidity, sunlight and median temperature on the abundance of whitefly, aphid, and thrips in kale genotype "Talo Roxo". The beating tray method, direct counting and magnifying lens were used to estimate the number of these pests, predators and parasitoids. Median temperature, sunlight and relative humidity correlated to the amount of leaf nonacosane, which in turn was associated with aphids population increase. A tendency in the reduction of aphids and thrips populations with increase in total rainfall was observed. The whitefly can be a harmful pest in kale producing regions of higher temperature and smaller rainfall. In regions which present moderate temperature, where there is a high incidence of aphids, genotype with low leaf wax content should be chosen. Natural enemies, especially the parasitoid Adialytus spp., can control agents of the aphids population in kale.


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El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo realizar una propuesta de cultivo de manzano (Malus domestica) en la Vall d’Alinyà para el desarrollo de un producto agroalimentario que contribuya a la revitalización de esta área rural y a la mitigación del calentamiento global. Para ello, se pretende proporcionar una metodología para calcular, con mayor precisión, el comportamiento de los cultivos como sumidero de carbono a partir del balance neto de gases con efecto invernadero (GEI) del sistema. Con tal de obtener las emisiones de GEI generadas por los cultivos se desarrolla un análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV), y para obtener la fijación de los cultivos, se realiza un análisis de su capacidad de absorción de dióxido de carbono en la biomasa de la plantación. Además, mediante el uso de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), se determinaron los terrenos potenciales para el cultivo del manzano en la zona de estudio. Posteriormente, se verifica la certificación de créditos en el mercado de carbono voluntario y se analiza la viabilidad económica del proyecto, obteniendo así un producto (la manzana) con valor ambiental añadido. Como conclusión se obtuvo una viabilidad positiva de la verificación de créditos, puesto que el balance neto de carbono fue positivo, absorbiéndose 234,54 t CO2 en todo el territorio potencialmente cultivable (16,92 ha) y durante 15 años de actividad agrícola. Al mismo tiempo, la propuesta resultó viable económicamente, generándose unos beneficios ligados a la venta de producción frutícola y de los créditos de carbono de 79.484 € durante los 15 años de actividad productiva.


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The objective of this work was to investigate the relationships between predators and parasitoids, leaf chemical composition, levels of leaf nitrogen and potassium, total rainfall, relative humidity, daylight and median temperature on the intensity of whitefly, aphid, and thrips attack on cabbage. Whitefly, aphids and thrips population tended to proliferate in the final stage of plant or reached a peak population about 40 days after plantation. The whitefly and thrips tended to increase with an increase in the median temperature. A dependence of Cheiracanthium inclusum and Adialytus spp. populations on whitefly and aphids populations, respectively, was observed. No significant effect was detected between K and nonacosane leaf content and aphid population. However, an increase in leaf N content was followed by a decrease of this insect population. No significant relation was observed between leaf N, K and nonacosane and whitefly and thrips populations. Highest nonacosane levels were observed in plants 40 days after transplant, and relative humidity correlated negatively with nonacosane. Natural enemies, especially the parasitoid Adialytus spp. and the spiders can be useful controlling agents of the whitefly and aphids in cabbage. Median temperature can increase whitefly and thrips populations.