896 resultados para voip , dispositivi mobili , portabilità , user-friendly


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This work consists of the integrated design process analyses with thermal energetic simulation during the early design stages, based on six practical cases. It aims to schematize the integration process, identifying the thermal energetic analyses contributions at each design phase and identifying the highest impact parameters on building performance. The simulations were run in the DesignBuilder energy tool, which has the same EnergyPlus engine, validated. This tool was chosen due to the flexible and user friendly graphic interface for modeling and output assessment, including the parametric simulation to compare design alternatives. The six case studies energy tools are three architectural and three retrofit projects, and the author the simulations as a consultant or as a designer. The case studies were selected based on the commitment of the designers in order to achieve performance goals, and their availability to share the process since the early pre-design analyses, allowing schematizing the whole process, and supporting the design decisions with quantifications, including energy targets. The thermoenergetic performance analyses integration is feasible since the early stages, except when only a short time is available to run the simulations. The simulation contributions are more important during the sketch and detail phases. The predesign phase can be assisted by means of reliable bioclimatic guidelines. It was verified that every case study had two dominant design variables on the general performance. These variables differ according the building characteristics and always coincide with the local bioclimatic strategies. The adaptation of alternatives to the design increases as earlier it occurs. The use of simulation is very useful: to prove and convince the architects; to quantify the cost benefits and payback period to the retrofit designer; and to the simulator confirm the desirable result and report the performance to the client


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Archaeologists are often considered frontrunners in employing spatial approaches within the social sciences and humanities, including geospatial technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS) that are now routinely used in archaeology. Since the late 1980s, GIS has mainly been used to support data collection and management as well as spatial analysis and modeling. While fruitful, these efforts have arguably neglected the potential contribution of advanced visualization methods to the generation of broader archaeological knowledge. This paper reviews the use of GIS in archaeology from a geographic visualization (geovisual) perspective and examines how these methods can broaden the scope of archaeological research in an era of more user-friendly cyber-infrastructures. Like most computational databases, GIS do not easily support temporal data. This limitation is particularly problematic in archaeology because processes and events are best understood in space and time. To deal with such shortcomings in existing tools, archaeologists often end up having to reduce the diversity and complexity of archaeological phenomena. Recent developments in geographic visualization begin to address some of these issues, and are pertinent in the globalized world as archaeologists amass vast new bodies of geo-referenced information and work towards integrating them with traditional archaeological data. Greater effort in developing geovisualization and geovisual analytics appropriate for archaeological data can create opportunities to visualize, navigate and assess different sources of information within the larger archaeological community, thus enhancing possibilities for collaborative research and new forms of critical inquiry.


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L'utilizzo di percorsi non centralizzati per la comunicazione tra dispositivi mobili presenta notevoli vantaggi, tra i quali una maggiore sicurezza e segretezza e l'indipendenza da infrastrutture esterne (Internet). Gli studi e le implementazioni di questo tipo di funzionalità stanno emergendo recentemente di pari passo con i traguardi raggiunti nel campo della tecnologia mobile, ma si trovano ancora in uno stato sperimentale e poco fruibile in pratica. È stata sviluppata come proof of work un'applicazione che permette di diffondere messaggi tra dispositivi mobili senza connessione a internet, sfruttando un sistema di comunicazione (quasi) peer to peer. Viene descritta in generale l'architettura e il funzionamento dell'applicazione insieme a dei possibili casi d'uso. Inoltre vengono mostrati i metodi vagliati ed effettivamente utilizzati per implementare questo tipo di comunicazione, insieme ad altre caratteristiche secondarie (crittografia). Il risultato conseguito è a tutti gli effetti funzionante e viene ritenuto la soluzione migliore possibile tra tutte quelle trovate, ma presenta comunque diversi difetti. La conclusione raggiunta è che lo stato attuale dell'arte non permetta di raggiungere lo scopo prefissato in maniera ottimale, in quanto è necessario ricorrere a metodi poco funzionali a causa della mancanza di supporto alle tecnologie necessarie.


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Obbiettivo di questa tesi è presentare l'applicazione per dispositivi mobili denominata “dPiP” (che sta per “di Piazza in Piazza“), il suo scopo, il suo funzionamento ed il processo che ha portato dalla sua ideazione al suo utilizzo nell'ambito delle iniziative dell'Università di Bologna in occasione dell'EXPO2015. In particolare, l'applicazione è strettamente correlata all'installazione "di Piazza in Piazza" che è stata ospitata presso la Biblioteca Malatestiana di Cesena, da Settembre 2015 a Maggio 2016.


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Il traguardo più importante per la connettività wireless del futuro sarà sfruttare appieno le potenzialità offerte da tutte le interfacce di rete dei dispositivi mobili. Per questo motivo con ogni probabilità il multihoming sarà un requisito obbligatorio per quelle applicazioni che puntano a fornire la migliore esperienza utente nel loro utilizzo. Sinteticamente è possibile definire il multihoming come quel processo complesso per cui un end-host o un end-site ha molteplici punti di aggancio alla rete. Nella pratica, tuttavia, il multihoming si è rivelato difficile da implementare e ancor di più da ottimizzare. Ad oggi infatti, il multihoming è lontano dall’essere considerato una feature standard nel network deployment nonostante anni di ricerche e di sviluppo nel settore, poiché il relativo supporto da parte dei protocolli è quasi sempre del tutto inadeguato. Naturalmente anche per Android in quanto piattaforma mobile più usata al mondo, è di fondamentale importanza supportare il multihoming per ampliare lo spettro delle funzionalità offerte ai propri utenti. Dunque alla luce di ciò, in questa tesi espongo lo stato dell’arte del supporto al multihoming in Android mettendo a confronto diversi protocolli di rete e testando la soluzione che sembra essere in assoluto la più promettente: LISP. Esaminato lo stato dell’arte dei protocolli con supporto al multihoming e l’architettura software di LISPmob per Android, l’obiettivo operativo principale di questa ricerca è duplice: a) testare il roaming seamless tra le varie interfacce di rete di un dispositivo Android, il che è appunto uno degli obiettivi del multihoming, attraverso LISPmob; e b) effettuare un ampio numero di test al fine di ottenere attraverso dati sperimentali alcuni importanti parametri relativi alle performance di LISP per capire quanto è realistica la possibilità da parte dell’utente finale di usarlo come efficace soluzione multihoming.


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INTRODUCTION: The ability to reproducibly identify clinically equivalent patient populations is critical to the vision of learning health care systems that implement and evaluate evidence-based treatments. The use of common or semantically equivalent phenotype definitions across research and health care use cases will support this aim. Currently, there is no single consolidated repository for computable phenotype definitions, making it difficult to find all definitions that already exist, and also hindering the sharing of definitions between user groups. METHOD: Drawing from our experience in an academic medical center that supports a number of multisite research projects and quality improvement studies, we articulate a framework that will support the sharing of phenotype definitions across research and health care use cases, and highlight gaps and areas that need attention and collaborative solutions. FRAMEWORK: An infrastructure for re-using computable phenotype definitions and sharing experience across health care delivery and clinical research applications includes: access to a collection of existing phenotype definitions, information to evaluate their appropriateness for particular applications, a knowledge base of implementation guidance, supporting tools that are user-friendly and intuitive, and a willingness to use them. NEXT STEPS: We encourage prospective researchers and health administrators to re-use existing EHR-based condition definitions where appropriate and share their results with others to support a national culture of learning health care. There are a number of federally funded resources to support these activities, and research sponsors should encourage their use.


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Corel Geological Drafting Kit (CGDK), a program written in VBA, has been designed to assist geologists and geochemists with their drafting work. It obtains geological data from a running Excel application directly, and uses the data to plot geochemical diagrams and to construct stratigraphic columns. The software also contains functions for creating stereographic projections and rose diagrams, which can be used for spatial analysis, on a calibrated geological map. The user-friendly program has been tested to work with CorelDRAW 13 - 14 - 15 and Excel 2003 - 2007.


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The goals of this program of research were to examine the link between self-reported vulvar pain and clinical diagnoses, and to create a user-friendly assessment tool to aid in that process. These goals were undertaken through a series of four empirical studies (Chapters 2-6): one archival study, two online studies, and one study conducted in a Women’s Health clinic. In Chapter 2, the link between self-report and clinical diagnosis was confirmed by extracting data from multiple studies conducted in the Sexual Health Research Laboratory over the course of several years. We demonstrated the accuracy of diagnosis based on multiple factors, and explored the varied gynecological presentation of different diagnostic groups. Chapter 3 was based on an online study designed to create the Vulvar Pain Assessment Questionnaire (VPAQ) inventory. Following the construct validation approach, a large pool of potential items was created to capture a broad selection of vulvar pain symptoms. Nearly 300 participants completed the entire item pool, and a series of factor analyses were utilized to narrow down the items and create scales/subscales. Relationships were computed among subscales and validated scales to establish convergent and discriminant validity. Chapters 4 and 5 were conducted in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Oregon Health & Science University. The brief screening version of the VPAQ was employed with patients of the Program in Vulvar Health at the Center for Women’s Health. The accuracy and usefulness of the VPAQscreen was determined from the perspective of patients as well as their health care providers, and the treatment-seeking experiences of patients was explored. Finally, a second online study was conducted to confirm the factor structure, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability of the VPAQ inventory. The results presented in these chapters confirm the link between targeted questions and accurate diagnoses, and provide a guideline that is useful and accessible for providers and patients.


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The inherent analogue nature of medical ultrasound signals in conjunction with the abundant merits provided by digital image acquisition, together with the increasing use of relatively simple front-end circuitries, have created considerable demand for single-bit  beamformers in digital ultrasound imaging systems. Furthermore, the increasing need to design lightweight ultrasound systems with low power consumption and low noise, provide ample justification for development and innovation in the use of single-bit  beamformers in ultrasound imaging systems. The overall aim of this research program is to investigate, establish, develop and confirm through a combination of theoretical analysis and detailed simulations, that utilize raw phantom data sets, suitable techniques for the design of simple-to-implement hardware efficient  digital ultrasound beamformers to address the requirements for 3D scanners with large channel counts, as well as portable and lightweight ultrasound scanners for point-of-care applications and intravascular imaging systems. In addition, the stability boundaries of higher-order High-Pass (HP) and Band-Pass (BP) Σ−Δ modulators for single- and dual- sinusoidal inputs are determined using quasi-linear modeling together with the describing-function method, to more accurately model the  modulator quantizer. The theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with the simulation results for a variety of input amplitudes, bandwidths, and modulator orders. The proposed mathematical models of the quantizer will immensely help speed up the design of higher order HP and BP Σ−Δ modulators to be applicable for digital ultrasound beamformers. Finally, a user friendly design and performance evaluation tool for LP, BP and HP  modulators is developed. This toolbox, which uses various design methodologies and covers an assortment of  modulators topologies, is intended to accelerate the design process and evaluation of  modulators. This design tool is further developed to enable the design, analysis and evaluation of  beamformer structures including the noise analyses of the final B-scan images. Thus, this tool will allow researchers and practitioners to design and verify different reconstruction filters and analyze the results directly on the B-scan ultrasound images thereby saving considerable time and effort.


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In this thesis, novel analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog generalized time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators are designed, analysed, evaluated and implemented that are suitable for high performance data conversion for a broad-spectrum of applications. These generalized time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators can perform noise-shaping for any centre frequency from DC to Nyquist. The proposed topologies are well-suited for Butterworth, Chebyshev, inverse-Chebyshev and elliptical filters, where designers have the flexibility of specifying the centre frequency, bandwidth as well as the passband and stopband attenuation parameters. The application of the time-interleaving approach, in combination with these bandpass loop-filters, not only overcomes the limitations that are associated with conventional and mid-band resonator-based bandpass sigma-delta modulators, but also offers an elegant means to increase the conversion bandwidth, thereby relaxing the need to use faster or higher-order sigma-delta modulators. A step-by-step design technique has been developed for the design of time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators. Using this technique, an assortment of lower- and higher-order single- and multi-path generalized A/D variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators were designed, evaluated and compared in terms of their signal-to-noise ratios, hardware complexity, stability, tonality and sensitivity for ideal and non-ideal topologies. Extensive behavioural-level simulations verified that one of the proposed topologies not only used fewer coefficients but also exhibited greater robustness to non-idealties. Furthermore, second-, fourth- and sixth-order single- and multi-path digital variable bandpass digital sigma-delta modulators are designed using this technique. The mathematical modelling and evaluation of tones caused by the finite wordlengths of these digital multi-path sigmadelta modulators, when excited by sinusoidal input signals, are also derived from first principles and verified using simulation and experimental results. The fourth-order digital variable-band sigma-delta modulator topologies are implemented in VHDL and synthesized on Xilinx® SpartanTM-3 Development Kit using fixed-point arithmetic. Circuit outputs were taken via RS232 connection provided on the FPGA board and evaluated using MATLAB routines developed by the author. These routines included the decimation process as well. The experiments undertaken by the author further validated the design methodology presented in the work. In addition, a novel tunable and reconfigurable second-order variable bandpass sigma-delta modulator has been designed and evaluated at the behavioural-level. This topology offers a flexible set of choices for designers and can operate either in single- or dual-mode enabling multi-band implementations on a single digital variable bandpass sigma-delta modulator. This work is also supported by a novel user-friendly design and evaluation tool that has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink that can speed-up the design, evaluation and comparison of analog and digital single-stage and time-interleaved variable bandpass sigma-delta modulators. This tool enables the user to specify the conversion type, topology, loop-filter type, path number and oversampling ratio.


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Major food adulteration and contamination events occur with alarming regularity and are known to be episodic, with the question being not if but when another large-scale food safety/integrity incident will occur. Indeed, the challenges of maintaining food security are now internationally recognised. The ever increasing scale and complexity of food supply networks can lead to them becoming significantly more vulnerable to fraud and contamination, and potentially dysfunctional. This can make the task of deciding which analytical methods are more suitable to collect and analyse (bio)chemical data within complex food supply chains, at targeted points of vulnerability, that much more challenging. It is evident that those working within and associated with the food industry are seeking rapid, user-friendly methods to detect food fraud and contamination, and rapid/high-throughput screening methods for the analysis of food in general. In addition to being robust and reproducible, these methods should be portable and ideally handheld and/or remote sensor devices, that can be taken to or be positioned on/at-line at points of vulnerability along complex food supply networks and require a minimum amount of background training to acquire information rich data rapidly (ergo point-and-shoot). Here we briefly discuss a range of spectrometry and spectroscopy based approaches, many of which are commercially available, as well as other methods currently under development. We discuss a future perspective of how this range of detection methods in the growing sensor portfolio, along with developments in computational and information sciences such as predictive computing and the Internet of Things, will together form systems- and technology-based approaches that significantly reduce the areas of vulnerability to food crime within food supply chains. As food fraud is a problem of systems and therefore requires systems level solutions and thinking.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the promising contributions of the Concept Maps for Learning (CMfL) website to assessment for learning practices. The CMfL website generates concept maps from relatedness degree of concepts pairs through the Pathfinder Scaling Algorithm. This website also confirms the established principles of effective assessment for learning, for it is capable of automatically assessing students' higher order knowledge, simultaneously identifying strengths and weaknesses, immediately providing useful feedback and being user-friendly. According to the default assessment plan, students first create concept maps on a particular subject and then they are given individualized visual feedback followed by associated instructional material (e.g., videos, website links, examples, problems, etc.) based on a comparison of their concept map and a subject matter expert's map. After studying the feedback and instructional material, teachers can monitor their students' progress by having them create revised concept maps. Therefore, we claim that the CMfL website may reduce the workload of teachers as well as provide immediate and delayed feedback on the weaknesses of students in different forms such as graphical and multimedia. For the following study, we will examine whether these promising contributions to assessment for learning are valid in a variety of subjects.


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Microneedles (MNs) are emerging devices that can be used for the delivery of drugs at specific locations1. Their performance is primarily judged by different features and the penetration through tissue is one of the most important aspects to evaluate. For detailed studies of MN performance different kind of in-vitro, exvivo and in-vivo tests should be performed. The main limitation of some of these tests is that biological tissue is too heterogeneous, unstable and difficult to obtain. In addition the use of biological materials sometimes present legal issues. There are many studies dealing with artificial membranes for drug diffusion2, but studies of artificial membranes for Microneedle mechanical characterization are scarce3. In order to overcome these limitations we have developed tests using synthetic polymeric membranes instead of biological tissue. The selected artificial membrane is homogeneous, stable, and readily available. This material is mainly composed of a roughly equal blend of a hydrocarbon wax and a polyolefin and it is commercially available under the brand name Parafilm®. The insertion of different kind of MN arrays prepared from crosslinked polymers were performed using this membrane and correlated with the insertion of the MN arrays in ex-vivo neonatal porcine skin. The insertion depth of the MNs was evaluated using Optical coherence tomography (OCT). The implementation of MN transdermal patches in the market can be improved by make this product user-friendly and easy to use. Therefore, manual insertion is preferred to other kind of procedures. Consequently, the insertion studies were performed in neonatal porcine skin and the artificial membrane using a manual insertion force applied by human volunteers. The insertion studies using manual forces correlated very well with the same studies performed with a Texture Analyzer equipment. These synthetic membranes seem to mimic closely the mechanical properties of the skin for the insertion of MNs using different methods of insertion. In conclusion, this artificial membrane substrate offers a valid alternative to biological tissue for the testing of MN insertion and can be a good candidate for developing a reliable quality control MN insertion test.


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Understanding the population structure and patterns of gene flow within species is of fundamental importance to the study of evolution. In the fields of population and evolutionary genetics, measures of genetic differentiation are commonly used to gather this information. One potential caveat is that these measures assume gene flow to be symmetric. However, asymmetric gene flow is common in nature, especially in systems driven by physical processes such as wind or water currents. As information about levels of asymmetric gene flow among populations is essential for the correct interpretation of the distribution of contemporary genetic diversity within species, this should not be overlooked. To obtain information on asymmetric migration patterns from genetic data, complex models based on maximum-likelihood or Bayesian approaches generally need to be employed, often at great computational cost. Here, a new simpler and more efficient approach for understanding gene flow patterns is presented. This approach allows the estimation of directional components of genetic divergence between pairs of populations at low computational effort, using any of the classical or modern measures of genetic differentiation. These directional measures of genetic differentiation can further be used to calculate directional relative migration and to detect asymmetries in gene flow patterns. This can be done in a user-friendly web application called divMigrate-online introduced in this study. Using simulated data sets with known gene flow regimes, we demonstrate that the method is capable of resolving complex migration patterns under a range of study designs.


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With the development of the Internet-of-Things, more and more IoT platforms come up with different structures and characteristics. Making balance of their advantages and disadvantages, we should choose the suitable platform in differ- ent scenarios. For this project, I make comparison of a cloud-based centralized platform, Microsoft Azure IoT hub and a fully distributed platform, Sensi- bleThings. Quantitative comparison is made for performance by 2 scenarios, messages sending speed adds up, devices lie in different location. General com- parison is made for security, utilization and the storage. Finally I draw the con- clusion that SensibleThings performs more stable when a lot of messages push- es to the platform. Microsoft Azure has better geographic expansion. For gener- al comparison, Microsoft Azure IoT hub has better security. The requirement of local device for Microsoft Azure IoT hub is lower than SensibleThings. The SensibleThings are open source and free while Microsoft Azure follow the con- cept “pay as you go” with many throttling limitations for different editions. Microsoft is more user-friendly.