983 resultados para vision for Computer


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Dissenyar, implementar i testejar un sistema per classificar imatges: disseny d’un sistema que primer aprèn com són les imatges d’una classe a partir d’un conjunt d’imatges d’entrenament i després és capaç de classificar noves imatges assignant-les-hi l’ etiqueta corresponent a una de les classes “apreses”. Concretament s’analitzen caràtules de cd-roms, les quals s’han de reconèixer per després reproduir automàticament la música del seu àlbum associat


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Desenvolupament una aplicació informàtica basada en un sistema de visió per computador, la qual permeti donar una resposta en forma d'informació a partir d'una query d'una imatge que conté una escena o objecte en concret de manera que permeti reconèixer els objectes que apareixen en una imatge per llavors donar informació referent al contingut de la imatge a l’usuari que ha fet la consulta. Resumint, es tracta d’analitzar, dissenyar i construir un sistemade visió per computador capaç de reconèixer objectes d’interès en imatges


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Recently, morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have been done with ECG-gated multidector computerized tomography (MDCT) to help the development of future novel transcatheter therapies (TCT); nevertheless, the variability of such measurements remains unknown. Thirty patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography were evaluated. Continuous reformations of the ascending aorta, perpendicular to the centerline, were obtained automatically with a commercially available computer aided diagnosis (CAD). Then measurements of the maximal diameter were done with the CAD and manually by two observers (separately). Measurements were repeated one month later. The Bland-Altman method, Spearman coefficients, and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to evaluate the variability, the correlation, and the differences between observers. The interobserver variability for maximal diameter between the two observers was up to 1.2 mm with limits of agreement [-1.5, +0.9] mm; whereas the intraobserver limits were [-1.2, +1.0] mm for the first observer and [-0.8, +0.8] mm for the second observer. The intraobserver CAD variability was 0.8 mm. The correlation was good between observers and the CAD (0.980-0.986); however, significant differences do exist (P<0.001). The maximum variability observed was 1.2 mm and should be considered in reports of measurements of the ascending aorta. The CAD is as reproducible as an experienced reader.


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En aquest projecte es presenta l’aplicació per a dispositius mòbils Doppelganger. La seva funció és, a partir d’una fotografia, detectar la cara i mostrar la persona famosa de la nostra base de dades que més s’assembla a la persona en la fotografia. Per la implementació s’han utilitzat algoritmes de visió per computador i d’aprenentatge automàtic com per exemple el PCA i el K-Nearest Neighbor, tot utilitzant llibreries gratuïtes com són les OpenCV.


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The EVS4CSCL project starts in the context of a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment (CSCL). Previous UOC projects created a CSCL generic platform (CLPL) to facilitate the development of CSCL applications. A discussion forum (DF) was the first application developed over the framework. This discussion forum was different from other products on the marketplace because of its focus on the learning process. The DF carried out the specification and elaboration phases from the discussion learning process but there was a lack in the consensus phase. The consensus phase in a learning environment is not something to be achieved but tested. Common tests are done by Electronic Voting System (EVS) tools, but consensus test is not an assessment test. We are not evaluating our students by their answers but by their discussion activity. Our educational EVS would be used as a discussion catalyst proposing a discussion about the results after an initial query or it would be used after a discussion period in order to manifest how the discussion changed the students mind (consensus). It should be also used by the teacher as a quick way to know where the student needs some reinforcement. That is important in a distance-learning environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student and it is difficult to detect the learning lacks. In an educational environment, assessment it is a must and the EVS will provide direct assessment by peer usefulness evaluation, teacher marks on every query created and indirect assessment from statistics regarding the user activity.


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Malposition of the acetabular component during hip arthroplasty increases the occurrence of impingement, reduces range of motion, and increases the risk of dislocation and long-term wear. To prevent malpositioned hip implants, an increasing number of computer-assisted orthopaedic systems have been described, but their accuracy is not well established. The purpose of this study was to determine the reproducibility and accuracy of conventional versus computer-assisted techniques for positioning the acetabular component in total hip arthroplasty. Using a lateral approach, 150 cups were placed by 10 surgeons in 10 identical plastic pelvis models (freehand, with a mechanical guide, using computer assistance). Conditions for cup implantations were made to mimic the operating room situation. Preoperative planning was done from a computed tomography scan. The accuracy of cup abduction and anteversion was assessed with an electromagnetic system. Freehand placement revealed a mean accuracy of cup anteversion and abduction of 10 degrees and 3.5 degrees, respectively (maximum error, 35 degrees). With the cup positioner, these angles measured 8 degrees and 4 degrees (maximum error, 29.8 degrees), respectively, and using computer assistance, 1.5 degrees and 2.5 degrees degrees (maximum error, 8 degrees), respectively. Computer-assisted cup placement was an accurate and reproducible technique for total hip arthroplasty. It was more accurate than traditional methods of cup positioning.


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Els sistemes de visió estèreo es basen en la reconstrucció per triangulació a partir de dues càmeres, permetent la representació d’objectes del món real en tres dimensions. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte consisteix a dissenyar i implementar un sistema estèreo amb una sola càmera amb dos petits vidres d’alta transmissivitat davant de la lent, utilitzant la teoria clàssica desenvolupada a partir de dues càmeres. D’aquesta forma obtindrem un sistema molt més compacte que en el cas de tenir dues càmeres, que serà apte per entorns molt reduïts i per escenes molt properes


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En el marc del conveni de col·laboració entre el Grup de Gràfics de Girona de la Universitat de Girona i el Grup de Neuroradiologia de l’Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge de l’Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona, es planteja desenvolupar la plataforma StarViewer, una plataforma que incorpori les tècniques bàsiques de visualització científica complementant la visualització 2D tradicional amb una visualització 3D que permeti inspeccionar la informació del pacient de forma més eficient i facilitant-ne el seu diagnòstic. En aquest projecte s’implementen dos tècniques que formaran part de la plataforma StarViewer. El primer objectiu és implementar un mètode per facilitar la visualització i la interpretació de models de vòxels simples i models de vòxels fusionats, i el segon és implementar un mètode basat en mesures de la Teoria de la Informació per ajudar l’usuari a trobar el punt de vista òptim per a un model donat. Per assolir el primer objectiu ens centrarem en la tècnica dels Miralls màgics o Magic Mirrors, que permeten la visualització simultània del model de vòxels des de diferents punts de vista, i per al segon objectiu, en el concepte d’excess entropy, que és una mesura de la informació, per determinar quin punt de vista aporta més informació a l’usuari


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El present Projecte Final de Carrera s’emmarca dins el projecte HRIMAC (Herramienta de Recuperación de Imágenes Mamográficas por Análisis de Contenido), iniciat l’any 2003 i subvencionat pel Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología i els fons FEDER. En el projecte HRIMAC hi participa la Universitat de Girona, la Universitat Ramon Llull i especialistes de l’Hospital de Girona Josep Trueta. Aquest PFC pretén ésser una eina per testejar diferents mètodes d’extracció de característiques útils a l’hora de recuperar casos de la base de dades de HRIMAC. S’han estudiat, discutit, analitzat i implementat la caracterització de lesions segons la seva forma. S’han avaluat diferents descriptors de forma per tal de determinar quins són els millors a l’hora de tractar amb lesions mamogràfiques


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A novel technique for estimating the rank of the trajectory matrix in the local subspace affinity (LSA) motion segmentation framework is presented. This new rank estimation is based on the relationship between the estimated rank of the trajectory matrix and the affinity matrix built with LSA. The result is an enhanced model selection technique for trajectory matrix rank estimation by which it is possible to automate LSA, without requiring any a priori knowledge, and to improve the final segmentation


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In this paper a novel rank estimation technique for trajectories motion segmentation within the Local Subspace Affinity (LSA) framework is presented. This technique, called Enhanced Model Selection (EMS), is based on the relationship between the estimated rank of the trajectory matrix and the affinity matrix built by LSA. The results on synthetic and real data show that without any a priori knowledge, EMS automatically provides an accurate and robust rank estimation, improving the accuracy of the final motion segmentation


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Mosaics have been commonly used as visual maps for undersea exploration and navigation. The position and orientation of an underwater vehicle can be calculated by integrating the apparent motion of the images which form the mosaic. A feature-based mosaicking method is proposed in this paper. The creation of the mosaic is accomplished in four stages: feature selection and matching, detection of points describing the dominant motion, homography computation and mosaic construction. In this work we demonstrate that the use of color and textures as discriminative properties of the image can improve, to a large extent, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic. The system is able to provide 3D metric information concerning the vehicle motion using the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera while integrating the measurements of an ultrasonic sensor. The experimental results of real images have been tested on the GARBI underwater vehicle